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1、第十講高中英語語法高考填空解題技巧小結(jié)和練習(xí)語法填空解題技巧小結(jié)本題型分兩種情況:一種為已給單詞提示,一種為不給單詞提示。一、已給單詞提示題型的技巧此類題可以考查學(xué)生對(duì)單詞形式變化的掌握程度。單詞形式變化主要有兩種,一是詞的形、數(shù)、式的變化,一是詞的派生變化。在判斷出詞的變化之后還應(yīng)該進(jìn)一步審題,看是否需要使用復(fù)合的變化形式,這一點(diǎn)是很重要的。技巧一:名詞形式變化。名詞的形式變化主要有單數(shù)、復(fù)數(shù)、所有格的變化。例 1 : There are many students living at school , the(child)houses are all far from school .由s

2、tudents-詞可以判斷出橫線處應(yīng)填復(fù)數(shù),且作為 houses的定語,所以應(yīng)用其所有格形式,故答案為 child的復(fù)合變化形式復(fù)數(shù)的所有格children。' s技巧二:動(dòng)詞形式變化。動(dòng)詞的形式變化比較多,有謂語的變化(時(shí)態(tài)、語態(tài)、語氣),有非謂語的變化(不定式、動(dòng)名詞、現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞)。例 2: A talk(give)tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang句中的is是整句的謂語,所以橫線所在的動(dòng)詞應(yīng)當(dāng)用作非謂語。從 tomorrow可以看出,報(bào)告是 將來”作的,故 用不定式;且報(bào)告是 give動(dòng)作的承受者,故可以判斷出橫線所在處用give

3、的不定式被動(dòng)式to be given。技巧三:代詞形式變化。代詞形式變化通常是與人稱變化有關(guān)的三大類五小類,即人稱代詞(主格和賓格卜物主代詞(形容詞性和名詞性 卜 反身代詞。另外還有幾個(gè)不定代詞的形式變化,如no one/none、other/another等。例3: The king decided to see the painter by(he).由介詞 by可以看出,橫線處應(yīng)填反身代詞 himself。技巧四:形容詞、副詞比較級(jí)變化。英語中大部分形容詞和表方式的副詞都有原級(jí)、比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)的變化。構(gòu)成比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)的方式,或通過加后綴一er和.esit,或在詞前 more/less和m

4、ost/least,且形容詞的最高級(jí)前還要加 the。例 4 : I am(tall)than Liu Wen . He is the tallest students in my class .此題后句交代了 LiuWen是班上最高的學(xué)生,那我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“l(fā)ess talk ”技巧五:數(shù)詞形式變化。數(shù)詞的形式變化包括基數(shù)詞、序數(shù)詞,或加后綴一teen、-ty的變化,甚至還有作分母用的序數(shù)詞的單復(fù)數(shù)形式,以及 one/two的特殊變化形式。例 5: To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses. My

5、eldest son shall take a half, my second son shalltake a(three).從上下文連續(xù)起來理解,這是一個(gè)分馬的計(jì)劃,大兒子分得 a half,也就是工半”或上分之一 ”,那么二兒子應(yīng) 該得三分之一 ”,所以要填入作分母的序數(shù)詞“third才能命中目標(biāo)。技巧六:詞的派生。詞的派生現(xiàn)象在英語單詞中是很常見的,派生現(xiàn)象主要發(fā)生在名詞、動(dòng)詞、形容詞、副詞四種詞中。這種題型還有可能檢測(cè)學(xué)生對(duì)詞根、前后綴、派生詞的掌握,近幾年詞的派生變化也有所增多。例 6: Lious lost his wallet yesterday , so he was very

6、(happiness).happiness換成,根happy;錢包丟了,人應(yīng)該在這道題中,學(xué)生很容易判斷出該用形容詞,由此可知將 是不開心的,所以要再加個(gè)前綴un-,就成了 unhappy。二、未給單詞提示題型的技巧此類題難度較大,但也是有方法對(duì)付的。技巧七:固定短語結(jié)構(gòu)。根據(jù)句中橫線前后及整句來判斷橫線前后是否構(gòu)成一個(gè)固定短語,但有時(shí)要對(duì)橫線前或后的幾個(gè)單詞視而不見”才能命中答案。例 7: The children were playing on the ground , enjoying, dirty but happy .從句中的happy可以 猜出孩子們是開心的,所以應(yīng)用enjoy o

