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1、絕密啟用前遼寧省2021屆高三臨門一卷(二)英語試卷題號.*四總分得分注意事項:1.答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級、考號等信息2 .請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上評卷人得分一、閱讀理解The Best Art Competitions to Enter in 2021Check out our guide to some of the best art contests to enter this year.Acrylic Works 9Prize: $ 2,000 first prize, $ 1,000 second prizeEntry Fee: $ 45Requirements: Open

2、to artists in the United States and CanadaClosing Date: October 18.2021For the Acrylic Works 9 competition, the organizers are looking for the best in acrylic painting over a variety of styles and subjects. The entries will be judged in two rounds according to artistic technique, design and creative

3、 elements, as well as overall impression and impact. Winners, works will be featured in Artists Magazine.Splash 23$ 1,000 second prizePrize: $ 2,000 first prize,Entry Fee: $ 45Requirements: Open to artists in the United State and CanadaClosing Date: June 14,2021For the Splash 23 contest, the organiz

4、ers are looking for original watercolor paintings.Each entry must be rendered(粉刷)with watercolor. However, some minor use of other mediums(5)A de一ighLB desirec3注1;邕旨竺1;D relaxation(6)A workB solvec makeD raise(7)A show offB show inc show upD show around(8)A foodB gifCc holidayD feeling(9)A Therefore

5、B Even-tua-ly c MeanwhileD However(1。)A sr-f-oriesB memoriesc promisesD experienceswlo斗:那25斗 o 內o 裝o 訂o 線O 請不要在裝訂線內答題法o 夕卜o裝o訂o線O(11)A.B.C.D.treasurepreferexpectjudge(12)A.B.C.D.greatperfectwonderfulthoughtful(13)A.B.C.D.identifyacknowledgeagreerealize(14)A.B.C.D.touchcoverfillcompare(15)A.B.C.happi

6、nesslovefamily評卷人得分D.memory三、語法填空閱讀下列材料,在空白處填入1個適當的單詞或括號內單詞的正確形式。planet,to carry outIf the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) is a guideline to save thegarbage一sorting is 22. the efforts start. Since May 1, Beijing 23 (start)mandatory (強制性的)garbage一sorting in new efforts to better protect the envi

7、ronment. Under the new regulation, residents are required to classify household waste into four 24. (category): kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and other waste. People who fail to sort their garbage properly can 25. (fine) from 50 to 200 yuan, reported Xinhua.According to CGTN, online guidelines have

8、 been launched 26. (instruct) resident show to practice better waste management. If people don,t know how to sort the garbage, they can search27. it on the WeChat account Guanchenglishi.According to a report by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, over 90 percent of 28. public believe that garba

9、ge一sorting is important for the protection of the environment. However, garbage一sorting is still 29 big problem in China. Only 30 percent of participants think they are 30. (adequate) sorting their garbage. 31. , there is still along way to go.四、書面表達評卷人得分:fe:32. 假定你是李華,你校近期成立了 “中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日”網上俱樂部(Chinese

10、Traditional Festivals online club) o你的朋友Tom對中國文化很感興趣,請你給他寫一封郵件,邀請他加入該俱樂部。內容包 括:1. 介紹俱樂部的相關信息;2 .介紹俱樂部的作用;3 .表達期待。注意:1.詞數80左右;2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。33. 閱讀下面短文,根據其內容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。續(xù)寫的詞數應 為150左右。Yoghurt如長悉一”堞粗鄙搜濃:蝶: OIt was a rough week. The price of oil skyrocketed as the temperature dropped sh

11、arply in Maine. We were looking at a high of eight degrees that week, and I had missed three days of work so my paycheck was going to be lower than normal. I was stressed, to say the least. I shopped strategically, looking for every possible way to cut pennies so I could buy groceries and keep the h

12、ouse warm.My eighr-byearold son didnC imdersrand when Ir+old him we were struggling Chai; week- He warned a special kind of yoghurrbut; I didrf L have Che exga Chree dollars to buy iL for hint Ir-*-was Lhe kind of yoghurL wiCh a carLoon kid riding a skac-f-eboard on Lhe fronC of the box) and a merer

13、+wo spoonfuls in each clip- IH-was Lhe kind of produce 1巖 wa-sr-t-es a parent/ s money and makes me har+e advertising-I feH guilCy as a parent: when Chose big eyes looked aC me wiCh confusiopas if Co say XII? s jusc yoghurts whar s he big deal2 so i found a way I puL something back as single mothers

