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1、Unit 5 Pioneers of FlightKey to ExercisesOpenerA Mighty Airpla ne Built by Howard Hughes in 1947Len gthIt was 220 feet long.HeightIt was higher than a five-story building.WeightIt weighed about 60 tons.TripIt had to make the trip from Culver city in California to the Pacific,which is 30 miles away.R

2、eading & InteractingI. Un dersta nding the Text1. Text Orga ni zati onStoryThe heroWhe n it happe nedHow it relates to moder n aviati on1Wan Hu.1500Wan Hu s crazy dream contains the principlesofrocket-poweredspaceflight.2HowardHughesOn November 2,1947Many of the desig n features of theSpruce Goo

3、se have bee n in corporatedinto moder n cargo pla nes.3Leon ardoda Vi nciAbout 500 yearsagoThe flying devices with flapping wi ngs controlledand steered byhuman pilotshe designed stillin spirepeople to pursue theirdreams of flyi ng freely in the sky.2. Comprehe nsion CheckFocus ing on the main ideas

4、The article con sists of three stories about pion eers of flight._The first story is about a Chinese named Wan Hu, who made an un successfulattempt at spaceflight in He built a spaceship powered by 47 rockets using gunpowder. His idea was crazy, but his dream of flight cametrue 500 years later whenC

5、hina successfullylaunched itsfirst mannedShenzhou V spaceship. The second one is about the Spruce Goose, aflying boat designed to meet the need of transporting troops and materials duri ngWorld War II. It was made en tirely of wood and _still holds the record for the greatest wingspan. Although it w

6、as never put to use,many of its desig n features have bee n in corporated into todays cargo planes.The last is about Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous artist of the Renaissanee.Apart from his great artistic work, he also drew sketches of flying devices with flapping wings con trolled and steered by

7、 human pilots. Five hun dred years later, aprofessi onalparachutist made a successful jump using a wood and can vas parachute based onone of da Vincisdesigns/sketches.Digg ing into detail1. Because it was powered by rockets.2. It was the biggest airplane ever built up to that time, and stillholds th

8、e record for the greatest win gspa n. Besides, it was made en tirely ofwood.3. No, because it was behind schedule and was not completed until well after thewar.4. Da Vincis flying machines have wings that flap like birds in flight.5. Because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand their pa

9、ssion for flight,their spirit of innovation, and their courage to try and make their dream come true.Un dersta nding difficult senten ces1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. BII. Focus ing on Lan guage in Con text1. Key Words & Expressi onsI.He regards learning as a daily experienee as well as a lifetimemissi

10、 on.2. His plan is to design a new model, into which some features of _previous models will be incorporated._3. The ship, with 1,000 passe ngers aboard, was b ound for New York.4. It s one thing to learn the rules of polities from books. It isquite ano ther to get into the complex world of real-life

11、 polities.5. At yesterday s sports meet, my roommate Brian broke the record of our schoolin the men s 100 -meter race.6. Jack had a hard time grasp ing the basic con cepts of mathematics.7. They are worki ng on a new project, which calls for a( n) eno rmous _amount of time and en ergy.8. After I bou

12、ght this iPad, I put into storage my old computer.9. The new law tries to maintain a balanee between national interests andindividual rights.10. The teacher drew a(n) an alogy betwee n the huma n heart and a pumpto help stude nts un dersta nd how it works.II.If we teachers believe in education and f

13、ocus on students growth, our labor willeve ntually pay off.12. On display in the exhibiti on room is a new device to harness windpower.13. His newly published book, which has madewaves in literary circles,is based on eve nts that the writer himself has witnessed._14.At the meeting, he tried to steer

14、 the discussionaway fromcriticizing the educational experiment.15. The money was given to Ann as a scholarship, with no conditions attached.1.steer2. behind schedule 3. ahead of his time 4.Tran sportati on of5. con firmed 6. put on display 7. harn ess ing8. had itsroots in1. The artist drew a sketch

15、 of the young lady before going into a more detailed painti ng.2. Brown currently is focusing on devising/designing a new type ofwash ing mach ine that does not use water.3. We n eed to adopt a differe nt approach to music in educati on.4. Usually a label with your n ame and address is attached to y