7、neself短語,故其答案為themsekes。例 8: His boss was angry as to fire him .如果 跳過”橫線后面的angry,就可以發(fā)現(xiàn)這里用到一個(gè)關(guān)聯(lián)短語so as to,所以,so是正解。技巧八:從句引導(dǎo)詞。從句是此題型最為常見的一個(gè)方向,主要檢測(cè)學(xué)生對(duì)引導(dǎo)詞的掌握程度。例9: He did not done his father had asked him to do .審題可知,橫線所在為賓語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,此引導(dǎo)詞在從旬中充當(dāng)賓語,且指物,所以是what。例 10: Those want to go to the village must sign

8、here .經(jīng)過觀察可以判斷橫線所在為定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞,進(jìn)一步觀察可知先行詞為those,且指人,所以只能填入 who。技巧九:動(dòng)詞短語結(jié)構(gòu)。短語動(dòng)詞是以動(dòng)詞為中心的兩個(gè)或多個(gè)詞構(gòu)成的短語,此類短語中往往是動(dòng)詞與介詞或副詞連用的多些。例 11: The USA consists fifty states .根據(jù)常識(shí)可知,美國由50個(gè)州組成,故橫線處與前一詞組合,表示由組成”,所以答案是of。例 12 : Mrs Baker was ill , so her daughter had to ask for leave to take of her.生病需要人照顧,所以答案是care,與前后詞構(gòu)成

9、take care of。技巧十:介詞短語結(jié)構(gòu)。介詞短語即多個(gè)詞的組合起介詞作用的短語,如: except for, due to等。例 13: Mr Smith took a plane to London of taking a train .此題中說到兩種交通工具,所以可以理解此句有 坐而不是坐”的意思,故答案為instead,以構(gòu) 成介詞短語instead of。例14: Just then, he saw a blackboard in of him .細(xì)心觀察,可以看出填人 front即可構(gòu)成in front of ,此題得解。技巧H一':連詞、關(guān)聯(lián)短語結(jié)構(gòu)。常用的連詞有a

10、nd, or, but, so, for, while等,常用的關(guān)聯(lián)短語有both andeither orneither n,ornot only but alSo。例 15: Little Wang Jun could not go to school , his family was too poor .此處表示原因,引導(dǎo)的分句其實(shí)是一種解釋說明,不是必然的因果關(guān)系,且前面有逗號(hào)隔開,所以填for。例 16: Marrie and Jannie like going to the theatre .橫線處的詞與后面可以構(gòu)成both.and,故答案為Both。技巧十二:冠詞、介詞和常用的副

11、詞。冠詞只能是在a, an, the之間判斷;常用的介詞有 in, at, on,before, during等,通??疾楣潭ù钆?;副詞的量還是比較多,如: however, never, yet, much等,但一般不會(huì) 考查.1y形式的方式副詞(見技巧六一一形容詞派生副詞的情況)。例 17: Jackie likes to drive at high speed .這里考查的是不定冠詞的習(xí)慣用法,答案為a,構(gòu)成at a high speed,以高速“開車。例 18: Old Tom' s granddaughter used to visit him Saturday aftern

12、oon.Saturday afternoon是指定的某天下午,所以不用介詞in,而用on才是正解。例 19: Though Liu Qiang did the same work Zhang Wen did , he got a lower pay Zhang Wen .第一條橫線可由前面的the same斷出用as,第二條橫線則可由lower斷出比較意義,故答案為than。例 20: It was only one day left, , his father had no idea to answer him .觀察上下旬,可以看出是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,且橫線與前后用逗號(hào)隔開,排除 but,所以答案

13、是howevero技巧十三:上下文中出現(xiàn)的相關(guān)詞。這一招是最為靈活的,但也是最難的。學(xué)生可以根據(jù)上下文關(guān)系和自己積累的知識(shí),填入某個(gè)已出現(xiàn)的詞,或其反義詞,或其同類的某個(gè)詞。答案的線索可能在本句,可能出現(xiàn)在 上下相連的一句,還可能出現(xiàn)在比較遠(yuǎn)的地方一一上下段中與此段位置大體相當(dāng)?shù)木渥?。如果該橫線出現(xiàn)在某段的首句,則線索可能在上下段的首句;如果橫線出現(xiàn)在某段的末句,則線索可能在上下段的末句,以此類推。例 21 : Tony travelling abroad , but dislikes staying home watching TV .由第二句話中的dislikes可以判斷,此橫線處應(yīng)該是填

