人身意外傷害險 英語翻譯_第1頁
人身意外傷害險 英語翻譯_第2頁
人身意外傷害險 英語翻譯_第3頁
人身意外傷害險 英語翻譯_第4頁
人身意外傷害險 英語翻譯_第5頁
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1、PIONEER INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITEDCaring for you, forever. Head Office: Symphony(5th Floor), Plot # SE(F)9, Road # 142, South Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212.PERSONAL ACCIDENT POLICYWhereas the Insured named in the Schedule of this Policy by Proposal and declaration which shall be the basis of this con

2、tract and is deemed to be incorporated herein has applied to PIONEER INSURANCE CO., LTD.(hereinafter called “the Company”)for the Insurance hereinafter contained and has paid or agreed to pay the First premium stated in the Schedule as consideration for such insurance. Now this Policy withnesseth th

3、at if at any time during any period of insurance any of the insured Persons named in the Schedule shall sustain any bodily injury caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means which injury shall solely and independently of any other cause result in death or disablement as defined in the

4、Schedule of Benefits then subject to the terms Provisions, exceptions and conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon, the Company will pay to the Insured or in the event of his death to his legal personal representatives compensation as provided in the Schedule of Benefits. Provided always that1

5、. Death, loss or permanent disablement takes place within twelve calendar months of the occurrence of the injury.(a) Compensation shall not be payable under more than one of the items of the Schedule of Compensation in respect of consequences of the same accident (except for any compensation payable

6、 hereunder in respect of temporary partial disablement preceding or following temporary total disablement). (b) No weekly compensation shall become payable until the total amount hereof has been ascertained and agreed. If, nevertheless, payment be made for weekly compensation, the amount so paid sha

7、ll be deducted from any lump sum becoming claimable in respect of the same accident of illness. 2. The total sum payable under this policy in respect of any one or more claims shall not exceed in all in any one period of insurance the largest sum insured under any one of the items contained in the S

8、chedule of Compensation or added to this policy by endorsement.DefinitionsIn this policy-1. “BODILY INJURY” means bodily injury which(a) is sustained by the Assured during the period of this policy.(b) is caused by an accident, and (c) solely and independently of any other cause except illness direc

9、tly resulting from, or medical or surgical treatment rendered necessary by such injury, occasions the death or disablement of the Assured within twelve calendar months from the date of the accident by which such injury is caused.2. “ACCIDENT”includes exposure resulting from a mishap to an aircraft t

10、o or vessel in which Assured is travelling.3. “ILLNESS” means illness of the Assured which declares itself during the period of the Policy and occasions the total disablement of the Assured within twelve calendar months after declaring itself.4. “TOTAL DISABLEMENT” means disablements, which entirely

11、 prevents the Assured from attending to his business or occupation (of any and every kind) of if he has no business or occupation from attending to his usual duties.5. “PARTIAL DISABLEMENT” means disablements which prevents the Assured from attending to a substantial part of his usual duties, busine

12、ss or occupation if he has no business or occupation from attending to his usual duties.6. “PERMANENT” means lasting twelve calendar months and at the expiry of that period being beyond hope of improvement.7. “LOSS OF LIMB” means loss of physical separation of a hand at or above the wrist or of a fo

13、ot at or above the ankle.8. “AIR TRAVEL” means being in or on or boarding a conventional aircraft for the purpose of flying therein or alighting therefrom following a flight.EXCEPTIONSThe company shall not be liable under this Policy for death or disablement directly or indirectly caused by arising

14、or resulting from or traceable to 1. consequent on war, invasion or civil war.2. Directly or indirectly consequent on the Assured engaging air travel, except as a passenger in any property licensed conventional aircraft being operated by a licensed airline in accordance with published Schedules of f

15、lights, or time tables or in a properly licensed multi-engine aircraft being operated by any licensed Air Line.3. Resulting from suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self injury or venereal disease or from deliberate exposure to exceptional danger( except in an attempt to save human life), or

16、 from the Assured sown criminal act or sustained whilst, the Assured is in state of insanity.4. Child birth or pregnancy in the case of women5. Big game or other forms of hunting, polo, steeple chasing, motor cycling ( whether as driver or passenger ), mountaineering, winter sports ( on snow or ice)

17、, racing of any kind ( except athletics ) or the use of a circular saw or wood working machinery. CONDITIONS1. This Policy and the Schedules shall be read together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of the Policy or the Schedule shall

18、 bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear. 2. In the event of any accident or disablement by disease hereby insured against happening to an Insured person notice thereof in writing shall be given to the Company within fourteen days of the occurrence of the accident or the commencement of th

19、e disease. The Insured or his legal personal representatives shall, at his or their own expense, forward to the Company, within the space of seven days after the demand, a written report from a medical attendant, who shall be duly qualified and registered medical practitioner, approved by the Compan

20、y, of the facts of the case and the nature and extent of the injuries received or of the disease, and generally all such information in support of the claim as the Company shall reasonably require and in case of loss sight or amputation occurring more than fourteen days after the accident, notice as

