



1、各單元重點短語、句型Unit1 wheres your pen pal from?短語:1、 來自. be from/come from 2、住在.live in3、 在某個國家.in+國家名稱 4、在幾月份.in+月份5、說某種語言.speak+語言 6、喜歡做某事like doing /to do sth7、給.寫信 write to sb 8、在周末.on weekend重點句型課本已標出。Unit2 wheres the post office? (本單元著重學習介詞)1、在街上.on the street 2、在附近in the neighborhood3、直走.go straigh

2、t 4、向某個方向轉(zhuǎn).turn+方向5、散步.take a walk 6、.的開始 the beginning of7、彈奏某種樂器.play+the+樂器 8、打算做某事.be going to do 9、去往.的路 the way to 10、在左/右邊on the left/right11、沿著往下走. go down+地名 12、穿過.go through寫作重點句型:(學會這樣的表達方式)1、Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.(用with 表示有.,附帶)靠近旅店的是一個附帶著著有趣花園的小房子

3、。造句:有著大操場的學校. 有著美麗花朵的花園2、I hope you have a good trip. 我希望你有個愉快的旅行。Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?1、首先.first 2、有點.kind of 3、和.一起玩 play with 4、在某個階段.during+時間段5、在夜里at night 6、起床.get up 7、介紹某樣東西 This is/that is.(單數(shù))These /those are 復數(shù)Unit4 I want to be an actor.1、和一起工作 work with 2、給某人某物 give sb sth /giv

4、e sth to sb3、在白天 in the day 4、出去 go out 5、工作很晚work late 6、工作很辛苦work hard7、和交談 talk with sb 8、為工作 work for 9、給某人打電話.call sb at+號碼 10、想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth 經(jīng)典句型:We are an international school for (為.)children of (的)5-12. 我們是一所為5-12歲兒童開設(shè)的國際學校。Unit5 Im watching TV.1、正在做某事be doing sth 2、看書.read book3

5、、在幾點.at+時間點 4、談?wù)?talk about 5、在游泳池at the pool 6、為感激thanks for sth/doing sth7、一些some of 8、進行某項球類運動 play+球類9、某某的照片.a photo of sb 10、在電話里聊天talk on the phoneUnit 6 Its raining.1、 一切還好嗎?How is it going? (問候的語句)2、 度假.be on vocation 3、拍照take photos 4、一些.另一些 some.others. 5、驚訝be surprised 6、在這樣的高溫下 in this h

6、eat 7、有個美好時光.have a good time Unit 7 What does he look like?1、中等身高medium height 2、中等身材.medium build3、.的隊長 the captain of 4、受歡迎be popular5、長得漂亮good-looking 6、開玩笑.tell jokes7、停止做某事 stop doing sth 停下來開始做某事 stop to do sth8、不再.not any more 9、我認為/不認為.I think/dont think 10、購物go shopping 11、戴眼鏡wear glassesU

7、nit 8 Id like some noodles.1、 喜歡.would like 2、 What kind of food do you like?你喜歡什么食物?(詢問意見)3、 What size bowl of noodles would you like?詢問需要的量。Unit9 How was your weekend?1、上周末last weekend 2、在具體某一天的早晨用on3、為.而學 study for 4、詢問意見 how about/what about doing sth5、呆在家 stay at home 6、打掃我的房間clean my room7、聯(lián)系.

8、practice sth 8、散步went for a walk9、看到某人做某事 see sb do sth 10、到做什么的時候了 its time to do sth 12、尋找look forUnit 10 Where did you go on vacation?1、去某地go to. 2、對某人友好be friendly to sb3、做有樂趣 have fun doing sth 4、發(fā)現(xiàn)某人做某事.find sb doing sth 5、迷路 be lost 6、幫助某人做某事 help sb do sth 7、使某人感到make sb do sth 8、往回走.walk back9、決定做某事 decide to do sth Unit11 What do you think of game shows?1、忍受 stand 2、歡迎來到welcome to 3、a 13-year-old boy(學會這樣的表達) /a 13 years old boy 4、向某人展示某物 show sb sth /show sth to sb5、享受做某事 enjoy doing sth 6、不介意dont mind Unit 12 Dont eat in class.1、上課遲到 late


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