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1、人教版新目標(biāo)英語七年級上冊復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1. greet people 2. identify things and spell words教學(xué)過程:一 自學(xué)(課前預(yù)習(xí)):1. find out the letters and words you dont know in these two units2. try to read the main language patterns 二 互動:1. free talk :unit 1a: good afternoon, dale!b: hi, cindy! how are you?a: im fine, thanks. how are y

2、ou?b: im ok.unit 2a: whats this in english?b: its an orange.a: whats this in english?b: its a map.2. finish the listening exercise and check the answers.3. exercise: 英漢互譯unit 1 :1. 早上好 _2. 下午好 _3. 晚上好 _4. 你好嗎? _5. im fine, thanks. _unit 2 :1. 這用英語怎么說? _2. 它是一個橙子 _3. 這用英語怎么說? _4. 它是一條鑰匙。 _5. 請把它拼出來。

3、_三 深化 unit 1 in this unit, we learn how to greet people. 1. 表示打招呼 2. 表示問候3. 學(xué)會個別元音音標(biāo) unit 2in this unit, we learn how to indentify things and spell words.1. 學(xué)會確認(rèn)身邊事物句型:2. 如何回答:3. 熟記顏色單詞4. 學(xué)會五個元音音標(biāo)四 教學(xué)后記_starter unit 1 練習(xí)題一。寫出下列字母相應(yīng)的大、小寫形式1. h _ 2. a _ 3. e _ 4. g _ 5. f _ 6.b _ 7. c _ 8. d _ 二. 寫出字母

4、aa-hh中含有/i:/讀音的五個字母_ _ _ _ _三. 選擇填空( )1. -good morning, cindy.-_.a. fine, thanks b. im fine c. good morning, alice( )2. -hi, eric!-_.a. thank you b. ok c. hi, helen( )3. - hi, bob! how are you?- _.a. hi b. fine, thanks c. how are you( ) 4. - good afternoon, frank!- _. a. good afternoon, grace b. goo

5、d morning, grace c. thank you( )5. - _.- good evening, alice!a. good morning, cindy b. good evening, dale c. good afternoon, alice四. 根據(jù)中文提示填空1. 早上見到英語老師,你用英語說_2. 別人見到你向你說how are you? 你說_3.聽到別人向你說hi, 你應(yīng)說_4. 英國廣播公司的縮寫是_五補(bǔ)全對話1. - good morning, helen!- _, dale!2. - _, alice!- good afternoon, cindy!3. -

6、good evening, eric!- _, frank!4. - _?- im ok.5. - hi, grace!- _, bob.starter unit 2 練習(xí)題一. 寫出下列字母相應(yīng)的大、小寫形式1. i _ 2. l _ 3. q _ 4. r _5. j _ 6. n _ 7. k _ 8. m _9. o _ 10. p _二判斷下面每組字母是否含有相同讀音,相同的在前面括號內(nèi)寫“s ”,不同的寫“d”( )1. a, j ( )2. a, c ( ) 3. b, e ( )4. f, m ( ) 5. j, k ( )6. o, q ( ) 7. i, r ( )8. h

7、, a ( ) 9. l, m ( )10. j, g三選擇填空( )1. whats this in english?_.a. its eric b. im eric c. its a map ( )2. how are you?_.a. how are you b. fine, thanks c. good morning( )3. hi, alice! _?its a map.a. whats this b. who is this c. how are you( ) 4. whats this ? _ a jacket. a. is b. its c. its( )5. _ are y

8、ou , grace?a. how b. how c. howre四. 補(bǔ)全對話a) whats this in english? _. _.j-a-c-k-e-t.b) _? its a map. spell it, please._.c) hi, grace! _, bob.unit 1.my name is gina.section a學(xué)習(xí)目的:1.介紹自己2.問候他人重點句型:1)-whats your name ?-my name is./i am .-and whats your name ?-my name is/i am.-whats your/his/her name ?-m

9、y/his/her name is2)-nice to meet you. -nice to meet you,too.3)委婉詢問他人姓名方式: whats your name ,please ? can you tell me your name ? may i know /have your name ? may i ask your name , please ? would you please tell me your name ? would you please let me know your name ?課前準(zhǔn)備:一. 預(yù)習(xí)下列單詞并寫出對應(yīng)英文1.我的 2.名字 3.時鐘

