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1、we always provide service beyond parents expected.云南昆明中考英語作文萬能模板 (新思考教育昆明中考英語滿分作文系列 同時,為了回饋新思考教育在提分中遙遙領(lǐng)先,現(xiàn)在每月推出 300名免費與新思考名師內(nèi)部資料模擬練習(xí), 100%提分,歡迎免費參與:東華校區(qū)京路校區(qū)小西門校區(qū)給大家十個字,搞定初中英語寫作,幫你拿到一等文。問:“哪十字?”允澤老師答:“結(jié)構(gòu)+要點+邏輯+語法+亮點!”結(jié)構(gòu) :中考最流行的結(jié)構(gòu)就是三段式,深受各地區(qū)中考英語寫作閱卷老師的喜愛。為什

2、么尼?因為這 種結(jié)構(gòu)十分清晰?!坝^點要點總結(jié)”讓人一目了然。三段式的第一段:簡單明了,開門見山,不 超過 2句話,如,我們想表達(dá)小強很強壯,第一段直接說 XQ is extremely strong. 觀點明確,這一句足 矣。第二段:分 2-3點說為什么他強壯。1. 每天吃 10頓飯,He has ten meals everyday! 詳舉吃的是什 么。2. 每天運動 2小時,He does exercise 2hours a day! 詳舉做了什么運動。第三段:經(jīng)過第二段的 論證, 可以得出結(jié)論。 但請注意, 不能完全照抄第一段, 要有升華。 也可以提出希望和建議等。 如, How str

3、ong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day!要點 :實際上中考英語寫作就等于兩個字,翻譯! 因為中考英語寫作一般會給出幾個要點,要求必須 在文章中有所體現(xiàn)。文章寫的再好,只要缺少要點就會扣分。 所以要點,也就是文章的第二段內(nèi)容,要做 到全,圍繞中心。邏輯 :這里的邏輯實際指的就是邏輯詞。最常用的就是表示遞進(jìn)的,轉(zhuǎn)折的,總結(jié)的邏輯詞等。 遞進(jìn):除了 first, second, third, finally 等還可以使用高級點的, 如 first of all(首先, in addition, what's more, moreover(

4、都是另外的意思,in a word, all in all(表示總結(jié)的 。轉(zhuǎn)折:but,yet, howeverwe always provide service beyond parents expected. 等。 真正有經(jīng)驗的閱卷老師會很注意這些邏輯連接詞,因為這些詞體現(xiàn)了這個文章的思路。語法 :其他幾點都不是硬性的要求,不那樣做不能說是錯,只能說是不好,但是語法卻是硬性的。如,單詞的使用,時態(tài)等。亮點 :當(dāng)我們將前八個字都做得很完美的時候也只能得到一個二等文的上。要想得到一等文,最后兩個字,亮點至關(guān)重要。大家設(shè)想如果我們是閱卷老師。有兩篇寫人美麗的作文擺在我們面前,都是結(jié)構(gòu)清晰的三段式

5、, 要點都很全, 都用了一些邏輯詞, 都沒有語法錯誤, 但是 A 篇只用了 beautiful,good-looking,B篇卻用到了 attractive, charming, catching 等, 我堅信正常人都會給 B 篇高分的。 這些高級一點的詞匯,詞組, 句型便是我們得到一等文的最有力的絕招 。所以, 以后寫英語作文要養(yǎng)成一般詞匯限量用的好習(xí)慣。只要把這十個字都搞定了,那么初中英語寫作就一定能搞定!英語高分作文必備殺手锏 三段四步法中考英語閱卷老師看寫作主要有三個標(biāo)準(zhǔn):1結(jié)構(gòu) 2內(nèi)容要點 3語言(詞組搭配、句型、句式變化、過渡詞看結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)容要點定分?jǐn)?shù)檔,看語言給成績。這是中考英語閱

