提高練習(xí)Unit 5 First aid英語人教必修五_第1頁
提高練習(xí)Unit 5 First aid英語人教必修五_第2頁
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1、Unit 5 First aid提高練習(xí). 單項選擇,從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選擇最佳答案完成句子1. Ive planned to visit Shanghai Expo Park before October 31st _.A. if everB. if possibleC. if busy D. if anything2. Have you heard the American slang ones meat is another mans _?A. favouriteB. danger C. poisonD. honey3. With everything _, my room n

2、ow looks clean and tidy.A. out of placeB. in their places C. in the first placeD. in place4. Since the old office is being repaired and painted, we will have the _ offices in the hotel.A. various B. professionalC. luxiousD. temporary5. My chest _ when I take a deep breath, doctor.A. hurts B. woundsC

3、. harmsD. injures6. The chidren wanted to swim in the river, but their mother told them _.A. not to do B. not toC. not do itD. dont7. The famous doctors are _ my grandmother for throat cancer and I really hope that they can _ her of it.A. treating; cureB. curing; treat C. examing; treatD. curing; ex

4、aming8. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction.A. seeingB. to seeC. seenD. being seen9. _ the medcine, his _ ankle got better and better.A. In the aid of; swollenB. With the aid of; swellingC. With the aid of; swollenD. By the aid of; swel

5、ling10. Friendship is like money: easier made than _.A. to be keptB. keepingC. keptD. being kept11. Keep the medicine in the kitchen cupboard so you can _ it easily when needed.A. put your hand inB. put your hands onC. have your hand onD. get your hands on 12. She said she had lost her bike. _, we s

6、hould try our best to help her.A. If is soB. If it trueC. If soD. If there is so13. The _ person lay on the ground, _ heavily.A. injured; bledB. injury; bleedingC. wound; bleedingD. injured; bleeding14. The lady was very moved, her tears _ down her face.A. rolledB. rollingC. rollD. were rolling15. W

7、hen I was at your age, my headteacher suggested that I should go and work wherever _.A. needed meB. askedC. I was neededD. I wanted.用省略的方式重寫下列句子,使之變得更加簡短(每空一詞)1. We all know that the horse will run faster if it is whipped._ is well known, the horse will run faster if _.2. Do you think it will rain t

8、omorrow? I hope that it will not rain. Do you think it will rain tomorrow? I hope _.3. Ill get everything ready next week if I cant get it ready earlier.Ill get everything ready next week if _ _.4. The student was caught when he was cheating in the exam.The student was _ _ in the exam.5. Once you ha

9、ve made a promise, you should keep it.Once _ _ a promise, you should keep it. 根據(jù)漢語及重點詞語提示將下列句子譯成英語1. 即使小小的善舉也能產(chǎn)生巨大的影響。(make a difference)_2. 城市生活的壓力迫使他搬到鄉(xiāng)村居住,在那兒他能過得更加安逸一點。(the pressure of the city life)_3. 你可以用新買的機器榨出檸檬汁。(squeeze out)_4. 咱們到外面吃晚飯吧?我請客。(treat)_5. 用干凈的干繃帶包扎燒傷處以便傷口不會感染。(apply to )_. 完

10、形填空AIf someone has an accident he is likely to suffer from shock. This is a medical condition when somebody looks 1 or feels weak and sick. A victim in a state of shock always has a weak but 2 heart beat. If you see someone suffering from shock, ask them to sit or lie down.He may want to put his hea

11、d between his legs for a short time. Then check the clothes there should be 3 close-fitting clothes round his neck. If the shock is not serious, 4 the victim a cup of warm, sweet tea to drink. This will make him feel better. But if he looks really ill, call 5 emergency help immediately. Meanwhile li

12、ft his legs up so that the blood will flow to his 6 which will help him feel better. If you have a blanket, put it round the victim to keep him 7 . This will stop him from getting cold and shivering, which can happen when he suffers shock. Do not move the victim far 8 a good reason and do not allow

13、him 9 . If the person finds 10 difficult to breathe, put him in the recovery position.1. A. whiteB. pale C. redD. sad2. A. slowB. quick C. fast D. irregular3. A. noB. little C. a fewD. some4. A. offeringB. supplyingC. offer D. provide5. A. up B. for C. in D. on6. A. leg B. organC. footD. brain7. A.

