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1、“3+1+X”大學英語教學模式下教師角色的作用分析"3 + 1 + X" teaching mode of college English teachers' role analysis為順應時代發(fā)展和滿足高等教育的需求,我國近十幾年間在各地迅速發(fā)展起一批新建本科院校,而大學英語作為一門基礎學科則成為每位在校生的必修課。近年來隨著大學英語課程教學要求(2007)的頒布,如何開展大學英語教育改革已成為當務之急。眾所周知,我國幅員遼闊,各地區(qū)、各高校之間情況差異較大,大學英語教育改革不可能搞一刀切,只有結合各個高校自身的實際情況和人才培養(yǎng)要求,才能制定出"促進

2、學生個性化學習方法的形成和學生自主學習能力的發(fā)展"的特色大學英語教學模式。遼東學院于2005年開始進行大學英語教學改革實驗,并于2007年9月正式頒布了遼東學院大學英語改革實施方案,在2007級新生中實施"3+1+X"的全新大學英語教學模式。本文將對該新型教學模式進行探討,從課程設置,教學安排和教學評估等方面進行論述和分析。To keep up with the development of The Times and meet the demand of higher education, our country in recent years rapid de

3、velopment in a batch of newly built undergraduate course colleges and universities, and university English as a basic subject, however, become the compulsory subject of each student. In recent years with the college English curriculum requirements (2007), how to develop college English education ref

4、orm has become imperative. As is known to all, China is a large country, each region, each situation is different between colleges and universities, college English education reform is unlikely to make one size fits all, and only in combination with the practical situation of each university's o

5、wn personnel training requirements, to develop "to promote the formation of students' individualized learning methods and the development of students' autonomous learning ability" of the characteristics of college English teaching mode. Liaodong college was started in 2005 for coll

6、ege English teaching reform experiment, and in September 2007 formally promulgated the "liaodong college, college English reform implementation plan", in the 2007 freshmen in the implementation of the "3 + 1 + X" of the new college English teaching mode. This article discusses th

7、e new teaching mode, from the curriculum, teaching arrangement and teaching evaluation is discussed and analyzed. 一、"3+1+X"模式的課程設置及評價形式A, "3 + 1 + X" mode of curriculum and evaluation form "3+1+X"大學英語教學模式中的"3"代表每周3學時的課堂教學,重點培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀、寫作、翻譯等語言技巧;"1"代表每周



10、的評價體系,加大了形成性評價的比例,調整了以往終結性評價方式為主的評價結構,包括:傳統課堂平時表現,課后作業(yè)完成表現,視聽說課口語表現,視聽說課聽力平時成績表現以及視聽說課后自主學習表現等。形成性評價的完善有助于對學生的學習進展情況進行監(jiān)控與評價,為教師與學生提供反饋,并將評價中收集到的信息用于調整教學,以滿足學生及提高教學質量的需要。"3 + 1 + X" college English teaching model of "3" is for 3 hours per week of class teaching, cultivating studen

11、ts' reading, writing, translation and other language skills; "1" is for 1 hours per week of audio-visual course, conducted by the computer aided teaching, namely in under the guidance of teachers of students autonomous learning courses, aims to cultivate the students' listening and

12、 speaking skills and cross-cultural communication ability; "X" on behalf of the students in extracurricular time to ensure that at least two hours a week online autonomous learning, focusing on training students' ability of autonomous learning, students can according to their own learn

13、ing at the same time, according to the audio-visual teaching plan for personalized learning goals. As can be seen in reasonable inherit the traditional classroom teaching mode and exert its advantage (i.e., "3"), on the basis of modern information technology (i.e., "1") intervent

14、ion to improve the single teaching mode mainly teachers teach, responded well according to the "college English curriculum requirements" proposed "college English curriculum design should fully consider listening ability training requirements, and give enough hours and credit; should

15、be extensive use of advanced information technology, the development and construction of all kinds based on computer and network courses, for students to provide a good language learning environment and conditions". Realized from teacher-centered, simple teaching of language knowledge and skill

16、s teaching thought and practice, to student-centered, imparting language knowledge and skills, pay more attention to cultivate the language application ability and autonomous learning ability of teaching thought and practice. "X" parameters can be set while in extracurricular, but supporte

17、d by the network technology, make the English teaching and learning is not limited by time and place, to the students' English learning toward the direction of individualized and autonomous learning, reflects the dominant position of students in the teaching process, to inspire their learning in

18、itiative and creativity. At the same time, in reform of teaching mode "3 + 1 + X" pattern is adopted, the combination of summative assessment and formative assessment evaluation system, increase the proportion of the formative assessment, adjustment of the summative evaluation structure ev

19、aluation way is given priority to, including: traditional classroom performance at ordinary times, homework completion, audio-visual practice oral English performance, audio-visual practice listening performance at ordinary times and audio-visual autonomous learning performance, etc. After practice.

