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2、:提供信息大:提供信息大,對比明顯。對比明顯。雅思留學小作文寫作評分準則之內(nèi)容Contents: 如實還原圖表如實還原圖表1.無任何個人無任何個人評價評價,嚴禁出現(xiàn)表示觀點的詞和個人嚴禁出現(xiàn)表示觀點的詞和個人推斷推斷.2.不要描寫全部信息不要描寫全部信息(數(shù)字數(shù)字,事物事物),分清主次分清主次,動態(tài)圖重在動態(tài)圖重在頂點底點及轉(zhuǎn)折點和交匯點等頂點底點及轉(zhuǎn)折點和交匯點等4類特征數(shù)據(jù)類特征數(shù)據(jù)maximumminimum-intersection- trend;靜態(tài)圖靜態(tài)圖重在比較關系重在比較關系評分準則之結(jié)構(gòu)n1.分段分段準確準確n2.body段落的展開方式:段落的展開方式:動態(tài)圖動態(tài)圖(線線,餅


4、時態(tài),詞性詞性,難易搭配和趨勢四點來考慮單詞難易搭配和趨勢四點來考慮單詞nincrease / grow / rise / jump / go up / climb up / soar / expand/ rocket /hike / ascend/ surge /boom/ escalate/ swellndecrease / fall / drop / decline / go down / climb down / slip /shrink / descend / slump/ ebb/ crash /collapse / plunge穩(wěn)定,震動,大約nhold steady, leve

5、l off, stabilize, remain steady, stay constant, keep stable, be/remain static,be consistent, stagnatenFluctuate,wave,vibrate, Vary from, Swing, Rise and fall, Increase and decreasen大約:大約:about / around / approximately / roughly / in the neighborhood of 幅度副詞n顯著顯著significantly,noticeably,obviously,sha

6、rplydramatically, rapidly, steeply, immensely, considerably, markedly, unexpectedly,平緩穩(wěn)定平緩穩(wěn)定 slowly,gradually,steadily, slightly, gently,moderately,subtly, modestly, smoothly, marginallyn波動波動 fluctuately, wavily , flexibly 數(shù)字,趨勢,頂點,低點 figure/ data/ statistics / number / percentage trend / tendency/

7、tend to be be at its highest level/top position, reach/attain/to a peak of (maximum/peak/summit/zenith/apex/climax),或者,或者peak at這里的這里的peak是動詞是動詞nHit/reach a (floor/bottom/base/valley),或,或者:者: bottom out(動詞短語)(動詞短語)顯示nPredict, indicate, display, expose, reveal,depict ,illustrate, demonstrate , reflec

8、t, unfold, ntake up / make up contribute / occupy / represent / account for n涉及到百分比的時候才出現(xiàn)涉及到百分比的時候才出現(xiàn),只針對于只針對于pie 和和 table A AB BC CD D線狀圖n永遠不變的小作文句型結(jié)構(gòu)永遠不變的小作文句型結(jié)構(gòu):n主語主語+變化變化+到具體數(shù)字到具體數(shù)字+時間段時間段n主語變化體現(xiàn)的四種變句模式主語變化體現(xiàn)的四種變句模式(句式靈活句式靈活)研究對象做主語研究對象做主語/There be做主語做主語/時間段時間段(period做主語做主語/變化趨勢做主語變化趨勢做主語/地點做主語地

9、點做主語研究對象主語n研究對象做主語研究對象做主語nThe figure/data/percentage(圖單位圖單位) of/in/ about 研究對象研究對象 dropped/increased/fluctuated/ leveled off/remained stable/was upward(圖趨勢圖趨勢) from _ to _ (具體數(shù)字波動具體數(shù)字波動)during/ betweenand, and it reached the maximum/minimum ofthere be主語n研究對象做主語研究對象做主語nAttention should be drawn to th