14、 ofCen do He goL his yoghur-ton L he way driving back fromr+he grocery scoreI nor+iced a. homeless man holding a sign byr+he side of the road My hearr hurrand Ir+ried not; coook him I waCched people stay away from him on Lhe street; and walk by without even meeting his eyes,My son dicing i seem Lo c

15、are much- either- I looked 竺 Lhe man closely Chenbare hands grasping a piece of cardboard) snoL (費)frozenr-t-0 his face) a WornlOUL jack* And -here I was struggling because I had to buy oil and groceries. BuC I decided Lo help hint I pulled over Co Che man and handed him a fiveldollar bill-Seeing -t

16、his-sy son became confused and surprised.裝 on thar+daymy son performed an acr+that mosr+adulCs wouldrZ C have done如長悉一”堞粗鄙搜濃:蝶:參考答案1. D2. C3. A【解析】這是一篇應用文,短文介紹了 2021年舉辦的最佳藝術比賽的相關信息。(1)細節(jié)理解題。結合全文以及 The Lumen Prize for Digital Art 中的Prize: $ 4, 000 first prize” 可知 The Lumen Prize for Digital Art Prize

17、 一等獎的獎金$ 4000 為最高。故選 D 項。(2)細節(jié)理解題。根據 Acrylic Works 9 部分的 “Winners works will be featured in Artists Magazine,(獲獎作品將刊登在藝術家雜志上。)以及Splash 23部分的最后一句uTop paintings of winners will appear in a special edition of Watercolor Artist magazine. v (獲獎者的頂級畫作將出現 在水彩畫藝術家雜志的特別版上。)可知,Acrylic Works 9和Splash 23共同之處在于,

18、獲獎者 的繪畫都會刊登在雜志上。故選C項。(3)細節(jié)理解題。根據California Award部分的uEntry Fee: Free”可知,參加California Award是免 費的。故選A項。4. B5. A6. D7. C【解析】本文是說明文。文章主要介紹了 2021年夏季奧運會的舉辦時間,新運動的引進以及一些變化等等。(1)細節(jié)理解題。根據第四段 “The 2020 Summer Olympics will begin on July 23, 2021 and run until Aug第14頁,總25頁8, 2021(2020年夏季奧運會將于2021年7月23日開幕,至2021年

19、8月8日結束)”可知,東京夏季 奧運會持續(xù)17天。故選B。(2)細節(jié)理解題。根據最后一段中 “One change sure to receive a lot of attention are the adjusted gymnastics team rules (個肯定會得到大量關注的變化是體操隊的規(guī)則)”可知,體操隊的規(guī)則改變 了 o故選Ao(3)細節(jié)理解題。根據第三段中“There will be plenty of classics to watch as well, from theever一popular swimming and gymnastics (體操)events to

20、track and field (田徑)and team sports (還有很多經典賽事,包括受歡迎的游泳和體操,田徑和團體運動)可知,游泳,體操,田徑是經典運 動項目,根據第二段最后一句“These Games will see the introduction of some exciting new sports to the lineup (陣容),too: skate boarding will make its Olympic debut, as well as karate (空 手道),surfing and sport climbing.(比賽也將看到一些令人興奮的新運動被

21、引入到陣容中:滑板將 在奧運會上首次亮相,以及空手道、沖浪和運動攀巖)”可知,其余選項為新加入的項目。故選D。(4)詞義猜測題。由最后 J段最后 J句instead of fielding a team of five athletes, each country will be whittled down to four all-around contestants (參賽者),with two more teammates added to compete only in individual events.(每個國家將不會派出一個由五名運動員的隊伍,而是會be whittled down

22、 to四名全能選手,另外增加兩名隊友只參加個人比賽)”結合上下文可知,每個國家的 全能參賽者將由五名被將被縮減為四名。故劃線短語與C項“被減少意思相近,故選C。8. C9. B10. D11. A【解析】這是一篇議論文,文章主要講述遺愿清單、遺愿清單的積極和消極意義,及是否要做遺愿清單。最后文 章告訴我們要活在當下。細節(jié)理解題。根據第一段Many of us write a list of things wed like to do before we dieoften called a bucket list.(我們中的許多人在死之前都寫出我們想做事情的清單,這經常被叫作遺愿清 單。)”及“