14、hot B. cold C. warm D. cool8. A. forB. with C. because of D. without9. A. smoking B. to smokeC. smoke D. smoked10. A. him B. thatC. thisD. itBTo 11 with a serious leg wound, first of all, it is important to get the victim to lie down. Then remove any clothes from around the wound. Look at the wound

15、and look for any 12 in the wound such as a piece of wood. If there are not any objects, press down hard on the wound. Use a clean cloth to do this. Then, if possible, lift the damaged area. In this case, you need to 13 the leg. Place the damaged leg on something like a box. This will slow down the f

16、low of blood to the wound. Keep the pressure on the wound. Do this for ten 14 . Then place a piece of clean cloth over the wound and tie the cloth firmly around the leg. Do not remove the cloth. If blood comes through the cloth, simply place 15 cloth on top. Take the victim to the nearest doctor or

17、hospital.11. A. dealB. do C. treat D. meet12. A. objectsB. dirt C. dust D. stones13. A. ariseB. raise C. rise D. arouse14. A. timesB. minutes C. seconds D. hours15. A. the otherB. other C. anotherD. others .閱讀理解,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案AWith more and more people swimming at beaches every year, the problem of sh

18、arks(鯊魚) takes on new importance. There are people who still insist that sharks never attack human beings unless thay are bleeding or wounded, but this belief has not been clearly proved. In the past few years, on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, there have been cases of shark attacks which res

19、ulted in death. And just how many of the swimmers who have disappeared were victims of shark attacks will never be known. Clearly, these violent fish can be dangerous. Several species are known to attack human beings, and it is believed by some experts that certain sharks, once having tasted human b

20、lood, develop a taste for it.The chances that one will come across a shark are small, but certain precautions should be taken by everyone.(A precaution is something you do in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening.) Putting hands or legs over the side of a boat in warm wat

21、ers is to be avoided. Swimming far out from beaches is inviting trouble. No swimmer shoud go great distances from shore alone, or go into the water when nobody else is about. Skin divers, particularly those who go deep down in the water or among rocks and ledges(暗礁) that serve as hiding places for s

22、harks, are taking unnecessary risks.If one is in a boat that is rubbed against by a shark, he should remember the creature is not trying to upset his boat; it is probably trying to rub off sea lice (海虱). A blow, especially on the nose, will drive it off. If a swimmer comes across a shark, he should

23、swim away as quietly as possible, trying to avoid making it angry. He should also head for shore (岸) as quickly as possible.1. How many ways does the author put forward to avoid being attacked by a shark?A. Two. B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.2. What should be done if a shark rubs against your boat?A. Sti

24、r up the water. B. Make some noise by shouting.C. Kick the shark. D. Hit it on the nose.3. What does the underlined part mean?A. Certain sharks will become interested in human blood when they have tasted it.B. Certain sharks will taste human blood again after they have tasted it.C. Certain sharks wi

25、ll taste human blood every day after they have tasted it.D. Certain sharks will form its sense of taste when they have tasted human blood.4. Where do sharks sometimes hide themselves?A. Places with sea lice in warm waters. B. Somewhere near the beaches.C. Among rocks and ledges. D. It isnt mentioned

26、 in the passage.5. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage?A. Some people dont think sharks will attack human beings.B. Fewer people used to swim at beaches.C. Swimmers shouldnt always worry about sharks, but they should be very careful.D. Its impossible for swimmers to run into s

27、harks.BIts best to plan ahead and there is no better way than to prepare for an emergency before it happens. For example, the time to plan for a fire emergency is before it happens. This is when everyone is calm and clear-thinking. This is when decisions about safe escape routes can be discussed and

28、 made. Have a family talk. Dont delay. Planning wont help after a fire starts. Knowing ahead of time how to get out during a fire can save needed seconds. The best way out in a fire is the route you use to go in and out every day. Yet, in a fire this route may be blocked. Be sure to plan other escap

29、e routes.Take each person to his or her room and describe what to do in case of fire. Give everyone a job. Older children should take care of younger ones. Plans may have to be made for anyone who cannot escape without help. Adults who cant walk should sleep on the first floor. Small children should

30、 sleep near older persons who can help them. Only healthy, able persons should sleep in hard-to-reach places such as attics or basements.Practice your escape plan at night when it is dark. Be sure that your plan is good and will work. For example, make sure that a child can actually open the window

31、he is supposed to use for his escape. Teach children to close their bedroom doors. Tell them to wait by an open window until someone can reach them from outside. If an adult cannot be wakened, children should understand that they must leave by themselves.Choose a meeting place outside. This way you

32、can tell if everyone is safely out of the building. Know where nearby telephones or fire alarm boxes are found.If you live in an apartment, try to get everyone out. Learn where the fire alarm is in the building. Your family should know what the fire alarm bell sounds like. They should know what to d

33、o when they hear it. Try to get the other families in your building together to have fire drills. Write down the telephone number of the fire department. Stick the number to each phone.Early warning is the key to a safe escape. It has been shown time and time again that a family can escape if warned

34、 early enough.6. Which is right about the organization of the passage?A. The passage has an introduction and a conclusion with a topic sentence for each paragraph.B. The passage has a conclusion and a topic sentence for each paragraph with no introduction paragraph.C. The passage has an introduction

35、 and a topic sentence for each paragraph with no conclusion paragraph.D. The first and last paragraph act as introduction and conclusion with no topic sentence for each paragraph.7. What does the underlined word “attics” mean?A. rooms on the third floor B. rooms under the first floorC. rooms below t

