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1、The infinitive動(dòng)詞不定式動(dòng)詞不定式 to do not to doby JanelleDo you remember the five basic sentence structure?主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)+系系+表語(yǔ)表語(yǔ) SVCOur aim was to win more medals.主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)+謂語(yǔ)謂語(yǔ) SVThe train leaves at 6am.主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)+謂語(yǔ)謂語(yǔ)+賓語(yǔ)賓語(yǔ) SVOI recited an article yesterday.主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)+謂語(yǔ)謂語(yǔ)+間接賓語(yǔ)間接賓語(yǔ)+直接賓語(yǔ)直接賓語(yǔ) SVoOHe lent me a novel last month.主語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)+謂

2、語(yǔ)謂語(yǔ)+賓語(yǔ)賓語(yǔ)+賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ) SVOCThey set the thief free.這五種句型里的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞都是限定動(dòng)詞Finite Verb限定動(dòng)詞是受主語(yǔ)的人稱和數(shù)限制的動(dòng)詞反之,不受主語(yǔ)的人稱和數(shù)限制的動(dòng)詞就叫做非限定動(dòng)詞,有這三類: 1. 不定式 Infinitive 2. 動(dòng)名詞 Gerund 3. 分詞 Participle 不定式的基本形式和否定形式。 不定式的時(shí)態(tài)和語(yǔ)態(tài)。 不定式的基本用法。 不帶to的不定式。bare infinitive 獨(dú)立不定式不定式的基本形式是由不定式的基本形式是由“to + do”構(gòu)成,其否定形式是構(gòu)成,其否定形式是not to do. 他

3、們勸我要戒煙。 They persuade me to give up smoking. 這個(gè)公司承諾會(huì)捐100萬(wàn)給需要幫助的人。 This company promises to donate 1 million to the needy. 我警告他們不要再來(lái)打擾我們。 I warned them not to disturb us. 我決定不再相信他的話。 I decide not to believe his words again.不定詞本身可以有不同的時(shí)態(tài)和語(yǔ)態(tài)?,F(xiàn)以 do 為例 不定式一般時(shí)態(tài)所表示的動(dòng)作變化與謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作不定式一般時(shí)態(tài)所表示的動(dòng)作變化與謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作

4、變化變化可以同時(shí)可以同時(shí)發(fā)生,或者在謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作變化發(fā)生,或者在謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作變化之后發(fā)之后發(fā)生生。 不定詞完成時(shí)態(tài)所表示的動(dòng)作變化在謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作不定詞完成時(shí)態(tài)所表示的動(dòng)作變化在謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作變化變化之前發(fā)生之前發(fā)生。 他似乎病了。 He seems to be sick. 我很抱歉讓您久等了。 I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 他們似乎正在談什么要事。 They seem to be talking about something important.如果不定式的邏輯主語(yǔ)是不定式所表示的動(dòng)如果不定式的邏輯主語(yǔ)是不定式所表示的

5、動(dòng)作的承受者,不定式要用作的承受者,不定式要用被動(dòng)形式被動(dòng)形式. 我很榮幸被選為負(fù)責(zé)人。 I am honored to be elected as the person in charge. 我很高興受到認(rèn)可。 I am delighted to be recognized.作主語(yǔ)作主語(yǔ) to do to do 作主語(yǔ),常放句尾,用作主語(yǔ),常放句尾,用it it作形式主語(yǔ)作形式主語(yǔ) 1. It be adj. /n. to do sth. Its good to see you. To study English is very easy if you adopt effective met

6、hods.2. It takes sb. some time to do sth.It takes me half an hour to choose an outfit.Its my responsible to support my family.3.若形容詞側(cè)重于評(píng)價(jià)人物的特性、特征,則構(gòu)成不定式符合結(jié)構(gòu)的介詞應(yīng)為ofIt be adj. /n. of sb. to do sth. kind, nice, foolish, silly, stupid, rude, cruel, wise, clever, selfish, crazy, careful, careless, impoli

7、te, right, wrong 你人真好都幫我。 It is very kind of you to help me. 你放棄了那個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)實(shí)在是太蠢了。 It is foolish of you to give up that opportunity.Exercises1. 學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)非常有趣。學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)非常有趣。2. 種些植物是非常有必要的。種些植物是非常有必要的。3. 說英語(yǔ)對(duì)我來(lái)說并不容易。說英語(yǔ)對(duì)我來(lái)說并不容易。聽到你的聲音真高興。聽到你的聲音真高興。To learn English is a lot of fun.It is a lot of fun to learn English.T

8、o grow plants is very necessary.To hear your voice is so nice.To speak English is not easy for me.It is so nice to hear your voice.It is necessay to grow some plants.It is not easy for me to speak English.作表語(yǔ)作表語(yǔ)To see is to believe.他的愿望是成為一名醫(yī)生。His wish is to be a doctor.他的目標(biāo)是三個(gè)月內(nèi)得到晉升。His aim is to g

9、et promoted in three months.Exercises我的工作是每天收發(fā)郵件。我的工作是每天收發(fā)郵件。上上策就是馬上離開這兒。上上策就是馬上離開這兒。3 我的夢(mèng)想就是成為總統(tǒng)。我的夢(mèng)想就是成為總統(tǒng)。My work is to receive and send emails every day.The best plan is to leave at once.My dream is to be president.作賓語(yǔ)作賓語(yǔ) (v. + to do )I want to buy a computer.She hopes to find a better job.I wis

