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1、有關(guān)食物食物的趣味短語短語李婉卿1、take with a grain of saltaccept or believe only part of something 對某事持懷疑態(tài)度,有所保留地相信某事You should take everything that he says with a grain of salt as everyone knows that he likes to exaggerate things when he is speaking. 對于他所說的事,你得持保留態(tài)度,因為大家都知道他這個人說話喜歡夸大其詞。2、upset the applecartruin a

2、 plan or event by surprise or accident 無意間地破壞某人的計劃,出其不意地壞事Everything was going well at the company until he came along and upset the applecart. 公司里所有事都進展順利,可他卻突然插了一竿子,壞了事。3、worth ones saltbeing a good worker, worth that one is paid人稱其職,是值得雇傭的He has only been working here for a month but over and ove

3、r he has proved that he is worth his salt. 他在這兒只工作了一個月,卻一再地被證明他是非常稱職的。4、apple of ones eyesomeone or something that one likes a lot 某人非常喜歡的人或東西,掌上明珠The little boy is the apple of her grandfathers eye. 這個小男孩是她祖父的掌上明珠。5、bad egga bad person, bum (一般用于男性)壞蛋,壞家伙,不可信任的人My roommate is a bad egg so you shoul

4、d try and avoid him if you can. 我的室友是個壞蛋,所以,你盡可能別去惹他。6、big cheesean important person, a leader 大人物,最重要的人物She is a big cheese in her company so you should be very nice to her. 在公司,她可是個大人物,所以,你得對她好點。7、bread and butterbasic needs of life, such as food, shelter, clothing 生活里最基本的需要People are worried abou

5、t bread and butter issues like jobs and taxes. 人們總是為了諸如工作、納稅這樣的基本生活需要而擔憂。8、out to lunchcrazy, mad 心不在焉,神不守舍,怪誕,發(fā)瘋She is totally out to lunch and you should never believe what she tells you. 她這人完全瘋了,所以,你不要相信她告訴你的話。9、a piece of cakea task that is easily accomplished 一件事太容易了,不費吹灰之力就能完成It was a piece of

6、 cake. I had everything done before lunch this morning. 這事太容易了,今天中午前我就全搞定了。10、polish the appleflatter someone 溜須拍馬,奉承討好Nobody likes her because she is always trying to polish the apple with her teacher. 沒有人喜歡她,因為她總是拍老師的馬屁。11、souped upchange something to make it faster or more powerful like change or

7、 adding something (某物經(jīng)過改裝)速度加快或威力增大The new car that his neighbor brought is souped up matter of that one that he had last year. 他鄰居買的那輛新車就是他去年買的那種型號經(jīng)過改裝的。12、bring home the baconearn your familys living 養(yǎng)家糊口,維持生計Recently I have been working very hard trying to bring home the bacon. I have no time to

8、do anything else. 最近,為了掙錢養(yǎng)家,我工作得很賣力,沒工夫去做別的事情。13、butter up someoneflatter someone to try to get their favor or friendship 為了從某人那里得到好處,有意奉承他,拍他的馬屁He spends most of his free time trying to butter up his boss so that he wont have to work so hard. 他把業(yè)余時間都花在拍老板馬屁上,這樣他就不用那樣拼命地干活了。14、carrot and stickpromis

9、ing to reward or punish someone at the same time 恩威并施,軟硬兼施The government took a carrot and stick approach to the people who were illegally protesting against the construction of the dam. 政府用胡蘿卜加大棒的策略對付那些非法反對建水壩的人。15、cool as a cucumbercalm, not nervous or anxious 沉著冷靜,從容不迫He is always as cool as a cu

10、cumber and never worries about anything. 他這個人總是很能沉得住氣,對任何事都不焦慮。16、couch potatoa very lazy person 懶人,尤指那些一有時間就坐在沙發(fā)上看電視的人He is a real couch potato and just sits around watching TV and staying indoors all day. 他是個真正的沙發(fā)上的馬鈴薯,整天就知道待在屋里看電視。17、cream of the cropbest of a group, the top choice 精華,百里挑一的選擇,最優(yōu)秀