14、其反義詞likes。派生詞部分:語法填空中有些單詞變形側(cè)重于考查構(gòu)詞法,主要是派生構(gòu)成法。派生法(derivation)是英語中重要的構(gòu)詞法,它借助在詞干上加詞綴的辦法來構(gòu)成新的單詞。一個(gè)單詞的基本部分稱為詞干(stem),加在詞干前面白部分稱為前綴(prefix),加在詞干后面 的部分成為后綴(suffix) o 一般來說,前綴改變?cè)~義,后綴改變?cè)~性。如:在 repayment (償還) 一詞中,pay付錢,是詞干;re-有 返還”之意,是前綴,改變?cè)~義;-ment是后綴,改變?cè)~性為名詞。英語中派生詞很多。這里我們只能把??嫉呐缮~按詞綴進(jìn)行歸類練習(xí),以提高我們掌握、識(shí)記單詞的能力。把課本生

15、詞表中的生詞記牢才是備考的上策。常見前綴1. This may sound(convenient), but English people are used to doing so.2. Meanwhile, the editor was getting (patience), for the magazine would soon go to press.3. If they stay in a museum too long, a feeling of boredom will build up, leading eventuallyto(patience) and fatigue.4.

16、My motto also makes me become an(depend) person.5. Faridabad is very poor and most people don ' t have air conditioners or even electric fans. Besides, electricity is often cut off (expect).6.Something(believe) happened on the plane.7 .Do not carry too much money or(necessity) credit cards.8 .Al

17、though (able) to publish at that time, he circulated(使傳閱)three photocopied collections of his work.9 .The student or any other person, may come back to his work tired and(interested).10 .People were(familiar) with this product at the beginning, and made many guessesathow it was produced.常見名詞后綴1.To m

18、y(amaze), Life of France and Italy seemed more pleasant and relaxing than that of Toronto.1.1 love Jack a lot but we are getting into a lot of(argue) about our wedding plans.3. Similar(arrange)also exists in some British schools.4. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you' ll feel a re

19、al sense ofchieve).5. 【2016全國 m Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, who lived from roughly551 to 479 B.C., influenced the(develop) of chopsticks.6. When you stand in front of the mirror, it will use the technology to make its own(judge) of your body type.7. In (conclude), wis

20、e choices and full preparations are reliable measuresto reach ourgoals.1.1 think it necessary for us to discuss this problem with our parents before we make a final (decide).9 . I think they were all better worth visiting than many other (attract).10 .【2016全國 I 】But for tourists like me, pandas are

21、its top (attract).常見形容詞后綴1 .Drawn in simple black and white, Tuzki (兔斯基)doesn' t seem (impress) at first sight.2 . Keeping a diary in English is an(effect) way to improve our English writing ability.3 .There is no (effect) vaccine or treatment currently available for Ebola.4 . For others, workin

22、g in a (create) environment with other people makes them happier.5 .Human beings are (competition) animals and we decide to evaluate each other.6 .They give off (poison) gases.7 .My classmates attended(vary) events such as running, high jump and long jump.8 .So many people are so (anxiety) to “get i

23、n ” on a “ground floor opportunityopportunity will do all the work that' s impossible.9 . Almost all the fables he wrote are(humor) and entertaining, appealing to people of all ages.10 . Unlike his father, he had better luck in business and showed more(finance) sense.連變或成對(duì)詞綴1. Later, actors, mus

24、icians, dancers and singers from all over the world came over togive(perform).2. Unfortunately, many people can only see a camel' outstanding(perform), but few understand its preparations made for it.3. This festival is a holiday of great(significant) and the one with the longest history.4. Besi

25、des an attractive(appear), tiny houses can also boast unique practical features.5. While most manage to cover the short (distant), a handful are stuck inside the railway tracks that lie between the ocean and popular park.6. An old woman fell over at the (enter) and hit her head on the ground.7. When

26、 we are feeling stressed there is a tendency to turn to others for some (assist).8. Next day I saw an ad for a sales(assist) in a local bookshop and put my house on the market.9. The (present) of both suggests at least the possibility of life.10.Some even awarded prizes to(participate) who could per

27、form this feat in a natural and effortless way.其他:一些單詞的其他詞性形式并不是加詞綴構(gòu)成,而是改變了其中的字母或字母組合,或添加或去掉一些字母。這樣的單詞需要專門去記。1. During our visit, the home was filled with(laugh).2. This(lose) was very bad for the country, of course, but it turned out to be very good for the food.3. Actually, children learn violence

28、 (behave) from adults or from what they see on television or on the Internet.4. 【2009 廣東】 But Jane knew from past experience that her(choose) of ties hardly everpleased her father.5. In Senior One, he was an(energy) boy who wanted to become a player in the schoolbasketball team.6. Smiling with (relieve), he set off again on the


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