10、e continuing rise/drop/wave in/of _ from _ to _ .nThere be 作主語作主語nThere was steadying/waving/sharp/slight(用用形容詞表趨勢形容詞表趨勢) increase(名詞名詞)/upward trend in/of _ from _ to _ ,reaching the bottom of _ .時間主語 The last half of 2008 saw the most savage decrease in demand for motor vehicles since the second w

11、orld war. The biggest/quickest/most noticeable increase occurred in 2000, which saw/witnessed a growth(替換替換increase) from _ to _ . The year between 1980 and 2000 witnessed a huge/ flexible change from _ to _ . 趨勢,地點作主語n地點做主語地點做主語nThe place witnessed a sharp increase in sth fromtoin certain year.n“趨勢

12、趨勢”做主語做主語A very noticeable trend was the steady increase in the number of _ from _ to _ in _.nThe trend showed the steady increase in the number of _ from _ to _in _.句型練習之婚禮費用n上海的婚禮的花費從上海的婚禮的花費從96年的年的5萬迅猛的震蕩上萬迅猛的震蕩上揚到揚到08年的年的120萬萬,最終達頂點最終達頂點300萬在萬在09年年nThe figure of wedding fee in shanghai boomed ra

13、pidly from 50 thousand rmb to 1 million and 200 thousand rmb between 1996 and 2008, reaching the peak of 3 million in 2009.句型練習之婚禮費用nThere was a sharp rocket in the weeding fee in shanghai from 50 thousand rmb to 1 million and 200 rmb thousand between 1996 and 2008, reaching the zenith of 3 million

14、in 2009.nThe amazing soar of weeding fee in shanghai occurred between 1996 and 2008, which witnessed the upward trend from 50 thousand to 1 million and 200 thousand ,reaching the climax of 3 million in 2009.句型練習之婚禮費用n海的婚禮的花費從海的婚禮的花費從96年的年的5萬迅猛的震蕩上揚到萬迅猛的震蕩上揚到08年的年的120萬萬,最終達頂點最終達頂點300萬在萬在09年年nIn shang

15、hai, wedding fee sharply increased from 50,000 rmb in 1996 to 1,200.000 rmb in 2008, peaking at 3,000,000 in 2009. nA very noticeable trend was the steady increase in the number of wedding fee from 50,000 rmb in 1996 to 1,200.000 rmb in 2008, peaking at 3,000,000 in 2009. 句型練習之外國國籍n加入外國國籍的百分比從加入外國國籍

16、的百分比從1995的百分之一平穩(wěn)增長的百分之一平穩(wěn)增長到到2006年的百分之六年的百分之六.nThe percentage of immigrants stabilized (動動詞詞)from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006. nThere was a steady and smooth rise (形容詞形容詞+名詞名詞) in the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006. nThe past decade witnessed a st

17、able ascendance in the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006句型練習之外國國籍n加入外國國籍的百分比從加入外國國籍的百分比從1995的百分之一平穩(wěn)的百分之一平穩(wěn)增長到增長到2006年的百分之六年的百分之六.nSome immigrating countries witnessed a sharp soar of the percentage of immigrants from one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006. nThe

18、 immigrating trend showed the steady increase in the one percent in 1995 to 6 percent in 2006.Structure 結(jié)構(gòu)nIntroduction 總起段總起段(介紹圖表介紹圖表)nBody 主體段主體段(具體數(shù)字波動具體數(shù)字波動)nConclusion 總結(jié)段總結(jié)段:趨勢或?qū)Ρ融厔莼驅(qū)Ρ萵背景句介紹題目四要素背景句介紹題目四要素:圖表類型圖表類型,圖表研究對圖表研究對象象,圖表趨勢圖表趨勢,圖表時間圖表時間萬能萬能OpeningOpeningOpeningOpening的的四要素四要素:nAs As

19、is is shown/displayed/revealed/in the shown/displayed/revealed/in the ( 1 1 ) 圖 的 類 型) 圖 的 類 型 , t h e, t h e ( 2 2 ) 圖 的 單 位) 圖 的 單 位(number/amount/percentage/figure) of (number/amount/percentage/figure) of 圖圖的主題的主題(3 3)圖的趨勢)圖的趨勢fluctuatefluctuate/rise/fall/ /rise/fall/ changechange(4 4)( (圖的時間圖的時間

