



1、學習必備歡迎下載初一英語閱讀理解復習課上海牛津版【本講教育信息】教學內容: 復習課 閱讀理解做閱讀理解有哪些不可缺少的步驟?(一)如果文章較短,可以先瀏覽文章,再讀后面所設問題;如若文章較長,可先讀所設問 題,然后再回過頭來閱讀文章。(二)讀文章時,要掌握其大意并重視短文中開頭和結尾的段落或句子的含義。因為它們往往是文章中心的概括和總結。同時還要注意事情的起因、過程、結果及發(fā)生的時間、地點等 細節(jié)性的問題。(三)復讀文章,核對答案。閱讀中的題目通常分為這幾類:1、信息題。這類題往往比較簡單,可以在文章中直接找到答案。2、解釋題。這類題要求對文中的個別詞、詞組或句子作出解釋。3、概括題。這類題是

2、對一段或者整篇內容的總結。4、推理題。這類題須對文章進行分析后得出答案。I.An swer true or false.A.One day a den tist was start ing his morning work. Sudde nly a man ran into his room. His facewas red and he could only say Quick! Quick!The den tist thought he must be very ill. His assista nt helped make the poor man sit in a chair.The

3、dentist gave the man some medicine to make him sleep. Then, he looked into the manmouth andpulled out the bad teeth. As soon as the man woke up, he said, Quick, doctor, quick, in a low voice.It sail right now, the den tist told him. Itover.You don t dersta nd,said the man. I came to tellyou that you

4、r house is on fire.1. The den tist was start ing his evening work.2. The man had a toothache, so he came to the den tist.3. The den tist pulled out all the man s teeth.4. The man woke up and still said, Quick!5. The man came to tell the den tist his house was falli ng.6. The office building which th

5、e dentist worked in was on fire.B.When Kate was 18 years old, her mother gave her a beautiful ring as a birthday prese nt. Katewas very happy. A week later when she was working in the kitchen, she lost the ring. She lookedeverywhere in the kitche n but could not find it. Kate became very sad. She ev

6、en cried.One evening at supper time, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes.They are very good cakes! Who made them?asked Peter.學習必備歡迎下載made them,Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes she made. She was veryfond of cook ing.Oh! Whatthis?Peter suddenly stopped eating and spit som

7、ething out.Kate was excited. Oh, my ring!she cried. She took it to the kitchen, washed it and then cameback. She tha nked her brother.msorry you got such a surprise,she said, but thank you very much for finding my ring, Peter. Illmake some more delicious cakes for you tomorrow.1. Kate got a ring as

8、her 18 birthday prese nt.2. The ring was lost outside the kitche n.3. Kate was good at making cakes.4. The ring was found by her brother in one of the cakes she had made.5. Kate didnt like the ring very much.II. Choose the best an swer.A.During the day we work and play. At ni ght we sleep. Our bodie

9、s rest while we sleep. In themorning we are ready to work and play again. Our bodies grow most while we are asleep. Childrenusually need more sleep than adults. They can leann their lessons better after they have had ple nty ofrest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old n eed ten hours of s

10、leep every ni ght. Our bodies need ple nty of air whe n we sleep. If we do not get eno ugh fresh air, we will feel tired whe n we wake up.While in bed we must not cover our heads. Our lungs(肺)n eed to get eno ugh fresh air. If we keepour win dows ope n at ni ght, we can have ple nty of fresh air int

11、heroom.1. Our bodies grow most while we are_.A. eati ngB. play ingC. sleep ingD. exercis ing2. Too little sleep makes us_.A. tiredB. hungryC. happyD. grow3. What may cause us to feel tired in the morning?A. Too much air.B. Not eno ugh fresh air.C. Too much cold air.D. Too much sleep.4. How many hour

12、s of sleep should 9-year-old childre n have every ni ght?A. Eight hours.B. Nine hours.C. Ten hours.D. Eleve n hours5. What do our lungs n eed most?A. Fresh air.B. Cold air.C. Warm air.D. Exercises.B.A scienee book gives facts. Some scienee books tell us about animals. Some tell us about pla nts.Some

13、 tell us about outer space. This page tells us about ani mals.Do you know that not only the fish but also some animals live in the sea? For example, the whaleis not a fish. It canbreathe in the water. It swims in the water. But it comes up for air.The blue whale is the worldbiggest ani mal. There ar

