



1、四年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Module2-練習(xí)題四年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)Module2 練習(xí)題一、選擇題( ) yong is _ basketball. ( ) m _ to my friend. ( ) flying a kite. ( ) 4 .Tom is playing _a toy train. ( ) _playing football. ( ) like _. A. runing B. running ( ) ling is _ TV at home. ( ) is _friend Xiaowei, he live _No. 2 Park Street. A. me at at at( ) is _

2、 picturesA. looking B. taking ( ) mather is _ her friend.A. listen to B. talking to C. talk to( )11. This is a book _ China. B. of ( ) ara you_ B. do ( ) is _a book. B. read ( ) book is _ China. B. about ( ) likes _.A. swims ( )s _pictures. ( )s _a kite. fly ( ) doing?A. What s C. Where( )18. What _

3、 you doing?A. are B. am ( ) you very you. B. you are welcome . are good.( )m listening _music.A. to ( )21. _is my sister.A. He B. She C. It二情景交際。( )1. “我喜歡打籃球”可以這樣說: like playing basketball. B. I like play basketball.( )2. “她正在看電視”應(yīng)該這樣說: A. She is looking TV. is watching TV.( )3.“她喜歡跑步”用英語可以這樣說: lik

4、e running. B. She likes running.( )4.你告訴別人,“這是我的小弟弟”這樣說: is my small brother. B. This is my little brother.( )5.“埃米正在看書”應(yīng)這樣說:A. Amy is looking a book B. Amy is reading a book( )6.“請(qǐng)看這張圖片”用英語是這樣說的: A. Look at the picture,please. B. Look the picture,please.( )7.詢問“電影院在那里”是這樣說的: me, where is the cinema

5、 am sorry, where is the cinema?( )8.“這是我的朋友毛毛”用英語是這樣說的: is my friend Mao mao.B. These is my friend Mao mao.三將下列單詞變成現(xiàn)在分詞(動(dòng)詞ing形式)raed _ make_ run_swim_ sing_draw_ do_ take_drink_ watch_row_ make_ play_四選擇正確的be(am, is, are)形式填空,將下列短文補(bǔ)充完整。Today is Sunday. Its a nice day. I _ in the park now.There _ man

6、y people in the park. Some boys_playing football. Some girls_flying kites. My father _ fishing and my mather _ reading a book under the tree.My sister_walking in the park.My brother and I _rowing a boat on the lake. We _very happy.五我是小小翻譯家。1. What are you doing?_.2. He is reading a book. _. like playing football._. am listening to music._.六寫出下面單詞的中文意思。 七寫出下列中文的英文。1.現(xiàn)在_2.音樂_3.電影院_4.這些_ _5.對(duì)不起 _6.孩子們 _7迷路_8.火車_9.居住_10.房子_11.和交談_12.緊靠旁邊_13.照相_14.聽音樂_


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