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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上天津市2015年初中畢業(yè)生學業(yè)考試英語試題二、單項填空(本大題共20小題,每小題1分,共20分)21.- Does your father go to work by _ car every day?      - No, he sometimes takes _ bus.       A.   A;the            B. the; a     &#

2、160;         C. 不填; a               D. a; 不填【解析】:本題考點為冠詞。方式介詞by直接加交通工具,所以第一個空不填,排除答案A、B和D;動詞take加a/ an/the/ ones再加交通工具,所以第二個空填a。故答案為C。22.I dont like _ watch. I like _.       A. me; your   &#

3、160;        B. my; your          C.me; yours          D. my; yours【解析】:本題考點為代詞。第一個空后面是名詞,所以此題應填形物代,排除答案A和C;第二個空前為動詞,所以此空應填名詞或代詞作為賓語,顯然是名物代。故答案為D。23.Lao Shes Teahouse _ the changesin Chinese society over fifty years.

4、       A. describes           B. improves         C.prepares            D. corrects【解析】:本題考點為動詞含義辨析。A選項為“描述”,B選項為“提高”,C選項為“準備”,D選項為“改正”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“描述”的含義更為貼切。故答案為A。24.In 1

5、998, Liu Xiangs _ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Jiangping.       A. ability                B. trade                C.electricity          D. memory【解

6、析】:本題考點為名詞含義辨析。A選項為“能力”,B選項為“貿(mào)易”,C選項為“電”,D選項為“記憶”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“能力”的含義更為貼切。故答案為A。25.Meimei thinks maths is _ than Chinese.       A. easy                   B.easier              &#

7、160;  C. theeasiest        D. very easy【解析】:本題考點為形容詞。題中出現(xiàn)明顯標志詞than,所以應該選比較級。故答案為B。26.- Is that man Mr. Smith?      - It _ be him. He has gone to NewYork on business.       A. may not         

8、;    B. neednt          C.cant                D. mustnt【解析】:本題考點為情態(tài)動詞表推測。根據(jù)題中有has gone to,是“去了某地還沒回來”的意思,情態(tài)動詞否定推測應為cant,而不是mustnt,因為mustnt是“禁止”的含義。故答案為C。27.The novel _ by many people today.     &

9、#160; A. is read                B. are read           C.reads                   D. were read【解析】:本題考點為被動語態(tài)。主語是the novel,所以謂語要用單數(shù)形式,所以排除答案B和D;題中出現(xiàn)明顯時間詞

10、today,所以時態(tài)應為一般現(xiàn)在時。故答案為A。28.- Could you tell me the way _ the railway station?      - Go along this road and soon youll findit.       A.   at                      B. to   

11、                   C. in                        D. between【解析】:本題考點為介詞搭配。the way to加地點。故答案為B。29.Bob is taking the desks away because they _ too much room. 

12、      A. stand up            B. pick up             C.take up                D. listen up【解析】:本題考點為動詞詞組含義辨析。A選項為“站起來,起立”,B選項為“撿起;接(某人)”,C選項為“占據(jù)(時間或空間)”,D選項

13、為“注意聽”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“占據(jù)”的含義更為貼切。故答案為C。30.Basketball is so exciting that _ people play it for fun.       A. million                B. two millions     C.million of            

14、D. millions of【解析】:本題考點為數(shù)詞。million不單獨使用表示數(shù)字,一種方式為two million;另一種則是millionsof的表達方式表達概數(shù),為“數(shù)以百萬計的”。故答案為D。31.- Will you carry the box for me, please?      - Sure, _.       A.   nogood             B. no problem 

15、;     C. no idea              D. no way【解析】:本題考點為情景交際。A選項為“很糟,沒有用”,B選項為“沒問題”,C選項為“不知道”,D選項為“決不,一點也不”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“沒問題”的含義更為貼切。故答案為B。32.- When _ you _ here?      - Two days ago.       A.   

