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1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上教    材New Horizon College English新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)讀寫(xiě)教程(第二冊(cè)) 外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社授課內(nèi)容Unit 6 As His Name is, So Is He學(xué)時(shí)2*3教學(xué)目的Teaching Objectives1. Understand the main idea and the structure of the text;2. Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 3. Conduct a serie

2、s of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.教學(xué)重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)Teaching emphasis: 1. Get the main idea of the passage;2. Master some useful expressions & sentence structure in the passage; elegant;application;substitute;reserve;convey ;refine ;stereotype;confess

3、 ;despair; label ; fill sth in/out ;if only;even so;be ill at ease3. Understand the structure of the text A.Teaching difficulties: Reading for the main ideas in paragraphs教學(xué)方法與手段Teaching method: lecture with pair work and group discussionThe mixture of listening, speaking, reading, practicing and wr

4、itingTeaching aids: textbook,Multi-media and blackboard課時(shí)安排第一次課1-2 periodWarm-up Activity 1. Group work 15m2. Questions for thought and discussion 15mBackground Information 10m listening 25m watch and Answer 25m第二次課3-4 period Text Analysis·Global Reading 25m1. Main idea2. Text structure·De

5、tailed Reading 65mWordsPhrasesLanguage points第三次課5-6 periodLanguage points 15m Text Summary 5m Writing 25m Exercise Explanation 45m教學(xué)要點(diǎn)Teaching Points:1. Let the Ss know the learning objectives of this unit; 2. Help the Ss understand the text as a whole and know some background knowledge; 3. Have th

6、e Ss know some ideas of fame;4. Guide the Ss use freely the active expressions, key grammatical points and sentence patterns in this text.作業(yè)布置與思考Assignments: 1. Vocabulary: Students are asked to master the key words and phrases.2. Sentence Structure: Teacher summaries the usage of “eitheror” and “wh

7、ere” and Students practice rewriting sentences after the models.3. Translation教學(xué)參考書(shū)和網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源Reference Books and Resources:1. Teachers Book of New Horizon College English 2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (English-Chinese) 3. Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary4. Longman Dicti

8、onary of American English5. On-line resources: English on line教         學(xué)       過(guò)      程1-2 PeriodWarm-up Activity (提問(wèn) 板書(shū))1. Group work: 1) The students are divided into several groups. A representati

9、ve of one group reads aloud the Preview-the general introduction of the unit. 2) The students are given the title of the text, and then work in groups to talk about the possible content. 2. Questions for thought and discussion: (提問(wèn) 課本)1) Any ideas on choosing a name for your future baby? 2) What fac

10、tors do you know western people consider in naming their children? 3) What western name will you choose for your future baby? Why? Background Information: (講解 課件)1. Names The topic of this passage is about personal names in English speaking countries. As the writer states, personal names often have

11、some stereotyped associations in a particular culture. To learn more about the history of personal names of European origin, check out the website at . You can also visit , a website devoted to the etymology (詞源) and history of first names of European origin. 2The Bible The Bible is the holy book of

12、 the Christians, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament. To learn about the origins and formation of the Bible, check out the websites at and . The former also offers information concerning its interpretation and authority and tells how these are affected by our worldly views at any p

13、articular time in history. Each of these topics is also illustrated with online videos.3San Diego The website /index.shtml is the official travel resource for the San Diego region. This site showcases various offerings of the area, including recreation, arts and culture, dining, and such wo

14、rld-renowned theme park attractions as the San Diego Zoo. 4. Georgia State University Georgia State University, founded in 1913, is located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The university has an enrollment of more than 27,000 undergraduate and graduate students in six colleges. For mo

15、re information about the university, visit .5. Temple University Temple University is a comprehensive public research university with more than 34,000 students. It has a distinguished faculty in 17 schools and colleges, including the universitys renowned Health Sciences Center. The university is bas

16、ed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and has two international campuses in Japan and Italy. Refer to . for more information about Temple University. listening: (練習(xí) 課件)Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to

17、fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Whats the big question US presidential candidates should be asking themselves? Is my name short enough? You only have to glance at the credits on a Hollywood movie to see the polysyllabic, ethnic diversity of surnames in the great melting

18、pot of the United States. But when it comes to voting for a president, the gene pool shrinks rapidly, and the preference is for monikers that are blunt and Anglo-Saxon. So if you want to find a way of forecasting who is going to win the race for the presidency, look at the lengths and origins of the

