



1、小學一年級英語故事( 五篇)(*)Xu xiake aim at the worldOne day, the ri*er a strange thing happened, alot ofpeople in the sal*age of shishi drowning, but how also can not find. At this time, a man named xu xiake child said, as long as the ri*er and go up, can find the stone lion. Shishi indeed found, e*eryone pra

2、ised the intelligent child. He is grow up to be the great geographer and tra*eller xu xiake.有一天,江邊發(fā)生了一件怪事,很多人在打撈落水的石獅,卻怎么也找不著。這時,一個叫徐霞客的小孩說,只要溯江而上,就能找到石獅。果然石獅找到了,大家都贊譽這個聰穎的小孩。原來他就是長大后成為偉大地理學家、旅行家的徐霞客。(*)Flunking MathMy son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year atBall State Uni*ersity in

3、 Muncie, Ind., called home a few weeks after starting his sophomore year as a psychology student."Mom," he said excitely, "I ha*e found the answer to sur*i*ing college! It isn't the grades that are so important, but the quality of what is learned and how it is applied todaily life

4、. I'm lucky to be ha*ing thesewonderfulexperiences!""And just what does this mean?" I asked."I'm flunking math," he replied.數(shù)學沒及格我兒子是印第安那市曼西爾波州立大學的學生,大學一年級就上了系主任的名單。第二年他學心理學,剛幾個星期他就給家里打了個電話?!皨寢?, ”他激動地說: “我找到了如何在大學里生存下去的答案 ! 重要的不是分數(shù),而是具備將學到的知識應用于日常生活的素質。我很幸運地有了這種奇妙的經歷

5、。”“你到底是什么意思?”我問道?!拔覕?shù)學沒及格?!彼卮鹫f。(*)Do the things you don't likeA farmer and his son, tra*eling by horse and buggy up anarrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. There was no room to pass for two miles in either direction. The motorist, in hurry, honked his horn.'If you don't back up

6、, ” said the farmer, rolling up his slee*es, “ I won't like what I'm going to ha*e to do.” Thesurprised dri*er put his car inre*erse and backed up twomiles, allowing the horse and buggy to go by.'What was it you wouldn't ha*e liked to ha*e done backthere? ” asked the farmer's son

7、.'Back up tw o miles, ” replied the farmer.一位農民和他的兒子坐著馬車來到一條狹窄的小巷,他們看到一個司機正往他們這個方向開來。兩個方向2 英里以內已經沒有空間讓他們擦身而過了。司機焦急地按著喇叭?!凹偃缒悴煌笸?, ”農民擼著袖子說, “我并不喜歡我將要必須去做的事?!彼緳C甚是驚訝,掛了倒擋,退后了 2 英里,讓馬車先 過去了。“剛才你說你并不喜歡做的事是什么啊?”農民的兒子問?!巴撕?2 英里?!鞭r民回答。(*)Buying a hatA lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. As she was *e

8、ry fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. Already atthe end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "An excellent choice, madam. You look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" To his dismay, the lady took off

9、her hatat once and said: "I don't want a hat that makes me look tenyears older as soon as I take it off. Show me some more hats!"買帽子一位婦女到一家帽子店買帽子。她很挑剔,用了很長時間才選好了一頂。已經忍耐到極限的售貨員害怕她再改變主意,便恭維她:"你做了極好的選擇,夫人。 你戴上這頂帽子看上去起碼年輕十歲!" 但令他沮喪的是,這位女士馬上摘下了她的帽子說:"我不想要一頂摘下來便使我立刻顯得老十歲的帽子。多拿

10、一些帽子給我看看!(*)A Wolf in sheep's clothingA wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the*igilant shepherd and his dogs. One day the wolf found the skin of a sheep. He put it on and walked among the sheep. A lamb thought that the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers. So it followed the wolf. Soon after theyhad left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up.For some time he succee


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