1、檢修項(xiàng)目編號(hào):中國石化青島煉油化工有限責(zé)任公司公用工程雨水提升格柵機(jī)檢修方案編 制:盛魯核:準(zhǔn):青島石化檢安公司2011年6月29日青島煉化公司施工方案會(huì)簽表: 01青島石化檢安公司大修編號(hào):W 公-2011-qj35檢修名稱格柵機(jī)檢修合同編號(hào)致 青島煉化公用工程單元、HSE部、機(jī)動(dòng)工程部:我單位已完成了公用工程雨水提升格柵機(jī)的檢修施工方案編制工作,并經(jīng)我公司上級(jí)技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人審核批準(zhǔn)。請予以審查。附件:1 .格柵機(jī)檢修施工方案2 .格柵機(jī)檢修施工計(jì)劃表3 .相關(guān)附圖技術(shù)經(jīng)理:日期:單兀審查意見:單 元 主管:日期:HSE部審查意見:HSE部主管:日期機(jī)動(dòng)工程部審查意見:機(jī)動(dòng)工程部專業(yè)工程師:日期
2、:備注:f back workul employees i roe ;tmprove i a”s - wk - ky ik of ekctvees monteyTo nd , must sengthen -eymaag-ete-ba nd m ain, suev al "- n- .o sumutheOympcsecuiy control ahigher ev> hig he sa.a - a hg he eveof.-e ua ca end- on Deem be a tme>f .we.e ay gee. c - ry he a xxpowe genera-maUe
3、a nd .mmey breathi ng.Reli ngpas -I>g, - a and fU nce Unit-, - more -dig fgtmoe s.t>.Emplyes, _ ustge he ac oss .3 UI of. nges a tcrae a gee, l owcs -e of aw o-po-we geneainad wrkha d Te Fest my -nee - ta ya nesscpraonmcootnetr polroinblecmontr一 .1. _.11.toconti nue s tostre ngtheni ng"fo
4、ur good" leadershi p construction,full playlev els ca dres ine nterpri se devel opme ntin theWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's interreasonsanaly sisand systemha ndover; to stre ngthebilitiesinpla ce;tofurt-I. - -to close concern fina ncial ,and coa lelectri clinkage, ac careto e nsure
5、"zero."herstrengt hen i nternalcontrTo strengtheningh thirdnywind clear,a ndgas are ,and heartShun- 一.- - I 一chieve drisk recognition,andmeaofcultureatmbility;toa ctively make use ofinternala udit toosphere; strengthe ning l ove hel ped tra ppeeedbackofcl osedri ngmanagemecarried outstyle
6、a ctivities,ri ch empl oyees life;stre一 .1 - 1 I 一; carre ouon capacity.ofurtherstandar dizetradihealth action,organi zation careerw,standardinttoensurefulleragainst;communicati on "zero resistance".ntation psychologi calwaro constantly perfect ERPntialemployee s "zerofly".Tning
7、prev entionsystem,traini,ng employeostrengthe n performance management,prndM IS,andSCM,i nformation sy stembase> .1.1I . _|-一 - -es hea lth ofcharacter,and stable _.一 I Iocess control ,enhanceemplofmoodaon informatichieveoyeeevaluationand level s ofeffective communicationto imy oprouvmeapneitrfio
8、esrmeancemanagdeinmfenonvritm.roantimonenrte.sTooursctreeonfgutrtdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,1 、檢修設(shè)備概況2、編制依據(jù)3、施工組織結(jié)構(gòu)4、施工準(zhǔn)備5、施工方案6、 HSE 管理7、清潔生產(chǎn)8、施工進(jìn)度計(jì)劃網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖higher level,hig herstandards,a hig herlevel of devel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunarcal endaron Decem ber24,t he ox Bellis about
9、to ri ng,atthis time ofyear,wecle arlyfeelthe pulse oftheXXpowergenerationcompany t oflouri sh, to more clearlyhe arXX powergenerati oncompa nies mature a nd symmetrybreathi ng. Recalli ng pastf backboneba ckbonerol e;to fullstre ngthe ning member s yout h work,full play yout h empl oyees in company
