



1、外研社八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè)模塊知點(diǎn)一:模3 的短1. school project學(xué)校 目2. hear the news聽新3. on the news 在新 上4. be far away 遙的5. in the spaceship 在宇宙 船上6. lots of 多7. in order to 了8. the latest news最新的新9. space travel太空旅行10. go online上網(wǎng)11.search for搜12.hundreds of millions of years幾 年3 Jour ney to space 知識(shí)點(diǎn)歸納13. a small part of一

2、小部分14. com muni cate with sb.禾口某人溝通15. It s impossible to do做?事情是不能能的16. write back 回信17. go around18. take photos 拍照19. billions of數(shù)十的20. in the uni verse宇宙21. finish doing sth.完成做某事22. be named after 以?命名知點(diǎn)二:重點(diǎn)解Unit one1. What are you up to 你在做什么 be up to sth. 正在做某事,忙于某事 eg: I have nt see n you th

3、ese are you up to 些天我都沒(méi)有 到你。你在做什么呢 be up to sb. 由某人決定eg: Which one do you want It is up to you.2. n ews n.新;信息eg: The news is at seven.新 目在七點(diǎn)播出。news 是不能數(shù)名,沒(méi)有復(fù)數(shù)形式。若是表示一信息用a piece of newseg: I have a piece of news to tell you.我有一信息告 你。辨析 news, message 禾口 information(1) news 不能數(shù)名,平時(shí)指通、廣播等新媒體向大眾布的社會(huì)各方面的

4、信息。eg:He had to break the n ews to her.他不得不向她表露信息。(2) message,可數(shù)名,平時(shí)指口 或?qū)懙摹耙粜拧?。eg:He often sends me short messages.他常我 送短信息。(3) information不能數(shù)名,平時(shí)指通察、學(xué)、和交獲取的料、信息等。eg:The book contains much new in formati on.本 有很多的新信息。3. arrive v.抵達(dá);抵達(dá)你想要哪一個(gè)你決定吧eg: They arrived at the school before the bell rang.在 響以

5、前他抵達(dá)了學(xué)校。辨析 reach, arrive禾口 get(1) arrive 不及物,后接 要加介in(大地點(diǎn))或 at(小地點(diǎn))。eg:I arrived in Beiji ng last ni ght.我昨天夜晚抵達(dá)了北京。reach及物,后邊能夠直接加。eg:Finally we reached the top of the mountain.最我 抵達(dá)了山。(3)get 作“抵達(dá)”,后要加介to。eg:When did you get to the park你什么 候到公園的注意:當(dāng)arrive, get后接表示地點(diǎn)的副,女口here, there, home等,不用介,即yet

6、常用在在完成的否定句(,尚)和疑句(已)中,還沒(méi)有生的事情eg: We have nt got any further in formati on yet.adj. & adv. 更eg:Three miles is farther than英里比 2 英里。辨析 farther 與 further1) farther,farther 表示距離或 上“更(的廠;可用于比句子中,與 than 用。eg:I cant go any farther.我再也走不 了。2) further,further 能夠表示距離或 上“更(的廠,能夠表示抽象意 的“更多的, 更一步的”,而 farther

7、不能夠 用。eg:I have nothing further to say.我沒(méi)有更多要 的了。Unit two1. however conj .可是表示折用于及一個(gè)既成事,表示折,其意“可是” “依舊”等等。可放在句首、句中或句末,平時(shí)用逗號(hào)與句子其他成分分開。.:My father, however, did not agree.可是, 我父不同樣意?!盁o(wú)如何”“屁怎”,用來(lái)修形容或副,其序however + 形容或副=no matter how + 形容 或畐 H ) + 主 + .:Phone mewhen you arrive, however late it is.你抵達(dá)此后就

8、我打,不多么晚也大地點(diǎn)小地點(diǎn)其他副arriv e+in+atarrive here, arrive there, arrive homereachreach + 地點(diǎn)reach here, reach there, reach homegetget to+地點(diǎn)get here, get there, get homearrive/get+地點(diǎn)畐 H。adv.,尚我沒(méi)有收到她的來(lái)信eg: I have nt heard from her yet.辨析 yet 禾口 already我 沒(méi)有獲取一步的信息already 常用在 在完成 的必定句中, 的“驚詫;不測(cè)”。eg: I have alrea

