



1、人教版九年級(jí)英語暑假預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)Unit7 SectionA (無答案)1 / 5Unit 7 Sectio n A、知識(shí)點(diǎn)1._ should+_被動(dòng) should2. allow sb_(do) sb. be_ ow_ (do) 3. choose 選擇 -_ -_ choose_ (do) 4. 購物中心_ 駕駛證 5.1 thi nk it否定(I_ 6._16 歲的人7.擔(dān)心_ ;_.8. _ 詞 安全;_形容 安全的.反義詞_;_9. agree.同意 disagree 不同意 agree_ sb. agree_(do) 10._ 兼職工作11. get sth_; have sth_

2、 使某事被做.找別人做某事12. He got/had his hair_(cut). 13. 夠嚴(yán)肅認(rèn)真_14. It s fun_ (watch5. stop_ (wear) that silly earring16. seem_ (do)17. 實(shí)意動(dòng)詞 need_(do) 否定 _;情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 need_ (do) 否定_18. spe nd time_ frie nds.spe nd time_(do)19. be excited about_ (do) be excited_(do)20. the famous_ (paint)_ (paint) by Picasso.21. bri

3、ng my camera_ (take) photos22. mustn 不能(禁止) needn不需要,沒必要Must I finish the homework today? Yes, you_.No, you_ .23._ (take) photos is25. si ng_ me 24. When I was a baby_ (cry) all night. 26. stay_ one sf 待在某人旁邊27. give me warm arms_ n 28. When I was two_ (run) throughNow I m an adult,_ (think) back do

4、ing做伴隨狀語29. run_ 穿過(內(nèi)部);_/ go+_ (從表面穿過)30. _ the field _ _the farm. 31._確保,確認(rèn)32. keep sb_sth 防止某人發(fā)生.keep sb from_(do) 防止、阻止某人做.33. hurt 受傷 hurt-_-_ ; hurt_ 保人自己)34. give sb a_給某人一個(gè)擁抱35. lift 舉起 lift sb_ 舉起,托起某人 lift 名詞 電梯36. cough_ 嚴(yán)重的咳嗽37. _ 嘴_ sb 38. _movies 恐怖電影 _ 修飾物 _39. She said, “It will give

5、 you awful dreamshe said it _40. _噩夢(mèng)41.42. be back_ ten43. adult 成年人 an adult45.after/before_ (do)41. an gry-十點(diǎn)之前成年的 an adult pan da 44. thi nk46/_遲到(not allow).修飾人_ me awful dreams.副詞)be angry_sb回想起47. from_(stay) out_超過)ten48. regret_ (do) 后悔做regret that + 句子 regret 名詞,后悔I have no regrets about st

6、h/do ing49. en courage sb_ (do) sb be en couraged to50b51. _ sb_使某人遠(yuǎn)離 52. give sb_ 機(jī)會(huì) give社會(huì)工作sb53._ 故自己的決定 動(dòng)詞,決定 _ (do)人教版九年級(jí)英語暑假預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)Unit7 SectionA (無答案)2 / 5人教版九年級(jí)英語暑假預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)Unit7 SectionA (無答案)3 / 554. move_ 搬 I 到 move_搬出55. educate sb_(do)教育某人做 be_被教育做.名詞 education形容詞 educational56. man age 應(yīng)付,完成 m

7、an age_ (do) 設(shè)法完成某事57. Asia n_亞洲社會(huì) 二、單詞1. The policeman asked me to show my driver s l_2. Pay more attention to your s_ when crossing the road.3. 3. The farmers are working in the f_.4. The hamburger tastes a_ , I don t like it.5. 5. Li Bai wrote many good_ (詩).6. The boy is working for his_社團(tuán)).7. O

8、ur pare nts ofte n_教育)us to study hard.8. We live in a peaceful_社會(huì)).二、適當(dāng)形式1. Teen agers should_ (allow)_ (choose) their own clothes.2. The paintings must_ (keep) in the museum.3. They don t allow_ (smoke) here.4. The boy got his ears_ (pierce).5. I want to have my hair_ (cut).6. He should stop_ (wea

9、r) that silly earring.7. He doesn t seem_(have) friends.8. I need two hours_(finish) the work.9. I m excited about_(watch) the movie.10. When I was a baby_ (cry) all night.11. She gave me warm arms_ (sleep)i n.12. When I was two_(run) through the field.13. I coughed badly after_(eat) ice-cream.14. I

10、 was late from_ (stay) out past 10.15. I regret not_ (liste n) to mom.四、單項(xiàng)選擇()1. I don t wat to see scary movies, they will give me_ dreams.A. n iceB. clever C. sweetD. awful()2. Please pay attention to your_, don t stand too high!A. lookB. safety C. experie neeD. cha nee()3. He spent time _ his fri

11、ends to discuss how to spend time_study.A. with, on B. on, with C. on, on D. with, with()4. Drivers should nt be allowed_after drinking, or they will break the law.A. driveB. driv ingC. to drive D. to be drive n()5. Your hair is too long. You should get your hair_A. to cutB. cutt ingC. cutD. to be c

