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1、Unit one1. works one s fingers to the bone 拼命干活to work very hard2. burn the midnight oil 學(xué)習(xí)或工作開(kāi)夜車(chē)to work or study very late in the night3. fall down on the job 沒(méi)有把工作做好to fail to do well4. hit the books 用功to study your school assignment, prepare for classes5. do back-breaking work 干苦力活,艱苦to do very d

2、ifficult physical work6. work like a dog 勤奮工作,拼命工作to work hard and seriouslyUnit 21. have a green thumb 天才,有天賦used to describe a person who is good at gardening and whose plants grow very well2. be a breeze 易做之事refers to something that is easy to do3. have two left feet 對(duì)某事不在行,非常笨拙used to describe a

3、 person who dances badly4. have a golden touch 點(diǎn)石成金 , 很會(huì)賺錢(qián)refers to someone who has ability to make a great deal of money in every enterprise they try5. have a nose for 探查、發(fā)現(xiàn)某物to have an ability to detect or find sth.6. be easy as pie 極容易to be very easy or easilyUnit 31. down to earth 現(xiàn)實(shí)的to be sensi

4、ble and practical in a way that is helpful and friendly2. put on airs 裝腔作勢(shì),自以為了不起to behave in an unnatural or affected way in order to impress sb.3. be showing off 炫耀to try to impress others with one s ability, wealth, intelligence, etc4. think one is God s gift to mankind 上帝恩賜的人(事物 (給大家、企業(yè)等 to thin

5、k sb/sth that seems specially created to be useful to or enjoyed by a group of people, an industry, etc5. put someone in someone s place 給某人下馬威 , 對(duì)無(wú)禮的或自夸的加以羞辱 to humiliate sb who has been impertinent or boastful6. blow one s own horn 自吹自擂、自夸to boast or praise one s abilities and achievementsUnit fou

6、r1. hold his tongue 住嘴、保持沉默、不開(kāi)口refers to do not say anything even though sb might want to or expected to, because it is wrong time to say it2. see eye to eye 完全同意to agree with somebody3. mind one s own business 管自己的事,別管閑事not to interfere in other people s affairs4. rock the boat 擾亂事情順利進(jìn)行,做某事從而使局面等失去

7、平衡to do sth that upsets the balance of a situation, etc.5. bury the hatchet 和解、停戰(zhàn)、議和to stop being unfriendly and become friends again6. flow with the tide 隨波逐流、不堅(jiān)持自己to conform to accepted behaviors, opinions, etc; by carried along by the course of events7. button her lips 保密、住嘴、不說(shuō)話(huà)to be silent8. let

8、 sleeping dogs lie 不要惹事生非to do not try to change a situation that could become a problem if sb interfered Unit 5 Globalization1. to leave someone high and dry 是某人陷入困境to make someone be in a difficult situation without any help or any things that he/she needs2. face up to sth 對(duì)付、承擔(dān)、勇敢正視to accept and

9、deal with sth unpleasant or demanding honestly and bravely 3. pass the buck 推卸責(zé)任、推諉to make sb. else responsible for sth. that one should deal with4. shoulder the responsibility 承擔(dān)責(zé)任to take responsibility upon oneself5. worm out of 逃脫義務(wù)、逃開(kāi)做某事to avoid doing something that one has been asked to do by m

10、aking an excuse that is dishonest but clever6. point one s finger at sb 公開(kāi)指責(zé)、責(zé)怪to accuse sb openlyUnit 6 Immigrants1. find middle ground 找到折中的辦法to find things which do not belong to either of two groups, ideas, or plans but have elements of each, often in a less extreme form.2. all or nothing (指行動(dòng)過(guò)程

11、需竭盡全力(of a course of action requiring all one s efforts3. meet people halfway 妥協(xié)、遷就、迎合某人to make a compromise with sb.4. stick to one s guns 堅(jiān)持自己的觀點(diǎn)和立場(chǎng)to refuse to change one s mind about something, even though other people aretrying to persuade him/her that he/she is wrong5. middle-of-the-road 中間路線、

