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1、會計學1青島英文介紹青島英文介紹A Brief Introduction Of Qingdao location青島依山傍海,風光秀麗,氣候宜人。紅瓦、綠樹、碧海、藍天交相映出青島美麗的身姿;赤礁、細浪、彩帆、金色沙灘構成青島美麗的風景線;歷史、宗教、民俗、風土人情、節(jié)日慶典賦予了青島旅游豐富的文化內(nèi)涵。濃縮近代歷史文化的名人故居;具有典型歐式風格的各國建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is pai

2、nted in which one can see the winding coastline, islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees. Many of the European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures. 棧橋:棧橋:前海棧橋是青島的象征,建于前海棧橋是青島的象征,建于1891年,時為簡易軍用碼頭,幾經(jīng)重修,向游人開放?,F(xiàn)年,時為簡易軍用碼頭,幾經(jīng)重修,向游人開放。現(xiàn)棧橋

3、長棧橋長440米,名曰米,名曰“回瀾閣回瀾閣”。堤岸是景色如畫的棧橋公園,花木掩映,藤繞長廊,可。堤岸是景色如畫的棧橋公園,花木掩映,藤繞長廊,可遠眺小青島綠島蔥蘢、白塔玉立之美景,是游人觀光游憩的好地方。遠眺小青島綠島蔥蘢、白塔玉立之美景,是游人觀光游憩的好地方。Zhanqiao Pier:Zhanqiao Pier, built in 1891, is the symbol of Qingdao. After several restorations, from being a simple military harbor, it is now open to tourists. The

4、pier is 440 meters long. There is an octagonal pagoda of distinctive Chinese style, called “ Huilan Pagoda”, at the end of the pier. From the top, tourists can fully view the Maganificent Sea. Along the shore is the beautiful Pier Park, which is a pleasant and quiet place for tourists to rest or enj

5、oy the scenery of Little Qingdao Island and its white tower.Zhan Qiao(棧橋棧橋)五四廣場:五四廣場:為紀念為紀念“五四運動五四運動”命名,廣場由市政廳廣場、中心廣場、海濱公園三部分組成。其間命名,廣場由市政廳廣場、中心廣場、海濱公園三部分組成。其間雕塑薈萃,噴泉吐玉松柏蒼郁,花草吐翠,氣勢恢宏,典雅壯美,及富青島特色和現(xiàn)代雕塑薈萃,噴泉吐玉松柏蒼郁,花草吐翠,氣勢恢宏,典雅壯美,及富青島特色和現(xiàn)代精神。精神。May 4th Square:This square is named to honor the May 4th Mo

6、vement which took place in 1919. Consisting of two squares and a park, the area is decorated with statues and fountains and surrounded by pine trees, meadows, and flowers. It has become the symbol of modern Qingdao. The sculpture is the symbol of May Fourth Square called 五月的五月的風風The first hundred-me

7、ter fountain on sea in our country五月的風五月的風 in nightZhongshan Park is famous by the flowers there 因形似古琴,亦稱琴島。島上潔白的燈塔亭亭玉立,為本世紀初德國人建造。小島山巖聳秀,林木婆娑。夜幕低垂時,可欣賞“琴嶼飄燈”之勝景。 Whose shape is like an ancient violin is also called “violent Isle”. Germany built the white lighthouse on the isle at the beginning of t

8、his century. Its light reflected on the sea makes quite a spectacle at night, so much so that it has become known as “floating light of Isle”. Boiled fresh albalone (原殼鮑魚)(原殼鮑魚)Crispy lightly-breaded oyster (炸蠣黃(炸蠣黃 )conch platter(油爆海螺油爆海螺 ) Minced meat trepang (肉末海參)(肉末海參)Shellfish and tofu soupMut

9、ton shellfish(海腸炒韭菜)(海腸炒韭菜)Beer StreetQingdao Beer is famous all around the world.The festival of BeerIts a international festival ,including trade,economy,travelling, sports and culture.黃曉明黃曉明陳好夏雨倪萍Famous People of Qingdao嶗山嶗山是國家級風景名勝區(qū),是國家首批AAAA級旅游區(qū)。位于青島市區(qū)東部,總面積446平方公里。嶗山自古被稱譽為神窟仙宅,靈異之府,是道教傳播發(fā)祥地之一,

10、盛時有九宮八觀七十二庵之說。嶗山無嚴寒, 夏無酷暑,山海相連,風景如畫,是全國著名的旅游和度假休閑勝地。 The Laoshan Scenic Area was one of Chinas first major scenic resorts to receive the approval of the State Council. It holds an important position in Qingdaos tourism industryLaoshan Scenic AreaThe Laoshan Scenic Area was one of Chinas first major

11、scenic resorts to receive the approval of the State Council. It holds an important position in Qingdaos tourism industry. The acceleration of its natural landscape development and improved access to its cultural facilities is an important component of the citys Olympic endeavors. Major tourist spots

12、 include the Laoshan Kangcheng Academy, the Jufeng Scenic Area and Nine Waters&Eighteen Pools. A booming economic cityA long-history cityA cultural city青島依山傍海,風光秀麗,氣候宜人。紅瓦、綠樹、碧海、藍天交相映出青島美麗的身姿;赤礁、細浪、彩帆、金色沙灘構成青島美麗的風景線;歷史、宗教、民俗、風土人情、節(jié)日慶典賦予了青島旅游豐富的文化內(nèi)涵。濃縮近代歷史文化的名人故居;具有典型歐式風格的各國建筑,形成了在中西合璧的特色。 Qingdao has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. A harmonious picture of mountains, sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline, islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees. Many of the European-style bu


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