10、devel opme nt inthe offorcerole ;toimprove i ndepe ndentCommissionagainstcorruptionworklevel,strengthe ning onenterprisebusine ss keylink ofeffectiveness monitored.,And maintain stability. To furtherstre ngthe npublicitya nd education,improvethe overalllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafety management,
11、 establish a ndim provethe e ducation, supervi sion, andevaluati on as one ofthetrafficsafety managementmechanism.o conscie ntiouslysum up theOlystaff inthe newyea r, good he alth, happy,happyonea nother acrossa raili ng,we aree nthusiastica ndful lofconfide nce.Futuredevelopmentopportunities,wemore
12、ex citingfight more spirited.Employees,letustoget heracr oss2013 fullofchalle ngesand opportunities, tocreate agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full ofhumanecare ofaw orld -class powergenerationcompa nyand work har d!Theto "easip cnsuco, ulay 0-1、檢修設(shè)備概況本設(shè)備為雨水提升格柵機(jī)(1152-GR101/102/103共3臺(tái)),型 號(hào):GH1900。設(shè)備
13、日常運(yùn)行主要問題:鏈條經(jīng)常脫落,刮板、鏈輪 等部件容易變形。本次檢修主要解決以上問題。施工區(qū)域?yàn)楣霉こ逃晁嵘谜疚鬯匚鱾?cè)格柵機(jī)。具體檢修工作量:1、檢查各部連接螺栓;2、檢查傳動(dòng)鏈條、 鏈輪,視情況更換;3、檢查清理格柵;4、檢查主從動(dòng)軸承,視情 況更換;5、解體檢查減速機(jī);6、回裝檢查對中;7、試運(yùn)。經(jīng)審批后的本方案只作為此次檢修首要規(guī)范2、編制依據(jù)2.1 石油化工設(shè)備維護(hù)檢修規(guī)程(2004年12月第2版)2.2 SY 21024-73煉油廠減速機(jī)維護(hù)檢修規(guī)程2.3 SH3505-1999石油化工施工安全技術(shù)規(guī)程2.4 JGJ46-2005施工現(xiàn)場臨時(shí)用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范2.5 Q/SHS
14、0001.1-2001中國石油化工集團(tuán)公司安全、環(huán)境與健康(HSE)管理體系2.6 設(shè)備安裝的吊運(yùn)、防腐保溫等專業(yè)的施工均應(yīng)按相應(yīng)的方案和 專業(yè)規(guī)范執(zhí)行。3、施工組織結(jié)構(gòu)4、施工準(zhǔn)備4.1、 員準(zhǔn)備序號(hào)姓名性別年齡工種級(jí)別持證情況1孫士春男27鉗工、工程師2王希船男39鉗工、技師技師證、高級(jí)鉗工證3孔德山男26鉗工、高級(jí)工高級(jí)鉗工證4王祥新男36鉗工、高級(jí)工高級(jí)鉗工證5吳威海男23鉗工、高級(jí)工高級(jí)鉗工證6王振江男26鉗工、高級(jí)工高級(jí)鉗工證7盛魯男25機(jī)械專業(yè)技術(shù)員8范會(huì)祥男23鉗工、高級(jí)工高級(jí)鉗工證9童耀陽男24焊工、高級(jí)工高級(jí)焊工證4.2、 工機(jī)具準(zhǔn)備序號(hào)名稱型號(hào)數(shù)量安全檢查情況備注1角向磨
15、光機(jī)S1M-FF-100A2件安全檢查合格2活扳手5套安全檢查合格3梅花、叉口各5套安全檢查合格4內(nèi)六角扳手5套安全檢查合格5手錘、螺絲刀各5套安全檢查合格6手拉葫蘆1t、2t各1件安全檢查合格7手鋸、鑿子各10件安全檢查合格8拆卸扒子3件安全檢查合格9游標(biāo)卡尺0-150, 0-300,0-5005件2件2件安全檢查合格10深度游標(biāo)卡尺0-2502件安全檢查合格11塞尺3套安全檢查合格4.3、 材料準(zhǔn)備情況目前這3臺(tái)格柵機(jī)大修所需要的鏈條及傳動(dòng)銷組件已提報(bào)計(jì)劃采購部正在購買,減速機(jī)中的部分常用易損件(軸承、骨架油封)青島煉化倉庫有些庫存,其中施工過程中用到的輔材已全部到位,包 workul -
16、pl i roe ;tmp- i son a”s wk! bisie ik of. monte nd , mu. sengthen ”“一“-b-a nd m - , ev ”- n - . <um uteOyhge -, highe sadars, a h| he eve of deve loay s una ca enda on D_ be ”is a tme.f yarwecle ay gee. he a XX po-we maue a nd .mmey brrali ng Re - Ingp al>g, - a and fu nce -, - more - dbg I|gt
17、 moe ."-Emplyes, _ u.tge he - . 20 13 uiofc.en- a tcrae a gee, l owc. ope. -e of aw o一<spo 3a"ad wrkha d Te my Onee ws I- reasonsanaly sisand systemhaL .L - .一 一 .to close concern finaovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy- L-.- - IIIndover; to stre - I - LIngtheoyeesapplication i-I.