20、) ) from fromtoto萬能萬能opening opening n前半句前半句:nAs we can see from the 圖的類型,圖的類型,nAccording to the information described in the 圖的類型,圖的類型,n后半句后半句:nThere is a dramatic/slight/flexible 圖的圖的趨勢趨勢 in 圖的主題圖的主題 in 圖的時間圖的時間 The educational background of employees in The educational background of employees in

21、a companya company nThe column graph shows the changes of educational levels of staff members in a company in the year of 1991, 1996 and 2000. The percentage of energy source in AmericaThe percentage of energy source in AmericanAccording to the pie graphs, there is a dramatic change in the percentag

22、e of the energy sources of the united states in 1970 and 1980. * *經(jīng)典第一段的概括總分趨勢句經(jīng)典第一段的概括總分趨勢句( (高分較難高分較難) )n位置位置:寫在第一段第二句寫在第一段第二句n目的目的:概括出總趨勢概括出總趨勢,給讀者以宏觀把握給讀者以宏觀把握nAll trends(動態(tài)動態(tài))/statistics(靜態(tài)靜態(tài))/items(多多圖圖) can be categorized/classified into groups(項目項目)/ stages(時間時間)/types(多圖多圖) with (“general”

23、trends or characteristics).nAll trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in A, rising in B and falling in C.nAll statistics can be categorized into 2 stages with the popularity of listening to radio from about 6 am to 1 pm and the popularity of watching TV during the rest of the day.

24、nP72 All statistics can be categorized into 3 stages with the equilibrium均勢均勢 of/in the birth and death rates in the first decade of the 20th century, the predominance of birth rate in the following two decades, and the predominance of death rate from 1930 to 1970.All statistics can be categorized i

25、nto 2 groups with general increase in sales from 1991 to 2000 and fluctuating in profits in the same period.All the trends can be categorized into 3 groups with a sharp increase in docotor, a fluctuation in bachelor and dramatic decline in secondary. nAll the statistics could be categorized into 2 s

26、tages with the prevalence in cinema specatators before 1960 and the domination in tv popularity after that year.nAll the trends could be categorized into 2 groups with a sharp increase in the attendance of tv and a general decrease in the popularity of cinema.nAll items could be categorized into two

27、 types with tv attendances and cinema admissions 不一定用寫總分句的情況當然也可以簡化的寫成之表示項目當然也可以簡化的寫成之表示項目1.部分餅圖和表格部分餅圖和表格(無數(shù)字變化的情況下無數(shù)字變化的情況下)2.曲線既沒有相交且趨勢相同曲線既沒有相交且趨勢相同3.所有靜態(tài)圖且沒有特征變化所有靜態(tài)圖且沒有特征變化1.一般來講一般來講,兩根線分兩段兩根線分兩段, 如果大于三根線如果大于三根線,使用使用上升下降關系分段上升下降關系分段,如同為上升或下降則用更相如同為上升或下降則用更相同趨勢的線來分段同趨勢的線來分段.2.后面的話參考句型必殺技進分類詳細數(shù)據(jù)

28、描寫后面的話參考句型必殺技進分類詳細數(shù)據(jù)描寫.銜接手段nAfter / before(之后)(之后)nThere was a rise, before(然后然后)the number went down.nAfter a rise, there was a decrease, before the number remained stable.nwhich was followed by nThere was a rise, which was followed by a decrease.n, when nThere was a rise in the number of teachers

29、from _ in _ to _ in _, when the number went down.銜接手段練習nbeforen乘客人數(shù)在乘客人數(shù)在1974年和年和1991年由于衰退和海灣戰(zhàn)年由于衰退和海灣戰(zhàn)爭而下降,爭而下降,之后之后持續(xù)上升。持續(xù)上升。nThe numbers of passengers fell in the recession year of 1974, and in 1991, the year of the Gulf war, before continuing upward.銜接手段練習n自從八十年代早期,鐵路使用一直增長;然而當自從八十年代早期,鐵路使用一直增長;

