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1、全國英語等級考試三級(pets3級)歷年真題試卷(一) 材料題(江南博哥) 根據(jù)下面資料,回答2630題。The political career of Cicero, a great Roman statesman and the most well-known speech-mak-er of his time, was a remarkable one. At the time, high political offices in Rome, though techni-cally achieved by winning elections, were almost exclusivel

2、y controlled by a group of wealthy no-ble families that had held them for many generations. Cicero' s family, though noble, was not one of them, nor did it have great wealth. But Cicero had a great deal of political ambition; at a very young age he chose as his basic belief the same one Achilles

3、 was said to have had: to always be the best and overtop the rest. Lacking the advantages of a proper family origin, there were essentially only two career options open to him. One was a military career, since military success was thought to result from exceptional personal qualities and could lead

4、to popularity and therefore political op-portunity as was the case much later for American presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisen-hower. Cicero, however, was no soldier. He hated war, and served in the military only very brief-ly as a young man.Instead, Cicero chose a career in the law. To

5、prepare for this career, he studied law, rhetoric,and philosophy. When he felt he was ready, he began taking part in legal cases. A career in the law could lead to political success for several reasons, all of which are still relevant today. First, a lawyer would gain a great deal of experience in m

6、aking speeches.Second, he could also gain ex-posure and popularity from cases. Finally, a successful lawyer would build up a network of politi-cal connections, which is important now but was even more important in.Cicero's time, when po-litical competition was not conducted along party lines or

7、on the basis of doctrine, but instead was based on loose, shifting networks of personal friendships and commitments. Cicero proved to be an excellent speech-maker and lawyer, and an outstanding politician. He was elected to each of the principal Roman offices on his first try and at the earliest age

8、 at which he was legally allowed to run for them.26 單選題To win an important office in Cicero' s time , a candidate should.A. be born of a wealthy familyB. possess political experienceC. launch a national campaign .convince the general publicBCDEFG正確答案:E參考解析:參考譯文約翰:男性和女性身體主要的不同之一是男性身體彎曲的能力沒有女性好。 你

9、可能認為無論你的身體能否輕易彎曲并不重要,但事實并非如此。 經(jīng)常伸展肌肉會幫助你更有效地運動,它同樣能幫助你免受傷害,放 松肌肉,也會幫助你減輕壓力。邁克:連續(xù)不間斷的訓練可能會讓你覺得對身體很好,但是連續(xù)訓練不休息 就意味著你會過度疲憊,這樣做弊大于利。你應該至少每兩到三天運 動后休息一天,這樣是比較理想的。休息一下意味著當你再次訓練時, 你可以更加努力地訓練。保羅:很多男性陷入了一個誤區(qū):為了做得更好、得到更多,他們要以很快 的速度進行鍛煉。盡管有些運動需要速度,但有些并非如此。以舉重 為例,當緩慢舉起時,你可以增加肌肉緊張的時間和血液流動。 大衛(wèi):些人堅持不了做同樣的健身計劃,但是做不同

10、類型的運動意味著你 鍛煉身體的不同部位,這樣能強化你的核心力量和平衡能力。大部分 人嘗試新的運動是很難的。如果你不想一個人去上健身課,可以和你 的朋友一起去。海倫:女性似乎比男性更擅長選擇不同的健身方式。她們能將身心都投入到 訓練課程中,這對健康有很多益處。其一是能減輕你的壓力,一些如 太極這樣的運動可以提高骨骼健康。充分利用運動帶來的益處,在眾 多的運動中找到最適合自己的。【精析】主旨題。約翰的觀點是"Stretching your muscles regularly will help you to move more effectively . It can also help

11、 you to stay injury-free ,relax your muscles and in turn reduce stress , 他認為經(jīng)常伸展肌肉會幫助人們更有效地運動,它同樣能幫助人們免 受傷害,放松肌肉,也能減輕壓力,與E項經(jīng)常伸展會提高身體的 靈活性"觀點相符,故選E。37 單選題第(37)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:G參考解析:主旨題。邁克的觀點是"You should be taking a day off from exercising every two to three days as minimum ideally .",他 認