18、.1- L - .>bilitiesinpla ce;tofurt-I. - -d;toim plementation State-ownec careto e nsure "zero."herstrengt hen i nternalcontrTo strengtheningnywind clear,a- 一 - -chieve drisk recognition,andmean complyingwit h third -party responsi bility;toa ctively make use ofinternala udit tools detect
19、potentialmanagement, streamline,standardizerelated transactions, strengthe ning operati ons i n accondgas are ,and heartShun ofcultureatm osphere; strengthe ning l ove hel ped tra ppe d,care difficult empl oyees; carried outstyle a ctivities,ri ch empl oyees life;stre ngthening health a nd la bourpr
20、otesure, a nda ssessment, and report,and controlfeedbackofcl osedri ngmanageme nt,improverisk preventi on capacity.ofurtherstandar dizetradi ng,andstrive to achieve"according to lanttoensurefullw,standardieragainst;communicati on "zero resistance".ntation psychologi calwarntialemploye
21、e s "zerofly".To constantly perfect ERPning prev entionsystem,traini ng employeostrengthe n performance management,pres hea lth ofcharacter,and stablendM IS,andSCM,i. .1.1|_ . _|on informatichieveocess control ,enhanceempl oyeeevaluati onand level s ofeffective communicationto imy oprouvme
22、apneitrfioesrmeancemanagdeinmfenonvritm.roantimonenrte.sTooursctreeonfgutrtdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords, _L I - - - -II. I.括:耐油橡膠板、石棉板、塑料布、棉紗、面粉、塑料袋、砂布、水磨砂紙、鋸條、硅橡膠平面密封膠、青稞紙、生料帶、鉛粉、煤油、松動(dòng)劑、清洗劑等。5、施工方案5.1 施工方案5.1.1 施工工序 拆卸前準(zhǔn)備.1 開工前先簽安全作業(yè)票。.2 檢查變速機(jī)運(yùn)行狀況及存在的問題,備齊資料。5.1.
23、1.1.3 備齊檢修工具、配件、材料等。.4 切斷電源及附件,放凈機(jī)內(nèi)潤滑油,符合設(shè)備檢修條件。 拆卸與檢查.1 將減速機(jī)拆卸下來。.2 將傳動(dòng)軸、刮板、鏈輪、軸承座、及支撐架拆下。.3 檢查減速箱內(nèi)有無缺陷和損壞,測量檢查減速箱骨架油封磨損情況。.4 清洗減速箱內(nèi)油垢及雜物,檢查齒輪盤、滾針的磨損情況,及嚙合情況。.5 檢查軸承,測量、調(diào)整間隙。.6 檢查更換骨架油封。5.1.2 施工難點(diǎn)本次大修的格柵機(jī)外形尺寸大,鏈條安裝困難,必要時(shí)可將機(jī)體吊起5.2 質(zhì)量控制5.2.1 傳動(dòng)機(jī)
24、構(gòu) 將鏈條刮板及連接柱拆下整型。 拆卸減速機(jī)及傳動(dòng)鏈條16A,保證相互連接的鏈輪在同一平 面上。5.2.2 軸承 拆卸軸承應(yīng)用專用工具,嚴(yán)禁直接敲打。 滾動(dòng)軸承內(nèi)外圈滾道、滾動(dòng)體表面應(yīng)無腐蝕、坑疤與斑點(diǎn)。接觸平滑,滾動(dòng)無雜音。 滾動(dòng)軸承內(nèi)圈必須緊貼軸肩或定位環(huán),用 0.05mm塞尺檢查 不得通過。 軸承內(nèi)徑與軸的配合為H7/js6 ,外徑與軸承座的配合為J7/h6。5.2.3 行星擺線針輪 針齒殼的針齒銷孔直徑允許磨損的公差標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為 0.016-0.019mm , 磨損極限為 0.030mm。5.2
25、.3.2 針齒銷孔圓心對針齒殼中心圓跳動(dòng)公差值為0.030mm。 針齒銷孔應(yīng)均勻分布,兩相鄰孔距允許最大偏差為0.05mm。 針齒殼兩端面的針齒銷孔同軸度公差值為0.03mm ,針齒銷孔軸心線對針齒殼兩端面垂直度公差值為0.015mm。f back workul employees i roe ;tmprove i a”s - wk - ky ik of ekctvees monteyTo nd , must sengthen -eymaag-ete-ba nd m ain, suev al "- n- .o sumutheOympcsecuiy cont
26、rol ahigher ev> hig he sa.a - a hg he eveof.-e ua ca end- on Deem be a tme>f .we.e ay gee. c - ry he a xxpowe genera-maUe a nd .mmey breathi ng.Reli ngpas -I>g, - a and fU nce Unit-, - more -dig fgtmoe s.t>.Emplyes, _ ustge he ac oss .3 UI of. nges a tcrae a gee, l owcs -e of aw o-po-we
