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1、 Words learning 1、rare adj 稀有的,珍貴的稀有的,珍貴的 rarely adv 很少地,罕見地很少地,罕見地 a rare disease a rare animalRarely did such things happen in our school.這類事情很少發(fā)生在我們學校。這類事情很少發(fā)生在我們學校。Rarely 等等否定副詞否定副詞放在句首時,主句要部分倒裝。放在句首時,主句要部分倒裝。否定副詞還有:否定副詞還有:hardly,never, scarcely, seldom等。等。Only +狀語狀語,主句也要部分倒裝。,主句也要部分倒裝。 罕見的疾病罕見的

2、疾病稀有動物稀有動物You can learn English well in this way.Only in this way can you learn English well.I had not seen a more lovely kid until I saw him. Not until I see him_.Our class leaders seldom come to school late. Seldom do our class leader come to school late.I had hardly reached the station when the t

3、rain started.Hardly had I reached the station when the train started. Hardly when 一一 就就 2、select v 挑選挑選 selection n 挑選挑選,選拔選拔 select sb as 選某人作為選某人作為 selectfrom 從從中選出中選出/挑選挑選 select sb to do sth 選某人做某事選某人做某事 We selected Zou yifei _ monitor. bodyguard; subject representative They selected the winner

4、_ the 6 finalists.Finalist 決賽選手決賽選手fromas 3、survive vi.幸免;生還;幸存幸免;生還;幸存 vt. 從從而幸存;比而幸存;比活的時間長活的時間長 survival n 幸存幸存 survivor n 幸存者幸存者常用結構:常用結構:survive sth 幸免于;從幸免于;從中挺過來中挺過來 .survive sb. by +時間時間: 比比活得長活得長survive on sth. 靠靠生存(意思等同生存(意思等同live on sth.)survive from sth 流傳下來流傳下來She survived her husband _

5、ten years.她丈夫去世后她又活了她丈夫去世后她又活了10年。年。The old couple survived the war .那對老夫婦從戰(zhàn)爭中幸存下來。那對老夫婦從戰(zhàn)爭中幸存下來。In this terrible accident, there were no survivors.在這起可怕的事故中,無一幸存者。在這起可怕的事故中,無一幸存者。Many customs have survived from earlier times.許多風俗習慣源遠流長。許多風俗習慣源遠流長。by【速記名片速記名片】一石四鳥之句一石四鳥之句He was the only survivor tha

6、t survived the accident. Besides, he even survived his son.他不僅在那場事故中幸免于難。而且甚至他不僅在那場事故中幸免于難。而且甚至比他的兒子活的時間還長。比他的兒子活的時間還長。 4、belong to:屬于:屬于 (屬于屬于.的財產(chǎn);是的財產(chǎn);是的一員的一員)belongings n.財產(chǎn)財產(chǎn),所有物所有物;動產(chǎn)動產(chǎn)The bicycle belongs to Amy. 這輛自行車是艾米的。This lid belongs to this bottle. 這是這個瓶子的蓋子。What political party does he

7、belong to? 他是屬于哪個政治黨派的?【聯(lián)想拓展聯(lián)想拓展】belong vi.屬于屬于;應在應在(某處某處);適應適應 She lost all her belongings in the earthquake. 她在地震中失去了所有的財產(chǎn)。她在地震中失去了所有的財產(chǎn)。 這幢公寓現(xiàn)在屬于我。這幢公寓現(xiàn)在屬于我。 a. This apartment belongs to me. ( ) b. This apartment is belonged to me. (false) c. This apartment is belonging to me. (false)right5、desig

8、n n. 設計;圖案;構思設計;圖案;構思 vt. 設計;計劃;構思設計;計劃;構思I like the design of that blanket. 我喜歡那塊地毯的圖案。He designed us a beautiful house. 他為我們設計了一所很美的房子。This dress is of the latest design. 這件衣服是最新設計。用法點撥用法點撥: design作為名詞作為名詞,如果表達如果表達“設計設計”時一時一般用作不可數(shù)名詞般用作不可數(shù)名詞,如果表達如果表達“設計式樣設計式樣”時一般用時一般用作可數(shù)名詞作可數(shù)名詞;作及物動詞時作及物動詞時,后面直接跟賓語

