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1、1音的變化音的變化4朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分 Click to add title in here 2音的同化音的同化 輔音連綴輔音連綴連讀連讀失去爆破和失去爆破和不完全爆破不完全爆破節(jié)奏節(jié)奏31音的變化音的變化 1.輔音連綴輔音連綴/sp/speak spill spot /st/star stay story study steam stand /sk/ skate sky skin school其它:small, print, green, snake等等1音的變化音的變化(1)前一個(gè)字的尾輔音與后一個(gè)字的首元音互相組合成一個(gè)新的音節(jié):即:(詞末詞末)輔音輔音+(

2、詞首詞首)元音元音 Straight ahead. Good afternoon. Thank you. Not at all. First of all.2.連讀連讀1音的變化音的變化(2) 前一個(gè)字的尾元音與后一個(gè)字的首元音緊密依靠產(chǎn)生近似趨近音/w/(尾元音為/u:,u,或者/j/(尾元音為/ i:, ,ei,ai, / /)那樣的音。 my only pen in the end row away how old(3) 前一個(gè)字帶字母“r”的尾元音與下一個(gè)字的首元音結(jié)合,產(chǎn)生r音節(jié):即: (詞末詞末)r/re+(詞首詞首)元音元音 over and over again a count

3、ry of their own There are four of us to do the job.1音的變化音的變化注意:(1)連讀必須在同一意群之間進(jìn)行Shall we leave at six sharp/ if it is convenient to you?(2)為了避免誤會(huì),在允許連讀的地方也不宜用連讀an answer (announcer)Stronger than ever (never)1音的變化音的變化3. 不完全爆破不完全爆破 a.爆破音/k/, /g/, /t/, /d/, /p/, /b/的其中兩個(gè)相鄰時(shí),第一個(gè)發(fā)不完全爆破音。 blackboard goodby

4、e football active b.爆破音+摩擦音/s, z, f, v, r, h/ +破擦音/t 第一個(gè)爆破音發(fā)不完全爆破音, 只有輕微的摩擦。 absent object outside old friend not sure a big house a red shirt Please let that little girl in.1音的變化音的變化3. 不完全爆破不完全爆破 c.爆破音+鼻輔音/m,n/ +舌側(cè)音/l/ 有輕微的爆破,但爆破部位改在鼻腔和舌的側(cè)面。 friendly last night good morning I dont like it. Can you

5、help me?Click to add title in here 2音的同化音的同化 定義定義: 一個(gè)音受了鄰音的影響,變?yōu)楦徱粝嗨频囊簟. 順行同化: news, desks, tables, gloves, arrived, workedb. 逆行同化:this shoe newspaperc. 相互同化:Im glad to meet you. I thought you would come. education Did you see him? pleasure 原則原則: :1.要把重讀的單詞讀得長(zhǎng)一點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)一點(diǎn)、重一點(diǎn)重一點(diǎn);2.非重讀或弱讀的單詞讀得輕一點(diǎn)輕一點(diǎn)、快一點(diǎn)快一

6、點(diǎn);3.盡可能保持重讀單詞之間的時(shí)間相同保持重讀單詞之間的時(shí)間相同,從而保持良好的節(jié)奏感。4.每個(gè)重音有一拍。每拍之間的間隔是一樣的,而在兩拍之間必須把非重讀音節(jié)讀完。 He studies every evening./hi st d iz ev ri i:v/ 節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3 O O O O times up. make haste next week whats thiswork hard well done all right quite goodYes, please. hold on thats true too badgood news this monthnot yet

7、come in 節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3 O o O O o O never mind wait and seeleave at once word by word let me see thanks a lot out of date quite a lot try it out good ideacome along far and wide time and tide little girlwhat a day節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3 O o O o O o O o wait a moment give me this one lets get started spring is coming Merry Chri

8、stmas. come and help me glad to see you very funny let me help you who can help mequite a lot of rather boring go and get it when to do itjust imagine time is precious節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3o O o O o O o O the latest news a waste of time hes late for class shes gone awaya lot of noise Id like to comeit doesnt work we

9、d better goa sign of smoke he always singsits time for lunch Ill see you off its hard to say a day of workIve no idea Im sure you will 節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3O o o O lots to be done lend me a hand get in the crops nothing at all bring him along send it by mail not in the least clear it away once in a while節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3O o o

10、o Ocarry it awayfollow my advice see you in a week try to be in time come and have a lookleave it on the desk cut it with a knifeeverything is clearbring along your friendo O o O oIm glad to see you.Youre always welcome.I hope you like it.Id like to hear it.I beg your pardon.Youd better hurry.Im ver

11、y sorry.It doesnt matter.Hes rather funny.節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3o O o o O o oIll borrow another one.Youll get it on Saturday.Perhaps youve heard of it.Theyve all gone on holiday.Its very unfortunate.Lets open the other one.節(jié)奏節(jié)奏3Evening red and morning grey,Send the traveller on his way;Evening grey and morning

12、red,Bring the rain upon his head.4朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分 停頓停頓: 為了使意思表達(dá)得更清楚或者是換氣的需要,人們?cè)谡f(shuō)話或朗讀時(shí)經(jīng)常需要停頓。規(guī)律:規(guī)律: 句子之間的停頓較長(zhǎng),意群之間停頓較短,往往由逗號(hào)、分號(hào)、冒號(hào)等分開(kāi)。4朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分 意群(意群(sense group)sense group): 一個(gè)句子可以按照意義和語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)分成幾個(gè)部分,每一個(gè)部分稱(chēng)為一個(gè)意群。意群可以用“/”符號(hào)表示。 意群是根據(jù)語(yǔ)義、語(yǔ)法和語(yǔ)調(diào)來(lái)劃分的。從語(yǔ)義和語(yǔ)法上講,意群必須是表達(dá)某種意義的一個(gè)(組)詞一個(gè)(組)詞、

13、一個(gè)短語(yǔ)一個(gè)短語(yǔ)、一個(gè)分句一個(gè)分句、一個(gè)主句一個(gè)主句或者從句從句。 從語(yǔ)調(diào)上說(shuō),意群必須是可以用降調(diào)、升調(diào)或平調(diào)來(lái)朗讀的一個(gè)語(yǔ)調(diào)單位。4朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分 Before 1949, /I used to live in Hong Kong/ and worked as a teacher. 1.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, happy and wise.2.I went to the bookstore and bought a new dictionary.3.Its a long tim

14、e since I saw you last.4.We arrived late, which was a serious mistake.5.He insisted that to save ones time means to prolong ones life./4朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分朗讀中的停頓和意群的劃分 An airport is a very busy place. Besides the long runways needed by planes when coming in to land or when taking off, there are many import

15、ant buildings on it. These are all near one another, and the most important one is the control tower, from which signals by wireless are made to arriving and departing planes. There are also hangars where planes are kept until they are needed and where they can be overhauled and repaired, waiting rooms for passagers, customs offices, restaurants, and very often a hotel. If the airport is some distance from a town or


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