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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上2005年度第二學(xué)期期中初一英語試卷 Class _ Name _ No._ Mark _(考試時間90分鐘)一、 聽力部分 (20%)I. 聽句子。從A、B、C三幅圖中選出符合句子內(nèi)容的選項,讀一遍。(5%)1. A B C2 A A B C5 . A B CII. 聽對話。從A,B,C中選擇一個能回答該問題的選項。(5%)6 . A. Its cloudy. B. Its snowing. C. Its windy. 7. A. He wants to be an actor. B. She wants to be a nurse. C. Because its

2、an exciting job.(1)8. A. A .teacher B. At school C. He teaches Chinese.9. A. Play basketball B. Play computer games C. Go to the movies10. A. Shes watching TV. B. No, she isnt . C. Shes cooking.III聽長對話,回答問題,讀二遍。5% 聽下面一段長對話,回答第11至第12兩小題。 11. What does Toms pen pal do? A. Shes a teacher. B. Shes a doc

3、tor. C. Shes a nurse. D. Shes an assistant.12. What language doesnt Toms pen pal speak? A. English B. French C. Chinese D. English and French聽下面一段長對話,回答第13至第15三小題。 13. Why does the girl like to see the dogs first?A. Dogs are friendly and clever. B. Dogs are fun.C. Dogs are cute. 14. Where are the li

4、ons from? A. Africa B. China C. Canada15. How many kinds of animals do they see?A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 IV聽短文,回答下列問題,讀二遍。5%16. Tom and Mike want to _.A. help with sports, music and computers.B. be good with children.C. find summer jobs.D. get help from the Camp17. What does the Summer Camp need help with? A.

5、 Flying kites. B. Sports, music and computers. C. Making cakes. D. Drawing pictures.18. Tom can play_. A. balls B. computer games C. music D. violin19. Mike can play_. A. the drums B. volleyball C. basketball D. football20. What do Tom and Mike both like? A. Football B. Computers C. Swimming D. Spor

6、ts二筆試部分(80%)一、單項選擇,看看誰最適合填補(bǔ)空白。(15%,每小題1分)1. How is it going? Which answer is wrong(錯誤的)? _. A. Not bad B. Great C. Pretty good D. Im going home2.We enjoy the _ street. We dont like the noisy(吵鬧的) onesA. busy B. quiet C. scary D. terrible3. - A: How is the weather in Beijing? -B:_A. Its sunny B. Its

7、sunny and wind. C. It raining D. Its cloud4.Which sentence(句子) cant be used for (被用來) asking your job? _?A. What do you do B. What are you doingC. Whats your job D. What are you(2)5. The supermarket is _our school.A. betweenandB. in front C. across fromD. on front of6.-What he doing now? -He _a news

8、paper.A. isreadingB doeslookingC. doeswatchingD. is is reading7. -What _ animals do you like? -I like dogs, too. A. the other B. other C. others D. another 8. -_ do you like pandas ? -_it is cute and shy.A. WhySo B. HowBut C. WhyBecause D. HowAnd9 Liu Tao _ _ his homework in the evening.A. dont, do

9、B. do, notC. doesnt do D. does not10.-_? -She is my English teacher.A. Who is she B. What does he do C. What is she doing D. What does she11.My sister wants _ actor. A. to be a B. to be an C. be a D. be an.12.There is _ _ _ money in the bank. A. lot of B. many C. a lot D. much13.Go down the street a

10、nd _,you can see the post office.A. turn the left B. turn to left C. turn left D. turn a left14.She often _books in the morning. Look! She _her books now. A. read, reading B. reads, reading C. reads, is reading D. is reading, reads15.-Does Sam live in New York? - _ A. Yes, he do B. Yes, he is C. No,

11、 he doesnt D. Yes, he lives 二做完型填空可要仔細(xì)認(rèn)真哦! (10%) Mr White lives in a very old village. He has no _16_. He has a cat and two dogs. One dog is yellow, _17_ one is black. Mr White has a big house. There are many trees and flowers near the house. Look! The cat _18_up the big tree. It wants _19_ the bird

12、 in the tree. Mr White opens the fridge. He would like something to eat. But he cant find _20_. There is no food_21_ drink in it. He says to Tim and Tom, “Heres the money. Go to the shop and get some meat and bread. The meat is for you the bread is for _22_.” The two dogs take the bag of money with

13、their mouths and run to the shop. A moment later, one of the dogs _23_ back with a piece of paper. It _24_. “Im sorry, Mr White. There _25_ bread in my shop today.”16. A. any children B. children C. people D. boys 17. A. another B. other C. the other D. the others18. A . is running B. runs C. run D.