27、geneainad wrkha d Te Fest my -nee - ta ya Wewillcontinue toimprnesspcaronmcootnetr polroinblecmontr ol;一 .1. _.11.nsur ethe busincial ,and coa lelectri clinkage, a nd e nergy-savingschetoconti nue s tostre ngtheni ng"four good" leadershi p construction,full playlev els ca dres ine nterpri
28、se devel opme ntin thereasonsanaly sisand systemhaL .L - .一 一 .to close concern finaovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsy- L-.- - IIIndover; to stre - I - LIngtheoyeesapplication i-I. .1- L - .>bilitiesinpla ce;tofurt-I. - -d;toim plementation State-ownec careto e nsure "zero."herstr
29、engt hen i nternalcontrTo strengtheningnywind clear,a- 一 - -chieve drisk recognition,andmean complyingwit h third -party responsi bility;toa ctively make use ofinternala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement, streamline,standardizerelated transactions, strengthe ning operati ons i n accondgas are ,an
30、d heartShun ofcultureatm osphere; strengthe ning l ove hel ped tra ppe d,care difficult empl oyees; carried outstyle a ctivities,ri ch empl oyees life;stre ngthening health a nd la bourprotesure, a nda ssessment, and report,and controlfeedbackofcl osedri ngmanageme nt,improverisk preventi on capacit
31、y.ofurtherstandar dizetradi ng,andstrive to achieve"according to lanttoensurefullw,standardieragainst;communicati on "zero resistance".ntation psychologi calwarntialemployee s "zerofly".To constantly perfect ERPning prev entionsystem,traini ng employeostrengthe n performance
32、 management,pres hea lth ofcharacter,and stablendM IS,andSCM,i. .1.1|_ . _|on informatichieveocess control ,enhanceempl oyeeevaluati onand level s ofeffective communicationto imy oprouvmeapneitrfioesrmeancemanagdeinmfenonvritm.roantimonenrte.sTooursctreeonfgutrtdaily r un mainte nance operation ofre
33、cords, _L I - - - -II. I. 擺線齒輪表面粗糙度為Ra1.6,無毛刺、劃痕、裂紋等缺陷。 擺線齒輪內(nèi)孔與軸承配合間隙為0.05mm ,極限間隙為0.10mm 。 擺線齒輪齒面磨損極限值為0.05mm. 擺線齒輪軸向間隙為 0.20.25mm。 兩擺線輪要按標(biāo)記準(zhǔn)確裝配。0 針齒套、針齒銷不得有毛刺、裂紋、傷痕等缺陷,表面粗糙度為Ra0.8。1 針齒輪與針齒套的使用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)間隙為0.075-0.085mm , 極限間隙為0.13mm。2 銷軸、銷套應(yīng)無毛刺、裂紋、傷痕
34、等缺陷,表面粗糙度為Ra0.8。3 銷軸與銷套的圓柱度允許公差值為0.005-0.009mm , 極限公差值為0.014mm 。4 偏心套應(yīng)無毛刺、傷痕、 裂紋等缺陷,表面粗糙度為Ra0.8。5 偏心套內(nèi)徑與外徑的圓柱度公差值為0.015 mmo5.2.4 骨架油封:所有密封處的骨架油封全部更換。5.2.5 試車與驗(yàn)收 試車前準(zhǔn)備。 審查檢修記錄,確認(rèn)檢修質(zhì)量合格。 盤車檢查無卡澀和異常聲音,刮板固定牢固。 潤滑油符合要求,附件齊全好用。f backboneba ckbonerol e;to fu
35、llstre ngthe ning member s yout h work,full play yout h empl oyees in companydevel opme nt inthe offorcerole ;toimprove i ndepe ndentCommissionagainstcorruptionworklevel,strengthe ning onenterprisebusine ss keylink ofeffectiveness monitored.,And maintain stability. To furtherstre ngthe npublicitya n