23、the list is unlimited.(這個清單是不限的。)”可知,我們在死之前,遺愿清單包含 無限的選擇。故選C項。(2)推理判斷題。根據第二段A blogger called Annette White said she made a promise to live her bucket list which continuously pushes the comfort zone to its limits and beyond it.(一個 叫Annette White的博客說:她承諾要過上遺愿清單上的生活,這不斷把舒適圈推向極限,并超越它。)” 及第三段 Its probabl

24、y true that a list can encourage people to follow someone elses idea of the perfect life.(這可能是真的:一個清單能鼓勵人們跟從其他人的完美生活想法)”可知,作 者舉了 Annette White和Linda Blair的例子來說明愿望清單的意義,故選B項。(3)推理判斷題。從第三段的 “Creating a bucket list can certainly give us hope, but some people have argued it can be used as a coping strat

25、egy to try to control something uncontrollable一death Clinical psychologist Linda Blair told the BBC that she was not really in favor of bucket lists .(創(chuàng)造遺愿清單當然能給我們希望,但一些人也爭論說,遺愿清單被用作復制策略以此控制 不可控的事情。死亡臨床心理學家Linda Blair告訴英國廣播公司,她不支持遺愿清單。)”可知,Linda 對于愿望清單的態(tài)度是不太贊成的。故選D項。(4)推理判斷題。根據最后一段 “Whether we want

26、to plan it or just see what happens, we dont know what tomorrow will bring, so maybe we should live for today.(無論我們想要計劃它還是只是看 看會發(fā)生什么,我們不知道明天會帶來什么,所以也許我們應該活在今天。)”可知,最后一段暗示我 們應該活在當下,故選A項。12. B13. B14. A如長悉一”堞粗鄙搜濃: O 密O H O 堞O 忘O15. A【解析】這是一篇說明文。文章主要講述了因為氣候的變化、人口增長和水資源管理不善,全球范圍內以山地冰 川為基礎的水系統(tǒng)受到了很大的影響,其中

27、亞洲水塔受到的威脅最大。(1)細節(jié)理解題。根據第三段的 “The scientists analyzed the various factors that influenced how independent downstream communities were upon the supplies of water from these systems. They also assessed each water tower to determine the vulnerability of the water resources, as well as the people and eco

28、systems that depended on them, based on predictions of future climate and socio-economic changes.(科學家們分析了影響下游獨立社區(qū)對這些系統(tǒng)供水的各種因素。他們還 根據對未來氣候和社會經濟變化的預測,評估了每座水塔,以確定水資源以及依賴于這些水塔的人和生 態(tài)系統(tǒng)的脆弱性)”可知,科學家們用分析和評估的方式來做研究。故選B。(2)細節(jié)理解題。根據倒數第二段的 aIf temperatures increase two degrees Celsius globally, the Asian water

29、towers could see a temperature hike as high as four degrees Celsius(如果全球氣溫升高 2攝氏度,亞洲水塔的溫度可能會升高4攝氏度)”可知,氣溫上升直接影響亞洲水塔。故選B。(3)細節(jié)理解題。根據最后一段的Data needs to be expanded on the water cycle by measuring the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water vapor.(需要通過測量水蒸氣中氫和氧的穩(wěn)定同位素來擴 展有關水循環(huán)的數據)”可知,通過測量水蒸氣中氫氧穩(wěn)

30、定同位素,科學家們可以監(jiān)測水循環(huán)情況。故 選Ao(4)主旨大意題。通讀全文,根據第一段的 “Scientists have assessed 78 mountain glacier-based water systems around the world and ranked the Asian water towers as the most threatened, according to a recently published study in the journal Nature.(根據最近發(fā)表在自然雜志上的一項研究, 科學家們評估了全球78個以山地冰川為基礎的水系統(tǒng),并將亞洲水塔列

31、為受威脅最大的水塔)”和第四 段的 Among the 78 global water towers identified, Asian water towers that rely on river systems in the Third Pole region were ranked as the most threatened water towers.(在確定的 78 座全 球水塔中,依賴第三極地區(qū)河流系統(tǒng)的亞洲水塔被列為受威脅最嚴重的水塔)”可知,再由第2題的分 析可知,第五段又提到了亞洲水塔受到的不良影響,因此本文主要講述了亞洲水塔面臨的威脅,A項“亞 洲水塔最受威脅”符合文意。

