已閱讀5頁,還剩15頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、精選ppt主要詞匯主要詞匯 Manager mnid 領班領班 Captain kptin 開關開關 switch swit 行李行李luggage lid 床單床單 bed spread spred 枕頭枕頭 pillow pilu 洗衣袋洗衣袋laundry l:ndri bag 煙灰缸煙灰缸ashtraytrei 地毯地毯carpetk:pit 熨斗熨斗 iron ain 床墊床墊mattressmtris Air-conditionkn,din 衣架衣架hanger h 椅子椅子chair t 指甲剪指甲剪nail scissors neil sizz吹風機吹風機 hair drier

2、 浴缸浴缸bath b: 浴室浴室 bathroom tap tp抽水馬桶抽水馬桶 toilet tilit towel taul 浴巾浴巾 bath towel淋浴噴頭淋浴噴頭 shower 肥皂肥皂soapsup 肥皂盒肥皂盒soap dish洗發(fā)香波洗發(fā)香波shampoompu: 牙刷牙刷tooth brush 牙膏牙膏tooth pastepeist 梳子梳子combkum 拖鞋拖鞋slippersslipz toilet paper面盆面盆 wash basinbeisn 開開夜床夜床Turn-down service 精選ppt主要詞匯主要詞匯經(jīng)理經(jīng)理 Manager mnid 領

3、班領班 Captain kptin 開關開關 switch swit 行李行李luggage lid 床單床單 bed spread spred 枕頭枕頭 pillow pilu 洗衣袋洗衣袋laundry l:ndri bag 煙灰缸煙灰缸ashtraytrei 地毯地毯carpetk:pit 熨斗熨斗 iron ain 床墊床墊mattressmtris 空調(diào)空調(diào)Air-conditionkn,din 衣架衣架hanger h 椅子椅子chair t 指甲剪指甲剪nail scissors neil sizz吹風機吹風機 hair drier 浴缸浴缸bath b: 浴室浴室 bathro

4、om 水龍頭水龍頭 tap tp抽水馬桶抽水馬桶 toilet tilit 毛巾毛巾 towel taul 浴巾浴巾 bath towel淋浴噴頭淋浴噴頭 shower 肥皂肥皂soapsup 肥皂盒肥皂盒soap dish洗發(fā)香波洗發(fā)香波shampoompu: 牙刷牙刷tooth brush 牙膏牙膏tooth pastepeist 梳子梳子combkum 拖鞋拖鞋slippersslipz 衛(wèi)生紙衛(wèi)生紙toilet paper面盆面盆 wash basinbeisn 開開夜床夜床Turn-down service 精選ppt開 open 保險箱 safe deposit box 熱的hot

5、 冷的cool熱水 hot water 冷水 cool water 礦泉水 mineral water百事可樂 pepsi 可口可樂 Coca-Cola 電燈 light 糖 Sugar 白糖 white sugar 黃糖 brown sugar 干凈的 clean干凈的枕頭Clean pillow干凈的床單 clean bedspread臟的 dirty 換 change 請勿打擾牌 DND sign星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday星期日 Sunday5分鐘 five minut

6、es 10分鐘 ten minutes 15分鐘 fifteen minutes1小時 one hour 半小時 half hour1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7seven 8 eight 9nine0 zero 1509 2386 9165精選ppt冰桶 ice cube bucket 冰塊 ice cube臟房 VDvacant dirty 空房 VACvacant room 住客房 OCCoccupied room 退房 C/Ocheck out 入住 C/Icheck in 待修房 OOOout of order寬帶線 coderli

7、ne精選ppt基本句型 客房服務員,我能進來嗎? Housekeeping. May I come in? 對不起,打擾了,先生,現(xiàn)在我能為您打掃房間嗎? Im sorry to trouble you, sir. May I clean the room now? 您能告訴我您的房號嗎? May I have your room number? 可以把房卡給我嗎? May I have your room card ? 洗衣服務,我可以進來嗎? Laundry service. May I come in?精選ppt 女士,這是您送洗的衣服。 Heres your laundry, mada

8、m. 退房Check out 請稍等Just moment please 開夜床服務,我可以進來嗎? Turn-down service,may I come in? 有什么可以幫您的嗎? May I help you? 這個枕頭臟了,能換一個嗎? The pillow is dirty, could you change it? 恐怕您得和前廳部聯(lián)系加床事宜。 Im afraid youll have to contact the front office for the extra bed. 精選ppt 修理工會馬上來檢查。 A repairman will come and check

9、it right away. 不要擔心,我們會幫您尋找的。 Dont worry. We will help you to look for it. What do you think of our service ? 您對我們的服務有什么意見? Thank you for your comments(compliment, suggestions). 謝謝您給我們提的意見(贊揚、建議。 Im afraid its against the hotels regulations. 這是違反飯店規(guī)章制度的 I assure you it wont happen again. 我保證此類事情不會再發(fā)

10、生。 The hot water supply is round the clock in our hotel. 我們賓館有24小時的熱水供應。精選ppt Let me ask about it and Ill let you know as soon as possible . 讓我來詢問此事,我會盡快答復您 。 May I have your room card ? 可以把房卡給我嗎? My English is not good enough for me to take down what you said . Heres a pen and paper for you . 我的英語不