20、 Perfection of formative assessment is helpful to students' learning progress monitoring and evaluation, provide feedback for teachers and students, and in the evaluation of the collected information is used to adjust the teaching, in order to meet the needs of students and improve teaching qual

21、ity. 二、"3+1+X"模式下教師角色的轉換Second, the "3 + 1 + X" mode of teachers' role conversion "3+1+X"模式不僅是對大學英語教學模式的探索和改革,同時也對教授該門課程的教師提出了全新的要求和挑戰(zhàn)。可以說,只有較好地完成新模式下的教學角色轉換才能從根本上保證"3+1+X"的大學英語教學模式的成功。"3 + 1 + X" pattern is not only the exploration and reform of

22、 college English teaching mode, but also the professor puts forward new requirements to the teachers of this course and the challenge. , so to speak, only the new mode of teaching better role reversal can be fundamentally ensure that the "3 + 1 + X" college English teaching model of succes

23、s. 1. 由課堂的主導者向引導者轉化1. By the leader of the class to guide 在傳統的教學模式中,教師是傳授學科知識的主導者,完全通過板書、口授的形式完成課程教學,在課堂教學中處于中心地位。隨著時代和科技的發(fā)展,傳統的教學模式弊端慢慢顯現:在教學過程中,作為學習主體的學生處于相對被動的狀態(tài),學習主動性受到限制,個性化教學更是無從談起。"3+1+X"模式下的視聽說課程改變了此種局面,人機交互模式的介入使學生成為自主學習的主體,教師只充當指揮者的角色進行引導。這就要求教師在課前充分做好備課工作,熟練掌握網絡資源的實用,把握整章課程內容的主體

24、和內在聯系,在課堂上有選擇性有針對性地指導學生開展自主學習。同時,由于有了單人單機的操作優(yōu)越性的保障,教師應該充分考慮到學生個性間的差異,為不同層次和不同學習需求的學生制定不同的學習目標,最大化地實現符合每個學生特點和學習水平的個性化教學。In the traditional teaching mode, teachers are teaching leader of the discipline knowledge, fully through teaching blackboard writing, dictation, form to complete the course, in th

25、e central position in classroom teaching. With the development of The Times, science and technology, the traditional teaching mode disadvantages appeared slowly: in the teaching process, students as the main body of learning in a relatively passive state, learning initiative is restricted, personali

26、zed teaching is impossible. "3 + 1 + X" mode of audio-visual course has changed this situation, the man-machine interaction pattern of intervention to make the students as the main body of autonomous learning, teachers act as commander of the only role for guidance. This requires teachers

27、to fully before the class prepares a work, mastering the practicability of network resources, to grasp the entire chapter main body and the inner link of the course content, selective targeted in class to guide students to carry out autonomous learning. Superiority at the same time, because a single

28、 stand-alone operation, teachers should fully consider the students' personality differences, for different levels and different learning needs of students of different learning goals to maximize the implementation conforms to the characteristics of each student and learning levels of personaliz

29、ed teaching. 2. 由知識傳送者向教學組織者的轉化2. The organizers from the knowledge transfer to the teaching of transformation 教師應根據所教授班級的情況制定教學計劃,包括一般要求計劃,較高要求計劃及高級要求計劃以適應不同層次學生的個性化學習要求;在具體實施過程中,可以聽力、口語兩大方面為基礎分門別類地開展教學活動,開展課上聽力競賽,角色扮演和觀看短片分組討論等活動以達到培養(yǎng)學生交際能力的目的。Teachers should according to the professor class given

30、 by the teaching plan, including general requirements planning, higher demands plan and plan to adapt to the different level students' personalized learning requirements; In the concrete implementation process, listening comprehension, oral English based on the two aspects of classify to conduct

31、 teaching activities, listening in class competition, role playing and watching film group discussions and other activities to achieve the purpose of training students' communicative ability. 3. 由學業(yè)的監(jiān)督者向促進者轉化3. By academic supervisors to promoters 在我國現行教育體制下,教師在肩負傳道授業(yè)的職責同時不可避免地充當著學生學業(yè)監(jiān)督者的角色,主要通過

32、作業(yè)和期末考試等終結性評價方式對學生的學習情況進行監(jiān)督和調整。"3+1+X"模式所倡導的形成性評價體制和課外自主學習時長"X"都要求教師盡快完成從學業(yè)監(jiān)督者向促進者的角色轉換。這就要求教師為每名學生建立學生檔案,詳細記錄學生的課堂出勤情況;參與課堂活動數量、質量;作業(yè)完成情況,課外自主學習完成情況,教師不定期查看檔案并有針對性地對學生的學習情況做出鼓勵或提出要求。教師也可通過網絡平臺的記錄情況及時把握學生的課后自主學習情況并加以督促。Under China's current education system, teachers take on

33、the responsibilities of the knowledge at the same time inevitably ACTS as the role of a student's academic supervisors, mainly through the assignments and final summative evaluation, such as ways to supervise students learning situation and adjust. "3 + 1 + X" mode of the formative assessment system and after-class autonomous learning is a "X" from academic supervisors require teachers to complete as soon as possible to the facilitator role conversion. This requires teachers to establish s


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