12、為連續(xù)訓練不休息弊大于利,應該至少每兩到三天運動后休息一天, 與G項鍛煉期間定期休息是很重要的"觀點相符,故選G。38 單選題第(38)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:F參考解析:主旨題。保羅的觀點是"Although it' s true for some exer-cises , for others this is just not the case .,他認為有些運動需要速度, 但有些不需要,與F項運動速度取決于運動項目"觀點相符,故選 F。39 單選題第(39)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:A參考解析:主旨題。大衛(wèi)的觀點是but doing diffe

13、rent types of fit-ness activities means that you work different parts of your body , and by doing this you improve your core strength and your bal-ance,他認為做不同類型的運動意味著你鍛煉身體的不同部位,這樣能強化核心力量和平衡能力,與A項嘗試豐富你的運動 類型觀點相符,故選A。40 單選題第(40)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:B參考解析:主旨題。海倫的觀點是"They engage physically and men-tally w

14、ith their fitness programs ,which has many health bene-fits , 她認為女性能將身心都投入到訓練課程中,這對健康有很多益處,與 B項身體和心靈都應該投入到運動中"觀點相符,故選B。材料題根據(jù)下面資料,回答41-45題。In 2009, Dan Black was hit by a car in his hometown of Chepstow, Wales, as he was biking to his job at a grocery store.(41)During hisrecovery, he suffered a

15、stroke that rendered his right arm useless. Once a promising guitarist, Dan, now 25, lives with his parents and requires around-the-clock care that costs nearly $ 300,000 a year.After the accident, a friend of Dan's started the Help Dan Black fund to cover some of Dan's medical expenses. Dan

16、 learned about an experimental stem cell treatment in China that could enable him to walk again. (42)One day, in 2013, a news story caught the eye of Dan's mother; Michaela, who then shared the story with her son. The story featured a five-year-old boy named Brecon Vaughan. (43)The boy's fam

17、ily hadcreated a website with which to raise nearly $100,000 needed for a trip to the St. Louis Children7 s Hospital, where treatment was offered that could help Brecon walk. Only half the amount had been raised, said the report.Dan deliberated. Then, after considering that his own dream of walking

18、could be years away,he donated his $ 30,000 to Brecon's cause." (44)Brecon doesn't. He needs it much more than I do." Dan told anewspaper.Danz s generosity received a great deal of attention, and contributions started pouring in to the Vaughan website. (45)They7 ve promisedto give

19、the excess funds, about $17,000, to the Tree of Hope charity, which helps sick children in the United Kingdom find specialized medical help. In October, Brecon and his family traveled to St. Louis to begin treatment."What Dan did is great," Brecon,s mother said. "It is an extraordinar

20、y gift."A. I know how it feels to walk.B. The family soon exceeded their fundraising goal.C. He had a rare form of disease and had never walked by himself.D. After four years, donations to Help Dan Black totaled nearly$30, 000.E. The accident left him unable to move from the chest down.F. This

21、is the only thing I could do to help him.G. His dream to be a musician shattered.41 單選題第(41)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:E參考解析:參考譯文2009年,當?shù)げ既R克在他的家鄉(xiāng)威爾士的切普斯托市騎車去雜貨店 上班的路上,被一輛車撞倒。(41)車禍造成他胸部以下無法活動。在 恢復期間,他患上了中風,導致右胳膊無法活動。丹今年25歲,曾 是一名有前途的吉他手,現(xiàn)在同父母一起生活并需要夜以繼日的照顧, 每年醫(yī)療費用需花費大約30萬美金。車禍之后,丹的一位朋友籌備了 幫助丹布萊克基金,用來支付 丹的部分醫(yī)療費用。丹

22、得知中國有一項干細胞試驗治療,可以使他再 次行走。(42)四年之后,幫助丹布萊克"基金籌集到了大約3萬 美金。2013年的一天,丹的母親米凱拉看到了一則新聞,之后她告訴了丹。 新聞里f 叫布雷肯沃恩的5歲男孩,(43)他得了一種罕見的疾病, 無法走路-這個男孩的家人創(chuàng)建了一個網(wǎng)址想籌集約10萬美金去圣 路易斯兒童醫(yī)院接受治療,這個治療能幫助他站起來走路。報道中說 他們只籌集到了一半的資金。丹認真地考慮了這件事,他認為他自己重新走路的夢想也許要很多年 后才能實現(xiàn),他將自己的3萬關金捐給了布雷肯。他告訴一名記者"(44)我知道走路的感覺,但布雷肯不知道。他比我更需要這筆錢。 丹