6、卷的潛規(guī)則。三段四步法中考英語滿分殺手锏知己知彼,方能百戰(zhàn)不殆,既然中考閱卷流程和內(nèi)部標(biāo)準(zhǔn)已經(jīng)明朗化,相對的策略也就順利成章的形成了?,F(xiàn)在和大家分享,筆者教學(xué)和閱卷過程中總結(jié)創(chuàng)立的寫作滿分秘訣。1“三段”(三個段落針對的閱卷老師先看文章結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)容要點,讓閱卷老師不得不給你定位一類文。中高考情景是作文,無論是那種文體,都可以用三段法來表示。這個方法的起源是來自美國的“高考”SAT 考試, (SAT是美國或它國學(xué)生想要申請美國大學(xué)必須參加的考試,故被叫過美國的高考 。我們管這樣的文章叫做 Hamburger Writing (漢堡寫作顧名思義,就是無論是記敘文、還是議論文、或者 08年中考以及 0

7、9一模西城的夾敘夾議文章,都可以通用。簡單解釋如下:第一段 記敘文 議論文開篇背景介紹(時間、地點、人物、事件發(fā)表觀點第二段故事發(fā)展 論據(jù)、論點支撐第三段結(jié)局 總結(jié)觀點2“四步”有了框架就相當(dāng)于有了骨骼,而真正的血肉要靠四個步驟來實現(xiàn)。步驟一:審題審題的訓(xùn)練對于每個學(xué)生都不陌生,我要說的是審題一定要做到五個方面:一審主題(寫什么 ,二審體裁(記敘、說明、議論、夾敘夾議 ,三審時態(tài)(時態(tài)中考兩個扣一分,三個降一檔 ,四審人稱(別犯低級錯誤 ,五審內(nèi)容要點(一定要在試卷中畫出,免得寫的時候忘記,導(dǎo)致跑題步驟二:打草稿中考一定要打草稿,兩大優(yōu)勢1中考不準(zhǔn)在試卷更改,涂改帶、橡皮、膠條(囧 、小刀(我

8、小時候想都沒想過 ,而中考時落筆錯誤是難免的,涂改就會后卷面分,打草稿就可以避免這個情況了。2正式寫作是對草稿的在梳理,語言的在錘煉。we always provide service beyond parents expected. 步驟三:正文寫作做到兩點,一要凝練,而要變化。文章 80100字為宜,一定要注意使用過渡詞、從句、50個句型和詞組搭配。步驟四:檢查:很多學(xué)生考試都會檢查,但總是不能找到自己的錯誤。原因很簡單,方法不對:英語寫作檢查的原則:1內(nèi)容要點:缺少一個內(nèi)容要點,文章直接降到第三檔2語法錯誤:名詞查單復(fù)數(shù)和冠詞問題,動詞查時態(tài)語態(tài)和三單問題。3變換句式:過于簡單的結(jié)構(gòu)要試

9、著變化高頻分析書面表達(dá)是每年中考的必考題型,考查同學(xué)們用英語以書面的形式來傳遞信息并進(jìn)行交際的能力,分值一般為 1020分,其題型多樣,主要可分為兩大類:一是命題作文,如 My School/Family/Hometown等;二是材料作文,根據(jù)給出的書面(中文或英文材料,按照要求作文,包括英文書信(E-mail?感謝信?日記?英文請假條?便條?英文演講稿?發(fā)言稿(或值日報告?介紹?英文通知?看圖說話等? 此類題型屬主觀性試題,具有較大的靈活性,是對同學(xué)們更高層次的能力的考查,是不少同學(xué)的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)?背誦秘訣中考書面表達(dá)的取材范圍越來越廣,涉及的內(nèi)容也越來越豐富?近年來各省市的中考英語作文大多是材

