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1、課 時 計 劃第 周 星期 第 節(jié) 年 月 日 課 題Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教 學目 標1)對所屬關系進行問答,如 :Do you have a soccer ball?(2)提出建議,發(fā)出邀請。如:Lets play soccer.(3)談論自己的感受。如:That sounds good.教材分析重點Drill: Do you/they have?Does he/she have?I dont have?He/She doesnt have .Lets .That sounds .難點have 在一般現(xiàn)在時中的肯定,否定,一般疑問等形式。尤其當主

2、語為第三人稱單數(shù)時教具多媒體教學過程Step 1. Greeting, sing an English song togetherStep 2. presentation (用實物導課,引出新單詞)(show a ball). Ask the student: Whats this? Its a ball. Its a soccer ball. Is this your soccer ball? No, it isnt.Do you have a soccer ball? Yes. Step 3. ( 展示圖片) show a picture to study the new words: t

3、ennis racket, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball, basketball, television 學習方法:先用圖片認知單詞,然后領讀,注意講解單詞拼寫和讀音之間的聯(lián)系,滲透音標教學.再用熟識的句型練習運用這些單詞,讓學生在不知不覺中達到熟識程度。如:Whats this ? Its a tennis racket. Is this your volleyball? Yes, it is. Then do the exercises: 1a ( P25) Match the words with the things in the pict

4、ure.Keys: 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. d 6. bListen to 1b (P25) and finish the exercise.Step 4. Make sentences with the new words to practice the structure: Do you have.? Yes, I do. No, I dont.師生先進行對話,然后生生對話,可以用實物,也可以用圖片,還可以用周圍的事物. Do the following pairwork: 1c (P25) Pairwork Let the students ask and answ

5、er each other: Do you have a baseball? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3 (P26) Pairwork look at the things in the picture. Ask your partner if he or she has these things with “ Do you have a .? Yes, I do.”Listen to 2a (P26) and 2b(P26), then finish the exercises.Step 5. 現(xiàn)場調(diào)查The students ask their partners if

6、he or she has a pen, a ruler, a sharpner and so on. 讓每個學生都參與到這個活動來,人人都有表現(xiàn)的機會。Step6. look back Let the students sum up what we have learned this class. Then ask what they havent understood.Step 7. Homework 口語練習:問你的父母,兄弟姐妹和你的好朋友是否有.,然后把它記錄下來.遇到的生詞可以查詞典,然后寫到你的單詞積累本上.作業(yè)HomeworkRecite the new words.Do ex

7、ercises in exercise books.板書設計Its a ball. Its a soccer ball. Is this your soccer ball? No, it isnt.Do you have a soccer ball? Yes. 教 學 反 思學生已經(jīng)從死背語法知識,機械模仿句型為主的學習方式過渡到“做中學”的活學活用階段。學生的學習積極性大大提高,課堂氣氛也更加活躍。課 時 計 劃第 周 星期 第 節(jié) 年 月 日 課 題Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教 學目 標1)對所屬關系進行問答,如 :Do you have a soc

8、cer ball?(2)提出建議,發(fā)出邀請。如:Lets play soccer.(3)談論自己的感受。如:That sounds good.教材分析重點Drill: Do you/they have?Does he/she have?I dont have?He/She doesnt have .Lets .That sounds .難點have 在一般現(xiàn)在時中的肯定,否定,一般疑問等形式。尤其當主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時教具多媒體教學過程Step 1. Greeting, sing an English song togetherStep 2. presentation (to a boy) D

9、o you have a pen?Yes, I do.(to other students) Does he have a pen?Yes, he does.(to a girl) Do you have a knife?No, I dont.( to other students) Does she have a knife?No, she doesnt.學習單詞:does, doesnt, has, television (將單詞板書,解釋does, doesnt 是do, dont的第三人稱單數(shù),has 是have的第三人稱單數(shù),解釋何為第三人稱單數(shù),以及它的用法)Step 3. sho

10、w a picture. (some balls)Please make a dialogue with “Does he/she have? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.”JaneMikeBarryPeterbaseballbasketballSoccer ballvolleyball可要求學生先口語練習,然后書面寫出來.Step 4. 現(xiàn)場調(diào)查 (利用周圍事物練習句型)4 ( P29) Survey Write four questions with Do you have? Find people in the class who has th

11、ese things. Write their names.然后再將這些句子轉(zhuǎn)換成他/她有 嗎?練習兩種句型 Do you have.? Does he/ she have.?Step 5. Do the exercises3a (P29) Read the magazine article. Circle the sports things.Keys: tennis rackets, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls, volleyballs出現(xiàn)的生詞:collection, but, play sports, only, them 要求學生會讀,認知

12、其意義,當堂不必要求會拼寫,可放到課后。 3b (P29) Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks in this magazine article about Sue Swanson.出現(xiàn)的生詞:small, every, day, every day. 要求學生認知并記住。(small 可補充其反義詞big, every 可補充其他短語,如every morning, every Sunday, every student等)3a, 3b 這兩個題目是閱讀類型,可讓學生先按照要求去完成任務,然后讓他們朗讀全文,把握其全意,增強語感。3c (P29)

13、Write about sports things and other things you have.本題目是復習生詞,并擴展學生的詞匯量,鼓勵他們?nèi)ソ佑|新的單詞。Step 6. look back (Grammar Focus)Let the students sum up what we have learned this class. Look at the grammar focus:Do you have a TV? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Do they have a computer? Yes, they do. No, they dont.Does he