11、夠好,記不下您說的話。這兒有筆和紙給您。 My English is not very well, can you write it for me?/can you spell it for me? 我的英語不大好,你可以為我寫下來嗎?/你可以拼一下嗎? Im sorry to hear that youre ill. Shall I get you a doctor? 聽到您生病了我很遺憾。要我給您請個大夫嗎精選ppt二、洗衣服務 Laundry service. May I come in? 洗衣服務,我可以進來嗎? Good morning, Ive come to collect yo

12、ur laundry. 早上好,我來取您要洗的衣服。 Would you please fill in the laundry list? 請您填一下洗衣單好嗎? Please sign on the laundry list, sir/madam 請您在洗衣單上簽名好嗎?先生/女士 When would you like your laundry back? 您要什么時候取回送洗的衣服?精選ppt You laundry will be ready by 6p.m this evening. 您送洗的衣服會要今天下午6點鐘洗好。 Heres your laundry, madam. 女士,這

13、是您送洗的衣服。 Youd better check your laundry. 您最好查看一下洗好的衣服。 We have express laundry service. 我們有快速洗衣服務。 Your laundry will be ready tomorrow afternoon. We could get it done this evening if you wish, but there will be an extra charge for quick service. 您送洗的衣服明天下午可以洗好,如果您需要的話,我們可以在今天晚上洗好,不過這是快件,要另外加收費用。精選pp

14、t其他應用其他應用 Im afraid that you have to pay an indemnity. Its a hotel policy. 恐怕您得賠償。這是酒店規(guī)定。 According to our regulation, I think you should pay 220 Yuan. 根據(jù)酒店的規(guī)定,我想您得賠償220元。 Im awfully sorry to have broken your glasses while cleaning the room. 對不起,清潔房間時我不小心把您的眼鏡打破了。 Here is the master switch, Please b

15、e sure to insert the keyboard into its slot. 這是總開關。請記住把鑰匙牌插入它的槽內(nèi)這是總開關。請記住把鑰匙牌插入它的槽內(nèi) 精選ppt 您的房間還需要幾分鐘才能收拾好,給您帶來的不您的房間還需要幾分鐘才能收拾好,給您帶來的不便我們表示歉意。便我們表示歉意。 Im afraid your room will be ready in a few minutes .We are sorry for the inconvenience. 很抱歉,為了安全理由,我們不能開門。 Im sorry for security reasons we cant open

16、 the door. 有時當天氣不好的時候,信號就不好。 Sometimes when the weathers bad the signals not clear.精選ppt情景會話一(洗衣服務) C :Good afternoon . May I help you ? 下午好,我可以幫您嗎? G : This is Mr smith in room 2019 .I want to have my coat dry-cleaned. Can you ask someone to pick it up ? 我是2019房間的史密斯先生,我想把我的外套干洗一下,你們可以叫人來收下嗎? C : Y

17、es . But Im afraid its too late for todays laundry .Do you need express laundry ? 好的,不過今天洗衣比較晚了,您需要快洗嗎? G : What time will you send my coat to my room ? 什么時候能把我的外套送到房間? C : Around 6:00 p. m 大概下午6:00左右精選ppt G : OK . How much shall I pay for the express service ? 好的,快洗服務需要付多少錢 C : Its 50% extra . 需要外加

18、50%附加費 G : I see . Thank you . 我明白了,謝謝 C : Youre welcome . Ill ask somebody to pick your laundry at once . Thank you for calling . Good-bye . 不客氣,我會馬山不馬上派人去收您的洗衣,謝謝您的來電,再見精選ppt情景會話二(洗衣服務) C : Good morning , madam . 早上好,夫人 G : Good morning . 早上好 C : Have you got any laundry ? 您需要洗衣嗎? G : Yes , I have

19、 . Here are my blouses and coat . 是的,這是我的襯衫和外套 C : Anything else ? 還有其他的嗎? G : Oh , yes . My husband also has got some laundry . Those are this suit and shirts . 噢,對了,我丈夫也有一些洗衣,就是這套衣服和襯衫。 C : Are they to be dry-cleaned ? 這些是要干洗嗎?精選ppt G : Oh , no . Only the suit and coat are to be dry-cleaned .不,套裝和

20、外套干洗就可以了。 C : Very well , madam . 好的,夫人 G : Thank you very much . 非常感謝 C : With pleasure . 沒關系精選ppt情景會話三(客房清潔) C : Housekeeping . May I come in ? 你好,客房服務員,我可以進來嗎? G : Yes . Come in , please . 請進 C : Would you like me to make your bed now ? 我現(xiàn)在可以為您做床嗎? G : Yes ,please . This bed is very comfortable . 好的,酒店的床挺舒服的 C : Im glad you are please with it . I hope you will enjoy your stay . 很高興您能喜歡我們酒店的床,我希望您住的愉快 G : Im already enjoying . Thank you . 我已經(jīng)很喜歡了,謝謝。精選ppt情景會話


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