



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上菜籽油精煉技術(shù)介紹菜籽油就是我們俗稱的菜油,又叫香菜油,是以十字花科植物蕓苔(即油菜)的種子榨制所得的透明或半透明狀的液體。菜籽油色澤金黃或棕黃,有一定的刺激氣味,民間叫作“青氣味”。這種氣體是其中含有一定量的芥子甙所致,但特優(yōu)品種的油菜子則不含這種物質(zhì)。是中國主要食用油之一,主產(chǎn)于長江流域及西南、西北等地,產(chǎn)量居世界首位。 菜籽油營養(yǎng)分析:1. 人體對菜籽油的吸收率很高,可達99%。因此它所含的亞油酸等不飽和脂肪酸和維生素E等營養(yǎng)成分能很好地被機體吸收,具有一定的軟化血管、延緩衰老的功效;2. 由于榨油的原料是植物的種實,一般會含有一定的種子磷脂,對血管、神經(jīng)、大腦

2、的發(fā)育十分重要;3. 菜籽油的膽固醇很少或幾乎不含,所以控制膽固醇攝入量的人可以放心食用;從營養(yǎng)價值方面看,人體對菜籽油消化吸收率可高達99%,并且有利膽功能。在肝臟處于病理狀態(tài)下,菜籽油也能被人體正常代謝。 菜籽油精煉經(jīng)過半連續(xù)脫膠工藝,連續(xù)脫色工藝,連續(xù)脫色工藝三步完成。 首先說的是半連續(xù)脫膠工藝, 2、精制菜籽色拉油精煉工藝流程(間歇) 堿液 富油皂腳鹽析貧油皂腳 過濾毛菜油預(yù)熱中和靜置沉降分離水洗軟水 過濾蒸餾脫臭過濾吸附脫色脫水 精制菜油 水蒸氣 廢白土 吸附劑 廢水 操作條件:堿煉操作溫度初溫3035,終溫6065,堿液濃度16°Bé,超量堿添加量為油量的0.2

3、%0.25%,另加占油量0.5%的泡花堿(濃度為40°Bé),中和時間lh左右,沉降分離時間不小于6h。堿煉油洗滌溫度8590,第一遍洗滌水為稀鹽堿水(堿液濃度0.4%,添加油量0.4%的食鹽),添加量為油量的15%。以后再以熱水洗滌數(shù)遍,洗滌至堿煉油含皂量不大于50 ppm。脫色時先真空脫水30min,溫度90,操作絕對壓力4.0kPa,然后添加活性白土脫色,白土添加量為油量的2.5%3%,脫色溫度9095,脫色時間20min,然后冷卻至70以下過濾。脫色過濾油由一、二級蒸汽噴射泵形成的真空吸入脫臭罐加熱至100,再開啟第三級和第四級蒸汽噴射泵和大氣冷凝器冷卻水,脫臭溫度

4、不低于245,操作絕對壓力260650Pa,大氣冷凝器水溫控制在30左右,汽提直接蒸汽壓力0.2MPa,通入量為816kg/th,脫臭時間36h,脫臭結(jié)束后及時冷卻至70再過濾。 2、精制菜籽色拉油精煉流程(全連續(xù)) 磷酸 堿液 過濾毛油預(yù)熱混合油堿比配混合反應(yīng)脫皂皂腳 過濾蒸餾脫臭過濾吸附脫色干燥脫水洗滌軟水 菜籽色拉油 水蒸氣 廢白土 吸附劑 廢水 操作條件:過濾毛油含雜不大于0.2%,堿液濃度1822°Bé,超量堿添加量為理論堿量的10%25%,有時還先添加油量的0.05%0.20%的磷酸(濃度為85%),脫皂溫度7082,洗滌溫度95左右,軟水添加量為油量的10%2

5、0%。連續(xù)真空干燥脫水,溫度9095,操作絕對壓力為2.54.0 kPa。吸附脫色溫度為105100,操作絕對壓力為2.54.0kPa,脫色溫度下的操作時間為30min左右,活性白土添加量為油量的1%4%。利用立式葉片過濾機分離白土?xí)r的過濾溫度不低于100。脫色油中P5ppm、Fe0.1ppm、Cu0.01ppm。脫臭溫度240260左右,操作絕對壓力260650Pa,汽提蒸汽通入量油量的0.5%2%,脫臭時間40120min,檸檬酸(濃度5%)添加量為油量的0.02%0.04%,安全過濾溫度不高于70。The introduction of rapeseed oil refining tec