9、dy seen the film.Have you had breakfast already已生的事情。用在疑句中,表達(dá)人 我已看那部影了。道你已吃早了要打。2. none pron .沒(méi)有一人;沒(méi)有一個(gè);一點(diǎn)兒也沒(méi)有egs there any more sugar有糖No, none at all.不,一點(diǎn)兒也沒(méi)有了。none 既可指人,也可指物,是不定代,指“三者或三者以上都不,與 g: all互反。How many birds are there in the tree上有幾個(gè)None.只也沒(méi)有。none of. “沒(méi)有一個(gè)?,都不??ne of 短作主,若是代替可數(shù)名, 可用數(shù)也可用

10、復(fù)數(shù);若 是代替不能數(shù)名,只能用 數(shù)形式。eg: None of the money is hers.沒(méi)有一點(diǎn)是她的。None of my friends is/are here.我的朋友 都不在 里。辨析 none 禾口 no onenone 用于指人或物,可獨(dú)使用,也可與 of 用,常用于回答 how many 或 how much 引的句。eg:How many birds can you see there你在那 處 能看到多少只None. 一只也看不到。no one, “沒(méi)有人”,相當(dāng)于 obody,只用于指人,不能夠夠與 of 用,作主 只能用 數(shù)形式,常用于 回答 who引 的

11、句。eg:Who is in the library在No one. 沒(méi)有人。3. billionnum. 十eg:There are billions of trees in the country.個(gè)國(guó)家有數(shù)十 棵。當(dāng)表示 詳盡數(shù)目 , billion 后不加 - s;當(dāng)表示不確定的數(shù)目 , billion 后加 - s ,且后邊跟 of 。 注意:似用法的 有:hundred, thousand, million等。eg:billion people十三 人;thousands of houses數(shù)以千 的房子adv. 充足地;足 地eg:She was lucky enough to

12、catch the last bus.她能追上末班 很好運(yùn)。enough 作副 ,修 形容 或副 放在被修 后邊。eg:He is not old enough to join the army.他年 尚小,不能夠參 。enough 作限制 ,修名 可放在被修 以前或此后,但放在名 前面更常 。eg:We have enough time to finish the work.=We have time eno ugh to fin ish the work.我 有充足的 完成 工作?!?not+ adj. + enough + to do sth. ”常和fboto”和口 Sothat+否定

13、形式的從句 ”互。eg :他年尚小,不能夠開。He is not old enough to drive a car.= He is too young to drive a car.= He is so young that he cant drive a car.v. 溝通 ; 溝通 ;eg: We should communicate our policy to the local people.我 把我 的政策 當(dāng)?shù)厝嗣?。communicate with sb. “與某人溝通”。eg: They use their own language to communicate with ea

14、ch other.他 用他自己的 言互相溝通。communicate sb. “向某人 某物”。eg: Kate often communicates messages to her friends.特 常 她的朋友 達(dá)信息。Unit threeas.as和?一eg: She is as tall as her sister.她和她的姐姐一 高。as.as中 用形容 或副 的原 。其否定構(gòu) :not as/so.asegMike can speak Chinese as well as Li Ming.Jack doesnt run as/so fast as Nick.杰克沒(méi)有尼克跑得快。a

15、s.as可用在某些固定 構(gòu)中:意 “不asas possible/ aslong asas far asas soon as知點(diǎn)三:法:在完成與一般去的區(qū)在完成般去看法表示在以前某個(gè)已生的行活 曾做的事情目前的影響般去也表小去?;?qū)掖紊?作r 構(gòu)have / has donedid狀yet, rece ntly,already, so far,by now,just, for +一段,since+點(diǎn)ago, yesterday,last week, justnow,long long ago, once upon a time, the day beforeyesterday例句The scientists have not heard it yet.I have already read the book twice.She has just heard the n ews.Mike has nt come yet.We had a football match last week.1牢在完成的狀2瞬的完成不能夠接一段3when 不能夠與在完成 用4區(qū)分 have/ has been (to) 去沒(méi)去have / has gone (to)去了


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