14、have a tennis racket? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.Does Chi-Young have a baseball? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.總結句型,強調(diào)人稱的變化和助動詞的變化。Then ask what they havent understood.Step 8. Homework 口語練習:向你的同桌詢問, Mike是否有字典? Kate 是否有鋼筆?Jane是否有新自行車?等等,然后把你的句

15、子記錄下來,遇到的生詞可以查詞典,然后記錄到你的單詞積累本上。作業(yè)1.Recite the new words and the dialogue.2.Do exercises in exercise books.板書設計Do you have a TV? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Does he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.教 學 反 思課堂上把時間還給學生,讓每個學生都動起來。學生通過討

16、論交流和合作方式展示他們豐富的想象力和創(chuàng)造力。教師應為學生創(chuàng)設寬松,和諧,民主的學習氣氛,設計多種合作方式或活動內(nèi)容,多思考導入的途徑和技巧。課 時 計 劃第 周 星期 第 節(jié) 年 月 日 課 題Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教 學目 標1)對所屬關系進行問答,如 :Do you have a soccer ball?(2)提出建議,發(fā)出邀請。如:Lets play soccer.(3)談論自己的感受。如:That sounds good.教材分析重點Drill: Do you/they have?Does he/she have?I dont have?H

17、e/She doesnt have .Lets .That sounds .難點have 在一般現(xiàn)在時中的肯定,否定,一般疑問等形式。尤其當主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時教具多媒體教學過程Step 1. Greeting, sing an English song togetherStep 2. presentation ( to one student) Do you have a soccer ball?Yes, I do.Lets play soccer ball.That sounds good.( to another student ) Lets play football.I dont h

18、ave a football.Well, Lets play baseball.That sounds great.Step 3. show the new words: let, us, lets, play, well, sound ,good.要求學生會讀單詞,并掌握其拼寫、含義及用法。Step 4. Do the exercises: 3a.(P 27) Fill in the blanks with words from the box.Keys: 1. dont 2. Lets 3. have 4. soccer讓學生填寫后,讀熟并同位之間互相練習。3b.(P27) Pairwor

19、k 讓兩個學生對話,練習句型。Do another exercise4 (P27) Pairwork 閱讀“招收廣告”后,填寫右邊的表格。First name, last name 在前面已經(jīng)講過,注意和漢語拼音之間的區(qū)別,class 要注意大寫,sport you like 寫上你喜歡的體育項目。文中出現(xiàn)的生詞:welcome, our, sport, center, like, we, many, club, ping-pong, more, join, class. 要求學生會讀,認知其意義,要求課后記住。 Step5. 你認識這些形容詞嗎?(Section B)用漢語解釋什么樣的詞是形

20、容詞,然后解釋interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing的意思。這幾個單詞比較長,在講解時,注意滲透音標教學,按音節(jié)去記憶其拼寫 ,這樣就簡單多了。Do the exercises: 1a, 1b (P28) 學生畫完后,可傳閱他們的作品。2a, 2b聽力題目可在聽完之后,將材料投放在屏幕上,作為閱讀材料練習。2c. Pairwork 口語練習,復習句型Lets . That sounds. 和形容詞interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing. Step 6. 練習句型I (We, You, They) have. H

21、e(She, Kate, Jane) has. I (We, You, They) dont have. He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have. 板書:I (We, You, They) have. He(She, Kate, Jane) has. I (We, You, They) dont have. He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have. 同位之間用這幾個句型相互交流。特別強調(diào)He(She, Kate, Jane) has. 中的has, 和He(She, Kate, Jane) doesnt have.中doesnt have形式。S

22、tep7. look backLet the students sum up what we have learned this class. Then ask what they havent understood.Step 9. Homework 以小組為單位,記述每個人有的物品。將它寫在練習本上,下節(jié)課互相交流。作業(yè)以小組為單位,記述每個人有的物品。將它寫在練習本上,下節(jié)課互相交流。板書設計T: Do you have a baseball? S1: Yes, I do. I have a baseball.T: Does he have a baseball? S2: Yes, he

23、does. He has a baseball.教 學 反 思充分體現(xiàn)了學以致用的教學原則。學生已經(jīng)從死背語法知識,機械模仿句型為主的學習方式過渡到“做中學”的活學活用階段。學生的學習積極性大大提高,課堂氣氛也更加活躍。課堂上把時間還給學生,讓每個學生都動起來。學生通過討論交流和合作方式展示他們豐富的想象力和創(chuàng)造力。課 時 計 劃第 周 星期 第 節(jié) 年 月 日 課 題Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教 學目 標1)對所屬關系進行問答,如 :Do you have a soccer ball?(2)提出建議,發(fā)出邀請。如:Lets play soccer.(3

24、)談論自己的感受。如:That sounds good.教材分析重點Drill: Do you/they have?Does he/she have?I dont have?He/She doesnt have .Lets .That sounds .難點have 在一般現(xiàn)在時中的肯定,否定,一般疑問等形式。尤其當主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時教具多媒體教學過程Step 1: greeting and sing an English song together Step 2: Check the new wordsDo the exercise 1: check the words you know.

25、( read and write the Chinese meanings of them)Show a picture and let the students write the names of the things in the picture. Do the exercise 2: write the new words in your Vocab-builder.Find the student who writes the most new words. Step 3: 練習Do you have.? 及肯定句、否定句,注意與There be 句型的區(qū)別。1 口語練習Do you have.? Does he/she have.? Do they have.?然后將這些


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