32、故選A。16. F17. C18. A19. G20. D【解析】本文為說明文。文章介紹了四種方法來應對求職面試時的遲到問題。(1)根據空前No matter how well you do in an interview, arriving more than a few minutes late for a job interview is likely to have a negative effect on an employers impression of you. ”(不管你在面試中表現如何好,遲到幾分鐘就會給雇主對你的印象造成負面影響)可推知,設空處繼續(xù) 陳述面試遲到的影響,F

33、項“你的遲到可能會影響你得到這份工作的機會”承接上一句,符合語境。故 選F。(2)空格后 “and if youre doubtful whether you,11 arrive on time, always call in advance. ” (如 果你懷疑是否能準時到達,要提前打電話。),選項C “如果你面試快遲到了”為支撐句。該句與and 后的“如果你懷疑自己能否準時到達”形成并列關系,都是條件狀語從句。故選C。(3)空格處是小標題,根據下文“Sincerely acknowledge(承認)your mistake and express regret over having ma

34、de your interviewer wait. ”(真誠地承認你的錯誤和表達讓面試官等待的遺憾)可知, 本段主要講述要承認自己的錯誤,即對自己的錯誤道歉。A項“真誠地道歉”可以作為本段的標題句。 下文中提到的“誠懇地承認自己的錯誤”就是對“道歉”的解釋。故選A。(4)根據空前“Crazy traffic, defective(有缺陷的)alarm clocks, or work delays sound like weak excuses to an employer who set time aside specifically(特意)to talk to you about a job

35、. ”如長悉一”堞粗鄙搜濃: O 密O H O 堞O 忘O :(瘋狂的交通,有缺陷的鬧鐘,或工作延誤對專門抽出時間和你談工作的雇主來說,這些聽起來都是不 可靠的借口)可知,這都不是合理的遲到理由,G項“除了家庭緊急情況或嚴重事故之外的任何事情都 不太可能說服面試官”為過渡句,也對應了標題“Have an Excellent Reason”(找一個好的理由)。“家庭緊急情況”與“嚴重事故”都是“好的理由”的具體闡述。故選G。(5)根據上文 As tired as you might feel about being late, take a moment to breathe deeply, g

36、ather your thoughts, and regain(恢復)your calm before meeting the interviewer, (雖然你可能覺得 遲到非常累,但還是先深呼吸,整理以下思緒,在見面試官前恢復你的平靜)可推知,下文要說這樣做 的目的。D項“不要讓你疲憊的臉破壞了整個面試”符合語境。故選D。21. (1)BCACABCAD(10)B(IDA(12) B(13) D(14) C(15) C【解析】本文是夾敘夾議文。作者通過講述親人在一起的快樂以及對離世親人的回憶,告訴我們家人的重要性。(1)考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:這些問題在節(jié)日期間似乎尤其有意義,這個時候我們

37、的傳統(tǒng)通常是作為家人 聚在一起慶祝。A. decisions決定;B. questions問題;C. answers答案;D. events事件。根據 上文提到的三個問題結合these可知,此處說的是這些問題。故選B。(2)may be acceptable。Top painr+ings of winners will appear in。special edic-t-ion of watercolor AzisL magazine-The Lumen Prize for Digir+al Arr+ prize- S 4000 firsH-prizeEntry Fee- S 48 forr-t

38、-wo works Requirements- open Lo aziscs worldwide Closing Das June 8, 2021This digits 一 art: competition is organized by Lumen Art projecr+s Led- a nonprofit organizaXion aimed Co provide new opporUniCies for digiC巴 arrises around Che world- categories include Sci-L Moving Image, 3D I 昇 eracr+ive and

39、 ArLif ici 巴 Intelligence- California AwardPrize - S3000 first: prizeEnry Fee- FreeRequirements- open Co arcisr-t-s in California Closing Dad July 31)2021 HosCed by Lhe Brea Gallerythe comper+icion provides a great: opporLunir+y for all arLists based in the stare of California. All artworks will be

40、considered And there is also a solo show opporr+uniLy for arrisr+s who submic-t-a body of work containing 510 pieces- -which compeCiCion will give Lhe fir% winner Che mo% prized A Splash 23B Acrylic Works 9. c California Award.D The Lumen Prize for Digital Arc.2 What is Che common parr-t-of Acrylic