16、did;come           B. have; come       C. will; come          D. do; come【解析】:本題考點為時態(tài)。根據(jù)答語的明顯時間標志詞ago,可知本題所考時態(tài)為一般過去時。故答案為A。33.Lets open the windows to have some _ air here.       A. cheap

17、60;                 B.nervous              C. careful                D. fresh【解析】:本題考點為形容詞詞義辨析。A選項為“便宜的”,B選項為“緊張的”,C選項為“仔細的”,D選項為“新鮮的”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“

18、新鮮的”的含義更為貼切。故答案為D。34.I _ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school.       A. never                   B.hardly                 C.seldom  &

19、#160;             D. usually【解析】:本題考點為副詞詞義辨析。根據(jù)題意可知,今天早晨走路上學的,但平時是騎車的。此題有小訣竅啊,前三個選項均為否定意義的副詞,只有D是肯定意義的副詞,這樣也可以判斷出來正確答案。故答案為D。35.Yunnan is beautiful and Im _ visiting it again.       A. keeping clear of         

20、                       B.suffering from               C. looking forward to                     

21、0;      D. runningaway from【解析】:本題考點為動詞詞組詞義辨析。A選項為“避開,不接觸”,B選項為“遭受(痛苦或疾?。?,C選項為“期待,盼望”,D選項為“逃跑”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“期待,盼望”的含義更為貼切。故答案為C。36._ the dinner was all over, everyone helped wash the dishes.       A. How               

22、;     B.When                   C. Before               D. Why【解析】:本題考點為連詞。根據(jù)句意可知“當時”較為合適。故答案為B。37.- Do you know _?      - For a month.   

23、60;   A.   howlong will she be away               B. how long she will beaway       C.  how often will she go there             D. how often shewill go there【解析】:本題考

24、點為賓語從句。根據(jù)賓語從句需要用陳述語序這一原則,排除答案A和C,根據(jù)答語可排除答案D。故答案為B。38.- Why did the car hit the boy?      - Because the driver _ on the phoneat that time.       A.   talk                     B. is

25、talking            C. was talking       D. have talked【解析】:本題考點為時態(tài)。根據(jù)問句中的did和答語中的at that time可知考點為過去進行時。故答案為C。39.My parents didnt allow me _ to the party.       A. go            &#

26、160;            B.to go                   C. goes                  D. went【解析】:本題考點為非謂語動詞(固定用法)。allow sb. to do sth.,即“允許某人做某事”。故答案為B。40.- Thank

27、you for helping me with my physics.      - _. I hope you can do better in it.       A.   Goodidea                                   

28、60;      B. See you                         C. Im not sure                                 

29、;     D. Youre welcome【解析】:本題考點為情景交際。A選項為“好主意”,B選項為“回見”,C選項為“我不確定”,D選項為“不客氣”;根據(jù)題意,我們可知“不客氣”的含義更為貼切。故答案為D。 總結:今年中考單選題并不難,主要以語法基礎和詞匯、詞組辨析為主。三、完形填空(本大題共10小題,每小題1分,共10分)         閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從各題所給的ABCD四個選項中選出最佳選項。        &

30、#160;Doyou ever watch old movies? Maybe you will see one with Carole Lombard. She wasa famous _41_ in the 1930s. She died when she was only 34. In her _42_life she made 70 movies!         Lombardsreal name was Jane Alice Peters. In 1921, she was playing baseball in the

31、_43_near her home. A movie director _44_ her and decided to put her in amovie. She was only 13 at the time. The movie was one of the last silentmovies. She acted(表演) so well that she _45_ the hearts of some people. At 16, sheleft school to act.         In1925, she had a

32、n agreement with a _46_ studio, 20th CenturyFox. The studio gave _47_ a new name, and she acted in several films. Then,at age 18, she was in a bad car accident. The accident left scars(傷疤) on herface. The studio broke the agreement, but she did not _48_. She continuedto act.      

33、;   Itwas Paramount Studio that made Lombard a _49_. She made many movies forthe studio. She also married two of their stars. Lombard was married to actor WilliamPowell for only 23 months. _50_ seven years later, she married the greatlove of her life, actor Clark Gable. It was a great Holl

34、ywood love story.41. A. nurse               B. actress         C.doctor           D. teacher42. A. short               B. lazy

35、0;              C.long               D. humorous43. A. kitchen            B. classroom     C.cinema          &

36、#160;D. street44. A. forgot              B. saw              C.hurt               D. pushed45. A. broke           &

37、#160;   B. avoided        C.won               D. treated46. A. dance              B. film               C.musi