10、料作文?因此,我們在日常學(xué)習(xí)中要加強寫作訓(xùn)練,擴(kuò)大課外閱讀,多搜集?積累英語作文素材?例如可搜集有關(guān)三鹿奶粉的英語作文素材?同時 在寫作中要做到:1.認(rèn)真審題,提煉要點;2. 緊扣主題,擴(kuò)詞成句;3. 表述準(zhǔn)確,連句成文;4. 通篇檢查,確保無誤? 中考真題1. (2008年江西發(fā)明改變了世界?改變了我們的生活?比如,電視和自行車給我們的生活帶來了許多變化和便利?請你以“Inventions”為話題,根據(jù)提示寫一份值日生報告?先介紹電視和自行車的用途,再發(fā)揮想象,說說你想發(fā)明的東西,并說明其用途或發(fā)明的理由?提示:(1電視機:信息豐富,開闊視野,休閑娛樂,輔助學(xué)習(xí)?(2自行車:價格便宜,方便出

11、行,有利環(huán)保,有益健康?(3你的發(fā)明?(說明其用途或發(fā)明的理由注意:(1報告應(yīng)包括以上所有提示的信息,但不要逐字翻譯,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,使行文連貫;(2發(fā)明的東西可大可小,有其特殊用途即可;(3詞數(shù)不少于 80個?開頭和結(jié)尾已經(jīng)寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)?Good morning, everyone! Today Im going to talk about inventions. Inventions are createdevery day because people would like to make life easier. There are famous inventions like_Th

12、ats all. Thank you very much.2. (2008年湖北黃岡背景設(shè)定:為了保護(hù)環(huán)境,節(jié)約能源,中國政府出臺了一條禁令:從 2008年 6月 1日起,禁止在超市和商店中使用超薄塑料袋?針對這條禁令,某學(xué)校組織了一次討論會,請同學(xué)們暢所欲言,發(fā)表自己的看法?下面是汪進(jìn)峰同學(xué)的發(fā)言內(nèi)容:we always provide service beyond parents expected. 姓名:WangJinfeng請你根據(jù)汪進(jìn)峰同學(xué)的發(fā)言內(nèi)容,以他的名義寫一篇書面發(fā)言材料? 發(fā)言及中心內(nèi)容:(1禁令內(nèi)容:禁止使用超薄塑料袋;阻止超市?商店向顧客提供免費塑料袋;如果提供,需要付

13、費?(2個人認(rèn)識:對我們有益;能幫助保護(hù)環(huán)境?原因:a.引起白色污染;b. 污染土壤和水;c. 生產(chǎn)塑料袋浪費能源?目的:貫徹執(zhí)行該禁令,改善環(huán)境?(3今后做法:鼓勵家人和朋友購物時自帶布袋?竹籃;不亂丟垃圾,對塑料瓶?易拉罐進(jìn)行回收要求:(1圍繞汪進(jìn)峰的觀點和意愿進(jìn)行表達(dá),所表達(dá)的內(nèi)容可以適當(dāng)拓展;(2所表達(dá)的內(nèi)容必須包含上述 3個要點;(3詞數(shù) 80個左右,開頭和結(jié)尾已給出(不計入總詞數(shù)?提示詞匯:ban(禁令, provide, free(免費, protect, cause, pollute, soil(土壤, energy, carryout, improve, recycle, s

14、oft drink can(易拉罐Hello, everyone!China has put a ban on the use of much thinner plastic bags starting on June, 2008._Thats all for my speech. Thanks for listening!建議書面表達(dá)一直是中考的重頭戲,所占分值根據(jù)各地中考試卷的結(jié)構(gòu)不同而有所差異,約占 1525分?就體裁而言, 中考作文一般分為四類:記敘文?說明文?議論文以及應(yīng)用文?其中記敘文包括以記人為主或記事為主?中考書面表達(dá)多為提示作文,有的是看圖作文,有的是根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容寫作,還有的