30、然而當?shù)氐墓囀褂脜s一直下降到地的公車使用卻一直下降到99年,之后小幅增年,之后小幅增長。長。n從從1997/1998年開始到年開始到2000/2001年一直年一直下降,在接下來的下降,在接下來的4年中每年都維持在年中每年都維持在21%水平,然后繼續(xù)下降至水平,然后繼續(xù)下降至2004/2005年的年的19%nRail use has been increasing, in general, since the early 1980s, while the number of journeys on local buses continued to fall until 1999, before

31、 increasing slightly.nIt fell from 1997/98 to 2000/01, and then levelled off at 21 per cent for each of the four years to 2003/04, before falling again by 2004/05 to 19 per cent.兩根線圖nThe graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.Radio and television audiences in the

32、 UK, October-December 1992Radio and television audiences in the UK, October-December 1992首段The graph shows the percentage of radio andtelevision audiences over 4 years old in the UKthroughout the day from October to December1992(總趨勢總趨勢). The figure reveals that before 2:00pm there were more radio au

33、diences, while after2:00 pm more people turned to television. (總總結(jié)結(jié))(There was a gap of 10% between radio andTelevision audiences.)廣播聽眾The data indicates that radio listeners increasedsubstantially before 8:00 am, when thepercentage amounted to a peak of 27%. Thepercentage then declined steadily to

34、11% at 4:00pm, which was followed by a slight increase to15% at 5:00 pm. However, from then on, therewas again a gradual decrease to 2% until 4:00am, when the percentage bottomed out. Theperiod from 4:00 am to 6:00 am saw anotherslight rise to 4% in radio listeners.電視觀眾As for TV viewers, the percent

35、age went up from6:00 am to 8:30 am, when there was a levelingoff at 8% until 10:00 am. After a slight decrease,the percentage rose sharply to 15% between 12pm and 2 pm, before it dropped slightly. Thepeak (45%) was reached at 8:00 pm after amassive rise from 14% since 3:00 pm. However,the period bet

36、ween 8:00 pm and 3:00 am saw aSlump in television viewers. The percentagereached the bottom of 3% at 3:00 am, whenthere was a slight rise afterwards.結(jié)論nThrough the line chart, we can easily draw the conclusion that before 2:00 pm, the number of radio audiences was larger than that of TV viewers. Aft

37、er that, more UK residents chose to watch TV instead of listening to radio. Overall, in these 24 hours, the TV viewers were more than the radio audiences.首段nThe line diagram shows the proportion of people in Japan, Sweden, and USA aged 65+ from 1940 and the expected proportions up to 2040. nFrom 194

38、0-1990, the proportions of people aged 65+ in the USA and Sweden are similar and follow the same trend. In 1940 the figures were 9% and 7% respectively, rising to15% and 14% respectively in 1980, before dipping to 14% and 13% respectively in 1990. Thereafter, Americans proportion of people aged 65+

39、leveled out and is forecast to remain at 14% until 2020, after which it is expected increase to 23% in 2040. However, Swedens proportion of people aged 65+ began to rise after 1990. This increase is forecast to continue until 2010 when the proportion is estimated to be 20%. Then, there is expected t

40、o be a slight drop to 18% in 2030, followed by a steep climb to 25% in 2040.日本nThe situation in Japan differs considerably, with a fall in the percentage of people aged 65+ between 1940 (5%) and 1960 (3%). The percentage remained steady until 1985, where upon it began to climb. This rise is projecte

41、d to continue until around 2030, when the proportion of Japanese aged 65+ is expected to reach 10%. Thereafter, within just a few years, the proportion is forecast to rise dramatically to 25%, with a less dramatic rise to 27% in 2040. 結(jié)論nAccording to the graph, before the year 2030, the portion of p