21、 aforesaid must be given within one calendar month of such loss of sight or amputation. In the case of claim of death loss, or permanent disablement unless otherwise stated all sums payable hereunder shall be payable within one calendar month after. Such personal injury and the cause and result ther

22、eof shall have been proved to the satisfaction of the Company and such information as is required by the Conditions of this Policy shall have been furnished, and in the case of claim for temporary disablement, only upon the termination of disablement. No sum payable under this Policy shall carry int

23、erest, and the Company shall cease to be liable for any such sum unless claimed within one year after it has become due.3. If required by the Company, the Medical, Surgical or other Agent of the Company shall in case of any accident to an Insured or any disease, be admitted at all reasonable time to

24、 see and examine the nature of the injury sustained by the Insured and of the disease whilst the Insured Person is suffering from the effects of the same.4. The Insured shall, on tendering any premium for the renewal of this policy give notice in writing to the Company of any disease, physical defec

25、t or infirmity with which an Insured person has become affected since the payment of the next preceding premium.5. if an Insured person shall change his occupation for or engage in one more hazardous than that stated in the schedule, the Insured shall give immediate notice to the Company and pay suc

26、h extra premium as may be required in respect of such greater risk if the Company shall elect to accept the same which they shall be under no obligation to do.6. Any circumstances in relation to the condition coming to the knowledge of any local agent or Manager, shall not be of notice to or be held

27、 to bind, or prejudicially affect the Company, notwithstanding the subsequent acceptance of any premium, nor will the company be bound by any receipt, except it be on its printed office form for the time being.7. The Company may at any time, notwithstanding the provision for Cumulative Bonus, by not

28、ice in writing determine this policy. Provided that the Company shall in that case return to the Insured the Then last premium paid by him less a pro-rata part there of for the portion of the current insurance period which shall have expired. Such notice shall be deemed sufficiently given if posted

29、and addressed to the Insured at the within mentioned address, or at any later address, of which notice in writing shall have been given to the company and shall be deemed to have been received by him at the time when the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.8. This policy is not re

30、newable beyond the period of insurance ending in the year stated in the Schedule except on such terms and condition, as may be agreed upon between the Company and the Insured.9. The Company shall not be bound to notice or be affected by any notice of the any trust, charge or alienation relating to h

31、is policy, but the receipt of the Insured, or his legal personal representatives shall in any case effectually discharge of the Company.10. All notices required to be given by the Insured shall be given to the Company at the Head Office, at one of its Branch Office or at Offices of its Authorized Ag

32、ents.11. If any difference shall arise as to the amount to be paid under this policy (liability being otherwise admitted) such difference shall be referred to an Arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in accordance with the statutory provisions in that behalf for the time being in force. Where an

33、y difference is by this condition to be referred to arbitration be making for an Award shall be condition precedent to any right of action against the Company.This policy and the Insurance hereby made shall be subject to the several conditions, restrictions, stipulations and notices endorsed hereon

34、in like manner as if the same were respectively repeated and incorporated herein, and such conditions is so far as they provide for anything to be done by the Insured are to be deemed conditions precedent to the right of the Insured to sue or recover Hereunder.NOITCE TO THE INSUREDNo alteration in t

35、he terms of this policy and no endorsement hereon or addition hereto will be held valid unless the same is signed or initialed by an authorized official of the Company.先鋒保險有限公司對您關愛,直至永遠 公司總部地址:Symphony(5th Floor), Plot # SE(F)9, Road # 142, South Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212.人身意外傷害保險單本保險單所呈建議與聲明以及所

36、列之被保險人構成本合同的基礎,并且視為被保險人就下文中所包含的保險內容向先鋒保險有限公司(以下稱為“保險公司”)提出申請,同意并支付列表中所述此保險的首期保險費。本保險單在此聲明:如果在本保險單保險期限內的任意時間,保單所述被保險人遭受由事故,暴力或者其它外部可見的方式而引起的人身傷害,且此類傷害應該在保險單所規(guī)定的其它任何致殘或致死傷害范圍之內,并受限與本保單所包含或者所背書的條款規(guī)定、免責條款以及條件,保險公司將向被保險人或者被保險人死亡情況下的合法代表人支付保單所述賠償費。假如:1. 針對傷害出現(xiàn)后的十二個公歷月之內發(fā)生死亡、喪失或者永久性殘疾的被保險人:A. 賠償金額不得超過保單賠償列

37、表所列一項條款中關于同一傷害結果的賠償(下文涉及的暫時性部分殘疾或者隨后發(fā)生的暫時性完全殘疾的賠償除外)。B. 在雙方確定并通過賠償總金額之前,不得按周支付賠償款。然而對于相同的事故疾病,如果經(jīng)要求按周支付的,已付相應賠償款應從可索取賠償總金額內扣除。2. 此保險單下對于任一或者更多索賠的應付總賠償款不應超過包含在保單賠償列表或通過背書添加至本保單中的任一條款下任一保險期限內的最大投保額。定義此保單內-1. “身體傷害”是指:a. 被保險人在本保單保險期限內身體遭受傷害,b. 由事故引起,c. 由任何其它原因造成的,但是以下原因除外:疾病直接導致,或者從被保險人發(fā)生事故起十二個公歷月內,針對事