15、要根據(jù)提示信息寫作?另外,需要注意的是,書面表達(dá)越來越傾向于和時事掛鉤?在 2008年的試卷中,就有許多市地的書面表達(dá)是圍繞“地震”而展開的? 所以,考試前要多注意近一年來的國家大事,這樣遇到時事性的作文題,才能有備而戰(zhàn)?中考英語作文必備萬能句型 10個1. 不用說 It goes without saying that =(Itis needless to say (that =It is obvious that 例:不用說早睡早起是值得的。It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.2. 在各種之中 , Among va

16、rious kinds of , /=Of all the , 例在各種運動中我尤其喜歡慢跑。Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.3. 就我的看法;我認(rèn)為In my opinion =To my mind =As far as I am concerned =I am of the opinion that 例:Inmy opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.就我的看法打電動玩具既花

17、費時間也有害健康。we always provide service beyond parents expected. 4. 隨著人口的增加 With the increase/growthof the population, 隨著科技的進(jìn)步 With the advance of science and technology, 例:Withthe rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.隨著臺灣經(jīng)濟(jì)的快速發(fā)展許多社會問題產(chǎn)生了。5. 是必要的 It is nec

18、essary (forsb. to do /that 是重要的 It is important/essential(forsb. to do /that 是適當(dāng)?shù)?It is proper (forsb. to do /that 是緊急的 It is urgent (forsb. to do /that 例:Itis proper for us to keep the public places clean.It is proper that we (should keep the public places clean.我們應(yīng)當(dāng)保持公共場所清潔。6. 花費 spend on sth. /do

19、ing sth. 例:我們不應(yīng)該在我們不感興趣的事情上花太多的時間。We shouldn't spend too much time on something we aren't interested in.7. how 引導(dǎo)的感嘆句例:那至少可以證明你很誠實。At least it will prove how honest you are.8. 狀語從句A如果你不,你就會 If you don't , you'll 例If you don't keep working hard, you'll lose the chance.如果你不堅持努力

20、工作,你就會失去這次機會。B如此 ,以至于 so that 例:Atthat moment, I was so upset that I wanted to give up.當(dāng)時,我非常傷心,最后都想放棄了。C每當(dāng)就每當(dāng)我聽到我就忍不住感到興奮。Whenever I hear , I cannot but feel excited.每當(dāng)我做我就忍不住感到悲傷。Whenever I do , I cannot but feel sad.每當(dāng)我想到我就忍不住感到緊張。Whenever I think of , I cannot but feel nervous.每當(dāng)我遭遇我就忍不住感到害怕。Whe

21、never I meet with , I cannot but feel frightened.每當(dāng)我看到我就忍不住感到驚訝。Whenever I see , I cannot but feel surprised.例:WheneverI think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.=Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.每當(dāng)我想到我家附近那一條清澈的小溪我就忍不住感到悲傷。we always pr

22、ovide service beyond parents expected. 9. 賓語從句我認(rèn)為, /我認(rèn)為不 I think /I don't think that 我想知道是否 I wonder whether 例:Hedoesn't think I should stop him joining the club.他認(rèn)為我不應(yīng)該阻止他參加這個俱樂部。10. Since +S +過去式, S +現(xiàn)在完成式。例:Sincehe went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自從他上高中,他就一直很用功。英語作文萬能段

23、首句1. 關(guān)于人們有不同的觀點。一些人認(rèn)為There are different opinions among people as to _.Some people suggest that _.2. 俗話說(常言道,它是我們前輩的經(jīng)歷,但是,即使在今天,它在許多場合仍然適用。There is an old saying_.Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct inmany cases even today.3. 現(xiàn)在,它們給我們的日常生活帶來了許多危害。首先,;其次,。更為糟糕的是。Today, _,which

24、 have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, _Second,_.Whatmakes things worse is that_.4. 現(xiàn)在,很普遍,許多人喜歡,因為,另外(而且。Nowadays,it is common to _.Many people like _because _.Besides,_.5. 任何事物都是有兩面性,也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。Everything has two sides and _is not an exception,it has both advantages and