41、Works 9 and Splash 232A They are open -to all arcis-ts.B They focus on the same sLyle of pain-ting. c The winners pain-tings will appear in magazine- D The deadlines of Che compeliCions are boCh in October.潘2斗:那25斗 o 內o 裝o 訂o 線O 請不要在裝訂線內答題法o 夕卜o裝o訂o線O如長悉一”堞粗鄙搜濃:fe:蝶: O考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:這些問題在節(jié)日期間似乎尤其有意義,這個

42、時候我們的傳統(tǒng)通常是作為家人 聚在一起慶祝。A. attend 參加;B. congratulate 祝賀;C. celebrate 慶祝;D. travel 旅游。根 據上文提到的“holiday”可知,celebrate “慶?!狈险Z境,指一家人聚在一起慶祝節(jié)日。故選C。(3)考查動詞短語辨析。句意:隨著他們長大,結婚生子,他們中的大多數人住得很近,可以聚在我祖父母 家過節(jié)。A. grew up成長;B. turned up出現;C. took up拿起;占據;D. brought up撫養(yǎng)。根據 下文umarried and had children of their own”可知,他

43、們結婚、生子,在這之前應該是成長”。 故選Ao(4)考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:我記得歸屬感,成為確信自己被愛著,而不是孤獨的那種感覺。A. achievement 成就;B. happiness 快樂;C. belonging 歸屬感;D. security 安全。根據下文“being part of something that assured(使確信)me I was loved and not alone.”可知,作者感覺到自己是家庭的一份子,被 愛著,不是孤單的,所以有“歸屬”感。故選C。(5)考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:我很高興和我瘋狂的表兄弟們一起大笑、玩耍和爭吵。A. delight高

44、興;B. desire 渴望;C. entertainment 娛樂;D. relaxation 放松。根據上文 UI remember the sense of4,of being part of something that assured(使確信)me I was loved and not alone. ” 可矢口,作者仍 舊記得那種歸屬感,自己是家中的一份子,被愛著,因此推斷作者很高興和表兄弟們一起笑,玩耍等。take delight in”表示“以為樂”,故選A。(6)考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我看著我的祖父和叔叔抽煙開玩笑,爭論政治,試圖解決世界難題。A. work 工作;B. s

45、olve解決;C. make使;讓;D. raise養(yǎng)育。根據上文的“argue”以及下文的the problems of the world.可推斷,祖父和叔叔試圖解決世界難題,這是一種詼諧的說法。故選B。(7)考查動詞短語辨析。句意:我聽祖母、媽媽和姑姑們在爐子上攪拌鍋,談論她們的生活、夢想和失望, 以及任何沒有在場的姊妹的閑話。A. show off炫耀;B. show in把領進;C. show up出現;D. showaround 帶領參觀。根據上文第一段的 “when it is often our tradition to gather as familiesv可推斷,家庭聚會上

46、有姐妹未能“出現”,故選C。(8)考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:但是,對于我,食物不是最精彩的部分oA. food食物;B. gift禮物;C. holiday假期;D. feeling 感情。根據上文“The food was always delicious.和下文The highlight was simply being together. ”可推斷,食物雖總是美味的,但是對于作者,最精彩的部分卻是在一起,而 不是“食物” o故選A。(9)考查副詞詞義辨析。句意:然而,現在他們都離開了。A. Therefore因此;B. Eventually最終;C. Meanwhile同時;D. Howe

47、ver然而。前幾段敘述了親人在一起的點滴,卜文“My parents and grandparents, my aunts and uncles have left this world for the next. 說明他們相繼離去。前后文是轉折關系。 故選Do(10)考查名詞詞義辨析。句意:然而記憶繼續(xù)留存,以及我們分享的愛。A. stories故事;B. memories 記憶;C. promises諾言;D. experiences經歷。根據下文“those memories”可知,盡管家人們現在 離開了,但是那些記憶與愛繼續(xù)留存。故選B。(11)考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我珍惜那些記憶和

48、他們教給我的東西。A. treasure珍惜;B. prefer更喜 歡;C. expect期待;D. judge判斷。根據上一段可知,作者對親人離開很不舍,以及下文“They told me that families aren,t12, but they prepare us to find our way in an imperfect world. ”可知,家人教給作者很多東西,因此推斷作者非常珍惜這些回憶和他們教給的東西。故選A。(12)考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:它們告訴我,家人并不完美,但他們讓我們做好了準備在一個不完美的世 界里找到自己的路。A. great偉大的;B. perf