38、c             D. school47. A. me                   B.it                   C. her              &

39、#160; D. him48. A. give up            B. have a try     C.make sure      D. lift up49. A. scientist            B. writer           C.driver&

40、#160;            D. star50. A. But                   B.Before          C. Since             D. As【Key】41. B 作為本文的第一個空,之前并沒有足夠的信息推出答案,但是

41、根據(jù)后文內(nèi)容可知。42. A 根據(jù)“She died when shewas only 34. ”可得出。43. D 根據(jù)前文中“she was playingbaseball”可推理出地點。44. B 根據(jù)后面and連接前后兩個時態(tài)相同的原理,加上上下文可推出saw。45. C 根據(jù)上下文可知。46. B 根據(jù)上文中描述演電影可知,這里應該是電影公司。47. C 根據(jù)上文中她原來有自己的名字可推,這里是給她取了藝名,本題考查動賓結構。48. A 本題考相近詞義的詞組辨析,根據(jù)前文可推。49. D 根據(jù)前文換新公司和后文“She mademany movies for the studio.”

42、得知這里成為star。50. A 本題考查上下文的邏輯關系。前文描述一場短暫的婚姻,后文表述遇到真愛,前后屬于轉(zhuǎn)折關系。       【譯文】        你曾經(jīng)看過老電影嗎?也許你看過關于卡洛爾·隆巴德的電影。她是18世紀30年代的著名影星。她僅僅34歲的時候就去世了。她在短暫的生命中拍攝了70部電影。        隆巴德的真名叫愛麗絲·彼得斯。在1921年,她正在家附近的街上打籃球時。一個電影導演看到她并決定

43、把她放在電影里。那是她只有13歲。這部電影是最后的幾部默劇之一。她的表演是那么地好以至于她贏得了一些人的心。在16歲時,她離開學校去表演。        在1925年,她和一個電影工作室20世紀??怂购炗喠艘粋€協(xié)議。這個工作室給她一個新名字,她在幾個電影中表演。然后,在18歲的時候,她遭遇到一場嚴重的車禍。這場車禍在她臉上留下了傷疤。這個工作室解除了協(xié)議,但是她沒有放棄。她繼續(xù)表演。         是派拉蒙電影公司使她成為一個明星。她為這個工作室拍了很多電影。她也和這個工作

44、室的兩個影星結婚。隆巴德和男演員威廉·鮑威爾結婚僅僅23個月。但是7年以后,她和生命中的最愛,演員克拉克·蓋博結婚。它是偉大的好萊塢愛情故事。    【 解析】          相較于去年,今年的完型填空首次采用課外閱讀,在難度上并沒有做很大的嘗試,題材上也是沿用大家比較拿手的說明文,內(nèi)容與影視有關,比較能夠引起學生的共 鳴,整體沿用了打保守牌的做法,相信在考場上的同學們也會覺得是so easy!從句子成分看主要涉及簡單句和少量從句,從而在閱讀上難度降低。再看選項詞匯,大多根據(jù)上下文的提示都可

45、得出答案,只要細心推敲,做全對是有可 能的。另外一個要注意的就是,全文的整體時態(tài)需用過去時,在選擇動詞時必須留心。四、閱讀理解(本大題共15小題:51-60小題,每小題2分;61-65小題,每小題1分;共25分)閱讀下面的材料,從每小題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。A    Mr Robin(知更鳥)had his house in a tree.His four baby robins lived in it. They grew very fast. Soon the house was too little for them.“It is time fo

46、r you to fly,” said Mr Robin.“Oh, we can not fly,” said the baby robins.“You can, if you try, ” said Mr Robin.A robin tried. He flew into a tree.“Oh, how interesting!” said the little robin. “I like to fly. See me go!”Then the other robins tried.In a little while they could all fly.The robins could

47、fly, but they could not sing.“No, Dad, we can not sing.”“You can, if you try. Hear the other birds sing. Look at the pretty flowers and the blue sky. Then you will want to sing. Hear me sing to you. Now sing for me.”O(jiān)ne little robin sang.Then they all sang.A little girl came by. “Wow, hear the birds

48、 sing!” she said. “How happy they are!”51. How many baby robins lived in the house?        A. 3.                                        B. 4

49、.                                        C. 6.                            

