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1、第一天分成的子句小花陪你的新手指南課上需要:1. 你的人和你的心(全神貫注來聽課)2. 你的小肥手和紙片子(時(shí)間點(diǎn)/標(biāo)記/截屏) 課后需要:筆記本(子/語法/導(dǎo)圖)發(fā)財(cái)致富本(生詞/熟詞僻義/固定搭配)新手指南歌詞鬧霸成分句式完型歌詞鬧霸成分句式完型Part 1 成分智慧說:要說成分,必須說詞性你說:詞性我很熟啊,名動(dòng)形副balabalaPart 1 成分Part 1 成分出處:2019 卷一二三完形填空Part 1 成分單詞詞性單詞詞性skepticalpreciselypermanentallergicadvocatetremblePart 1 成分Howcanwe theever-wid

2、eninggap that separates us from other animals.A. leaveB. bridgeC. openD. identify出處:2019江蘇完形填空Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Part 1 成分血的教訓(xùn)告訴我們背單詞必背詞性Part 1 成分課次主體內(nèi)容有可能講解Bonus 1Bonus 2Lesson 1句子的成分完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 1Lesson 2動(dòng)詞的分類完形填空片段鬧霸系列 2Lesson 3動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)語態(tài)完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 3課英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)重要Lesson 4情態(tài)動(dòng)詞完形填空片段鬧霸系列 4Les

3、son 5名詞、形容詞與副詞完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 5Lesson 6代詞與介詞完形填空方法鬧霸系列 6Lesson 7連詞與句法完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 7畢業(yè)典禮試卷講解+優(yōu)秀表彰Part 1 成分貼心球兒開始營業(yè)啦詞結(jié)合考綱,自己梳最棒Part 1 成分Part 1 成分以后上傳資就去導(dǎo)學(xué)課找,寶藏庫課我會(huì)仔細(xì)的教你怎背單詞,Part 1 成分Part 1 成分智慧說:背單詞要要背詞性哇?你說:我會(huì)背的(超乖)Part 1 成分Part 1 成分謂語小聲叨叨:傾情送上智慧美球的土創(chuàng)口訣Part 1 成分Part 1 成分謂語 認(rèn)清碧璽后小聲叨叨:自從我認(rèn)清碧璽是的那樣,我們就P

4、art 1 成分Part 1 成分謂語 認(rèn)清碧璽后人稱之后、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞之后、be動(dòng)詞系動(dòng)詞之后有時(shí)態(tài)的是謂語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2I have a dream.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2Sorry Sir, you are not invited.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2You should not touch thepainting without permission.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2If I were you, I would leave the room right now.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分系語=

5、系動(dòng)詞小聲叨叨:你還記得系動(dòng)詞包括嗎?Part 1 成分Part 1 成分狀態(tài):be表象:seem, appear感官:feel, smell, sound, taste變化&保持:become,grow,turn,get,go,come; keep, remain, stayPart 1 成分Part 1 成分P2You are the one.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2That sounds great!Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2Only when you work harder,can your life get better and better.P

6、art 1 成分Part 1 成分P2主語Action speaks louder than words.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2主語Seeing is believing.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2主語To see is to believe.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2主語Whether we go or notdepends on the weather.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2主語It struck me that I forgot to close the door.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分代詞名詞動(dòng)名詞不定式從句

7、主語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3In me the tiger sniffs the rose.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Be careful so you can avoid being hurt.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3We cannot afford to fail again this time.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3打洗你I hope you can think twice before your act.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Parents always think it harmful to play

8、games.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分代詞名詞動(dòng)名詞不定式從句賓語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P2All that glitters is not gold.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3You are beautiful.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3There is nothing in the fridge.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Seeing is believing.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Life was like a box of chocolates.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分代詞名詞動(dòng)名詞不定式從