12、ut()6. I am_ about the_ n ews.A. excit ing, excited B. excit ing, excit ingC. excited, excited D. excited, excit ing()7. I regretted_ his advice at that time.A. takeB. to takeC. taki ngD. to tak ing()8. Now lots of people begin to_ junk food. They don t eat them.人教版九年級(jí)英語暑假預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)Unit7 SectionA (無答案)4 /

13、 5A. fall in love with B. keep away from C. get used to D. look for()9. Teen ager should lear n to look after themselves and man age_ own lives.A. their B. them C. theirs D. themselves()10. You are sure to succeed if you are_about everyth ing.A. outgo ing B. serious C. creativeD. frie ndly()11. I th

14、i nk_are old eno ugh to make their own decisi on.A. sixtee n-year oldB. sixtee n-years-oldC. sixtee n-year-oldsD. sixtee n-years-olds()12. Watch ing too much TV can get in_ way of our study and mind.A. theB. aC.不填D. no()13. Our En glish teacher is very strict_us and he is strict_ his teach ing.A. wi

15、th, atB. with, with C. at, at D. with, i n()14._ we dont save water, we will have no water to drink one day.A. Where B. When C. Although D. If()15. - Can you allow me to watch TV? -_, today is too late.A. Not at all B. No way C. No problem D. Come on五、完形填空“ School rules ” is one of the topics that s

16、tudents often talk about. They often talk about the rules that themust obey at school. For example, they have to (1) uni forms every day. They are no t (2) to wear their own clothes.However, the problem is that no students believes the uniforms ar(3) . They hope to look smart in their own clothes.Bu

17、t the teachers think that (4) they wear different kinds of clothes, they would not study (5). Also the studentsshould not be late for school. If (6) is late, the teacher will punish him or her. It is not allowed to take MP3s or mobilephonesinto the classroom. During a test, the studentsshould finish

18、 the paper (7) themselves. It s wrong to talkabout the answers with the other students. The studentsrwbo duty should _(8) the classroom before the otherscome to school. Any students can t go out of the(校園)J9) the teacher s permis6i 允許).In the library, one (10) to love the books and talki ng aloud is

19、 forbidden(禁止).()1.A.put onB. wearC . onD .in()2.A.allowedB. allowingC . allowsD . allow()3.A.uglyB. cleanC . newD . beautiful()4.A. ifB. whichC . whe nD . why()5.A.carefulB. careC . hardD . harder()6.A.every oneB. some oneC. anybodyD . no one()7.A.ofB. byC . onD .in()8.A.put upB. hand upC. use upD

20、. clea n up()9.A.withoutB. withC . onD .in()1O.A.n eedB. needsC . n eed ingD. needed六、閱讀理解Fiona brought home a no tice from schoo:School Uniform RulesSept.9h, 2015Dear pare nts,Some pare nts have asked about the rules about dress at Popular School. Please read and buy the right uni formsfor your chi

21、ldre n thiswin ter.For boys:For girls:white shirtpi nk shirtbrow n pantsgree n skirtblue school jacketgrey pan ts( only whe n it is 12Corred tiebelow)black belt(腰帶)blue school jacket人教版九年級(jí)英語暑假預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè)Unit7 SectionA (無答案)5 / 5grey socks brow n shoeslong white socks black shoesChildren can be allowed to w

22、ear blue scarves or white scarves to school. But they arent allowed to wear hats.The school uniform must be clean. Girls with long hair must tie 扎) their hair with yellow ribbons(絲帶) Childre n canonly wear sports shoes to school if they have a P.E. less on that day. They are allowed to wear white sp

23、orts shoesonly.Tha nk you for your atte nti on.Sin cerely,Joh n Won g(Head teacher)()1.For what seas on does the head teacher write this no tice about the school uniform?A. Spri ng. B. Summer. C. Autum n.D. Win ter.()2.Mrs Lam wants to buy a uniform for her 14yearold son. She n eeds to buy_A. a pink

24、 shirt B. a white shirt C. black pants D. white socks()3.It is 18 C today. What is Jane supposed to wear to go to school?A. Grey pants. B. Grey socks. C. A green skirt. D. A black school jacket.()4.Which of the followi ng is NOT part of the school un iform?A. Pants.B. Hats. C. Jackets. D. Socks.()5.

25、Which is TRUE accord ing to the no tice above?A. Girls at Popular School arent allowed to have long hair.B. Some pare nts thi nk Popular Schools un iforms are expe nsive.C. Pare nts should buy right uni forms from Popular School for their kids.D. Stude nts have to wear white sports shoes for P. E. l

26、ess ons at Popular School.七、任務(wù)型閱讀Every school has its own set of rules to keep students disciplined(守守紀(jì)律的).The rules change from oneschool to another. Some schools are much stricter than others. There are also some rules that look stra nge orfunny to us. Here are some funny school rulesJapan Most sc

27、hools dema nd 要求)that stude nts wear uni forms, such as sports suits or skirts. But manyJapa neseschools eve n regulate 規(guī)定)the color of un derwear(內(nèi)衣)! They also dema nd that girls white socks befolded in a certain way and boys heads be shaved刮過的).Other Japaneseschools tell stude nts that they may notdate 約會(huì)),go to movies, leave home after


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