25、disadvantages.6. 關(guān)于人們的觀點各不相同,一些人認(rèn)為(說,在他們看來,Peoples opinions about _vary from person to person. Some people say that _.Tothem,_.7.已成為人的關(guān)注的熱門話題,特別是在年青人當(dāng)中,將引發(fā)激烈的辯論。has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates areright on their way.8.在我們的日常生活中起著越來越重要的作用。它給我們帶來了許多好處,但

26、同時也引發(fā)一些嚴(yán)重的問題。has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. it has broughtus a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well9.人類正面臨著一個嚴(yán)重的問題,這個問題變得越來越嚴(yán)重。Man is now facing a big problem ( which is becoming more and more serious.10.根據(jù)圖表/數(shù)字/統(tǒng)計數(shù)字/表格中的百分比/圖表/條形圖/成形

27、圖可以看出。很顯然,但是為什么呢?According to the figure/number/statistics/percentagesin the /chart/bargraph/line/graph,it canbe seen that 。.Obviously, ,but why?11.如今,人們普遍認(rèn)為.,但是我懷疑.。Nowadays,it is generally/commonlybelieved that , but I wonder thatwe always provide service beyond parents expected. 12.如同硬幣的正反面,.也有積極

28、的一面和消極的一面。Like a coin has two sides, there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to.13.近來,.的問題已經(jīng)成為人們注目的焦點?!盋urrently, the issue of .has been brought to public attention14.隨著.的快速增長,.在日常生活中已經(jīng)變得越來越重要。Along with the rapid growth of .,.has become increasingly important in our daily15.由汽車(或 xx引起的空氣和噪

29、音污染對我們的健康造成了危害?!盇ir pollution and noise pollution caused by automobiles do harm to our health.中考英語作文萬能格式佳句 11句1. We ' re often told that .But is this really the case ?我們經(jīng)常被告知.但事實真是這樣嗎?2. People used to .however , things are quite different today .過去,人們習(xí)慣.但,今天的情況有很大的不同。3.some people think that .O

30、thers believe that the opposite is true . There is probablysome truth in both sides.But we must realize that .一些人認(rèn)為.另一些人持相反意見。也許雙方的觀點都有一定道理。但是我們必須認(rèn)識到.4.Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution .認(rèn)識到問題是找到解決辦法的第一步。5. It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face .這是一個我們必

31、須學(xué)會面對的痛苦的新情況。6. In short , we must work hard to make the world a better place .簡而言之,為了把世界變成更美好的地方,我們必須勤奮工作。7.Lost time is never found again.歲月既往,一去不回。8.Everybody should have a dream.每個人都該有個夢想.9.Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最壞的打算。10.Failure is the mother of success.失敗乃成功之母。11.

32、Let's look on the bright side.讓我們往好處想吧。中考英語滿分作文必背句型1. 重點句型1. Its adj for sb to do 做對某人來說2. so that 如此 以至于 too to do 太 而不能such that 如此 以至于3. notuntil 直到才we always provide service beyond parents expected. 例:I didnt go to bed until my mother came back.4.The reason why +句子 is that +句子 的原因是The reason

33、 why he got angry was that she told him a lie. (他生氣的原因是她對他說了謊。5. That is why +句子 那是的原因6. That is because +句子 那是因為7. It is said that +句子 據(jù)說It is reported that +句子 據(jù)報道8. There is no doubt that +句子 毫無疑問9. It goes without saying that +句子 不言而喻,毫無疑問10. There is no need to do 沒必要做11. There is no point in d

34、oing 做某事毫無意義2. 提建議had better (notdo 最好(不做how about /what about doing 怎么樣?I think you should do 我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該I suggest that you should do 我建議你做If I were you, I would do我要是你的話,我會做Its best to do 最好做Why not do /why dont you do? 為什么不3. 表示喜歡和感興趣like /love doingenjoy doingbe fond of doing 喜歡做be keen on doing 喜歡做p