9、句表語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分什記住這個(gè)是補(bǔ)語啊的例子,你將瞬間理解補(bǔ)語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分I make youPart 1 成分Part 1 成分1. 感官動(dòng)詞+ 賓語 +do/doing/done(see, watch, hear, feel) do - 常態(tài)全過程doing - 主動(dòng)進(jìn)done -完成Part 1 成分Part 1 成分2. 使役動(dòng)詞+賓語+make/have + 賓語 + do/donehave + 賓語 + doing(一直、)get + 賓語 + to do/done/doingPart 1 成分Part 1 成分3. 固定搭配encou

10、rage,advise,allow,instruct(指導(dǎo)),beg,expect,forbid(禁止),prefer,remind(提醒), order, persuade(勸服)call on(號(hào)召), count on(依靠), depend on(依靠),long for(渴望), wait forPart 1 成分Part 1 成分P3That movie really made me happy.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3The math problem left the whole class puzzled.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Her scar

11、y watchdog never lets me in.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Our classmates made me monitor last year.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分形容詞過去分詞介詞名詞補(bǔ)語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分定語翻譯成“的”Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3These unforgettable moments mean a lot.I am starting with the man in the mirror.He who laughs last laughs best.We are all invited to t

12、he party to be held.And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分名詞形容詞過去分詞不定式介詞加名詞從句定語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分狀語翻譯成“地”,修飾句子動(dòng)詞形容詞Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3The team successfully reached the top.The captain stood on the top of the mountain.If you get a dream, you must protect it.Watching the

13、 ball game, he didnt react.Daddy arrived home, safe and sound.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分副詞介詞加名詞從句和省略出的分詞狀語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P3Tom, a seventeen-year old boy, is in chargeof the farm.ThenewsthatStephenHawingpassedaway made us all depressed.Part 1 成分Part 1 成分名詞從句同位語Part 1 成分Part 1 成分P4Your grade, to be honest,

14、 is poor.Professor Smith, who started this research,will give the lecture later.Kobe Bryant, having achieved a lot in NBA,also won an Oscar in 2018.Part 1 成分ThepolarbearisfoundintheArcticCircleandsome big land masses as far south as Newfoundland.Whiletheyarerarenorthof88°,thereisevidence1they r

15、ange all the way across the Arctic, and asfar south as James Bay in Canada.出處:2019一語法填空Part 1 成分是時(shí)候展示測試下啦小聲叨叨:撒幣天使首度上線Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Don't askyourselfwhattheworldneeds.Askyourselfwhatmakesyoucomealiveand then go do that because what the worldneeds is people who have come alive.A. 主語B. 謂語C. 賓語

16、D. 想活Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Don'taskyourselfwhat the world needs.Askyourselfwhatmakesyoucomealiveand then go do that because what the worldneeds is people who have come alive.A. 主語B. 謂語C. 賓語D. 想活Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Don'taskyourselfwhattheworldneeds.Askyourselfwhatmakesyoucomealiveand then go do tha

17、t because what the worldneeds is people who have come alive.A. 主語B. 謂語C. 賓語D. 想活Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Don'taskyourselfwhattheworldneeds.Askyourselfwhatmakesyoucomealiveand then go do that because what the worldneeds is people who have come alive.A. 主語B. 謂語C. 賓語D. 想活Part 1 成分Part 1 成分Don'taskyour

18、selfwhattheworldneeds.Askyourselfwhatmakesyoucome aliveand then go do that because what the worldneeds is people who have come alive.A. 補(bǔ)語B. 謂語C. 賓語D. 想活Part 1 成分歌詞鬧霸成分句式完型課次主體內(nèi)容有可能講解Bonus 1Bonus 2Lesson 1句子的成分完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 1Lesson 2動(dòng)詞的分類完形填空片段鬧霸系列 2Lesson 3動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)語態(tài)完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 3課英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)重要Lesson 4情