42、opulation in Japan who aged 65+ was less than that of in Sweden and America, and after that it is more than the others.線圖總結(jié)選擇單詞選擇單詞(上升上升,下降下降,波動波動,平穩(wěn)以及表示幅度的副詞平穩(wěn)以及表示幅度的副詞)n4類句型類句型(There be,橫坐標時間橫坐標時間,縱坐標數(shù)值縱坐標數(shù)值,地點地點)n選擇關聯(lián)詞選擇關聯(lián)詞(after than, then, before, follow, when)n伴隨狀態(tài)表達進一步的說明伴隨狀態(tài)表達進一步的說明(with,mor

43、e specifically)n結(jié)論或開頭需要點明特殊點結(jié)論或開頭需要點明特殊點,或者作細節(jié)總結(jié)或者作細節(jié)總結(jié)n兩條曲線時兩條曲線時:第一條曲線第一條曲線(事物事物)單獨寫單獨寫;描述第二條時描述第二條時適當提及第一條曲線適當提及第一條曲線(事物事物)作對比作對比(或者第二條曲線也或者第二條曲線也單獨寫單獨寫,然后在結(jié)尾作大致走向的對比然后在結(jié)尾作大致走向的對比)餅狀圖n占據(jù)占據(jù):ntake up / make up / occupy/ account fornConstitute / be the instrument of 致成物致成物n剩余事物剩余事物nthe restnthe rema

44、inder nSth is in the charge of ndue to/owing to/attributed/ascribed to/ forsth餅狀圖表達n60%= three-fifths/three out of fiven5/6=five-sixths na/the majority of = a large portion/ part/ share / proportion/ percentagen80% (93%)= a lions share/maximal proportion ofn5%= a minority of, a tiny portionn37.8%= c

45、omparatively a majority of (50%的最大值)的最大值)n87%/76% = comparatively a minority of倍數(shù)表示法nwhile Nuclear rocketed by 10 times.nwhile the percentage of Nuclear was 11 times/eleven-fold that of its counterpartnwhile there was an increase of 10 times in Nuclear.比較和倍數(shù)練習n俄羅斯俄羅斯,烏克蘭烏克蘭,和塔吉克斯坦的比例翻了一倍多和塔吉克斯坦的比例翻了

46、一倍多,自從自從1990年社會主義垮臺后。年社會主義垮臺后。n 美國占據(jù)世界上百分之美國占據(jù)世界上百分之45%的軍費支出,達到的軍費支出,達到2007年的年的1.2trillion,比其他十四個最大國家,比其他十四個最大國家加在一塊都要多。加在一塊都要多。n男性每小時的總收入比女性高百分之男性每小時的總收入比女性高百分之17.4%.nRates in Russia, Ukraine and Tajikistan have more than doubled since the collapse of Communism in 1990.nAmerica accounted for 45% of

47、 the worlds military spending$1.2 trillion in 2007more than the next 14 biggest countries combined.nGross hourly wages for men were 17.4% higher than for women in 2007.比較和倍數(shù)練習二n與與1980年的年的10%相比,失業(yè)率在相比,失業(yè)率在1990年達到年達到了最近十多年來的最低值了最近十多年來的最低值4%。n2003年的溫室氣體排放量在年的溫室氣體排放量在2002年的水平年的水平上增加了上增加了5.2% n90年代的全球玉米產(chǎn)

48、量比年代的全球玉米產(chǎn)量比1985的高百分之十的高百分之十五。五。nThe jobless rate in 1990 was 4%, the lowest level in more than ten years, as against 10% in 1980.nGreenhouse gas emissions in 2003 increased 5.2 per cent based on 2002.nThe crops yields worldwide in 1990s were 15% up on those of 1985.多個事物的排列法一多個事物的排列法一(餅圖餅圖,柱形圖柱形圖,表格

