



1、與各種時態(tài)連用的時間狀語一、 常與 一般現(xiàn)在時 連用的時間狀語:1、 副詞: always often never sometimes usually 2、短語: every day / week / month / year once a week hardly ever every ten minutes 每十分鐘 every other ten minutes 每隔十分鐘 now and then 不時 from time to time 不時 另:客觀事實、客觀真理只用一般現(xiàn)在時 eg: He always studies very hard. They sometimes go to

2、 school on foot. Ken doesnt clean his teeth every day. The No. 2 bus passes here every fifteen minutes. Do you visit your uncle now and then? 附:一般現(xiàn)在時的基本句型: 肯定句: He / She / It / sb. does sth. 否定句: He / She / It / sb. doesn't do sth. 疑問句: Does he / she / it / sb. do sth.?肯定句: I / You / We / They /

3、 復數(shù)名詞 do sth. 否定句: I / You / We / They / 復數(shù)名詞 don't do sth. 疑問句: Do I / You / We / They / 復數(shù)名詞 do sth.? 二、常與 一般過去時 連用的時間狀語:1、 副詞: yesterday 2、 短語: last week / month / year / night last Monday yesterday morning / afternoon / evening last May just now = a moment ago two days ago the day before yes

4、terday the other day 前幾天 in (已過去的)某年 / 月 on (已過去的)某天 at (已過去的)幾點鐘 與某些從句連用 eg: He always studied hard last year. Mr. Smith came to see our teacher yesterday afternoon. Did you meet him the other day? They left here at 8:00. Andrews father went to Australia in 1978. He went to sleep after he finished

5、his homework. I didnt hear from him a week ago. The sports meet began on September 20.附:一般現(xiàn)在時的基本句型: 肯定句: sb. did sth. 否定句: sb. didn't do sth. 疑問句: Did sb. do sth.? 三、常與 現(xiàn)在完成時 ( has / have done ) 連用的時間狀語:1、 副詞: already yet just ever before never recently 2、 短語: how long for + 一段時間 these five year

6、s by far so far since + 時間點 how many times in these / those days 次數(shù) eg: He has lived in Sydney since 1986. They have arrived here two days before. 比較: They arrived here two days ago. I have ever been to Guangzhou but I have never been to HK. Have you found one yet? Anne hasnt lived here for four mon

7、ths. How long have you worked as a doctor? 四、常與 現(xiàn)在進行時 ( is / am / are doing ) 連用的時間狀語:1、 副詞: now2、 某些警示性動詞如: look listen eg: Look! They are playing football. He isnt reading English now. 五、常與 過去進行時 ( was / were doing ) 連用的時間狀語: at this / that time yesterday; at 10:00 last night; from 7:00 to 8:00 ye

8、sterday morning; when / while 從句 eg: I was doing my homework at this time yesterday evening. Were you watching TV at 8:00 p.m. last Friday? He wasnt doing his sums when I came to his house. They watched me while I was making a cake. 六、常與 一般將來時 ( will / shall / be going to do ) 連用的時間狀語:1、 副詞: tomorro

9、w2、 短語: next Sunday / week / month / year how soon in + 時間段 / (將來的) 某年 / 月 after + 時間點 on (將來的) 某天 in the future eg: We will have an English Evening tomorrow. Hell be back in two hours. Our school will build another library in 2004. Tom will leave for Beijing after 9: 00 oclock. at 9: 00 oclock. How

10、 soon will you write to Anne? She will be ten years old on Saturday next week. 七、常與過去完成時(had done)連用的時間狀語: by the end of last; before / after 從句; by yesterday / last Monday 賓語從句八、現(xiàn)在完成時與一般過去時、一般現(xiàn)在時的區(qū)別:現(xiàn)在完成時強調(diào)的是動作雖發(fā)生或開始在過去,但跟現(xiàn)在有聯(lián)系一般過去時則強調(diào) A)過去某一具體動作,可配過去的具體時間 B)過去某一時間內(nèi)經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作一般現(xiàn)在時強調(diào)現(xiàn)在時間內(nèi)經(jīng)常發(fā)生的動作或客觀事實 e

11、.g.: I have done all my homework. I did my homework last night. I often did my homework before dinner last month. I often do my homework before dinner. He works as an engineer in a company. It never snows in Hainan Island. EXERCISES: I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words

12、:1. Mary usually _ (get) up early in the morning.2. We _ already _ ( have ) supper.3. I _ (call) him in half an hour.4. Sue _ ( not do ) any washing last year.5. Listen! Someone _ (knock) at the door.6. They _ (swim) in the river at this time yesterday.7. He _ (not book) the court yet.8. Lucy and Li

13、ly _ (not come) to my party tomorrow evening.9. My pencil _ (break) while I _ (draw) a horse.10. They _ (play) football when I _ (see) them.11. He told the child that the sun _ ( go ) down in the west.12. What will he be when he _ (grow) up?13. We wont begin our work until he _ (come).14. Sue _ (joi

14、n) the match of next July.15. How long _ he _ (arrive) at the station?16. How soon _ he _ (arrive)?17. My father _ (work) as a doctor ten years ago.18. He never _ (tell) a lie when he _ (be) a child.19. Sometimes last year, my parents _ (come) home very late.20. The baby _ (drink) water every two ho

15、urs.21. He _ (call) me every other twenty minutes yesterday.22. It _ (snow) heavily on the morning of last Saturday.23. By the end of last year, they _ (write) five songs.24. He _ just _ (draw) a map.25. They _ (not hand) in their homework the other day.26. He _ (not come) here since last month.27.

16、Next week, I _ (stay) with my aunt for two days.28. Peter and Tim _ (not have) class at nine yesterday.29. I _ (return) you the book in three days.30. Look! They _ (not clean) the windows at all! II. Multiple choice:1. What _ you _ at this time last Sunday? A. did.do B. have.done C. were.doing D. ar

17、e.doing2. He said the train _ faster than any man. A. run B. runs C. ran D. is running3. How long _ he _ in Shenzhen? A. e B. has.arrived C. will.reach D. has.been4. Many people often _ rice for supper in south China. A. have B. has C. had D. are having5. She _ always _ angry with nothing. A. is.bei

18、ng B. will.be C. is./ D. /.is6. I didnt know a word of English until I _ here. A. came B. have come C. had come D. was coming7. I _ you about that many times. A. told B. tell C. have told D. am telling8. Water _ at 100 0 C. A. boils B. is boiling C. has boiled D. boiled9. Ken _ up at 6:30 in the morning. A. got B. get C. gets D. is getting10. How many English words _ you _? A. do.learn B. has.learned C. have.learned D. will.learn11. I _ him just now. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. am seeing12. He _ his best to learn English well. A. doesnt B. hasnt


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