19、態(tài)動(dòng)詞完形填空片段鬧霸系列 4Lesson 5名詞、形容詞與副詞完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 5Lesson 6代詞與介詞完形填空方法鬧霸系列 6Lesson 7連詞與句法完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 7畢業(yè)典禮試卷講解+優(yōu)秀表彰主謂主謂賓主系表主謂雙賓Part 2 句式主謂謂語動(dòng)詞為不及物動(dòng)詞常見動(dòng)詞:work, go, come, arrive, occur, matterPart 2 句式Part 2 句式#我會(huì)繼續(xù)向前,即我必須獨(dú)自前#I will march forward, even if I have to do so.alone. House of Cards Part 2 句

20、式Part 2 句式Part 2 句式Part 2 句式#你能走,真的武士絕退卻#You cannot leave. Real warrior (勇士) never quits. Kung Fu Panda Part 2 句式Part 2 句式智慧說:背單詞要要背詞性哇?你說:我會(huì)背的(超乖)Part 2 句式主謂主謂賓主系表主謂雙賓Part 2 句式主謂賓謂語動(dòng)詞為及物動(dòng)詞常見動(dòng)詞:數(shù)勝數(shù)Part 2 句式Part 2 句式#我能失去決心#I must not lose my resolve. House of Cards Part 2 句式Part 2 句式#你永遠(yuǎn)知道下一塊將會(huì)是的#Yo

21、u never know what youre going to get. Forrest Gump Part 2 句式主謂主謂賓主系表主謂雙賓Part 2 句式主系表謂語動(dòng)詞為系動(dòng)詞常見動(dòng)詞:剛剛講過Part 2 句式Part 2 句式狀態(tài):be表象:seem, appear感官:feel, smell, sound, taste變化&保持:become,grow,turn,get,go,come; keep, remain, stayPart 2 句式Part 2 句式#人生就像一盒巧克,你永遠(yuǎn)知道下一塊將會(huì)是的#Life was like a box of chocolates.

22、 Forrest Gump Part 2 句式主謂主謂賓主系表主謂雙賓Part 2 句式主謂雙賓謂語動(dòng)詞為給、拿、告訴等需要人、物的詞常見動(dòng)詞:give, tell, offer等Part 2 句式Part 2 句式#能能給我們一條生#Will you give us a chance to live? Titanic Part 2 句式主謂主謂賓主系表主謂雙賓Part 2 句式主謂賓謂語動(dòng)詞為使讓動(dòng)詞、感官動(dòng)詞常見動(dòng)詞:see, hear, make, have, let等Part 2 句式Part 2 句式#它讓我如魚得水#It made me look like a duck in wa

23、ter. Forrest Gump Part 2 句式主謂主謂賓主系表主謂雙賓Part 2 句式是時(shí)候展示測試下啦小聲叨叨:撒幣天使再度上線Part 2 句式Part 2 句式A. 主謂雙賓B. 主謂賓1.I watch the boy playing foot ball.Part 2 句式Part 2 句式A. 主謂雙賓B. 主謂賓2.My good friend told me a story.Part 2 句式Part 2 句式A. 主謂雙賓B. 主謂賓3.Tom lent me a pencil.Part 2 句式Part 2 句式A. 主謂雙賓B. 主謂賓4.LiLi noticed

24、 two dogs.Part 2 句式P4You Are Not Alone - Michael Jackson-Another day has goneIm still all aloneHow could this beYoure not here with meYou never said good-byeSomeone tell me why歌詞鬧霸成分句式完形課次主體內(nèi)容有可能講解Bonus 1Bonus 2Lesson 1句子的成分完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 1Lesson 2動(dòng)詞的分類完形填空片段鬧霸系列 2Lesson 3動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)語態(tài)完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 3課英語一

25、輪復(fù)習(xí)重要Lesson 4情態(tài)動(dòng)詞完形填空片段鬧霸系列 4Lesson 5名詞、形容詞與副詞完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 5Lesson 6代詞與介詞完形填空方法鬧霸系列 6Lesson 7連詞與句法完形填空片段歌詞講解鬧霸系列 7畢業(yè)典禮試卷講解+優(yōu)秀表彰I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play andshewasoneofthedirectors.AlmostinstantlyIlovedher.Shehadanunpleasant voice and a direct way of spea