19、ir names. The pattern since World War II has been for candidates with increasingly short, poster-friendly names. And preferably sounding like they could be the leaders in a mini-series. Watch and Answer (提問(wèn) 視頻)Directions: Listen to a passage about peoples attitude toward fame in the US and answer th

20、e following questions according to what you hear.1. What attitudes do people often hold towards names? 2. What can we do with our names? 3-4 Period Text Analysis (提問(wèn) 板書(shū))Global Reading Task: The passage reveals the relationship between ones name and ones chance of success. According to the author, na

21、mes can greatly affect peoples life. On the one hand, names with a positive sense work for people, giving added confidence, establishing favorable images and promoting social status. On the other hand, names result in prejudices against people both in their daily contacts with others and in classroo

22、m activities. So if your name doesnt suit you, you should change it as soon as possible.The essay can be roughly divided into 4 parts.The passage is made up of eight paragraphs, and, according to the pattern of “statement illustrationsuggestion” the author mainly employs in his writing; it can fall

23、into four parts. Part One (Paras. 1-2) Theses two paragraphs, as a whole, give examples of how names have an effect on peoples life. Paragraph 1 presents a situation and its problem a woman called Debbie felt that her name did not suit her and made her sound as if she were a cook. Paragraph 2 descri

24、bes how she solved the problem she changed her name when applying for a new job. The new name Lynne made her feel better and help lead to her career success.Part Two (Para. 3) The writer describes something in detail in the first two paragraphs and this leads to a general statement. The general stat

25、ement is that throughout history, names have not merely identified people but also described them. In this paragraph, the writer supports his general statement with both quotations from the Bible and definitions from Websters Dictionary. Name is not only used to indicate a person, but more important

26、ly, it is associated with the behavior and description of the person.Part Three (Paras. 4-7) These paragraphs with an argument to support the general statement in paragraph 3. Paragraph 4 presents the first argument that names have become attached to specific images. The writers own experience of ha

27、ving his articles published is an example in case. Paragraph 5 offers the second argument: those names with a positive sense can work for you and even encourage new acquaintances. A specific example is given about how a woman refused to meet a man just because of the mans name. paragraph 6 states th

28、e third argument that most of us have some prejudiced notions about names and become involved in name stereotyping. Here there are some more examples to show that we project name-based stereotypes on people. Paragraph 7 presents the fourth argument that peoples names are related to their achievement

29、 or behavior. Good names are associated with better classroom achievement and a greater degree of popularity among ones peer.Part Four (Para. 8) Since names are so important, the writer recommends that you change name if you feel that it no longer seems to suit you.Exemplification (例證法) Starting an

30、argumentation with an example is a very effective and vivid way to introduce the topic to be discussed in the passage:Typical example: For her first twenty-four years, shed been known as Debbiea name that didnt suit her good looks and elegant manner. Quotation (引言法) The quotation from the Bible: “As

31、 his name is, so is he.”The definitions taken from the Websters dictionary: “a word or words expressing some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a person or a thing, often expressing approval or disapproval”. Note well “approval or disapproval”. Exemplification (例證法) A series of exam

32、ples are cited from the authors and others life experiences to prove “As his name is, so is he”. Statement I: Names become attached to specific images (Para. 4) Exemplification: What bothers the author is his name Joe, which makes him more of baseball player than an art critic. (Para. 4) Statement I

33、I: Names with a positive sense can work for you and even encourage new acquaintances. (Para. 5) Exemplification: A survey showed that Susan is womens most attractive name while Richard and David are mens. (Para. 5) One woman turned down a blind date, since the mans name sounded dull, but she felt re

34、gret later. (Para. 5) Statement III: Often, we project name-based stereotypes on people. (Para. 6) girls with names such as Linda, Diane, Barbara, and Cindy performed better on graded IQ and achievement tests than did girls with less appealing names. (Para. 7)A companion study showed girls popularit

35、y with their peers was also related to the popularity of their names. (Para. 7) Comparison & Contrast (對(duì)比法) Comparison & Contrast, as a typical method of developing a paragraph, is adopted in this passage so as to illustrate the positive and negative effects of names on people. Statement I:

36、Apparently, such prejudices can affect classroom achievement as well (Para. 7)Comparison & Contrast: In a study, teachers gave consistently lower grades on essays apparently written by boys named Elmer and Hubert than they awarded to the same papers when the writers names were given as Michael a

37、nd David. (Para. 7) Statement II: However, teacher prejudice isnt the only source of classroom difference. (Para. 7) Comparison & Contrast: Dr. Thomas V. Busse and Louisa Seraydarian of Temple University found those girls with names such as Linda, Diane, Barbara, Carol, and Cindy performed bette

