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1、 七年級(jí)英語競(jìng)賽試題 第I卷 選擇題 (共50分)一、選擇填空(20小題;20分)1. I think these pants are his brothers, not _. His _ over there. A. hers; is B. mine; is C. his; are D. ours; are2It's seven o'clockI _ in bedAlie Blies Cam lying Dare lying 3. We want _ the window _ paper cutsAdecorate,with Bdecorate,in Cto decorate

2、,with Dto decorate,use4. I want something to drink, but there is _ water. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little5. Her mother doesnt let her go out to play with other children, so she _ do her homework at home. A. may B. would C. can D. has to6. Welcome and help yourselves. _. A. Not at all B. Youre

3、welcome C. All right D. Thank you7. Jim; would you please _ a message _ Tom? A. gives; to B. takes; to C. give; for D. take; for8_ a hot summer day,people don't like to go outAAt BIn COn DOf9. I want to get some erasers, _ there are not any. A. but B. and C. or D. so10. This kind of shirt looks

4、_ and sells (賣;出售) _. A. nice; well B. well; nice C. well; well D. good; nice11. Hello. This is Maria. May I speak to Lily?_.A. Fine B. Thats right C. Speaking D. Good-bye12. Do you like lions or tigers?I like _. A. all B. both C. some D. any13. Which language (語言) do you _? A. say B. tell C. talk D

5、. speak14. Lets go swimming this afternoon. _ A. You are welcome. B. Thats right. C. Sounds great! D. Thats OK.15. Its very kind _ you to help me _ my English. A. for; with B. of; in C. for; in D. of; with16. Would you like to watch TV at home this afternoon? Sorry. I want to go out. What about _ ki

6、tes? A. flying B. to fly C. fly D. flies17. His mother often _ early in the morning. A. wake him up B. waking him up C. wakes up him D. wakes him up18. _you like animals? Yes, I like them very much.A. Doesnt B. Dont C. Isnt D. Arent19. _is it? Its eight yuan a kilo. A. How much B. How money C. What

7、time D. How many money20. What you doing?Im a book. A. do; seeing B. are; lookingC. do; watchingD. are; reading二、完形填空(10小題;10分) Julia and Lisa have a picnic on Sunday. They get up at 7:00. After they have 21 , they take some picnic food 22 them to a park (公園). In the park, they 23 a lot of flowers (

8、花). Lisa wants to pick (摘) some. 24 Julia tells her not to do that. At 12:00, they 25 their lunch. Their picnic food is very 26 . Eggs and hamburgers are their favorite 27 . 28 lunch, they fly kites in the park. At 4:00 in the afternoon they go 29 . Their mother asks them, “Do you have a good 30 ?”2

9、1. A. dinner B. breakfast C. lunch D. supper22. A. with B. for C. on D. in23. A. see B. watch C. have D. get24. A. So B. Then C. But D. And25. A. drink B. have C. eats D. for26. A. heavy B. bad C. delicious D. expensive27. A. drink B. thing C. lunch D. food28. A. After B. On C. At D. Over29. A. the

10、park B. home D. the hill D. back to school30. A. night B. year C. time D. afternoon三、閱讀理解(10小題;20分) AAt a parents' meeting(家長(zhǎng)會(huì)) in Jim's school, his teacher tells Jim's father, “Your son ,often looks out of the window in class." Now, Jim's father is at home. Jim is sitting at th

11、e desk. But Jim is not doing his homework. Jim's father is angry(生氣) ."Jim, who is absent-minded (心不在焉) in your class?" "I don't know, Dad." "Certainly you know. All the students are doing exercises (練習(xí)) in the classroom. But who is looking here and there?" Jim

12、thinks for a minute. Then he says," The teacher."31. _ often looks out of the window in class. A. Jim's father B. Jim's teacher C. Jim's classmate D. Jim32. Jim's father is angry because_. A. Jim is absent-minded in class B. Jim's teacher is absent-minded in class C. Ji

13、m's classmate is absent-minded in class D. Jim's teacher doesn't like Jim33. Which of the following is right? A. The teacher doesn't see Jim's father at the parents' meeting.B. The teacher is looking for Jim here and there.C. Jim doesn't do well in class.D. Jim is doing h

14、is exercises in the classroom. B72 Newton DriveLondon SW63rd OctoberDear David, How are you? Im fine. Im in London, at the International (國際的) School of English. Im in Class 3 with eight students. Theyre from different countriesSpain (西班牙), Japan, Argentina (阿根廷), Switzerland (瑞士) and Thailand (泰國).