36、d education,improvethe overalllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafety management, establish a ndim provethe e ducation, supervi sion, andevaluati on as one ofthetrafficsafety managementmechanism.o conscie ntiouslysum up theOlympicsecurity control s, pr omoting i ntegrated managementtoahigher level,hig h
37、erstandards,a hig herlevel of devel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunarcal endaron Decem ber24,t he ox Bellis aboutto ri ng,atthis time ofyear,wecle arlyfeelthe pulse oftheXXpowergenerationcompany t oflouri sh, to more clearlyhe arXX powergenerati oncompa nies mature a nd symmetrybreathi ng. Recalli ng
38、 pastonea nother acrossa raili ng,we aree nthusiastica ndful lofconfide nce.Futuredevelopmentopportunities,wemoreex citingfight more spirited.Employees,letustoget heracr oss2013 fullofchalle ngesand opportunities, tocreate agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full ofhumanecare ofaw orld -class powergeneratio
39、ncompa nyand work har d!The occasion ofthe S pring Festival,mysincere wishthatyou andthefamiliesofthestaff inthe newyea r, good he alth, happy,happyt cloe cnner ia5.2.6 試車。 空負(fù)荷試車,檢查刮板的運(yùn)行情況,應(yīng)無偏斜現(xiàn)象,運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)平穩(wěn)。 各聯(lián)接、緊固件有無松動(dòng)。 檢查軸承溫度,滾動(dòng)軸承溫度不大于 70 Co 運(yùn)行平穩(wěn),不得有沖擊、振動(dòng)和異常響聲,電流不超過額定值。振動(dòng)值符合S
40、HS01003 2004石油化工旋轉(zhuǎn)機(jī)械振動(dòng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)5.2.7 驗(yàn)收。 池內(nèi)進(jìn)水后,各項(xiàng)性能指標(biāo)達(dá)到技術(shù)要求或能滿足生產(chǎn)需要。 設(shè)備狀況達(dá)到完好標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 檢修記錄齊全、準(zhǔn)確。按規(guī)定辦理驗(yàn)收手續(xù)。5.3 現(xiàn)場布置本次大修的格柵機(jī)位于雨水提升污水池西側(cè)。We wl coniue to mpr. . ss.d ss-haL . L - . . . r . -.'ys ie " f.L . I L .一n- . "bingte . ing . , ad ERP, ad S”,tchnolg, .pliaic 1che ngteig t k
41、aooe - appiain i I. L _ _ bi*e. in pla ce tfurtd;t m plementaton Staeowec .to e nnue "zeo."he Segt hei tTo -eVny wndr .chi- d rik ecgniin, ad m 一f ain complyig wi h- paty esonsi b lty to a ctv- male uue I f itena a .itoocea- aat Shu help.-. .s_et and reort and cntrl ffeidaik of c os
42、d ri ng mang-eca-d ou syeactv.s- ch -pl ooe - le se. ouon caaiyI fute sanda die tadhhata icin, ogai 'tin caeent to ensue fult seng"ladesip cnsucin, ulay levw, .tana.ie 2 s;cmmunicai I n "zeo sac".o _nS.h peec es - d - i e ne"- aton ppycolg ca wa n.l-plo.e",, , 一g - ploe
43、n pefmane management prnd M * adOn . stm bae. . .-hea ofc be. 一 . . L .- I . . . .一of mood aon ifcheve -pl ooee evauaion a d l s of elec cmmuncaton to iyo.Fncema戶:. -a.""- a-1 l . .一he r - m”-etenform ain s S- one. . . . . -her - nt. a.reie - plheed busi nes e.r - of A_t role t p»-L .
