



1、-i -Lesson 58 Ms. Liu s Speech 教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)科目英語教學(xué)對(duì)象九年級(jí)課時(shí)安排一課時(shí)一教材內(nèi)容分析本課為閱讀課,內(nèi)容是劉老師在畢業(yè)典禮上的演講詞, 其中包含了老師對(duì)往昔師生生活的回 憶,包含了老師對(duì)學(xué)生們的鼓勵(lì)、希望和祝福,也包含了在這離別季老師對(duì)同學(xué)們的殷殷囑托。 作為本單元的第四課,在前面談?wù)摿藢?duì)未來的設(shè)想、制定計(jì)劃和寫畢業(yè)留言后,畢業(yè)典禮也是不 可或缺的一個(gè)重要部分。而學(xué)生們也將伴隨著劉老師一起,感受老師對(duì)他們臨行前的囑托。在對(duì) 文本進(jìn)行聽、說、讀、寫的訓(xùn)練中,學(xué)生將會(huì)掌握相關(guān)的詞匯與句式,也會(huì)萌發(fā)出對(duì)老師的感激 之情,并且形成正確的價(jià)值觀。二教學(xué)目標(biāo)Languag

2、e KnowledgeWordsSs will be able to use the words: speech, period, valuable, achieve,behalf, con gratulatio nSs will be able to use the phrases: go by, fall dow n, pick yourself up,on behalf ofTopicStudents will know how to make a graduation speech in English.Language SkillsListe ningStude nts can ge

3、t the main idea of a passage while liste ning.Speak ingStude nts will be able to make a graduati on speech in En glish.Read ingStude nts can un dersta nd the graduati on speech quickly and well.WritingThey can write their own graduation speeches in English.學(xué)習(xí)策略1. 在學(xué)習(xí)中積2.能總結(jié)所學(xué)只極思考,主動(dòng)探究,善于發(fā)現(xiàn)語言的規(guī)律。 洋語言

4、材料中的語言規(guī)律并加以利用。 冃英語交際的機(jī)會(huì)。情感態(tài)度1. 在學(xué)習(xí)中敢于用英語來表達(dá)自己的看法。2. 培養(yǎng)學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣和學(xué)好英語的勇氣。3. 增強(qiáng)對(duì)母校的留戀和對(duì)老師的感激之情。Teachingimporta nt poi nts1. Master the words and structures in this less on.2. Lear n to make a graduati on speech.Teachingdifficult poi ntsTo write a graduation speech in English.三.教學(xué)策略選擇與設(shè)計(jì)本課是一篇閱讀課,以老師在畢業(yè)典禮

5、的演講為主線貫穿整個(gè)教學(xué), 在本課中本著聽說領(lǐng)先, 讀寫跟上的教學(xué)原則,設(shè)計(jì)了聽、說、讀、寫的訓(xùn)練,而各個(gè)訓(xùn)練又是為說和寫服務(wù)的,學(xué)生在 聽、說和讀的訓(xùn)練中,通過對(duì)聽力感知、師生討論以及一次次寫的練習(xí)和閱讀材料的輸入,使學(xué) 生積累寫作輸出的素材和思路。所有設(shè)計(jì)的活動(dòng)有層次性,盡量使每個(gè)學(xué)生都有機(jī)會(huì)表現(xiàn)自己。四.教學(xué)環(huán)境及設(shè)備,資源準(zhǔn)備-2 -1. a blackboard 2. PowerPoint五.教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)Teachers activitiesStudent s activitiesAim of desig nTimeStep 1:Warmi ng upandLeadi ng in1.Sh

6、ow them some pictures ofspeeches. And tell them they aregiving speeches.2. T: Today, lets look at MLiuspeech.1. Ss look, liste n and read.Is.1.Lead intothisnewlesso n quickly.2. To lear n thewordspeech1Step 2Liste ning1. T: Lets litoterbhe text.Please liste n and choose the besan swer.1)WhatMs. Liu