16、our_suitcase before you check in at the airport.5. A newsystem should be devised because the old system simply doesn t work.2. Collocati on1. We rejected the proposal as a matter of principle.2. Although I am not an American football fan, it doesn t meanl have no in terest init.3. Demand for coal is

17、 dow n and so are the prices.4. Biki ng is a gree n altern ative to driv ing.5.Our research on climate change focuses on its effect on the en vir onment.3. Sentence Patter ns1. Our read ing room has many interesting books as well as the latest_magaz in es.2. The 300-page book contains many pictures

18、of the artist as well as_some of his famous pain ti ngs.3.For characterbuilding,one needs to succeed as well as failsometimes.4. The latest model of the Huawei mobile phone is very popular at home as well asabroad.1. Lege nd has it that the guy inven ted chess to please his King.2. Word has it that

19、the CEO of my compa ny will retire n ext year.3. Rumorhas it that he has spent all his moneyon this crazy and risky pla n.4. Lege nd has it that those who step on to this stone will have goodluck.4. Comprehe nsive PracticeClozeLon g, l ong ago Greek lege nd has it that Daedalus, a brillia ntinven to

20、r, was impris oned together with his son Icarus on an isla nd in theMediterranean. In order to escape, Daedalus devised a clever plan and sketchedout his idea to his son. They would both fly away from the island like birds. It wasrisky, but both thought it worth a try.Using feathers attached togethe

21、r with wax and stri ng, Daedalus madethem both a pair of wonderful wings. Harnessed to these they were able to take tothe air, leavi ng those on the ground who wit nessed their_flight amazed at their stra nge device. As they flew off over the seatheir escape seemed certain. But Icarus, ignoring the

22、warnings of hisfather, came too close to the sun. The wax holding his wings togethermelted and he plun ged to his death in the ocea n below.Tran slati on1. Howto harness the power of the rockets is the key to the successful launch of aspaceship.2. The 20th cen tury wit nessed the growth of the aviat

23、i on in dustry.3. During World War II, the United States needed giant cargo planesfor transportation of war materials.4. The film The Aviator is based on the life of Howard Hughes.5. The professor thinks that more moneyshould be invested in/put into research inthe field of en ergy efficie ncy.6. The

24、y are carry ing out a secret missi on.7.“ Focus on the content of the article. Don t worry about in dividual words, ”said the teacher to the students.8. Wan Hu s plan was too risky and too primitive to be successful.Reading & ComprehendingRead ing 11. Comprehe nsion Check for Readi ng 11. F 2. F

25、 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T2. Tran slati on1. 他倆合起來(lái)的履歷看上去令所有真正的飛行冒險(xiǎn)家都羨慕不已。2.“你必須有思想準(zhǔn)備,真正能設(shè)想出所有的解決方案,”皮卡特說(shuō)。“否則 就非常非常難了?!?. 如果說(shuō)有人領(lǐng)教過(guò)幾乎無(wú)法完成的困難任務(wù)的話,那就是皮卡特,他是家族中第三代冒險(xiǎn)家。4.確實(shí),太陽(yáng)能驅(qū)動(dòng)飛機(jī)首創(chuàng)者的動(dòng)力,不僅僅是為創(chuàng)造新紀(jì)錄,更多是為后人繪制一條可持續(xù)道路的愿望Read ing 2Comprehe nsion Check for Read ing 21. She is the first Chinese wo

26、man astronaut on a mission to develop China sspace station.2. She felt hono ured and grateful.3. Wome n astro nauts have their adva ntages and capabilities and cancomplement men in fulfilling their mission.4. She will carry out medical experime nts.Integrated Skills PracticingI. Viewi ng & Liste

27、 ningHughes: I mean, I put my moneyinto the planes, senator. My money. See,the thing is, I care very much about aviati on. It has bee n the greatjoy of my life. That s why I put my own money into theseplanes. AndI ve lost millions,Senator Brewster. And I ll go on losing millions.It s just . what I d

28、o. Now, I amsupposed to be . manythings whichare not complimentary. I am supposed to be capricious. I have beencalled a playboy. I have eve n bee n called an ecce ntric, but I do notbelieve that I have the reputation of being a liar. Now, needless tosay, the Hercules was a monumental undertaking.It is the largest planeever built. It is over five stories tall with a win gspa n Ion ger thana football field. That s more than a city block. Now, I put the sweat of my life intothis thing. I got my reputation all rolled up in it.And I have


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