10、 4.好的 5.遇見 6.什么 7.你的 8.她的 9.問題 10.回答 11.看,望 12.第一的 13.最后的 14.名字 15.姓氏 二.預(yù)習(xí)怎樣介紹自己和問候他人.詢問他人姓名及回答-whats your/his/her name ?- .問候他人: 熟悉的人:hi. hello.陌生的人:-nice to meet you. - . -how do you do ? - .三.通過預(yù)習(xí),你還有哪些方面存在疑問? 學(xué)習(xí)過程:一.預(yù)習(xí)情況交流1.將課前準(zhǔn)備中的情況與你的同學(xué)進(jìn)行交流.2.討論預(yù)習(xí)中遇到的問題(老師點撥).二.學(xué)習(xí)策略培養(yǎng)通過對話的形式,熟練詢問他人姓名并回答,熟練掌握問候

11、他人的口語交際能力.三.學(xué)習(xí)新單詞四.中英文姓名解析1.中文姓名:姓氏+名字;英文姓名:名字+姓氏2.英國有些人的姓名由三部分構(gòu)成:名+中間名+姓.如: jim allen green 吉姆·艾倫·格林 first name middle name last name/family name3.在交際中,對熟悉的人,我們可以直呼其名,如tom,mary.但在正式場合我們通常會用”ms(已婚或未婚的女性)/miss(未婚的女性)/mrs. (已婚的女性,夫人)/mr.(先生)+姓氏”來稱呼對方,如:miss smith,mr.brown 等.后記: 鞏固練習(xí)提高:一 單詞填空

12、1.my (名字)is tony.i am from china.2.her (姓) name is brown .we usually call her miss brown.3. (看) at the blackboard and read after me, please .4.do you know the (答案) to this (問題) ?二翻譯下列句子。1.我叫tony,你呢? .2.見到你很高興. .3.能知道您的名字嗎? ?三,寫出下列句子的同意句.1.black is his family name.=black is his .2.that watch is yours

13、.=that is watch.3.my name is gina.= is name. = gina.四.單項選擇.( )1.-who is that girl over there ?- a chinese singer. a.shes b.hes c.its d.theyre( )2.-is this english book ? -yes,its my book. a.your b.here c.my d.his( )3.-whats your name ? -her name is mary. a.brothers b.mother c.sisters d.brother( )4.w

14、hats the to the teachers ? a.questions,answer b.answers,question c.question,answer d.answer,question( )5. am francisco. a.i b.you c.he d.sheunit 1.my name is gina.section b學(xué)習(xí)目的:1.介紹自己2.問候他人3.詢問和給出電話號碼重點句型:1)-whats your name ?-my name is./i am .-and whats your name ?-my name is/i am.-whats your/his/h

15、er name ?-my/his/her name is2)-nice to meet you. -nice to meet you,too.3)-whats your/his/her telephone number ? -my/his/her telephone number is.課前準(zhǔn)備:二. 預(yù)習(xí)下列單詞并寫出對應(yīng)英文1.一 2.二 3.三 4.四 5.五 6.六 7.七 8.八 9.九 10.電話 11.數(shù)字 12.卡片 13.家庭 14.姓氏 15.名字 16.女孩 17.男孩 二.溫習(xí)section a部分內(nèi)容詢問他人姓名及回答-whats your/his/her name

16、?- .問候他人: 熟悉的人:hi. hello.陌生的人:-nice to meet you. - . -how do you do ? - .委婉詢問他人姓名方式:1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ?6. ?三.預(yù)習(xí)section b 部分內(nèi)容詢問電話號碼并回答- ? -my telephone number is.三.通過預(yù)習(xí),你還有哪些方面存在疑問? 學(xué)習(xí)過程:一.預(yù)習(xí)情況交流1.將課前準(zhǔn)備中的情況與你的同學(xué)進(jìn)行交流.2.討論預(yù)習(xí)中遇到的問題(老師點撥).二.學(xué)習(xí)策略培養(yǎng)通過對話的形式,熟練詢問他人姓名并回答,熟練掌握問候他人,熟練詢問并回答電話號碼的口語交際能力.三.學(xué)習(xí)新單詞四