14、 running 19. A. catches B. to catch C. catching D. catch20. A. something B. thing C. nothing D. anything 21. A. and B. but C. or D. then22. A. me B.I C. him D. my 23. A. come B. coming C. to come D. comes 24. A. tell B. says C. speaks D. say 25. A. is some B. hasnt any C. havent some D. isnt any(3)三

15、你一定會愛上閱讀的。 (25%) A (5%)Mary is a little girl. She is only five. She isnt a student. She doesnt go to school and she doesnt know how to read and write. But one day, her mother sees Mary at the table with a pen in her hand and a piece of paper in front of her. “What are you doing, Mary ?” she asks.“Im

16、 writing a letter to my friend Amy.” says Mary.“But how can you ? You dont know how to write.”“Well,” says Mary, “It doesnt matter, Amy doesnt know how to read.”26.Mary is .A. a student B. in Grade Five C. at school D. five years old27.Mary and Amy . A. are good friends B. can read and write C. are

17、school girls D. can read28.Mary often .A. writes and reads B. plays with her friend C. does her homework D. reads29.How does Mary write the letter? .A. With a pen B. At the table C. At school D.A and B30.Which is not right?A. Mary goes to school every day. B. Amy doesnt go to school.C. Mary and Amy

18、are friends. D. Mary doesnt know how to write. B (10%) This is a beautiful park near my home. People like to go to the park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! This is Mr. Smith. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing the game of hide-and-

19、seek(捉迷藏). Some boys are playing yo-yo. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. They are talking. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats(小船) in the river. Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers. Listen! A lot of birds are singing in the trees. This

20、is really a nice park. I come here to read English after school every day.31 _ like to go to the park. A Children B Fathers and mothers C Lucy and Lily D People32 Mr. Smith is _. A playing hide-and-seek B playing yo-yo C is sitting and watching the children D is singing33 Which one is right? A Lucy

21、and Lily are playing hide-and-seek with other children. B Lucy and Lily go to the park only on Sunday. C Lucy and Lily are talking under the tree. D Lucy and Lily live far from the park.34 The writer can't see_ in the park. A fish B children C women D men35 What's the writer doing? A . He is

22、 singing. B He is sitting in a boat. C. He's playing a game. D He's watching the people in the park. C (10%) SUNNY SCHOOL We are a bilingual(雙語) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach(教練)and a language teacher.(4)JobAgeLanguageSkill(技能)Other term (其它

23、條件)cook25-40ChineseCooking both Chinese food and western foodHealthy(健康)Library assistant20-35 Chinese EnglishHaving the knowledge(知識)of different kinds of books Careful(細(xì)心)Sports Coach20-40Chinese EnglishMajoring in (主修)physical educationHealthy,strongteacher-ChineseEnglishMajoring in English-根據(jù)招聘啟

24、事,選擇最佳答案。36 Which of the following cant go to Sunny School? A A four-year-old child B A ten-year-old child C An eleven-year-old child D A fifteen-year-old child37 Who is not wanted by Sunny School? A A cook B A headmaster C A library assistant D A sports coach38 Which of the following may not be abl

25、e to(能) speak English? A The language teacher B The library assistant C The cook D The sports coach39 The coach must major in _. A Chinese B English C physical education D language40 Which is right? A The teacher can only teach Chinese. B A twenty-five-year old cook cant work in the school. C The li

26、brary assistant must be careful. D A teacher must be strong.四 補(bǔ)全對話, 從方框中選出正確答案。5%Tom: Peter, I want to buy some CDs. _41_Peter: Of course, but we are new here. _42_     Lets ask Ja

27、ck.Tom: Excuse me, Jack.  _43_  Jack: Yes, there is.    _44_  Its across from the school.Peter: Whats the name of the school?Jack:    _45_Tom &am

28、p; Peter: Thank you.Jack: Youre welcome. A. Is there a CD shop near here?B. Guangming Middle School.C. Can you go with me?D.  Go straight along the street and turn right&