36、he roof D. basements8. What does the author suppose will happen to people if a fire breaks out?A. Theyll remain calm. B. Theyll become confused.C. Theyll be too frightened to do anything. D. Theyll be surprised.9. What should you do if youre trapped in a bedroom during a fire?A. Escape from the open

37、 window. B. Hide yourself under the bed.C. Close the bedroom door. D. Try to rush out of the bedroom.10. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. It seems that fire escape is impossible.B. No people have escaped from a fire. C. Its possible for people to escape from a fire safely.D. People have n

38、othing to do but wait to die in case of a fire. 書面表達根據(jù)下列提示寫一篇短文,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。詞數(shù):120左右高二學(xué)生吳名在上學(xué)路上,目睹了一起交通事故;一位老婦人被撞,左腿受傷,血流不止,而肇事者逃逸;吳名運用所學(xué)知識對老婦人進行急救,旁人打電話求助;老婦人被送往醫(yī)院,吳名上學(xué)遲到,但為自己能幫助他人感到自豪。_答案和解析. 單項選擇,從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選擇最佳答案完成句子1. B【解析】if it is possible可以省略為 if possible,表示“如果可能的話”。2. C【解析】美國俚語 “Ones meat is an

39、other mans poison.” 意思是“甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜”,相當(dāng)于“蘿卜青菜,各有所愛”。3. D【解析】in place在適當(dāng)(通常)的位置;適當(dāng)?shù)模慌cout of place(地方放得不對)意思相反。4. D【解析】temporary暫時的;臨時的。5. A【解析】wound, harm, injure都是及物動詞,而此處需要不及物動詞;hurt不僅可作及物動詞,還可用作不及物動詞,有“疼;痛”之意。6. B【解析】not to為not to swim in the river的省略。7. A【解析】treat治療,強調(diào)過程;cure治愈,強調(diào)結(jié)果。8. B【解析】to see為

40、he was to see的省略。be to do sth 將要做某事。9. C【解析】with/by the aid of借助于;在的幫助下;swollen過去分詞作定語。10. C【解析】比較結(jié)構(gòu)要對等,與made一致。11. B【解析】考查固定搭配。put your hands on sth找到;get your hands on sb捉住使你不快的人。12. C【解析】if so為if it is so的省略,符合狀語從句省略原則。13. D【解析】injured過去分詞作定語,表示“受傷的”;bleeding的邏輯主語是the person,作伴隨狀語。14. B【解析】沒有連詞,判

41、斷這里是獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu),roll和her tears為主動關(guān)系,故用 -ing形式。15. C【解析】副詞wherever不能作主語,只能引出地點狀語從句。. 用省略的方式重寫下列句子,使之變得更加簡短(每空一詞)1. As; whipped 2. not 3. not earlier 4. caught cheating 5. having made. 根據(jù)漢語及重點詞語提示將下列句子譯成英語1. Even a little good deed can make a big difference.2. The pressure of the city life forced him to mo

42、ve to the country, where he could live an easier life.3. You can use the new machine to squeeze some juice out of lemons.4. Why not / Shall we go out for dinner? Its my treat.5. Apply a dry, clean bandage to the burned area so that the wound will not get infected. 完形填空1. B【解析】根據(jù)后面的 “or feels weak an

43、d sick” 選pale,指臉色蒼白。2. C【解析】根據(jù)前面表轉(zhuǎn)折的but 排除A、D;quick指動作迅速、思維敏捷;fast指速度快。3. A【解析】根據(jù)生活常識可知,頸部不要被緊身的衣服所束縛。4. C【解析】offer sb sth提供;supply sb with sth供應(yīng);provide sb with sth提供。根據(jù)搭配選C。5. B 【解析】call for help打電話求助;call up喚起;call in叫進來;call on sb 拜訪。6. D 【解析】根據(jù)生活常識可知,保證大腦正常的血液循環(huán)。7. C 【解析】根據(jù)前面的a blanket 和后面的 “st

44、op him from getting cold and shivering” 可知應(yīng)選C。8. D【解析】根據(jù)句義和生活常識,此處意思是“沒有充足的理由,不要挪動患者”。9. B【解析】allow sb to do sth允許某人做某事。10. D 【解析】it作形式賓語。11. A【解析】deal with sth 處理;應(yīng)付;do with 用做;treat sth with sth (利用化學(xué)物質(zhì)或反應(yīng))處理;meet with sb/sth 會晤某人;遭遇(不好的事情)。12. A 【解析】根據(jù)后面的 such as,所選詞應(yīng)與a piece of wood具有包含關(guān)系。13. B【解析】此處需要一個及物動詞,故選raise,表示“舉起”;rise為不及物動詞,表示“升起”;arise為不及物動詞,表示“產(chǎn)生;出現(xiàn)”;arouse為及物動詞,表示“激起、引起(感情、態(tài)度)”。14. B 【解析】根據(jù)生活常識,B選項為最佳答案。15. C 【解析】表示“另一個”用another。. 閱讀理解,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案1. D 【解析】概括歸納題。第二段提到三點:Dont put hands or legs over t


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