10、h to go with you.口訣口訣 決心學(xué)會(huì)想希望,拒絕設(shè)法愿假裝; 主動(dòng)答應(yīng)選計(jì)劃,同意請(qǐng)求幫一幫。 decide/ determine, learn, want, expert/hope/wish refuse, manage, care, pretend volunteer, promise, choose, plan, order, agree, ask/beg, helpExercises他想借用我的公交月卡。他想借用我的公交月卡。他們開始讀和寫。他們開始讀和寫。她喜歡做什么運(yùn)動(dòng)?她喜歡打網(wǎng)球。她喜歡做什么運(yùn)動(dòng)?她喜歡打網(wǎng)球。你退休了想做什么?你退休了想做什么?He want

11、s to borrow my bus pass.They began to read and write.What sports does she like to play? She likes to play tennis.What do you want to do when you retire?作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ):(v. + sb. + to do )She asked me to help her.The teacher told him to come on time.My mother taught me to read and write. allow, ask, adv

12、ise, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, would like, order, permit, persuade, teach, tell, want, warn, wish+sb. to do sth.她叫我說話再大點(diǎn)聲。她叫我說話再大點(diǎn)聲。我警告他不要哭。我警告他不要哭。我媽媽叫我由衷地祝福每個(gè)人。我媽媽叫我由衷地祝福每個(gè)人。他讓我再做一次。他讓我再做一次。She asked me to speak louder.I warned him not to cry.My mother told me to give my best wishes t

13、o everybody.He let me do it again.作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)不帶作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)不帶to 的情況:的情況:Let me do it.I saw him cross the street.常見動(dòng)詞有: 使役動(dòng)詞: let, make, have 感官動(dòng)詞: see, watch, hear, feel, listen to注:被動(dòng)時(shí)to要還原。She was seen to enter the room last night.比較: I heard her singing in the next room. (正在唱) I heard her sing in the next r

14、oom. (聽完全過程)作狀語(yǔ)作狀語(yǔ) (adverbial):表示目的、原因、結(jié)果表示目的、原因、結(jié)果He came to show me his new CD player.I went there to see my teacher. She came back to get her English book.The boy was too frightened to move.(目的目的)(目的目的)(目的目的)(結(jié)果結(jié)果)I am glad to see you.(原因)(原因)Im sorry to trouble you.(原因)(原因)目的狀語(yǔ)還可以用目的狀語(yǔ)還可以用 in or

15、der to 或或 so as to來(lái)表示。來(lái)表示。 為了賺更多的錢,他工作很努力。 In order to make more money, he worked very hard. 為了不遲到,我們跑了一路。 We ran all the way so as not to be late. 作定語(yǔ)作定語(yǔ) 作定語(yǔ)的不定式如果是作定語(yǔ)的不定式如果是不及物動(dòng)詞不及物動(dòng)詞,不定式后面須,不定式后面須有相應(yīng)的有相應(yīng)的介詞介詞。你有什么要說的嗎?Have you get anything to say?他正在找房住嗎?Is looking for a room to live in?沒什么好擔(dān)心的。T

16、here is nothing to worry about. 用作定語(yǔ)用作定語(yǔ)1. 給我點(diǎn)東西喝。Give me something to drink.3. 我沒有可以拿來(lái)寫得筆。I dont have a pen to write with.2. 請(qǐng)給我一把刀來(lái)切它。Please give me a knife to cut with.4. 他買了臺(tái)筆記本玩。He bought a laptop to play with.他是一個(gè)值得信賴的人。6 愛迪生是第一個(gè)發(fā)明電燈的人。7 他那生病母親最多可活三個(gè)月。He is a man to believe in.Edison was the f

17、irst man to invent the lights.His sick mother has three months to live at most.7.疑問詞疑問詞who, what, which, where, when, how加加to do可構(gòu)成不定式短語(yǔ),在句中可用作主語(yǔ)、可構(gòu)成不定式短語(yǔ),在句中可用作主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)、表語(yǔ)等。賓語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)、表語(yǔ)等。還沒決定什么時(shí)候開始。When to start has not been decided.(主語(yǔ))我不知道該做什么。I dont know what to do.(賓語(yǔ))他會(huì)告訴你去哪拿這本書。He can tell

18、you where to get the book.(賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ))問題是要問誰(shuí)。The question is whom to ask.(表語(yǔ))動(dòng)詞不定式省略動(dòng)詞不定式省略to 的情況歸納的情況歸納1 當(dāng)動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)時(shí),如動(dòng)詞是當(dāng)動(dòng)詞不定式作賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)時(shí),如動(dòng)詞是 make, let , have 或或 look at , see, watch, observe, hear, listen to, feel 等,不定式不帶等,不定式不帶to.*2. 在下列結(jié)構(gòu)后在下列結(jié)構(gòu)后 had better, would rather, would ratherthan, cannot but(不得不)(不得不), cant help but(不禁不禁),might as well(不(不妨)妨) 等等*3. why not 表建議表建議 Why not call her and apologize?*4. 在介詞在介詞 but , except 之后,如果其前有實(shí)義動(dòng)詞之后,如果其前有實(shí)義動(dòng)詞do 的某種形的某種形式,不定式不帶式,不定式不帶to, 反之須帶反之須帶to .(前有(前有do后無(wú)后無(wú)to,vice versa) He knows nothing except to cry. I have nothing to do but lie


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