29、#160;at the second crossing.E. We dont know where the nearest CD shop is.五孫悟空七十二變. 10%46 Mr Smith plays soccer every day.(用now替換every day) Mr Smith _ _ soccer now.(5)47. The reporter is talking with the actor.(就劃線部分提問) _ is the reporter _?4

30、8. How is the weather in Ningbo?(改為同義句) _ is the weather _ in Ningbo?49. There are some teachers in the office.(改為一般疑問句) _ there _ teachers in the office?50 mother, is, my, home, look, at, cooking(連詞成句)2% _六根據(jù)漢語提示及首字母補(bǔ)全單詞。5%51. Would you like to go to the seaside(海邊) and take a walk on the b_?52. It

31、s r_. I cant go out.53. There is a b_ over the river. You can cross it.54. My cousin e_ talking on the phone.55. Please s_ me your new backpack.56. I think (澳大利亞)is an English speaking country, too.57.Who is (跳舞)on the grass.58.Some (警察)are standing on the street.59. My mother likes (打掃)the house ev

32、ery day.60. The boy is kind of _(懶惰的) and he doesnt want to do any housework. 七小小作家??磮D寫一段話,要求句意表達(dá)完整,清楚。字?jǐn)?shù)60以上。 (10%)提示語:on the playground,stand, write, talk, draw, read, do ones homework (6)2005年度第二學(xué)期期中初一英語測試答題卷Class _ Name _ No._ Mark _聽力部分20%I聽句子。從A、B、C三幅圖中選出符合句子內(nèi)容的選項,讀一遍。(5分)1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_II、聽對話。

33、從A,B,C中選擇一個能回答該問題的選項,讀一遍。(5分) 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_III、聽長對話,回答問題,讀二遍 5% 11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_IV、聽短文,選擇正確的答案,讀二遍5% 16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_筆試部分80%一單項選擇,看看誰最適合填補(bǔ)空白。15% 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_ 11_12_ 13_ 14_ 15_二做完型填空可要仔細(xì)認(rèn)真哦! 10% 16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_ 21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_三 你一定會愛上閱讀的。25% 26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_ 31_

34、32_ 33_ 34_ 35_ 36_37_ 38_ 39_ 40_四補(bǔ)全對話, 從方框中選出正確答案。5% 41_ 42_ 43_ 44_ 45_五孫悟空七十二變. 10% 46_ _ 47_ _ 48_ _ 49_ _ 50_六根據(jù)漢語提示及首字母補(bǔ)全單詞。5%51_ 52_ 53_ 54_ 55_56_ 57_ 58_ 59_ 60_七小小作家10%_ _聽力材料及答案。本次聽力考試共有四道大題,每題5分。每題之間間歇三秒,請同學(xué)們利用間歇時間答題。聽力考試現(xiàn)在開始。I。聽句子,從A,B,C三幅圖中選出符合句子內(nèi)容的選項。讀一遍。1 Sam is from Australia,

35、 but he speaks good Chinese.2 I like dolphins because they are very smart.3 My father is a policeman. He works in a police station.4 Look! The two boys are singing happily.5 The weather is terrible. Its cold and raining.II聽對話。從A,B,C中選擇一個能回答問題的選項。讀一遍。6M: Its snowing heavily, so we cant go shopping th

36、is afternoon.W: Dont worry. Lets play cards.Q: Hows the weather today?7. M: What do you want to be, Peter?W: I want to be an actor because its an exciting job. What about you, Lily?M: I want to be a nurse.Q : Why does Peter want to be an actor?8. M: Whos the young man Kate?W: Its my math teacher. He

37、s very strict but kind. We all love him.Q : What does the young man do?9. M: Hello, Mary? Hows it going?W: Oh, great ! Hi, Sam! What are you doing here?M: Im doing my homework. W: We can do it in the evening. Lets go and play computer games.M: That sounds great!Q: What do they want to do?10. W: Hello, Jack! What are you doing?M: Nothing much. Im only watching video. W: That sounds boring. Whats Nancy doing?M: Shes busy right now. Shes cooking. Q.: Is Nancy watching video now?III聽長對話,回答問題,讀二遍。 聽下面一段長對話,回答第11至第12兩小題。CCA: Hi, Tom. What are you doing? B: Im looking at a photo of my pen p


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