7、doing?A.She is playing with herstude nts.B. She is giving a speech.C. Sheistalkingwithherstude nts.2) How long did she spe nd withher stude nts?A. One year.B. Two years.C. Three years.2. Check the an swer.1. Ss liste n and an swer. t1. To practiseliste ning skills.2.To knowaboutthewhole speechfor th

8、e firsttime.2Step 3Speak ingand lear ningthe newwords1. Teachershowsthemapicture of a clock and tells them:Time has gone by so quickly. Askthem to guess the meaning ofgo by.2.Three years has passed. Itnota short period. Isurbymu havegot a lot of things during thisperiod. (Tell them period meanstime)

9、. What have you got duri ngthis period?3. T: I know you have got knowledge,friendshipandexperiences.Theyareveryvaluable. What other things doyou think are valuable?4. T: They will help you achieveyour dream. What or who can helpyou achieve your dream?5. T: In our life, sometimes wesuccess, sometimes

10、 we fallSs liste n and say.1. S1: It means 流逝“2. Ss an swer the teacherquesti on freely.s S1: During this period,I ve leaed many things.S2: During this period,I ve got many friends.3. Ss an swer the teacherquesti on freely.S1: I thi nk books arevaluable.4. S1: My knowledge willhelp me achieve my dre

11、am.S2: My teachers will help1. To lear n thenew words andphrases.2.sTo preparefor the following parts of theless on.3. To improvetheir speak ingskills.s1233-3 -dow n. Whe n we fall dow n, whatshould we do? Show them the answer.me achieve my dream.5. Ss: We should pickourselves up.Step 41. Fast read

12、ing:1. Stude nts read and answer.1. To read3Read ingWhat are MsLiu and herabout theabout Msstude nts doing?speechLiu sA. They are having a sportsspeechmeeting ceremony 典禮, 儀式). B.They are having a class2. To improvemeeti ng.the stude ntsC. They are hav ing a graduat ingreadi ng skills.5cerem ony.T:

13、You are right. They are3. To improvehav ing a graduati ng cerem ony.their thi nkingThen show them a picture of it.and speak ing2. Detail Read ing:skillsT: Now please read the speechi 2. Ss read and do. The naga in and write T or F.check the an swers:4. To make3. T: Now, let read Ms Liu s S1: The stu

14、de nts arethem knowspeech again. There are fourhav ing an En glish less on.more aboutparagraphs in it. Please read itThat s false.life3quickly and match with the rightS2: Some of the no tesideas with each paragraph.almost made Ms Liu cry.That s true. Becaustesays4. Discussi on:some of them brought t

15、earsWhile the students check theto her eyes.fourth an swer, the teachershows the key sentence: There is3. Ss read the speech andsuch thing as true failure. Failurematch.is an opport unity to tryAnd try to find the keysomethi ng n ew. Ask the studentssenten ces.5to say somethi ng about it.S1: Paragra

16、ph 1 is about MsT: What do you think of thisLiu shares some greatidea? Do you agree?memories with the stude nts.5. T: Can you guess the meaningBecause it says:All of“ on behalf of” ?What do you you have great memories ofwant to say to your teacher onthis period of your life, andbehalf of all the stu

17、de nts?so do I.(The followings are thesame)24. S1: I agree. We can lear nthings from failure.S2: Failure is the motherof success.S3: There is no bodywithout failure.-4 -5. S1: On behalf of all thestude nts, 1 want to tha nk theteacher.Step 5Summaryandexercise1. T: What have we learnedtoday from Ms L

18、ius speech2. T: I have ano ther speech. It isfrom a student. Lets readfill in the blanks with the words.3. Check the an swer and helpthem to summarize the topic.1. Ss summarize thewords ?and topic.2. Ss do the exercise.it and3. Some stude nts read thespeech to the others. Andsummarize the topic with theteacher.1. To check2. Tosummarize5Step 6Writing1. T: We will have a graduat ingceremony next week and you willhave a speech. Please try to writeone now.2. En courage them to show.1. Ss write2. Ss show.1. To improvetheir writ ingskills.8The desig n of t


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