38、故導致的傷害,生命垂?;蛘邭埣捕M行的必要治療或者外科手術造成的。2. 事故包括被保險人旅行所乘飛機或船只發(fā)生的災難事故。3. 疾病指被保險人在本保單期限內宣布,并在宣布后12個月之內因疾病導致完全殘疾的。4. 完全殘疾是完全指限制被保險人履行工作或參加各種商務活動。5. 部分殘疾是指限制被保險人參加實質性的的個人正?;顒雍凸ぷ?。6. 永久性是指持續(xù)十二個公歷月并且在此時間截至之前已無希望改善好轉。7. 肢體殘疾指手掌或手腕以上物理性截除,或者腳掌或腳腕以上物理性截除。8. 空中旅行包括傳統(tǒng)性飛機登機、飛行、起飛以及著陸。免責條款由下列原因直接或間接導致死傷或者殘疾的,在此保單下保險公司無須賠

39、償:1. 由戰(zhàn)爭、侵略或者內戰(zhàn)導致的2. 直接或間接由被保險人空中旅行導致的,但是以下空中旅行除外: 作為普通乘客乘坐任何一個依據(jù)已經(jīng)公布的飛行班次或時間表并由合法登記的航空公司運行并授權的飛機,或者乘坐由任意一家合法登記的航空公司運行的并經(jīng)授權的多引擎飛機。3.由自殺、試圖自殺、故意自殘、性病、故意將自身至于危險中(試圖挽救人命的情形除外)、被保險人從事犯罪活動、或被保險人持續(xù)處于精神錯亂狀態(tài)而導致的。4. 女性生育或懷孕導致的5. 由參加大型體育運動或其它形式的狩獵活動、馬球、障礙賽、機車運動(無論是作為司機或者乘客)、登山攀巖運動、冬季運動(在雪面或冰面)、各種類型的比賽(運動員除外)或

40、者使用圓鋸或者木料加工機械導致的。保險條款1. 本保單和保險列表應作為一個合同整體解讀,任何隨附在本保單或保單列表中賦有具體含義的的詞語或表達應賦有它出現(xiàn)之處應有的字面意思。2. 倘若被保險人發(fā)生事故或者由此保單投保下的疾病而導致殘疾,被保險人應在事故發(fā)生或者疾病開始14天內向保險公司發(fā)出書面通知。 被保險人或者他的法定個人代表應在獲悉要求后七天內自費向保險公司提交一份由專業(yè)醫(yī)師出具的書面報告,此醫(yī)師應是經(jīng)保險公司核準并具有合格資質的注冊執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師,報告內容應包括案例事實、被保險人所遭受傷害或疾病的性質與程度,以及依據(jù)保險公司合理要求所需的支持索賠的所有此類信息;另外如果被保險人事故發(fā)生日14天

41、之后失明或者被截肢,被保險人必須在此類失明或截肢發(fā)生后一個月內向保險公司發(fā)出上述通知。如果針對死亡或永久性殘疾進行索賠,在此類個人傷害以及相應的原因與結果經(jīng)保險公司核實并達到滿意并將依據(jù)保險單條款所需的相關信息提交至保險公司以后,此情況下的應付賠償款總額應在一個公歷月之內可付;如果是針對暫時性殘疾進行索賠,賠償款將在暫時性殘疾恢復之后可付。此保單下應付賠償款不應計息,并且除非在保險單到期之后一年內,保險公司應該停止負責支付此類賠償款。3. 如果被保險人發(fā)生事故或生病并正在承受疾病或者傷害的痛苦,若保險公司需要,保險公司的醫(yī)療、手術或其它代理也應獲準在所有合理的時間查看并檢查被保險人所遭受傷害或

42、疾病的性質與嚴重程度。4. 在提出繳納保險費續(xù)投此保險單時,被保險人應該將所有疾病、身體缺陷或者任何自上次保費支付以后可能影響被保險人的因素以書面形式告知保險公司。5. 如果被保險人改變職業(yè)或者從事與列表中所述職業(yè)相比更危險的工作,被保險人應立即通知保險公司,并且在保險公司并無義務的情況下,如果保險公司選擇接受此類投保,被保險人還應繳納此更大風險可能所需的額外保險費。6. 在地方代理或者經(jīng)理獲悉任何與條款相關的情況時,無論接收了相應的任何保險費,也并不可認為保險公司已經(jīng)知曉,或以此限制保險公司,或者不公平的影響保險公司。也不能以任何收據(jù)限制保險公司,除非此收據(jù)當時是用保險公司正式文件用紙打印的。7. 倘若有保險單紅利,保險公司在任何時間仍可以以書面通知的形式終止此保單。如果發(fā)生此情況,保險公司應該向被保險人退還已繳之未滿期保險費。8. 除非依據(jù)保險公司和被保險人雙方達成的條款和條件,本保單在超過列表所示保險結束期限后將不能續(xù)投。9. 所有需要由被保險人提供的通知,被保險人應該向保險公司總部辦公室,其分支機構辦公室或者公司授權的代理發(fā)出通知。10. 保險公司不受限于或者被任何信托


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