11、的人或事物The company is well-known as a good place to work and is always able to hire the cream of the crop of university graduates. 這家公司是著名的工作的好地方,因此,他們總是能聘請到最優(yōu)秀的大學(xué)畢業(yè)生。18、cry over spilt milkcry or complain about something that has already happened 為已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事情而哭泣或抱怨,覆水難收Dont cry over spilt milk. The past i

12、s past and you cant do anything to change it. 不要為了打翻的牛奶哭泣,過去的事情是無法改變的,就讓它過去吧。19、cup of teasomething one enjoys or does well 令人喜歡或做得好的事物,合某人的口味(多用于否定句)Going to art galleries is not my cup of tea so I think that I will stay home this evening and not go with you. 我不太喜歡參觀藝術(shù)畫廊,所以,我想今晚我還是留在家里,不陪你一起去了。20、e

13、at crowadmit one is mistaken or defeated, take back a mistaken statement 承認自己犯錯、被擊敗,被迫收回自己說的話I was forced to eat crow and had to apologize for the mistake that I made about the restructuring of our company. 我被迫認錯,因為自己在公司結(jié)構(gòu)重組上所犯的錯誤而道歉。21、eat dirtact humble, accept anothers insult or bad treatment 忍氣吞

14、聲地接受他人的侮辱或惡劣的對待,低頭認錯We made him eat dirt after he accused us of lying about the salary cut. 他惡意指控我們在降薪事件上撒謊,他必須對我們賠不是。22、humble piebe humbled, admit ones error and apologize 低聲下氣地道歉,屈辱地承認自己的錯誤Our boss was forced to eat humble pie after everyone realized that he had made the wrong budget estimate for

15、 next year. 當大家知道老板錯誤地估計了明年的預(yù)算之后,他被迫低頭認錯。23、eat ones cake and have it/have ones cake and eat ituse or spend something and still keep it 世事很難兩全其美He refuses to give up anything and always wants to eat his cake and have it too. 他什么也舍不得丟棄,總是想吃掉糕餅,又能將它留在手上。24、gravy traina job or work that pays more than

16、it is worth 找到不費勁但很容易賺大錢的工作For many years his job was a real gravy train but now the company has become very strict and will not pay overtime. 多年以來,他干的都是輕松賺錢的工作,但如今,公司制度嚴格,加班也沒有加班費了。25、half-bakednot thought out or studied carefully 沒想透的,考慮不周密的He has a half-baked idea about starting a new business bu

17、t most of us think that it will fail. 關(guān)于開始一個新生意,他的想法還不成熟,但我們中的大多數(shù)人都覺得會失敗。26、a hard nut to cracksomething or someone difficult to understand or do 很難處理的問題,很難對付的人He is a very serious person and is a very hard nut to crack. 他是個很嚴肅的人,不好對付。27、have egg on ones facebe embarrassed 非常尷尬,極為丟臉,狼狽不堪He has egg o

18、n his face because everyone knows that he was sick at the party. 因為所有人都知道他曾在晚會上犯病,所以,他覺得很丟臉。28、hit the saucedrink alcohol usually regularly 經(jīng)常喝酒I think that she has begun to hit the sauce since her husband lost his job. 我想,自從她丈夫失業(yè)之后,她就開始借酒消愁了。29、hot potatoa question or argument that is controversial

19、 and difficult to settle 棘手的問題,有爭議的、難以處理的局面,燙手的山芋The issue of building the nuclear power plant is a real hot potato for the local town council. 對于當?shù)卣瘯碚f,關(guān)于建核電站的提議,真是塊燙手的山芋,不太好辦啊。30、in a nutshellbriefly, in a few words 簡而言之,一言以蔽之We went to the meeting and they told us in a nutshell what would be happening to everyone next year. 我們?nèi)ラ_會,他們簡要地告訴了我們每個人的情況。31、in the soupin serious trouble, in disorder 陷入麻煩,麻煩纏身She is really in the soup now. she told her boss that she was sick but he saw her downtown shopping. 她如今是麻煩纏身,她告訴老板自己生病了,卻被老板發(fā)現(xiàn)她在市中心血拼。32、make ones mouth waterlook or smell very good, w


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