17、.電話號碼的讀法:電話號碼是將每位號碼用基數(shù)詞依次讀出,其中”0”用字母o表示,有時也可讀zero.-whats your phone number ? 你的電話號碼是多少?-its 2698773(讀作two-six-nine-eight-seven-seven-three.)是2698773后記: 鞏固練習(xí)提高:三. 單詞填空1.my room (號碼) is 1405.2.he has a nice (電話).3.my father likes playing(玩) (牌) on sunday.4.i have a big (家庭) .二.短語翻譯1.電話號碼 2.身份證 3.29332

18、78 4.第二中學(xué) 三.單項選擇( )1.-every student has id card, but bob lost(丟失了)his school id card. a.an,/ b.a,the c.an,a d.a,/( )2.we love school. a.our b.her c.ours d.his( )3.there are days in a week. a.six b.five c.seven d.eight( )4. your telephone number ? a.whys b.hows c.whos d.whats( )5.two and three is . a

19、.five b.four c.six d.one四.選詞填空1.-what is (your,you) telephone number ? - (its,its) 83241256.2. (she,her) brother is six.3.those are (they,their) clocks.4.alice is the (family,first) name of alice king.五.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空.1.i a english teacher .(be)2.he from england.(be)3.some students at school.(be)4.his

20、name david.(be)5. name is jenny.(i)6. name sally.(she)7.whats name?(you)8.three and five eight.(be)9.what your telephone number ?(be)10 name is tony .(he)unit 1.my name is gina.self-check一、連詞成句(3*5=15)1.name,marygreen,is,her .2.please,name,your,is, what ?3.to,nice,you, too, meet .4.this,english,what

21、,in,is ?5.first,is,his,name,what ?二、選擇正確的答案,并寫在橫線上(2*8=16)1、what is _( you, your ) telephone number ? _( its, its ) 8233565.2、_ ( she, her ) brother is five, and i _ ( is, am ) seven years old.3、these are _( our, we ) books, and those are _( they, their ) rulers.4、alice is the _ ( first / family ) n

22、ame of alice king.5、what _ ( are , is ) his last name?三、單詞填空(2*6=12)1、this is my room. my room _ ( 號碼 ) is 2205.2、he has a nice _ ( 電話 ) at home.3、i have a big _ ( 家庭 ) of eight .4、there are 28 _ ( 男孩 ) and 26 _ ( 女孩 ) in my class.5、i can see a big _ ( 時鐘 ) on the wall .四、單項選擇(2*5=10)( )1、 dad, this

23、 is my friend, tom. _ . a. how are you? b. nice to meet you ! c. are you good ? d. thank you !( )2、that is _ pen. _ pen is on the desk. a. my, her b. i , hers c. mine, her d. her, i( )3、_ brother is a teacher. a. he b. she c. you d. my( )4、is this your clock ? _ . a. yes , it is b. yes, i am c. no,

24、it is d. no, its my( )5、_ is her telephone number ? a. who b. what c. whose d. when五、補(bǔ)全對話(空格上的詞數(shù)不限)(2*7=14)a:hello,iam alan . ?b: ,alan. my name is jim smith .a: your name is jim, and your is smith. is that right ?b: yes,yourequite right, alan. .a: , too. jim.b : excuse me, ?a: my telephone number i

25、s 560 1673.六、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成下列表格(2*5=10) hello, my name is jim moore. nice to meet you. jim is my first name. moore is my family name. my telephone number is 656- 2368. i am a student. i study in no. 1 middle school. the teachers and students in my school are very good. i like my school very much.first nam

26、e: last name: full name: phone number: school name 七、完成句子(橫線上的詞數(shù)不限)(2*6=12)1.下午好!很高興認(rèn)識你(們)。 ! .2.請問你叫什么名字?excuseme, ?3.我叫jenny brown, jenny 是我的名, brown 是我的姓 。 my is jenny brown , jenny ismy ,and brown is my .八、閱讀理解,閱后判斷,對的寫t,錯的寫f。(2*5=10)im an english girl. my name is kate green. im thirteen. i am a