23、的慷慨行為引起了廣泛的關注,許多人開始在沃恩的網(wǎng)站捐款。 (45)沃恩家庭很快籌集到了超過他們目標的基金。他們承諾將多余的 1. 7萬美金的基金捐獻給"希望樹"慈善基金會,幫助英國身患疾 病的孩子得到專門的治療。十月,布雷肯和他的家人去圣路易斯開始 接受治療。布雷肯的母親說道:"丹做的事情非常偉大,這是一個非 凡的禮物?!揪觥壳拔奶岬健癉an Black was hit by a car”丹遭遇到車禍, 因此下一句應該與車禍相關,E選項車禍造成他胸部以下無法活動" 符合,故選Eo42 單選題第(42)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:D參考解析:前文提至U&

24、quot;a friend of Dan's started the Help Dan Black fund." 丹的朋友為他籌集資金,而且前面提到了丹出車禍是2009年,下一 段直接跳到了 2013年,根據(jù)空格前后內(nèi)容,只有D選項四年之后,'幫助丹布萊克基金籌集到了大約3萬美金符合句意,起承上 啟下的作用,故選D。43 單選題第(43)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:C參考解析:前文提至U "The story featured a five-year-old boy named Brecon Vaughan ." 一個五歲男孩,作為承接,后面應該是

25、描述這個男孩 具體得了什么病,C選項他得了一種罕見的疾病并再也無法走路 符合句意,故選C。44 單選題第(44)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:A參考解析:根據(jù)前文"he donated his$30,000 to Brecon' s cause”丹為布 雷肯捐款,此處有引號,引用丹的原句,只有A 我知道走路的感覺 符合,也能跟后面的"Brecon doesn' t ."呼應,故選A。45 單選題第(45)題選ABCDEFG正確答案:B參考解析:前文提至UDan's generosity received a great deal of att

26、en-tion , and contributions started pouring in to the Vaughan website” 丹的慷慨行為弓I起了很多關注,許多人開始在沃恩的網(wǎng)站捐款,此處 應該與捐款相關,后面又說他們承諾將多余的1,7萬美金的基金捐 獻給希望樹"慈善基金會,綜觀各個選項,只有選項沃恩家庭很 快籌集到了超過他們目標的基金符合句意,起承上啟下的作用,故 選B。材料題根據(jù)下面資料,回答46-46題。According to a study, such an action could be (46)to theirdevelopment, and cause

27、 them to be more materialistic as adults. The study suggests that those who were rewarded and spoiled as children were more likely to think possessions define who they are. "Using material possessions to express love or reward children for their(47) can have bad effect," wrote the authors

28、of the study. "It can(48) materialism in them."The authors surveyed 701 adults to measure the long-term (49)ofmaterial parenting. They were asked to describe their current life situation and values, and also reported on a (50)of childhoodcircumstances, their relationship with their parents

29、, and the rewards and punishments they received.Results showed adults who had received more material rewards and punishments as children were more likely than others to use possessions to define and express who they are. And they were likely to continue rewarding themselves with material (51)Parents

30、 should, therefore, be cautious about using material possessions to express their love and reward their children for good behavior,(52)the authors. They say (53)emphasis on materialpossessions during childhood can have significant effects. It can (54)"the way for their children to grow up to be

31、 more likely than others to (55)people with expensive possessions and judge success by thekinds of things people own," the authors conclude.A. achievementsB. admireC. blameD. carefulE. developF. excessiveG. goodsH. harmfulI. impactJ. levelK. motivateL. paveM. responsibilitiesN. varietyO. warn46