12、中立政策(of people, policies, etc moderate6. give-and-take 互相遷就、交換意見(jiàn)、扯平利益與損失to help other people and do things for them as well as expecting them to do things for youUnit 7 Ecology1. give up 放棄、停止、辭去to abandon an attempt to do sth2. go through with 完成(工作、計(jì)劃 、實(shí)現(xiàn)、貫徹(諾言等to do sth you had promised or planne

13、d to do, even though it causes problems or you are no longer sure you want to do it3. hang in there 堅(jiān)持下去to keep trying to do sth and not give up even though it might be difficult4. sweat out 在不愉快的條件下堅(jiān)持、焦急或緊張地等待某事發(fā)生to wait uncomfortably for sth to happen or end5. stick with 堅(jiān)持做某事to continue doing som

14、ething the way you did or planned to do beforeUnit 8 Holocaust1. be on one s own 獨(dú)自居住to be alone2. be a copycat 一味模仿他人的人to be a person who always imitate others3. lead sb by the nose 完全控制某人、使某人完全聽(tīng)命于自己to make sb do everything one wishes, control sb completely4. cut the apron strings 脫離 (母親、妻子等 影響與控制t

15、o get rid of the control of (usu. the mother over an adult child5. be a yes-man 唯唯諾諾的人someone who always agrees with and obeys their employer, leader etc in order to gain some advantage6. have a mind of one s own 性格果斷;自有主張to be capable of forming opinions, making decisions, etc independently7. stand

16、 on one s own two feet 自立、不依靠他人be independent and able to take care of oneselfUnit nine1. be as tough as nails 非常嚴(yán)肅、從容to be very tough and not easily frightened or not caring about the effects of your actions on other people2. go to pieces (人 (精神、身體崩潰、失去自制力(of a person have a breakdown; lose control

17、 of oneself3. keep one s chin up 勇敢、堅(jiān)決、不氣餒、保持樂(lè)觀to remain cheerful in difficult circumstances4. hold one s head up 昂首挺胸、不再垂頭喪氣to behave proudly; maintain one's dignity5. be cool as a cucumber (在困難情況下 從容不迫、泰然自若to be very calm and controlled, esp. in difficult circumstances6. fall apart 散開(kāi)、失敗、垮臺(tái)、關(guān)系

18、破裂to break; fall to pieces; disintegrate7. pull oneself together 恢復(fù)鎮(zhèn)靜、控制自己to force oneself to stop behaving in a nervous frightened or uncontrolled way Unit ten1. reach the boiling point 極度興奮to be very emotive2. blow up 夸大某事、吹捧某人to exaggerate or inflate sth3. grit one s teeth 咬緊牙關(guān)to bite one s teeth

19、 together, esp. when one is in pain, angry, or under pressure 4. hold one s temper 耐住性子;不使脾氣發(fā)作to succeed in controlling one s anger5. be hotheaded 性格急躁、 易沖動(dòng)be rash; impulsive7. count to ten 從一數(shù)到十(一邊有時(shí)間鎮(zhèn)定自己或控制情緒to deal with someone s emotions in order to try to stay in calm; to calm down Unit 11 Poli

20、tics1. icy stare 冷漠的凝視very cold and unfriendly stare2. give someone the cold shoulder 故意冷漠某人to deliberately ignore someone or be unfriendly to them, esp. because they have upset or offended you3. be cool toward someone 冷漠地to be not showing enthusiasm, friendliness toward someone4. welcome someone wi

21、th open arms 熱情地歡迎某人welcome with great affection and enthusiasm5. turn one s nose up at 蔑視to refuse to accept sth. /sb. because you don t think it is /they are good enough for you7. turn one s back on someone對(duì)某人或組織置之不理;拒絕予以幫助to avoid or reject sb/sthUnit 12 Art1. be a loner 不合群者to be a person who av