14、e other sea an imals, too. One is called thedolph in. Dolphi ns n eed air to live. They breathe air, as whales do. Dolphi ns are very clever. They學習必備歡迎下載sometimes seem to speak to each other.Many other animals live near the sea. Seals(海豹)and otters(水獺)love the sea. They swimand play there. They eat

15、 fish and sea pla nts. Seals and otters have thick fur. The fur keeps them warm.1. The passage mainly tells us about_ .A. fishesB. pla ntsC. scie neeD. seaani mals2. The blue whales live in the sea. They breathe air as_do.A. dolph insB.fishC. crocodilesD. seapla nts3. Which of the se nte nces below

16、is NOT true?A. The whale can swim in the sea like a fish.B. The whale can breathe in the sea like a fish.C. Both whales and dolph ins are sea ani mals.D. Seals and otters like living near the sea.4. What food do seals and otters like eating?A. Meat.B. Fruits.C. Both fish and sea pla nts. D. Leaves.5

17、. Some sea ani mals can keep themselves warm because_ .A. they are big ani malsB. they like playi ng in the seaB. they have thick furD. they eat eno ugh food every day【模擬試題】(答題時間:30分鐘)*1. An swer True or FalseA.People love parrots for their beautiful and bright colours. They are clever birds. They c

18、an learn totalk. They are able to tell if objects are the sameor different.There are more than 300 differe nt kindsof parrots.Like other birds, parrots are animals in the wild. They like flying and they like trees. When peoplebuy them from pet shops, parrots have to live in cages. They feel bad ther

19、e. So if you keep parrots, youbetter give them a big cage. Remember to feed your parrots with good food and give them fresh waterto drink. You can feed them with cooked rice and fruits.Many people think parrots are lovely birds. That is why so many people keep parrots at home andtalk with them all t

20、he time and make friends with them.1. People love parrots because they are clever birds with beautiful and bright colours.2. There are 300 differe nt kinds of parrots.3. Parrots are wild birds, too.4. Parrots feel bad in cages.5. People feed parrots with meat.6. Parrots prefer to live with people.B.

21、My parents give me $10 a week but that doesn govery far these days, so I have to do a Saturdayjob. I work in a supermarket and I get $3 an hour. I work eight hours on Saturdays and sometimes Ieven work on Friday evenings as well. So I usually have about $35 to spend every學習必備歡迎下載week. I spend about

22、$5 a week on drinks, such as Coke and orange juice. I usually go to the cinemaonce a week, so thats another $4 or $5. I usually buy a few magazines and a few newspapers everyweek, so thatabout another $5. I like music, so I often buy a record- which costs about $7 at themoment. I ve also got a compu

23、ter and I sometimes buy a computer game and it costs about $6 each. Ialways try to save someth ing each week- usually betwee n $5 and $10.1.1 have to do a Saturday job because I have n te no ugh mon ey.2. If I want to see a film once a week, I have to pay $4 or $5.3. I have to work at Saturday and S

24、un day.4. Usually I spend $35 a week.5. Every week I spe nd all of my mon ey.*II. Choose the best an swer.A.To save time, many America ns buy foods which can be quickly made ready for the table. Onholidays, families enjoy delicious meals. For example, on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday inNovem

25、ber, family members get together for a turkey dinner with pumpk in pie(南瓜派)The United States is known around the world for its fast food, such as hamburgers, sandwiches,pizzas, salad bars, and many kinds of ice cream. People can easily find fast food chains(連鎖店),such as McDonald s and KFC, in most o

26、f the big cities in the world.These years, many people have take n more and more care of their health while eati ng. Theycome to know eati ng too much meat will make them overweight. Many of them are also worried aboutfood addictives(添加劑).Some of them may be harmful to the body.1. Many America ns bu

27、y_ to save time.4. What does the word overweightmean? It means_A. thinnerB. fatterC. worseD. better5. People are worried about_ . Which is not true?B.On Saturdays, most people are busy_for their homes. Some of them go to the stores,some go to the supermarkets. But in America, most shoppers enjoy sho

28、pping in the shopping malls.A mall is a group of many shops. There you can buy clothes, furn iture, and everyth ing you need.Shopping malls provide parking for your cars. Usually, the mall is under one roof so the shoppers do notget cold or wet from rain, wind, or snow.After shopping, you may get tired. You can walk into the sitting-rooms for a short rest. If you cango into the dining rooms in the malls, the n you can have a good meal. Now more and moreAmerica ns like to go shopp ing there.A. ready-made foodC. in expe nsive food2. Than ksgivi ng Day is on_ .A.


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