9、。后面直接跟賓語。常用結構:常用結構:by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地有意地,故意地By accident=by chance 意外地意外地be designed to do sth be designed for sth 目的是做目的是做The red mini skirts are designed _lovely girls.The experiment is designed _ test the new drug.The book is designed _ the beginners.fortofor3. remain vi. 留下;剩余;殘存留下;剩余;殘

10、存 link-v. 保持;依然;仍然;繼續(xù)保持;依然;仍然;繼續(xù)I went to the city, but my brother remained at home.我去了城市,可弟弟留在了家里。How many weeks will you remain/stay here?你將在此停留幾個星期?Hes determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way.他決心不管發(fā)生什么事都忠于球隊。Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.彼得當了法官,但約翰仍然是個漁民

11、。 4、常用結構:常用結構:survive sth 幸免于;從幸免于;從中挺過來中挺過來 .survive sb. by +時間時間: 比比活得長活得長survive on sth. 靠靠生存(意思等同生存(意思等同live on sth.)survive from sth 流傳下來流傳下來4. look into向里面看;研究;調(diào)查向里面看;研究;調(diào)查He looked into my eyes to make sure I was telling the truth.他看著我的眼睛,以確定我是否在講實話。It is your job to look into any reports of

12、cultural relics that have been found in China.你的工作是研究所有在中國發(fā)現(xiàn)的文化遺產(chǎn)的報告The committee is looking into the cause of the accident.委員會正在調(diào)查事故的原因。look out當心;提防;look through瀏覽;通過看look for尋找look after照看;look down on/upon輕視;look on旁觀look at 瞧;看look like 看起來像look round環(huán)顧四周look sb. up and down上下仔細打量某人look forward

13、 to doing sth.期盼做某事拓展延伸拓展延伸6.in search of 尋找;搜尋尋找;搜尋They looked through the book in search of a useful reading passage.他們在書中瀏覽,尋找一篇有用的閱讀材料。The detective in search of a murder was missing last night.尋找殺人犯的偵探昨晚失蹤了?!局R小結知識小結】in search of相當于in the/ones search for,是介詞短語,意為“尋找”,在句中作狀語、定語、表語、賓語補足語等。【辨異】 se

14、arch,searchfor, in search of search作動詞時,意思是“在搜查”或“搜身”。是個及物動詞,后面直接跟“被搜的對象”。如: Mr. Smith searched every room in the house 史密斯先生搜查了屋子的每一個房間。 The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun警察對該囚犯搜身,看他身邊是否有槍。 如果表示搜查某一對象的目的是要找什么時,要用search for,強調(diào)有具體的目標。如: She searched shop after shop for Jims prese

15、nt 她為了給吉姆買禮物,找遍了所有的商店。 當沒有“被搜的對象”只有“尋找的目標”時,則要用search for短語。 如: All night they searched for Marget通宵他們到處尋找馬吉特。 in search of是個固定習語,of后面的名詞一定是“尋找的目標”。如: I looked everywhere in search of my glass我到處尋找我的眼鏡。 8.fancy adj.奇特的奇特的;異樣的異樣的;vt.想象想象;設想設想;愛好愛好 n.想像力,幻想,愛好想像力,幻想,愛好My grandfather has a fancy for ch

16、ess.我爺爺好下象棋。Ive suddenly taken a fancy to detective stories.我突然喜歡上了偵探小說。My sister likes to collect fancy clothes.我姐姐喜歡搜集奇裝異服。I used to fancy what I would look like wearing a long snow-like dress.過去我常常想像自己穿著雪白長裙的模樣?!鞠嚓P鏈接】【相關鏈接】 have a fancy for迷戀;愛好迷戀;愛好 catch/take sbs fancy吸引某人吸引某人 take a fancy to.

17、喜歡上喜歡上 fancy sth 想要什么想要什么 fancy doing sth 想要做某事想要做某事 fancy oneself (to be / as)自以為是)自以為是 fancy sb.to be/as 想象想象/認為某人會成為認為某人會成為9、style n.風格;風度;類型eg. He bought a painting in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.他買了一幅具有梵高風格的畫in style / in the style of 以的風格architectural style建筑風格style of writing文風 writing styl

18、e 書寫風格work style工作作風 artistic style 藝術風格life style 生活方式 hair style 發(fā)型 10、jewel和和jewelery的辨析的辨析 jewel有兩個意思是,一是表示“寶石”,為可數(shù)名詞,用作主語時,其后謂語動詞的數(shù)由jewel的數(shù)決定(即jewel為單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù);jewel為復數(shù),謂語動詞用復數(shù));二是表示“(鑲有寶石的)首飾”,此時通常用復數(shù)形式,此時若用作主語,謂語動詞通常用復數(shù)如:A jewel has fell off her ring. 他的戒指掉了一顆寶石The jewels were her personal pr