26、king, 16 she was encouraging andinspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 17, She wanted to know how Ithought we should 18things. At first I had no idea how to answer becauseI knew 19about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her20 . I

27、t was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to21 them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how 22 I was, so I began to show up to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.Mrs. Neidl's23that year was, &quo

28、t;Try it. We can always paint over it 24!" I began to take 25. I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there wasno failing only things to be 26 upon. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and 27 create something.I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for aplayandshew

29、asoneofthedirectors.Forsomereason,shewas impressed with my work and me.Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my 17, She wanted to knowhow I thought we should 18things. She believed in me, so Ibegan to believe in myself.Mrs. Neidl's23that year was, "Try it. We can always paintover it 24!" I learn

30、ed to dip my brush into the paint and27create something.I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design teamforaplayandsheher.was oneofthedirectors.AlmostinstantlyI lovedShehad anunpleasantvoiceandadirectwayofspeaking, 16shewasencouragingandmyinspiring.Forsomereason,shewasimpressedwithwork and

31、 me.16A. andB. yetC. soD. forMrs. Neidl would ask me for my17, She wanted toknow how I thought we should 18things. At first I hadno idea how to answer because I knew19about stagedesign! But I slowly began to respond to her20.17A. opinionB. impressionC. informationD. intention18A. makeB. keepC. handl

32、eD. change19A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing20A. questionsB. commentsC. explanationsD. remarksMrs. Neidl would ask me for my17, She wanted toknow how I thought we should 18things. At first I hadno idea how to answer because I knew19about stagedesign! But I slowly began to respond to he

33、r20.17A. opinionB. impressionC. informationD. intention18A. makeB. keepC. handleD. change19A. anythingB. somethingC. everythingD. nothing20A. questionsB. commentsC. explanationsD. remarksIt was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to21them. She trusted me to complete things,so I

34、 completed them perfectly. She loved how 22I was,soIbegantoshowuptopaintmoreandmore.Shebelieved in me, so I began to believe in myself.21A. holdB. followC. evaluateD. form22A. happyB. livelyC. reliableD. punctualIt was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to21them. She trusted m

35、e to complete things,so I completed them perfectly. She loved how 22I was,soIbegantoshowuptopaintmoreandmore.Shebelieved in me, so I began to believe in myself.21A. holdB. followC. evaluateD. form22A. happyB. livelyC. reliableD. punctualMrs. Neidl's23that year was, "Try it. We can alwayspai

36、nt over it24!" I began to take 25. I had been soafraidoffailingbutsuddenlytherewasnofailingonlythings to be 26upon. I learned to dip my brush into thepaint and27create something.23A. messageB. mottoC. sayingD. suggestion24A. againB. moreC. insteadD. later25A. stepsB. controlC. chargeD. risks26A

37、. improvedB. actedC. lookedD. reflected27A. easilyB. carefullyC. confidentlyD. proudlyA項(xiàng),take steps “采取措施”;B項(xiàng),take control “”;C項(xiàng),take charge “接管,掌管”;D項(xiàng),take risks “”。A項(xiàng),improve upon “改進(jìn)”;B項(xiàng),act upon “按照;對(duì)起作用”;C項(xiàng),look upon “”;D項(xiàng),reflect upon “考慮;回顧”。Mrs. Neidl's23that year was, "Try it. We c

38、an alwayspaint over it24!" I began to take 25. I had been soafraidoffailingbutsuddenlytherewasnofailingonlythings to be 26upon. I learned to dip my brush into thepaint and27create something.23A. messageB. mottoC. sayingD. suggestion24A. againB. moreC. insteadD. later25A. stepsB. controlC. charg