50、           D.7.52. What did Mr Robin ask his babies to do first?        A. To fly.                                   

51、60;                                    B. To jump.        C. To look for food.                

52、                                       D. To build houses.53. How did the little robin feel when he flew into a tree?        A. Interes

53、ted.                        B. Bored.                                C. Tired.       

54、                         D. Worried.54. What else did the baby robins learn to do?        A. To have dinner.                B. To take

55、a trip.                C. To have a party.                D. To sing.55. What did the girl think of the birds?        A. They were poor.        &

56、#160;                                               B. They were rude.        C. They were happy.   

57、                                             D. They were sad.【答案】BAADC【解析】本篇閱讀理解是最簡單的一篇,體裁為一個寓言故事,故事內(nèi)容易理解,五道題目全部為細節(jié)題。對于細節(jié)題,我們需要把握住題干中的關鍵詞,然后帶到文章中尋找關鍵

58、句。51題,關鍵詞“How many baby robins”,根據(jù)文章第二段第一句話“His four baby robins lived in it.”確定共四只更知鳥,因此答案選B。52題,關鍵詞“Mr Robin ask his babies to do first”,根據(jù)文章第三段“It is time for you to fly”確定更知鳥爸爸讓他們飛,因此答案選A53題,關鍵詞“when he flew into a tree”,根據(jù)文章第六段“He flew into a tree.”以及第七段“Oh, how interesting!”判斷小更知鳥飛到樹上感到有趣,因此答案

59、選擇A54題,關鍵詞“What else”和“l(fā)earn to do”,根據(jù)文章第十二段“No, Dad, we can not sing.”和十三段“You can, if you try.”以及再接下來的兩段“One little robin sang. Then they all sang.”判斷小更知鳥還學會了唱歌,因此答案選D55題,關鍵詞“the girl”,根據(jù)文章最后一句“How happy they are!”判斷小女孩覺得更知鳥很開心,因此答案選擇CBIn northern Scotland there is a long, deep lake called Loch Ne

60、ss. More than 200 meters deep, it is the largest lake in the UK. People say a big monster(怪獸)lives in its dark, cold waters. It weighs more than 1,000 kilos and is at least ten meters long. Some people say it has a heard like a horse. Others say it looks like a snake. Many people travel to Loch Ness

61、 to look for this strange monster, but only a few people have seen it. At least, they say they have seen it.The Loch Ness Monster is a famous legend(傳說). The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago, but the legend of the monster spread widely only in the twenties century

62、. In 1933, a husband and wife reported that they saw a big monster in Loch Ness. Several people have taken photos, but at least one of them was a hoax(騙局). During the 1960s, a team was formed to look for the monster. They took many photos and made movies, but they were never able to find a monster.T

63、here is no real fact that a monster lives in Loch Ness, but there is also no fact that one doesnt live. One thing is true about Loch Ness: there are a lot of tourists there.56. In northern _ there is a long, deep lake called Loch Ness.        A. Scotland   

64、60;                    B. Hong Kong                                C. Rome            

65、;                    D. Paris57. What do people say about the monster in Loch Ness?        A. It weighs about 100 kilos.                  &#

66、160;                             B. It is one meter long.        C. It has a tail like a horse.                  &#

67、160;                             D. It looks like a snake.58. When was the first story about the monster told?        A. 200 years ago.         &

68、#160;                                                      B. Over 500 years ago.        C. In

69、1933.                                                                    &#

70、160;   D. In 1960.59. Why was a team formed during the 1960s?        A. To kill the monster.                                       

71、;                 B. To look for the monster.        C. To catch the monster.                              

72、60;                         D. To sell the monster.60. What is the passage mainly about?        A. People that saw a monster.              &

73、#160;                                 B. A trip to Loch Ness.        C. A legend about a monster.              