6、hnology: In common, rapeseed oil is canola oil, also called coriander oil, which uses a cruciferous plant canola (rapeseed) seed to press out transparent or translucent liquids. Rapeseed oil is golden yellow or brownish yellow and has certain stimulating smell, known as “green smell” in the folk. Th

7、is smell contains a certain amount of mustard glucoside, but the excellent rapeseed does not contain this substance. Rapeseed oil is the one of the main oil in China, mainly produced in Yangtze river basin and the southwest and northwest. The production is the first in the world.Rapeseed oil nutriti

8、onal analysis: 1. The absorption rate of human body on rapeseed oil is very high, which can reach 99%. Therefore its linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E and other nutritional ingredients can be absorbed by the body, which have certain soften blood vessels and anti-aging eff

9、ect.2. Because the raw material is oil plant species, usually contains a certain seeds of phospholipids, which is very important to the growth of the blood vessels, nerves and brain.3. Rapeseed oil contains little or no cholesterol, so the people control cholesterol intake can be at ease to eat. In

10、terms of nutrition, the digestion and absorption rate of body on rapeseed oil can be as high as 99%, which is favorable to the gallbladder function. When the liver is in pathological conditions, rapeseed oil can also be normally metabolized by human body.Rapeseed oil refining compete through 3 steps

11、: semi-continuous degumming process, continuous decoloring process and continuous decoloring process.First semi-continuous degumming process:2. Rapeseed salad oil refining process (intermittence): Alkali lye rich oil soapstocksalt out lean oil soapstock Filter crude rapeseed oilpreheatneutralizestea

12、dy depositingseparatewashingsoftening water Filterdistillation deodorizationfilteradsorption decolorationdehydration Refined rapeseed oil steam waste clay adsorbent waste waterOperating conditions:Alkali refining operation temperature - initial temperature is 30 35 ; final temperature is 60 65 ; lye

13、 concentration is 16°Bé excessive alkali content is 0.2% 0.25% of oil; plus sodium is 0.5% of the oil (concentration is 40 ° Be); neutralization time is about l hour; sedimentation separation time is not less than 6 hours. Alkali refining washing temperature is 85 90 , and the first w

14、ashing water is dilute salt water (lye concentration: 0.4%, 0.4% of the salt), additive amount is 15% of the oil. Then use hot water washing several times, washing to alkali refining soap content is not more than 50 PPM. When decoloring, first vacuum dewatering is 30 min, and temperature is 90 , and

15、 operating absolute pressure is 4.0 kPa. Then add activated clay to decolorize, and clay content is 2.5% 3% of oil, decoloring temperature is 9095. Decolorization time is 20 min, then cool to 70 and filter. Decoloring oil is absorbed by vacuum into deodorization tank formed by first, secondary steam

16、 jet pump to heater to 100 . And then open the third and the fourth steam jet pump and atmospheric condenser cooling water. The deodorization temperature is not lower than 245 . Operating absolute pressure is 260 650 pa; atmospheric condenser water temperature control about 30 ; the stripping steam

17、pressure is 0.2MPa; directly into the capacity of 8 16 kg/t, h; deodorization time is 3 6 h. Finish deodorization and then cool to 70 and then filter.2. Rapeseed salad oil refining process (completely continuous) Phosphoric acid Alkali lye Filter crude rapeseed oilpreheatmixoil alkali matchmixed rea

18、ctionde-soapstocksoapstock Filterdistillation deodorizationfilteradsorption decolorationdryerdehydrationwashsoften Rapeseed salad oil steam waste clay adsorbent waste waterOperating conditions:Filter oils impurity is not more than 0.2%; lye concentration is 18 22 °Be ; excessive alkali content

19、is 10% 25% of normal alkali quantity. Sometimes first add 0.05% 0.05% of phosphoric acid (concentration is 85%); taking off the soapstock temperature is 70 82 ; washing temperature is about 95 ; soft water adding amount is 10% 20% of oil. Continuous vacuum drying dehydration - the temperature is 90 95 and operating absolute pr


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