15、 Our teachers name is Henry Briscall. Hes very nice. Hes a very good teacher. Im living with an English family. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isnt easy to understand (懂) them! London is very bi

16、g and very interesting. The weather is goodcold but sunnyand the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park, and St. James Park are all in the city centre (中心). English food is OK, but the coffee is horrible (可怕)! Write to me soon.Love,Paul34. The writers (作者的) class has . A. many studentsB. nine st

17、udents C. eight students D. eight girls35. Hyde Park is . A. in a school B. in London C. in Japan D. small36. The letter is NOT about . A. the writers classmates B. the writers teacherC. the writers dinnerD. London CWelcome to the Beijing ZooOpening time:9:00 a.m. (8:30 a.m. weekend)Closing time:5:0

18、0 p.m. (5:30 p.m. weekend)Price:Adults (成人): 15 yuanChildren: 7 yuanNotice (注意): Dont give food to animals.37. How many hours (小時(shí)) can we visit the zoo on the weekend? A. 7 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 10 hours.38. It is _ yuan for a twelve-year-old girl and her parents. A. 22 B. 29 C. 37 D. 45

19、39. What cant we do in the zoo? A. Give food to animals. B. Talk to animals. C. Eat food. D. Drink water.40. Whats the purpose (目的) of the writer (作者)? A. To ask adults not to go to the zoo. B. To ask children not to go to the zoo. C. To ask people not to give food to animals. D. To ask people to vi

20、sit the zoo. 第II卷 非選擇題 (共50分)四、詞匯(5小題;5分)根據(jù)句意,按要求在空白處填單詞,完成下列句子或?qū)υ挕?1. I want to have chicken for d_ this evening. (完成已給了首字母的單詞)42. Would you like something _ (drink)? (用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空)43. There are twenty _ (woman) teachers in our school? (同42)44. Maria gets up at a _ (一刻鐘) to six every morning. (寫

21、出符合漢語意思的單詞)45. Most girls are _ of snakes (蛇). (填入適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~)五、任務(wù)型閱讀(7小題;15分。凡設(shè)空的題目每空1分;其它每小題2分)閱讀下面的短文,完成下列閱讀任務(wù)。 Its Sunday afternoon. Michaels family have a picnic under (在下面) a big tree. The woman in a blue T-shirt and white pants is Michaels mother. She is thirty-two. She is a teacher in No. 2 high S

22、chool. She is cooking now. The man with a guitar is Michaels father. He is thirty-four years old. He teaches in the same school as Michaels mother. He is a student. Michaels little sister likes singing, but she isnt singing now. “為什么不和我一起去放風(fēng)箏呢?”Michael問他的小妹妹。Then she flies a kite with her brother. W

23、hat a happy family!任務(wù)(一)根據(jù)要求完成下列各項(xiàng)閱讀任務(wù)。46. 對(duì)處句子中斜黑體部分提問。一空一詞。 _ _ is she?47. 把處的英語句子翻譯成漢語。 _48. 把處的漢語句子翻譯成英語。一空一詞。 “_ _ _ a kite with me?” Michael asks his litter sister.49. 把處的句子改寫成否定句。一空一詞。 Then she _ _ a kite with her brother. 任務(wù)(二)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題。50. What does Michaels mother wear (穿)? _51. What do

24、es Michaels father do? _52. Does Michaels sister like singing or flying a kite? _六、綜合填空(5小題;10分)閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容用方框內(nèi)所給詞語的適當(dāng)形式填空,使短文語義完整。(一定要注意形式變化?。﹐r he because find English John Black is a 13-year-old student from 53._. He loves China very much. He wants to learn Chinese 54._ he likes Chinese songs. He would like 55._ a pen pal to know more about China. He needs some help. If you read this card, please call him 56._ send an e-mail to him. 57._ e-mail address (地址) is john. Thanks.七、情景表達(dá)(共20分)閱讀下面對(duì)話,從方框中選出正確的句子完成對(duì)話,使對(duì)


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