35、refer to do A rather than do B 寧愿做 A 也不愿做 Bbe interested in doing =show/take great interest in doing 感興趣4. .努力做try to do 努力做strive to do 努力做try ones best to do=do ones best to do 竭盡全力做make efforts to do =make every effort to do 盡力做do what sb can (do to do 盡力做spare no effort to do 不遺余力的做 5. 打算做 /計劃做i

36、ntend /plan to do 打算做be going to do 打算/計劃做decide to do 決定做determine to do 決定做be determined to do 決定做make up ones mind to do 下定決心做6. 表示想/希望want to do =would like to do 想做we always provide service beyond parents expected. hope to do 希望做expect to do 期待著做wish to do 希望做consider doing 考慮做7. 只加 doing 作賓語的動

37、詞finish 完成/practice 練習(xí) /suggest 建議 /consider 考慮 /mind 介意 /enjoy 喜歡 doing固定搭配look forward to doing 盼望做keep on doing 堅持做dream of doing 夢想做cant help doing 情不自禁地做keep /stop /prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做be busy (in doing be busy with +名詞 忙于做spend time /money (indoing spend time /money on +名詞 花費時間做have fu

38、n /have a good time /enjoy oneself doing 玩得開心have trouble /have problem /have difficulty (indoing 或 with +名詞 做有困難中考必背的 30個作文經(jīng)典詞句 中考考點培養(yǎng)同學(xué)們的寫作能力是初中英語教學(xué)的目的之一?寫的能力包括:書寫端正,拼寫正確,語言通順,無語法錯誤,層次清楚,內(nèi)容完整? 英語新課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 明確提出同學(xué)們在書寫方面應(yīng)做到能依照學(xué)過的題材或話題,利用所給的范例寫簡單的書信?便條?通知等;能按照要求用書面形式轉(zhuǎn)述所聽?所讀的簡單內(nèi)容;能為圖片提供簡單的文字說明并能清楚地能表達(dá)自己的觀點

39、? 必背知識常用的名言警句1. Actions speak louder than words. 事實勝于雄辯?2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難朋友才是真朋友?3. A good beginning is half done. 良好的開端是成功的一半?4. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成?5. All roads lead to Rome. 條條大道通羅馬?6. Easier said than done. 說起來容易,做起來難?7. Easy come, easy go. 來得快,

40、去得快?8. Every man has his weak side. 人人都有缺點?9. Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母?10. Look before you leap. 三思而后行?11. Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人?12. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人若無友,就如同生命中沒有太陽?13. All things are difficult befo

41、re they are easy. 萬事開頭難?14. Always prepare for a rainy day. 未雨綢繆?15. As you sow, so shall you reap . 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆?16. I might say that success is won by three things:first, effort; second, more effort; third,we always provide service beyond parents expected. still more effort. 成功要靠三件事才能贏得:努力,努力,再努力?17.

42、 Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 有事莫推明天?18. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧?19. Bad news has wings. 好事不出門,壞事傳千里?20. Honesty is the best policy. 做人以誠信為本?21. You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success.你必須相信自己,這是成功的關(guān)鍵?22. Dont judge a man by his looks. 不可以貌取人?常用過渡語23

43、. 表起始的過渡語 :firstof all, to begin with, in my opinion, according to, so far, as faras 等?24. 表時間的過渡語 :first,at first, then, later, in the end, finally, afterwards, after that,since then, for the first time, at last, as soon as, the next moment, meanwhile, later on, soon,finally 等?25. 表空間的過渡語:on the ri

44、ght/left,to the right/leftof, on one side of on the otherside of, at the foot/top/endof, in the middle/centreof, next to, far from, in front of 等?26. 表因果的過渡語 :for,because of, one reason is that another reason is that, thus, so,as a result (of等?27. 表轉(zhuǎn)折的過渡語:but, yet, however, after all, in fact, while