19、operty. 這些首飾是她的私人財產(chǎn)。2. jewellery(也可寫成jewlry)用于表示“珠寶”“首飾”的總稱,為不可數(shù)名詞,只表示單數(shù)意義;若用作主語,謂語動詞通常用單數(shù)。如:All her jewellery was in pawn. 她所有的珠寶首飾都典當了。Her sparkling jewellery serves as the perfect foil for her fine complexion. 她戴著閃閃生輝的首飾,更顯得容貌姣好。 11、in return 回報, 作為報酬eg. He gave Molly a beautiful dress in return.

20、 他給了莫莉一件漂亮的連衣裙作為回報 I bought Justin some books in return for his assistance.我給奧斯丁買了一些書作為他對我?guī)椭幕貓笤~組拓展詞組拓展in return for為作為回報without return 無賺頭;無利潤by return (接信后)立即回復return sb. sth. (return sth. to sb.) 將某物歸還某人return to some place/life 回到某地/復活12、reception n. 接待,招待會,接收a reception room/ hall (接待室、廳)recept

21、ion desk (旅館等的)接待處;柜臺Our school gave a warm reception to the new headmaster.學校對新的校長表示熱烈的歡迎The reception of TV programs is unsatisfactory here. 這里的電視節(jié)目接受不太好。13、light vi. vt. 照亮,點亮過去式,過去分詞可用lit, lighted, 當過去作定語修分詞飾名詞時,只能用lighted一支點燃的蠟燭a lighted candle ( )a lit candle ( )14、wonder n.C 奇跡;奇觀;奇跡;奇觀;U驚奇;驚

22、訝驚奇;驚訝 v. 想知道;對想知道;對感到驚奇感到驚奇I wonder at her rudeness.我對她的粗魯感到驚訝。The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world.長城是世界七大奇跡之一。No wonder he is not hungry, he has been eating sweets all day.難怪他不餓,他整天在吃糖果。知識小結知識小結】wonder做動詞時,后接帶疑問詞的不定式、介詞賓語(at, about)或賓語從句。It is a wonder that. 難得,奇怪的是(Its) no/lit

23、tle/small wonder that. 難怪wonder if 不知道;想知道是否 wonder about 對感到奇怪;對感到疑惑 wonder at 對感到吃驚 wonder of the world 世界奇跡;世界奇觀 natural wonder 自然景觀 small wonder 不足為奇;不值得驚奇 wonder drug 奇藥,特效藥;千年靈芝 用法點撥:用法點撥: wonder作作“奇跡;奇觀奇跡;奇觀”講時為可數(shù)講時為可數(shù)名詞,作名詞,作“驚奇驚奇,驚嘆驚嘆”講時為不可數(shù)名詞。講時為不可數(shù)名詞。15、be at war處于戰(zhàn)爭或交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)處于戰(zhàn)爭或交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)This was

24、 a time when the two countries were at war.這是兩國交戰(zhàn)的時期。The country has been at war with his neighbor for two years.這個國家與鄰國打仗已兩年了。Germany was at war with almost all the countries in the world.德國當時幾乎同世界所有國家交過戰(zhàn)?!鞠嚓P鏈接相關鏈接】be at school在上學 be at play在玩 be at work在工作be at table在就餐 be at peace處于和平狀態(tài)16、remove

25、v. 除去,遷移,開除 n. 距離Our office has removed to Shanghai from Beijing. 我們的辦公室已從北京遷到上海。That officer must be removed. 那位官員必須免職。He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。Your story is several removes from the truth. 你的說法與事實有些距離。知識拓展知識拓展 Remove & move二者均可表示“搬家,移動”之意,但move 更常用.move 是一般用語,只從一地到另一地,remove

26、更強調(diào)“除掉,”或“撤去”的含義Will you help me move this table?幫我把桌子移一下好嗎?I cant remove the dirty points on my shirt.我去除不掉我襯衫上的污點。Bad habits are no way to be removed; it needs your determination “壞習慣是不容易被除掉的,那需要你有決心。 17、furniture 家具中各種可移動的家具的總稱 u 不論受什么修飾,前面不能加不定冠詞 a ,也不能用復數(shù)一件家具 a piece of furniture許多家具 pieces of