39、eD. risks26A. improvedB. actedC. lookedD. reflected27A. easilyB. carefullyC. confidentlyD. proudlyPart 3 完形做完形找線索很重要啊小聲叨叨:詞匯才是重中之重Part 3 完形歌詞鬧霸成分句式完形歌詞鬧霸成分句式完型Bonus 1The Cranberries愛爾蘭另類搖滾樂隊(duì)小聲叨叨:人 高曉松神Dolores(1971-2018)-Bonus 1Bonus 1Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?(19934月) 英國銷排名第一位,

40、美國排名18位。全球共銷售760萬張。No Need to Argue(19949月)英國銷排名第二位,美國排名第6位。全球共銷售1670萬張。To the Faithful Departed(19964月)英國銷排名第二位,美國排名第4位。全球銷620萬張。Bury the Hatchet(19994月)英國銷排名第7位,美國排名第13位。全球銷330萬張。Bonus 1Bonus 1這首歌是首著名的歌曲,表達(dá)對(duì)于愛爾蘭問題及對(duì)愛爾蘭共和軍在1993沃靈頓嘆。這首歌曲一經(jīng)推出大受案中造成兩名孩子身亡之事的哀,歌詞中所指1916,是說愛爾蘭人民為都柏“英國節(jié)拖延實(shí)施“愛爾蘭自治法”,于4月24

41、日在”。遭英軍,幾百人,人幾乎全部被殺。Zombie麻木仁Bonus 1Bonus 1Another head hangs lowly, child is slowly taken又一顆頭顱低懸著,孩子慢慢地被奪去生命 And the violence caused such silence 是引起的這場寂靜Who are we mistaken我們錯(cuò)怪誰But you see its not me, its not my family但你親眼所見 是我 也是家人Bonus 1Bonus 1In your head, in your head, they are在你的腦中,他們正在爭斗ingW

42、ith their用他們的, and their bombs和And their bombs, and their guns還有他們的和槍In your head, in your head they are crying在你的腦中 在你的腦中人們?cè)诳藓癇onus 1Bonus 1In your head, in your head 在你的腦之中,在你的腦之中Zombie, Zombie,Zombie喪尸,喪尸,喪尸Whats in your head, in your head,?在你的腦之中,究竟有Zombie, Zombie,Zombie喪尸,喪尸,喪尸Bonus 1Bonus 1Ano

43、ther mothers breaking heart is taken over母親們的心已被打破碎,When the violence causes silence當(dāng)引致死寂We must be mistaken我們?nèi)际亲锟準(zhǔn)譏ts the same old theme since 1916從那1916之后Bonus 1Bonus 1In your head, in your head theyre still在你的頭腦之中,他們的戰(zhàn)斗依舊在進(jìn)ingWith their用他們的, and their bombs和And their bombs, and their guns用他們那些和

44、槍In your head, in your head they are dying在你的頭腦之中,人們正在死去Bonus 1Bonus 1In your head, in your head 在你的頭腦之中,在你的頭腦之中Zombie, Zombie,Zombie喪尸,喪尸,喪尸Whats in your head,in your head,在你的頭腦之中,究竟有怎樣的邪惡?Zombie, Zombie,Zombie喪尸,喪尸,喪尸Bonus 1Bonus 1Bonus 1Bonus 1Bonus 1歌詞鬧霸成分句式完型Bonus 2not only but also1. 可以并主語、謂語、

45、賓語、表語;2. 還可以并狀語??;注意謂語動(dòng)詞數(shù)的變化;3. 寫作文的時(shí)候注意并成分前后動(dòng)詞含義相近;4. 但前后并的詞匯要有差別能一成變啊;5. 從表達(dá)度上講,并前者是已知,后者才是重點(diǎn)。Bonus 2Bonus 2not onl1. 可以并2. 還可以并3. 寫作文的時(shí)t also、表語;詞數(shù)的變化; 詞含義相近;4. 但前后并的詞匯要有差能成變?。?. 從表達(dá)度上講者是已知,后者才是重點(diǎn)。Bonus 2Bonus 2You can not only come but also playand give a show.Notonlywillyoubeaddictedtovariousbrilliant performances, but also (you) arewarmlywelcometo


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