22、oids the company of others2. two heads are better than one 兩人智慧勝一人two people working together achieve more than one person working alone 3. brainstorm 突然精神錯(cuò)亂、靈機(jī)一動(dòng)、心血來(lái)潮moment of confusion or forgetfulness; sudden mental aberration4. go it alone 單獨(dú)行動(dòng)、單干to attempt to carry out a task or start a difficu

23、lt project without help from others 5. put heads together 交流思想、交換意見(jiàn)to discuss a difficult problem together6. join forces 與 合作come together in order to achieve a common aim7. pool one s resources 共同向基金提供資源to combine your money, ideas, skills etc with those of other people so that you can all use them

24、8. lend a hand 幫助to give sb help with sthUnit 13 Genetics1. be hard-hearted 無(wú)同情心、無(wú)情、冷酷be lacking in feeling or sympathy, unkind2. go to bat for 為別人抱不平,為別人出頭to support or help someone3. have a heart 心地好的to be sympathetic or kind; show mercy4. have a heart of gold 心地善良、慷慨大方used to refer to a person wh

25、o has a very kind character5. have a heart of stone 鐵石心腸、冷酷t(yī)o have a pitiless and unfeeling nature6. be tight fisted 小氣的、吝嗇的to be not generous with money8. be warm-hearted 熱情的、親切的to be kind and sympatheticUnit 14 Society and Values1. be on cloud nine 極其快樂(lè)to be very happy about sth.2. be down in the

26、dumps 沮喪、垂頭喪氣to be very sad and without much interest in life3. be in seventh heaven 極樂(lè);歡天喜地to be in state of great happiness4. be out of sorts 脾氣壞的;惱怒的;身體不適的to be in bad temper; be feeling unwell5. be tickled pink 高興的要命to be very pleased or amused6. feel blue 憂(yōu)郁、情緒低落to feel sad and depressed7. walk

27、 on air 得意洋洋、興高采烈 to feel extremely happy about sth 9. be on top of the world 非常愉快自豪(尤指獲得成功或好運(yùn)) to be very happy or proud, esp. because of success or good fortune Unit fifteen 1. be right on target 正好達(dá)到目標(biāo) to be right to make good progress and are likely to achieve the result that is wanted 2. beat a

28、round the bush 旁敲側(cè)擊, 拐彎抹角地說(shuō) to talk about sth without coming to the main point 3. miss the mark 未達(dá)到原定目標(biāo) not to achieve sth. you were trying to do 4. be off base 錯(cuò)誤 to be completely wrong 5. get to the heart of 了解了最重要的事 to better understand the most important thing about words and their stories 6.hit

29、 the nail on the head 一針見(jiàn)血、猜中 to express the truth precisely, guess correctly Unit 16 Technology 1. be an old hand at 有某種技巧或經(jīng)驗(yàn), 老手 Used to describe someone who has done a particular job or activity for a long time and who can do it very well 2. know like the back of ones hand 對(duì) 了如指掌 to be thoroughly

30、 familiar with a place, subject, etc 3. know the ropes 熟悉內(nèi)情; 很在行 to know the all the things someone needs to know to do a job or deal with a system 4. be not born yesterday 并非無(wú)知;又不是三歲小孩 be not foolish or likely to be deceived because of lack of experience 5. be green 未成熟的;無(wú)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的 to be young and lackin

31、g experience; naive 6.live-and-learn 活到老學(xué)到老;不經(jīng)一事; 不長(zhǎng)一智 knowledge has no limit.; knowledge is infinite.; learning is an endless process.; never too old to learn Unit seventeen 1. be two-faced 偽君子;兩面的;有二心的 to be deceitful or insincere 2. tell it like it is 說(shuō)實(shí)話(huà);如實(shí)反映情況 to tell the truth 3. talk behind someones back 在別人背后說(shuō)壞話(huà) to talk without sbs knowledge or consent 4. bare ones soul 說(shuō)心里話(huà) to


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