32、 單選題第(46)題選ABCDEFGHKLMN0正確答案:H參考解析:參考譯文當你的孩子在學校表現(xiàn)好的時候你會給他錢嗎?根據(jù)一項研究,這種行為可能會(46)不利于他們的成長,并會使他們 像成人一樣崇尚物質(zhì)主義。研究表明那些被獎勵和寵壞的孩子更可能 用物質(zhì)定義自己。研究的作者寫道:用物質(zhì)來表達爰或者獎勵孩子 的(47)好成績,會產(chǎn)生不好的影響。這會使他們絲)產(chǎn)生物質(zhì)主義思 想。"作者調(diào)查了 701名成年人,研究父母物質(zhì)獎勵的長期(49)影響。他們 被要求描述自己目前的生活狀態(tài)和價值觀,并描述也2剪童年環(huán)境, 他們與父母的關系和他們所受到的獎勵和懲罰。研究結(jié)果表明在童年受到物質(zhì)獎勵和懲罰

33、的成年人更傾向于用物質(zhì) 定義和表達他們自己,并很可能繼續(xù)用星幽原來獎勵自己。作者(52)告誡父母,要謹慎使用物質(zhì)來表達對孩子的愛和獎勵。他們 認為在童年時期急過分強調(diào)物質(zhì)會產(chǎn)生重要的影響。作者總結(jié),它 會給孩子(54)鋪設這樣的一條道路:孩子在成長的過程中比別的孩 子更傾向于去憩俚1那些有貴重財物的人,并通過擁有的東西來判 斷一個人的成功"O【精析】根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個形容詞。前文提到用金錢作 為對孩子的獎勵,這里面應該是實驗表明這種做法是不對的,綜觀所 有選項,只有H項harmful Z/W害的符合句意,故選H。47 單選題第(47)題選ABCDEFGHKLMN0正確答案:

34、A參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個名詞。這里應該是家長對孩子取得好 成績時進行獎勵會產(chǎn)生壞影響,綜觀所有選項,a-chievements 成 績,成就"符合旬意,故選A。48 單選題第(48)題選ABCDEFGH正確答案:A參考解析:參考譯文西塞羅是羅馬時期一位著名的政治家和演說家,政治生涯顯著。在那 一時期,羅馬的高級官職盡管需要嚴格依據(jù)法律通過選舉產(chǎn)生,但歷 代以來,政界官員幾乎都完全受控于顯赫的富有家族組織。西塞羅的 家族雖然是貴族,但并非其中之一,沒有巨大的財富。但是西塞羅有 著強烈的政治抱負,在年幼時期,他就將據(jù)說是阿基里斯的理念作為 自己的基本信念:永遠做最好,超于

35、他人。由于沒有特有家族出身的 優(yōu)勢,他面臨的只有兩種職業(yè)選擇。一個是從軍,因為軍事功績被視 為卓越個人能力的體現(xiàn)并為其帶來聲譽,正如之后的美國總統(tǒng)尤利西 斯格蘭特和德懷特戴維艾森豪威爾。然而西塞羅并不是位戰(zhàn)士 , 他討厭戰(zhàn)爭,年輕時只在軍中服役了很短時間。他選擇了另一條道路,法律。為了給自己的政治生涯做準備,他學習 了法律、修辭學和哲學。當他認為準備充分時就開始接觸法律案件。 通過法律達到政治成功有許多原因,直到今天也同樣適用。首先,律 師在準備陳述的過程中會獲得許多經(jīng)驗。其次,通過案件律師會獲得 一定的曝光度和聲譽。最后,一個成功的律師會建立自己的一套政治 關系網(wǎng)絡。政治競爭不是通過政治路線

36、或基本教義,而是通過不牢固 的變化的友誼和承諾,這對現(xiàn)在的社會來說很重要,對當時的羅馬時 期來說更為重要。西塞羅不僅被人們視為一個杰出的演說家、律師, 而且也是一位出色的政治家。他在達到被選舉年齡時的首次競選中, 就成功當選為羅馬主要官員。【精析】細節(jié)題。文中第一段第二句提到At the time .high political offices in Rome , though technically achieved by winning elections , were almost exclusively controlled by a group of wealthy noble fa