45、, on the contrary, insteadof, unlike, although, otherwise, nevertheless, in spite of, after all 等?28. 表列舉的過渡語 :forexample, such as, that is, like, as follows, in other words, and soon 等?29. 表推進(jìn)的過渡語 :whats more, on one hand on the other hand, in addition to, as well,still, also, in other words, not o

46、nlybut also, besides, furthermore, moreover 等?30. 表總結(jié)的過渡語:in short, in a word, in general, in brief, in all, on the whole 等?35個英語作文中考常用句型一、 the+est +名詞 +(that +主詞 +have ever +seen (known/heard/had/read,etcthe most +形容詞 +名詞 +(that +主詞 +have ever +seen (known/heard/had/read,etc 例句:Helen is the most be

47、autiful girl that I have ever seen.海倫是我所看過最美麗的女孩。Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.張老師是我曾經(jīng)遇到最仁慈的教師。二、 Nothing is +er than to +VNothing is +more +形容詞 +than to +V例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.沒有比接受教育更重要的事。三、 cannot emphasize the importance of too much.(再怎么強

48、調(diào) . 的重要性也不為過。 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我們再怎么強調(diào)保護(hù)眼睛的重要性也不為過。we always provide service beyond parents expected. 四、 There is no denying that +S +V. (不可否認(rèn)的例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.不可否認(rèn)的,我們的生活品質(zhì)已經(jīng)每況愈下。

49、五、 It is universally acknowledged that +句子 (全世界都知道例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable tous.全世界都知道樹木對我們是不可或缺的。六、 There is no doubt that +句子 (毫無疑問的例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫無疑問的我們的教育制度令人不滿意。七、 An advantage of is that +句子

50、(的優(yōu)點是例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create (produceany pollution.使用太陽能的優(yōu)點是它不會制造任何污染。八、 The reason why +句子 is that +句子(的原因是例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fr

51、esh air for us.我們必須種樹的原因是它們能供應(yīng)我們新鮮的空氣。九、 So +形容詞 +be +主詞 +that +句子(如此以致于例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.時間是如此珍貴,它經(jīng)不起我們浪費。十、 Adj +as +Subject (主詞 +be, S +V(雖然例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.byno means =in no way =on no ac

52、count 一點也不雖然我們的國家富有,我們的生活品質(zhì)絕對令人不滿意。十一、 The +er+S +V, the +er+S +V The +more +Adj +S +V, the +more +Adj +S +V(愈愈例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.你愈努力,你愈進(jìn)步。The more books we read, the more learned we become.我們書讀愈多,我們愈有學(xué)問。十二、 By +Ving,can (借著,能夠例句:By taking exercise, we can always sta

53、y healthy.借著做運動,我們能夠始終保持健康。十三、 enable +Object (受詞 +to +V (使能夠例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.聽音樂使我們能夠感覺輕松。十四、 On no account can we +V (我們絕對不能例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我們絕對不能忽略知識的價值。十五、 It is time +S +過去式 (該是的時候了例句:It is time the authorities concerned took

54、proper steps to solve the traffic problems.該是有關(guān)當(dāng)局采取適當(dāng)?shù)拇胧﹣斫鉀Q交通問題的時候了。we always provide service beyond parents expected. 十六、 Those who (的人例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.違反交通規(guī)定的人應(yīng)該受處罰。十七、 There is no one but (沒有人不例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.沒有人不渴望上大學(xué)。十八、 b

55、e +forced/compelled/obliged+to +V (不得不例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled togive up doing sports. 的既然考試迫在眉睫,我不得不放棄做運動。十九、 It is conceivable that +句子 (可想而知的It is obvious that +句子 (明顯的It is apparent that +句子 (顯然的例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知識在我們的一生中扮演一個重要的角色。二十、 That is the reason why (那就是的原因例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don't like it.夏天很燠熱。那


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