49、表格)nA is the largest/smallest/longest. nB is a close/far second with just+數(shù)字數(shù)字less.n或者或者:which is followed by B. nThird comes C with only +數(shù)字數(shù)字.n或者:或者:C is close/far behind with +數(shù)字數(shù)字n或者或者: C takes third spot/place with +數(shù)字數(shù)字nFollowing C comes D with +數(shù)字數(shù)字 . n Finally/the rest is ,多個事物的排列法二多個事物的排列法二

50、(餅圖餅圖,柱形圖柱形圖,表格表格)nA occupied the maximal portion of the _ , with _ ,while B accounted for comparatively less rate, with only _(占(占據(jù))據(jù)),ranking second. Furthermore, the third,forth and fifth places(或者用數(shù)字或者用數(shù)字) altogether of the _was shared by C,D and E(共享)(共享). The remaining part of it was due to F,

51、G,H,I and J which follow the same trend and taking sixth,seventh,eigth,ninth and tenth respectively.(剩余)(剩余)The pie chart below shows the average weekly expenditure per family in Britain (1996)兩個圖的寫作原則一:n方法:分圖寫方法:分圖寫n第一張圖第一張圖排列法一或排列法二排列法一或排列法二3句萬能句型句萬能句型(占據(jù)占據(jù),共享共享,剩余剩余)n第二張圖第二張圖漲漲/跌跌/平的比較平的比較,一般都是一般

52、都是5個對象個對象,基本分為基本分為2漲漲+2跌跌+(1平)平)Electric energy production in US第一段nAccording to the pie graphs, there is a dramatic change in the percentage of the energy sources of the united states in 1970 and 1980. 第一張圖寫法nCoal occupied the maximal portion of the sources of energy, with 47%, while Nuclear accoun

53、ted for a tiny share, with only 1%(占據(jù))(占據(jù)). Furthermore, 28% altogether of the energy was shared by Oil and Hydro(共享)(共享). The remaining 24% was due to Natural Gas(剩余)(剩余).第二張圖寫法之排序法nOn the contrary, it changed strongly in the year 1980. The largest portion of energy in USA coal increased from 47% t

54、o 51%. Then nuclear was a far second rising from 1% to 11%, which was followed by hydro and natural gas decreasing from 16% to 12% and 24% to 15% respectively. Additionally, what is worth mentioning, Oil remained almost stable during the decade.第二張圖寫法之數(shù)字升降法n漲漲/跌跌/穩(wěn)定穩(wěn)定 (曲線圖的(曲線圖的3種變句)種變句)n漲漲: In 1980

55、, the percentage of Coal increased from 47% to 51%.(升升)nAfter that, the year of 1980 witnessed a dramatical boom from 1% to 11% in nulclear.(升升)nThere was a decrease of 4% in the percentage of Hydro(降降). In addition, the year of 1980 witnessed a slump of 9% in Natural Gas(降降). What is worth mentioni

56、ng is Oil which remained almost stable during the decade(平平).末段nThrough the charts, we can easily draw the conclusion that the new source of energy, particularly Nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant, reached their bottleneck/ceiling to some extent. (預測預測)兩個圖的

57、寫作原則二n上升與下降分組上升與下降分組The proportion of population in the world升降法第二段nThe region with the biggest proportion of the worlds population in 1900 was Asia, with 60%. This dropped to 54% in 2000. Europes percentage plunged from 25% in 1900 to 14% in 2000.升降法第三段nHowever, the share for all other regions chan

58、ged dramatically. The percentage of people living in Africa more than doubled from 4.5% to 10%, while Latin Americas proportion almost tripled in the same period. The Middle East and North Africa also increased their share. Only North Americas percentage remained constant.第一段nThe two pie charts show

59、 four diseases in rich countries and the developing world. In general, the most significant difference is that infectious and parasitic diseases still plague millions of people in poorer countries but almost none in wealthier ones.nFirst, in developing countries, almost half, 46%, of all illnesses a

60、re due to infectious and parasitic diseases. Heart disease is a close second with just 3% less. Third comes cancer with only 9%. Finally other diseases account for just a fraction, 2%, of all the illnesses.nIn contrast, in affluent countries, other diseases are the biggest segment. They account for


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