37、mi-lies that had held them for many generations . 在那一時期,羅馬的高級官職盡管需要嚴格依據(jù)法 律要通過選舉產(chǎn)生,但歷代以來,政界官員幾乎都完全受控于顯赫的KLMNO正確答案:E參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個動詞。這里應該是它會使孩子產(chǎn)生物 質(zhì)主義,綜觀所有選項,develop 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)展"符合句意,故選E。49 單選題第(49)題選ABCDEFGHKLMN0正確答案:I參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個名詞。這里應該是作者對701名成 年人進行調(diào)查,研究父母對孩子長期物質(zhì)獎勵的影響,綜觀所有選項, impact可作名詞,

38、意為影響,符合句意,故選I。50 單選題第(50)題選ABCD E FG HKLMN0正確答案:N參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個名詞。此名詞和前后詞組成一個固定 搭配,a variety of意為各種各樣的,符合句意,故選N。51 單選題第(51)題選ABCDEFGHKLMN0正確答案:G 參考解析: 根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個名詞。這里應該是從小得到物質(zhì)獎勵 的孩子長大后也很可能繼續(xù)用物質(zhì)來獎勵自己,綜觀所有選項, goods 商品,物品符合句意,故選Go52 單選題第(52)題選ABCDEFGHKLMN0正確答案:0參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個動詞。這里應該是家長應當對

39、這種做 法提高警惕,這是作者對家長的警告,綜觀所有選項,wain 警告 符合句意,故選0。53 單選題第(53)題選ABCDEFGHLMN0正確答案:F參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個形容詞。這里應該是在孩子童年時期 過分地強調(diào)物質(zhì)的重要性會對孩子產(chǎn)生很大的影響,綜觀所有選項, excessive 過分的,過度的"符合句意,故選F。54 單選題第(54)題選ABCDEFGHKLMN0正確答案:L參考解析:根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個動詞,且與后面的the way搭配, 此處是為孩子鋪設這樣的一條道路,綜觀所有選項,pave 鋪設 符合句意,故選L。55 單選題第(55)題選AB

40、CDE F GHKLMN 0 正確答案:B 參考解析: 根據(jù)上下文判斷,這里缺少一個動詞。這里應該是孩子在成長的過程 中比別的孩子更容易去仰慕那些有貴重財物的人,綜觀所有選項, admire 欽佩,仰慕符合旬意,故選B。56 簡答題You work for a foreign company. Now you want to ask for a short period of leave. Write an email to your boss Mr. Smith to tell him:1) why you want to ask for leave;2) how long you want

41、 to be away;3) what you plan to do about your current work.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email. Use "Wang Lin instead.參考解析:【高分范文】Dear Mr. Smith,Due to the bad cold I got yesterday, I didn't feel well and went to hos-pital. After the examinati

42、on, the doctor suggested that I should have a rest for at least two days. Therefore, I'd like to ask for a leave of two days,starting from September 18 to September 19 and the doctor's certificate is enclosed.I will be very grateful if you can grant my leave of absence. As to the work to be

43、missed during my absence, I promise to make them up when I come back.Yours sincerely,Wang Lin【寫作點金】此篇屬應用文文體,是電子郵件。首先應注意電子郵件的格式,其次 注意電子郵件的內(nèi)容是請假條,最后要注意正文部分的寫作層次。根 據(jù)題目要求,正文部分應按照提示分三個層次來寫。文章開頭說明請 假的原因,其次寫明請假的時間,最后要說明對手頭上工作的安排。 同時,要注意結(jié)尾和落款。語言要簡潔,明了?!靖哳l詞句】due to由于ask for a leave 請假grateful感激的grant批準as to關

44、于promise to do sth .承諾做某事make up彌補57 簡答題Directions:Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use your own words.It seems the nation' s younger citizens are finally favoring the beauty of the

45、natural world over the cries of amateur singers.The BBC has confirmed that the first three episodes of Planet Earth 11 have attracted more viewers in the 16 to 34 age group than The X Factor. The best ratings so far were for the second episode, which brought in 1. 8 million young viewers compared to

46、 The X Factor' s 1. 4 million.The show' s narrator, Sir David Attenborough, credited improvements in technology with the show' s increased success in its second season, which have brought animals close to the viewer and made their environments look real."You feel like the camera is