27、t school. look! my school is no.5 middle school. im in class 3, grade 1. im in row two. im no.13. at school, i have a good friend. her name is wu dong. she isnt at school today. i think she is at home. my english teacher is mrs li. she is a good teacher. ( )1、 kate is in class 3, grade 1.( )2、kate g

28、reen is a chinese girl.( )3、kates good friend is a boy.( )4、wu dong is not at school today( )5、mr li is kates english teacher.unit 2 is this your pencil? section b學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1、 確認(rèn)物主關(guān)系;2、學(xué)會寫英文的失物招領(lǐng);3、鞏固一般疑問句的用法。重點句型:-whats this_ english? -its a watch.-how do you _ it? -w-a-t-c-h.-is this your watch? -yes,

29、_ _.its my watch.課前準(zhǔn)備:一、預(yù)習(xí)新單詞,翻譯下列單詞或短語:1.棒球 2.電腦 3.手表 4.電子游戲 5.鑰匙 6.筆記本_ 7.戒指_ 8.在里面 _9.打電話 _ 10.遺失 _11.找回 12.失物招領(lǐng) 13.在學(xué)校_ 14.一套;一副_15.身份證_二、預(yù)習(xí)怎樣寫失物招領(lǐng): 1、招領(lǐng)啟事: found: _your notebook?please _ mary at _2、失物啟事:lost: _my school id card.my name is _.please call _三、回憶section a 部分學(xué)習(xí)的形容詞性的物主代詞,完成下表:人稱類別單 數(shù)

30、復(fù) 數(shù)第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱第一人稱第二人稱第三人稱人稱yousheyou中文意思我你他它我們他們形容詞性的物主代詞中文意思我的你的他的她的它的我們的你們的他們的三、通過預(yù)習(xí),你還有哪些方面存在疑問? 學(xué)習(xí)過程:一、預(yù)習(xí)情況交流:1、 將課前準(zhǔn)備中的情況與你的同學(xué)進(jìn)行交流;2、 討論預(yù)習(xí)中遇到的問題,討論后仍找不到合適的答案,請老師解答疑問。二、學(xué)習(xí)新單詞:(注意單詞的拼寫及正確認(rèn)識音標(biāo))三、學(xué)會寫英文的失物招領(lǐng):英語的失物招領(lǐng)啟事,分失物啟事和招領(lǐng)啟事兩種。個人可根據(jù)需要寫相應(yīng)的啟事。當(dāng)你無意拾得別人的物品時,你可以寫一封招領(lǐng)啟事,其內(nèi)容包括你拾得的物品名稱,你的聯(lián)系方式,以幫助別人找到丟

31、失的物品,例如: found: (招領(lǐng)啟事)a set of keys. (拾得的物品)is this your key?please call mary at 2235-7728 (你的聯(lián)系方式)當(dāng)你的物品丟失了,你可以寫一封失物啟事,其內(nèi)容包括丟失的物品,你的姓名、聯(lián)系方式等主要內(nèi)容,例如: lost: (失物啟事)my school id card. (丟失的物品)my name is tony. (姓名)please call me at 8785-6325. (聯(lián)系方式)后記: 鞏固提高練習(xí):一、翻譯下列詞組:1. 我的鋼筆_ 2. 老師的字典_ 3. 她的戒指_ 4. 用英語_ 5

32、.一塊橡皮_ 6. 打擾一下_ 7.那支鋼筆_ 8. 這只鉛筆盒_ 9.一個“u”_ 10. 失物招領(lǐng)處_ 11. 一本英漢字典_ 三、根據(jù)答句寫出問句1. ? his name is tom.2. ? no, it isnt . its her baseball.3. ? p-e-n:4. ? my telephone number is 82818117.5. ? its a ring.6. ? its black and white.7. ? yes, its my computer.四、單項選擇:( )1thats book.a. you b. your a c. your d. your the ( )2.whats this in english? a. orange b. an orange c. its orange d. its orange( )3.how do you spell it? .a. yes. p-e


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