27、furniture / much furniture18、 doubt n. 懷疑懷疑;疑惑疑惑 vt.懷疑懷疑;不信不信 adj. doubtful 可疑的,令人生疑的可疑的,令人生疑的 adj. Doubtable adj.可疑的可疑的, 令人懷疑的令人懷疑的 I dont doubt that he is honest. 我不懷疑他是誠實的。 We doubt if he is honest. 我們懷疑他是否誠實。 There is no doubt that we can finish our task ahead of time毫無疑問,我們能提前完成任務用法點撥:用法點撥:doub

28、t 常作不可數(shù)名詞常作不可數(shù)名詞, 意為意為“懷疑、疑懷疑、疑惑、疑問惑、疑問”; 也可作可數(shù)名詞也可作可數(shù)名詞,意為意為“疑慮疑慮”, 常用其常用其復數(shù)形式。復數(shù)形式。作為動詞,在否定句和疑問句中,后接作為動詞,在否定句和疑問句中,后接that引導的從引導的從句;在肯定句中,后接句;在肯定句中,后接whether/if引導的從句。引導的從句。常用結構:常用結構:in doubt 懷疑;拿不定主意懷疑;拿不定主意no/without/beyond doubt 無疑地;必定;當然無疑地;必定;當然there is no doubt that. 毫無疑問毫無疑問have some/ no doub

29、t about sth 對有所對有所/毫不懷疑毫不懷疑19、take apart拆開拆開Take the sentence apart and youll make its structure clear. 把句子拆開你就會搞清楚它的結構。Though very young, he was able to take apart the machine skillfully and then put it together without any difficulty.盡管年輕,但他能嫻熟地把機器拆卸開,然后又毫不費力地組裝起來【相關鏈接相關鏈接】apart adv. 相距;分離;在一邊apar

30、t from 除以外know/tell. apart 識別,區(qū)別put/set sb./sth. apart(from.) 使某人/物顯得獨特或優(yōu)越20、Consider Consider doing something(考慮做某事) to be 認為覺得某人 2.consider sb. to have done 認為某人做了某事 as 把某人視作. adj. 認為某人怎樣3.considerate adj. 體貼的;體諒的;考慮周到的 considerable adj. 相當大的;重要的,值得考慮的4.considering=seeing that鑒于、考慮到5.take sth. int

31、o consideration 考慮某事 他被認為是最好的運動員He is considered to be the best player.=He is considered as the best player.拓展延伸拓展延伸consider sb as= treat sb as=regard sb as= think of as把.看作, 視為21. prove v. 證明,證明,link-v. 證明是證明是一、prove作證明;證實解時,用法如下: 1.prove+名詞/代詞 We have proved our courage in battle.我們已在戰(zhàn)斗中證明了我們的勇氣2.

32、prove+直接賓語(sth.)+to+間接賓語(sb.) Can you prove your theory to us?你能向我們證實你的理論嗎? 3.prove+賓語+賓語補足語They proved themselves wise and brave.他們證實自己機智、勇敢. 4.prove+賓語從句 Can you prove where you were on May 10th?你能證實五月十日你在什么地方嗎? 二、prove作證明是;結果是;事實說明解時,用作連系動詞,可用于以下句型: 1.prove+形容詞 The handbook proved most useful.這本手

33、冊證明很有用. 2.prove+名詞She proved a very strict teacher.結果證明她是一位非常嚴格的老師3.prove+介詞短語或副詞Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies.也許這本書會對你的研究有用處4.prove+動詞不定式 She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.結果她可能是最適合干這項工作的人22、think highly of 贊賞,器重,看重贊賞,器重,看重Teachers thought hi

34、ghly of the top student.老師們對這個優(yōu)等生評價很高。think highly of = think well / much of = speak / highly / well of = have a good / high opinion of 【拓展】反義詞:think badly / poorly / little / ill of 對評價不高,輕視,不在意常用詞組:think of 想起 think out 想出 think over 仔細考慮 think about 考慮 think of sbas 把某人當作think nothing of 覺得不怎么樣;覺得沒什么besides/ except/ apart from/in addition (to) /except for /except that/ but 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別 besides除以外(還包括),例如:Besides English, they also study math, physics and chemistry.除了英語以外,他們還學習數(shù)學,物理和


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