47、with the animals,z,said producer Mike Gunton. It' s very active. For example, you see a monkey leaping through the forest. Normally you' 11 stand back to film that. But here the monkey almost jumps over your shoulder. The camera is running with it.Visually, Planet Earth told you to look down

48、 on the Earth and see the scale of the planet. What Planet Earth 11 is doing is saying ' Let' s get ourselves into the lives of the animals, and see it from their perspective.'"The music of Hans Zimmer is also a big factor,added Attenborough. "That pleases me enormously. Beside

49、s technology and music, Attenborough said that viewers are reconnecting with a planet whose beauty is spoiled and whose health is failing. " He believes that young people are learning that their future is linked to that of the environment. 參考解析:【高分范文】According to BBC, the Planet Earth H is more

50、 popular than The X Factor among young people. It succeeds in both technology and music. Af-ter watching the show, many young people realize that the environment has been destroyed and they should protect the environment. In my opinionzthree things should be done.Firstly, saving water. Water is the

51、source of life. No water, no life.So it's very important for us to do so. Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it. Secondly, saving forests. They are useful, we should stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead so that we can make

52、our world a green one to live in.Lastly,recycling useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans, paper,bottles, and so on. We can save resources in this way.In a word, we only have one Earth. We should do what we can do to protect the environment.【寫作點金】這是一篇總結(jié)文章主旨并表達自己觀點的作文。首先要明確題目的要 求:

53、總結(jié)文章內(nèi)容,再表達自己的觀點。這就要求考生首先理解文章 的大意,然后在抓住文章中心思想的基礎上提出自己的觀點。在總結(jié) 觀點的時候,要簡明扼要;在表達自己觀點的時候,要條理清晰,論 述有力。【高頻詞句】destory 摧毀make full use of sth .充分利用cut down 砍倒recycle 回收in a word總的來說富有家族組織。由此可知,在西塞羅時期想要當選,就要來自富有的 家族,故選A。27 單選題Cicero came from a family with.A. great wealthB. remarkable fameC. political ambition

54、D. noble background正確答案:D參考解析:細節(jié)題。從文中第一段第三句”Cicero' sfamily ,though no-ble , was not oneofthem , nor didit havegreatwealth ."可知,西塞 羅的家庭也是貴族,故選Do28 單選題Unlike Cicero , Ulysses Grant attained his politicalposition due to.A. his strong beliefsB. his personal relationsC. his military achievement

55、sD. his powerful speeches正確答案:C參考解析:細節(jié)題。文中第一段倒數(shù)第三句提至U "One was a military career, since military success was thought to.later for American presidents Ulysses S . Grant."個是從軍,因為軍事功績被視為 卓越個人能力的體現(xiàn)并為其帶來聲譽,正如之后的美國總統(tǒng)尤利西斯 格蘭特。由此可知,美國總統(tǒng)尤利西斯格蘭特的政治地位是通過軍 事成就實現(xiàn)的,故選Co29 單選題A Roman politician, s career

56、 prospects werestrongly influenced by.A. their party's supportB. their social connectionsC. their political doctrineD. their public popularity正確答案:B 參考解析: 推理題。文中第二段倒數(shù)第三句提到Finally ,a success-ful lawyer would build up.when political competition Was not con-ducted along party lines or on the basis

57、of doctrine . but instead was based on loose , shifting networks of personal friendships and com-mitments . 一個成功的律師會建立自己的 一套政治關系網(wǎng)絡。政治競爭不是通過政治路線或基本教義,而是通 過不牢固的變化的友誼和承諾。由此可知,羅馬政治家生涯的前途受 友誼和承諾,即社會關系的重要影響,故選B。30 單選題Cicero was elected to the principal offices when.A. he got support from his friendsB. he

58、began his career as a lawyerC. he was committed to social servicesD. he was just old enough to run for them正確答案:D 參考解析: 細節(jié)題。文中第二段最后一句提到“He Was elected to each of the principal Roman offices on his first try at the earliest age at which he was legally allowed to run for them . 他在達到被選 舉年齡時的首次競選中,就成功當選為羅馬主要官員。由此可知,西 塞


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