74、0;                                 D. A team that took photos.【答案】ADBBC【解析】以往的閱讀理解B篇都是課內(nèi)文章,今年果然換成了課外內(nèi)容,不過好在本篇閱讀理解難度中等,沒有為難同學們。文章體裁為說明文,介紹尼斯湖以及尼斯湖水怪的傳說,除了最后一題是主旨題以外,其他幾題均為細節(jié)題。56題,關鍵詞“northern

75、”和“Loch Ness”,文章第一句話就指出了“In northern Scotland there is a long, deep lake called Loch Ness.”,因此答案選A57題,關鍵詞“people say about the monster”,根據(jù)文章第一段第四句話“Some people say it has a heard like a horse. Others say it looks like a snake.”沒有答案提到has a heard like a horse,因此答案選擇D58題,關鍵詞“the first story”,根據(jù)文章第二段第二句

76、話“The first story about a monster in Loch Ness was told over 500 years ago”可以明顯看出答案為B59題,關鍵詞“during the 1960s”,根據(jù)文章第二段最后兩句“During the 1960s, a team was formed to look for the monster. They took many photos and made movies, but they were never able to find a monster.”,轉(zhuǎn)折之后一般都是重要信息,本句轉(zhuǎn)折之后為“他們從沒找到這只怪獸”

77、,因此判斷他們是為了來找怪獸的,所以答案選B60題,主旨題,主旨題的答案一般在首尾出現(xiàn),或者依據(jù)文中的中心詞(出現(xiàn)頻率高的詞),本文中的中心詞為the Loch Ness Monster,再結合文章主體段的傳說,因此判斷答案為CCVanuatu is an island nation in the South Pacific. It is one of the smallest countries in the world. But for those who are interested in adventure and sport, there is a lot to do. Vanuat

78、us islands offer visitors two of the most exciting and dangerous activities in the world: volcano(火山)surfing and land diving.Volcano SurfingOn Tanna Island, Mount Yasur rises 300 meters into the sky. Yasur is an active volcano, and it erupts(爆發(fā))almost every day, sometimes several times a day. For ce

79、nturies, people have climbed this mountain to visit the top. Recently, people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the volcano. In some ways, volcano surfing is like surfing in the sea, but in other ways its very different. Volcano surfers try to escape the erupting volcanowithout getting hit by

80、 flying rocks! Its fast, fun and dangerousthe perfect extreme sport(極限運動).Land DivingMost people are familiar with bungee jumping, but do you know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu and is almost fifteen centuries old? The activity, first called land diving, is part of a religious

81、 ceremony(宗教儀式). A man ties tree vines(樹藤)to his legs. He then jumps head-first from a high tower to touch the earth with the top of his headwithout breaking the vine. Every spring, island natives (men only) still take part in this amazing activity.61. In Line 2, what does the word “those” mean?

82、0;        A. People.                           B. Animals.                           C. Activit

83、ies.                   D. Islands.62. According to the passage, Mount Yasur _.         A. is no longer active                       

84、60;                         B. is on Pentecost Island         C. erupts almost every day                       

85、0;           D. rises 800 meters into the sky63. Why have people recently started climbing Mount Yasur?         A. People can climb it easily.                    

86、60;                 B. People can make money.         C. People can watch snow on it.                             &

87、#160; D. People can surf the volcano.64. Which of the following about land diving is true?         A. It is not dangerous at all.         B. It was first called “bungee jumping”.         C. It is a traditional

88、activity in Vanuatu.         D. It came to Vanuatu from another country.65. What is the purpose of the passage?         A. To tell people not to do dangerous sports.         B. To explain what volcano surfing a

89、nd land diving are.         C. To talk about the worlds best volcano surfer and land diver.         D. To compare activities in Vanuatu with sports in New Zealand.【答案】ACDCB【解析】C篇應該為閱讀理解中最簡單的一篇,但今年的C篇較為容易,本章體裁為說明文,介紹瓦努阿圖的兩種極限運動火山滑板和陸地跳級,文章結構

90、為總分結構,包括細節(jié)題、主旨題和猜詞義題。61題,猜詞義題,這道題比往年考法簡單,并不是給一個新生詞或者熟詞生義,而是指示代詞的指代,根據(jù)文章第一段第三句“But for those who are interested in adventureand sport”可以分析出,后邊的從句who are interested in adventure and sport用來修飾前邊的those,既然用who來引導,說明those指的是人,因此答案選擇A62題,細節(jié)題,根據(jù)關鍵詞“Mount Yasur”鎖定文章關鍵句為第二段第二句“Yasur is an active volcano, and it erupt


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