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1、第1頁,共 8 頁2018-20佃年古交市第十三小學(xué)校三年級上冊英語模擬復(fù)習(xí)題無答案一、我會選一選(選擇題)1.一個英國女孩。(A . A girl from the UK.B . A girl from the USA.2. Have some milk!No, _ . I like coke.A. tha nkB. tha nksC. OK3.Mike 對你說“ How are you?你該怎樣回答: AmOK.B. How are you?C. Nice to meet you.4.讀一讀選答語。Al am nine*BHow do you do?C ND I am a boy cD B

2、ye!E Nice to meet you tooF Good mornings(1)How old are you ?(上午見到老師,你應(yīng)該說:Who s that boy ?s my_ .brotherB. sister C .man(2)Nice to meet you。(3)Good bye!(4) Are you a girl ?(5)How do you do ?10.A. Look at me.B. Look at I.11. rd like some juice , please.()A .請給我些果汁??次?。(C. Look me.B .喝些果汁吧!D. SureGood m

3、orning。(6)Good morning.清晨在校門口你遇到同學(xué),你應(yīng)該說:B. Good afternoon.6.A.Good morni ng.B.Good after noon.C.Good evening.7._you foot.A. Stamp8.-My foot hurts._ me help you.Let B . Let s C . LetsB. WackC. Jump9.HeA.第2頁,共 8 頁12.()(2) I m Bobby. A.這是博比。13. 選一選。給圖片選出正確的單詞,將單詞前的序號寫在圖片下的括號內(nèi)。14. - Thank you.B. Youre w

4、elcome.15._This ispencil.A. Kate B. myC. I二、想一想,填一填(填空題)16. Read and write (寫出所給詞的同類詞(1)fat(2)bookB.我叫博比。(3)A.breadC. pencil-case( )C.hamburger(6)A. handC. fin gerA. Its OK.A. penB. pencilB.hot dogB. pigB. ear(5)A. head(4)A. dog)C. cat( )C. eye(B. head第3頁,共 8 頁(3)apple(4)sister第4頁,共 8 頁17 從方框中選出合適的詞

5、填空。minus fifty markers plus erasers1.1 have many_ . I can draw pictures with them.2. He has three_ .3. My friend Jim has_ books.4. Ten_ twenty is thirty.5. Ni nety_ thirty is sixty.18 正確抄寫下列單詞、詞組和句子,注意大小寫變化和標(biāo)點符號may i have some peaches mum sure 19將單詞中畫橫線的部分換成其他字母,組成一個新詞。)(1) arm? ar)(2) Mr ? M,20 選一選

6、,根據(jù)圖片提示補(bǔ)全句子。dow nHowLet sColourHallowee n21 .請按字母表的順序在四線三格上寫出下面字母的大小寫。24 - Hello,Sam.-_ ,Bobby.25 英漢互譯。1. -_ fly a kite!-OK!3. Happy_!2. Mom sits4. -_ are you? -15.the school red and gree n.22 Now, the boys are_(play) basketball.(kite /cat)23 根據(jù)圖片選出正確的單詞。第5頁,共 8 頁蘋果:_右邊:_走:_跑:_ 貓: _食品:_No swimming:_

7、Don t worry:_Don t litter:_ No kites:_二、手牽手,找朋友(連線題)26.心明眼亮,根據(jù)所給單詞,選擇對應(yīng)的圖片。(連線)B. winter(8)(3)(4)C. glovesD. sunny(6)(7)(5)E. summerF. coatG. sweater(1)A. spring(2)H. trousers第6頁,共 8 頁27連線。第7頁,共 8 頁7. ha nd8. tailA、 Hello , Im Mr Li .B、Goodbye .C、 No , Im not .D、rm fine , thank you .E、Good morning .

8、A 我餓了。B 請給我一些果汁。C 給你。D 吃些面包吧。四、我是翻譯家(英漢互譯)31翻譯句子1.Good morning, I m Mr Li.2.Good morning. I m Sam.3.What s your nar?e4.I m Damming.5.How are you, Sam ?6.Your n ame, please?7.早上好,男孩們女孩們。8.下午好,艾米。9.再見,大明。32.根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子。1.great2.cous in3.frie nd4.poor5.careful28. Link (連一連)1. nose2. kickA 堂弟B 真棒C 可憐的D 朋

9、友E 小心3. wet4. bite頭發(fā)鼻子 腳 踢 濕的 咬尾巴 手5. hair6. foot29. 選擇正確的答語。連線 Are you a dog? How are you? Good morning! Hello, Im Lily. Goodbye.30. 漢英連線:1. I d lSome juice.2. I m hungry.3. Eat some bread.4. Here you are.第8頁,共 8 頁1. Autu mn is a busy and_ (收獲的)seas on.2. You can t imagine Millie_ ) only 3kilos at

10、birth.3. Mr Smith always_ (鼓勵) me to study hard.4. Practice more, the n you will have a good_ (記憶)5. After a_ (一會兒),the hunter hunted a bear.33.翻譯下列句子.(1) 我九歲了。(2) 多少本書?(3) 給我看看六。(4) 給我看看十。(5) 生日快樂。34.根據(jù)提示寫單詞。(1)黑板 _ (提示:labkcobrad)(2)門 _ (提示:odor)35.中英互譯。1. rain _ (多雨的)3._ (太陽)sunny5.冷的_7. cool_五、我

11、是小法官(判斷題)36.Is she Mary?的肯定回答是:37.找出不同類的單詞。(1) A. bearB. birdC. boatD.dogA. chicke nB. coffeeC. CokeD. cray onA. milkB. mon keyC. mouseD. squirrelA. orangeB. redC. brow nD. mouth(5) A. juiceB. teaC. waterD. bread38.判斷下列圖片與英文是(2._ (雪)snowy4. wind _ (刮風(fēng)的)6. warm_8.熱的_Yes, I am.判斷對錯()() 1. do high jump

12、“否(X)致。第9頁,共 8 頁Good afternoo n. Miss Li.判斷對錯(六、閱讀理解40.閱讀理解,判斷正誤。There is a zoo in our city. Its very big. In the zoo, there are many ani mals. Look, the birds are singing in the tree. A bear isridi ng (騎)a bike. A tiger is eat ing meat (肉).Two mon keys are climb ing (爬) a tree. They are happy in th

13、e zoo.(1)The zoo is very big. ()(2)The birds are flying in the sky. ()(3 ) Two bears are climbing a tree. ()(4 ) A tiger is eati ng meat. ()(5 ) The ani mals are happy in the zoo. ()41閱讀短文,完成后面的題目。Hello. My name is Lin Tao. I am a boy. I am a student. There are three people in my family. My father i

14、s a tall man. Hisn ame is Lin Lia ng. He is a doctor. My mother is a short woma n. Her n ame is Wang Hong. She is a teacher. I love my fatherand my mother. My father and my mother love me, too. We are a happy family.(1) The boys n ame is_.A. Lin TaoB. Lin Lia ng(2 ) Lin Lia ng is a_.A. stude ntB. teacher(3 ) Wang Hong is a_ .A. short manB. short woma n(4 ) Lin Tao


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