49、ect完美的;C. wonderful極好的;D. thoughtful深 思熟慮的。根據下文 “but they prepare us to find our way in an imperfect world. v 可知,上下 文是轉折關系,因此推斷他們告訴作者家人并不完美。故選B。(13)考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:他們讓我意識到所有的家庭都以自己獨特的方式瘋狂。A. identify識別;B. acknowledge 承認;C. agree 同意;D. realize 意識到。根據上文 “the things they taught me.” 以 及下文“all families are

50、crazy in their own particular ways.可推斷,家人教給作者很多東西, 讓作者意識到所有的家庭都以自己獨特的方式瘋狂。故選Do(14)考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:我希望這個假期能讓你們充滿對養(yǎng)育你們的家庭的美好回憶。A. touch觸摸;B. cover 覆蓋;C. fill 充滿;D. compare 比較。 根據下文 with lovely memories of the family that 第21頁,總25頁如長悉一”堞粗鄙搜濃: O 密O H O 堞O 忘Oraised you”可知,作者希望人們的假期充滿家人的美好回憶。故選C。(15)考查名詞詞義辨析。

51、句意:讓你們周圍都是那些對你們來說意味著“家人”的人。A. happiness幸福; B. love愛;C. family家庭;家人;D. memory記憶。根據第一段首句“What is a family?”可推斷, 文章講述家人的愛,因此推斷此處說的是“家人”。故選C。22. where23. has started24. categories25. be fined26. to instruct27. for28. the29. a30. adequately31.So/Therefore【解析】這是一篇新聞報道。短文報道了自5月1日起,北京開始強制進行垃圾分類,以更好地保護環(huán)境。并介

52、紹了垃圾分類的指導方針,懲罰措施。盡管超過90%的公眾認為垃圾分類對保護環(huán)境很重要。然而,垃 圾分類在中國仍然是一個大問題。還有很長的路要走。(1)考查連接詞。句意:如果三個Rs (減少、再利用和回收)是拯救地球的指導方針,那么垃圾分類就是努力 的起點。分析句子可知,is后接表語從句,根據句意,從句缺少表示地點的連接副詞。故填whereo(2)考查時態(tài)。句意:自5月1日起,北京開始強制進行垃圾分類,以更好地保護環(huán)境。Since+過去時間點, 句子為現在完成時,且主謂為主動關系,主語為Beijing。故填has startedo(3)考查名詞。句意:根據新規(guī)定,居民須將生活垃圾分為四類:廚房垃圾

53、、可回收垃圾、有害垃圾和其他 垃圾。category為可數名詞,且有four修飾。故填categorieso(4)考查語態(tài)。句意:據新華社報道,垃圾分類不正確的人將被處以50元至200元不等的罰款。主語People 與fine為被動關系,且置于can之后。故填be finedo(5)考查動詞不定式。句意:據CGTN報道,網上已經發(fā)布了指導居民節(jié)目更好地處理垃圾的指南。分析句 子可知,空處為動詞不定式作目的狀語。故填to instructo(6)考查介詞。句意:如果人們不知道如何分類垃圾,他們可以在微信賬號Guananchenglishi上搜索o search for “搜索”為固定短語。故填f

54、or。(7)考查冠詞。句意:據生態(tài)環(huán)境部的一份報告顯示,超過90%的公眾認為垃圾分類對保護環(huán)境很重要。空 處表示特指,用定冠詞the。故填the。(8)考查冠詞。句意:然而,垃圾分類在中國仍然是一個大問題。problem為可數名詞,泛指“一個大問題”, 且big首字母發(fā)音為輔音音素。故填a。(9)考查副詞。句意:只有30%的受訪者認為他們對垃圾進行了充分的分類。副詞修飾動詞sorto故填 adequately。(10)考查副詞。句意:因此/所以,還有很長的路要走。分析句意可知,只有30%的受訪者認為他們對垃圾進 行了充分的分類,因此/所以,還有很長的路要走。故空處填副 詞So/Therefor

55、eo故填So/Thereforeo32. Dear Tom,T m excited to tell you that a Chinese Traditional Festivals online club has been set up in my school. Knowing that you re interested in Chinese culture, I m writing to invite you to join it.As we all know, Chinese traditional festivals have a great influence on Chinese people and its history. The club is aimed at developing studen


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