44、 . . I a" adm_b_ il busie - bus opeainof ecds pans cvert.l - le ne ca cntrol污水池格柵機(jī)污水池格柵機(jī)格柵機(jī)6、HSE管理6.1 HSE管理理念6.2 HSE管理目標(biāo)中石化公司的HSE目標(biāo)是:追求最大限度的不發(fā)生事故、不損害人身健康、不破壞環(huán)境,創(chuàng)國際一流的HSE業(yè)績5.4 工作危險(xiǎn)性分析(JHA)報(bào) ulply-pl oyes i cmpay roe;t mpr. i busie-ik of e.ci-es monioe saii"To u ahen -eymang-ete -bis a nd m
45、in, ev n - meymang-etmecanim.o -u te Oyhge evl highe sadars, a hghe eve of deve toays Una caenda onDecm be a .e f rwe.ealy geeat c- he a XX po-we -neatismatue and .mmey brrating Recal ng p -one a nother acoss a alg, - a and fu nce unit-,-more -ciig fgtmoe siitd.Employes, le us tgehe ac oss 20 3 Ul o
46、f UHeUte, te a gee, locs fl .e of awo- ca - po geneainadwrkha d Ie 序號(hào)施工活動(dòng)潛在危險(xiǎn)嚴(yán)重性可能性風(fēng)險(xiǎn)性具體控制措施備注1工作區(qū)域現(xiàn)場氣體不合格224化驗(yàn)分析氣體2檢修準(zhǔn)備勞保用品穿戴不足224工作前檢查佩戴安全帶224工作前檢查違反“四不開工”248工作前檢查3設(shè)備解體繩扣捆扎不結(jié)實(shí)236專人監(jiān)護(hù)加強(qiáng)責(zé)任心扳手滑動(dòng)224加強(qiáng)責(zé)任心4設(shè)備清理清洗清理銹蝕使用磨光機(jī)326戴口罩、防護(hù)眼鏡地表油污236監(jiān)督機(jī)件清洗劑亂倒236監(jiān)督5設(shè)備測量、組裝軸承加熱224加強(qiáng)責(zé)任心各種量具使用方法不對224加強(qiáng)責(zé)任心6施工結(jié)束施工現(xiàn)場打掃22
47、4加強(qiáng)責(zé)任心5.5 安全管理、安全措施5.5.1 由安全組織網(wǎng)絡(luò)人員對施工進(jìn)行風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評價(jià)和危害分析,包括工作危害分析表JHA、安全檢查表SCL及環(huán)境因素識(shí)別評價(jià)表。組織 對施工人員進(jìn)行HSE安全制度的教育和具體施工的安全教育。5.5.2 參檢人員在進(jìn)入現(xiàn)場前,必須對自己施工所使用的工具、設(shè)備、 吊拉機(jī)具等進(jìn)行認(rèn)真的檢查和準(zhǔn)備,符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn)方可使用;現(xiàn)場環(huán)境 必須先進(jìn)行化驗(yàn),等化驗(yàn)分析報(bào)告合格后方可進(jìn)入現(xiàn)場;5.5.3 所有施工人員進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場,必須按規(guī)定著裝,穿戴好個(gè)人防We wl coniue to mpreasns .一 . ss-haL . L - . . . r . -.'ys ie " f.L . I L .一ndve; l_e. L .nc- . a c 一heooe - appi I. L _ _ bi*e. in pla ce tfurtd;l m plementalon Slaeowec .ae to e nnue "zeo."he Segt hei tTo -eVny wnd Cea aat ShuChie-d e.gniin, ad m 一y ta civ- make uue I f itena a .itoosphee -eV help.da. of. c - d ou syea clvi
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