38、r on objectively graded IQ and achievement tests than did girls with less appealing names. (Para. 7) Dialectic (辯證法) From parents point of view: 1. They meant your name to last a lifetime. 2. They had their hopes and dreams when they chose your name. From your point of view: 1. Theyd hardly met you

39、when they picked it. 2. The hopes and dreams they valued may not match yours. Suggestion: If your name no longer seems to fit you, dont despair; you arent stuck with the label. Movie stars regularly change their names, and with some determination, you can, too. Detailed Reading Task: (講解 課件)Language

40、 points and some expressions to be explained · The class may begin with the students questions about the text. The students may put forward some difficult points about the text and ask some other students to answer them by analyzing, paraphrasing and translating. If the students answer are not

41、satisfactory the teacher may add his/her opinion · When the students have no questions the teacher may lead the attention up to the points the students may ignore or may not understand by asking some other questions about the text.Words1. elegant a. tasteful in appearance or manner 優(yōu)雅的,文雅的,精致的T

42、he lady is elegant in her manners and her speech.那位女士舉止言談優(yōu)雅得體。The young man is elegant and handsome.這位年輕人舉止優(yōu)雅風(fēng)度翩翩。elegant VS. graceful elegant 強(qiáng)調(diào)經(jīng)過(guò)教育或努力而具有的優(yōu)雅。She is well educated and appears to be elegant.graceful 是天生的優(yōu)雅麗質(zhì)。The country girl is very graceful.2. substitute for 以 代替 They are substituti

43、ng violence for dialogue.他們正以暴力取代對(duì)話。Replace VS. substitute 主要區(qū)別在于用法上: 1). Substitute 指代替他人或他物, 日常用語(yǔ), 與for連用, 它的常見(jiàn)用法有: substitute for, substitute A for B (用A代替B); 2).Replace 指填補(bǔ)或取代那些陳舊的, 用壞的或遺失的東西; 作"代替"解時(shí)與substitute同義,但與介詞by或with搭配, 它的常見(jiàn)用法有: replace A, replace A by / with B (用B代替A) We subs

44、tituted brown sugar for white sugar. If you don't want to go, I can substitute for you. They have replaced trams by /with buses. When one of the players on the team was hurt, another replaced him.3. talent: n. 1) C, U special or great ability 2) C, U people who have (a) talent Her talents are we

45、ll-known. 她的才華是眾所周知的。Were always looking for new talent. 我們總是在尋覓新的人才。Her talent for music showed at an early age. 她小時(shí)候就表現(xiàn)出了音樂(lè)方面的天賦。 gift, talent ,genius 這三個(gè)詞都有"天才,才能,才智"的意思,具體區(qū)別如下: 1). Genius 是這三個(gè)詞當(dāng)中語(yǔ)氣最強(qiáng)烈的一個(gè),它是指天生就具有超人的才能,非凡的想象力和創(chuàng)造力,是最全面,最杰出的天才,也指"天才人物"。例如: Einstein

46、0;was a great scientific genius. 愛(ài)因斯坦是一位杰出的科學(xué)天才。 2). Gift 和 Talent 都是指在某一方面有比較特殊的才能。  Gift 通常 強(qiáng)調(diào)"天賦"的意思,可用作復(fù)數(shù)表達(dá)。Talent 則是指往往是后天努力所得,它注重強(qiáng)調(diào)"才能", 一般不用復(fù)數(shù)表達(dá).例如:He is a man of many gifts. 他多才

47、多藝。She has a gift for music 她有音樂(lè)天賦。 He is a man of great talent. 他是個(gè)很有才干的人。 4. be characteristic of : forming or showing the character ofcharacteristic n. special mark or qualityWhat characteristics separate English from American?英國(guó)人和美國(guó)人的性格

48、有何不同?characteristic, feature, traitcharacteristic 指事物或人固有的、突出而且容易識(shí)別的特征或品質(zhì),可以指具體的事物也可以指抽象的事物。feature 只能引起人注意的突出特征,一般適用于指引人關(guān)注的事物外部形狀或某一方面的重要性。 trait 指明顯的特征,尤指人的性格特征。5. reserve n. 1).U the habit of not showing ones feelings or thoughts 矜持,拘謹(jǐn)2).C, U things kept for later use儲(chǔ)備 A few drinks broke through

49、 his reserve.幾杯酒下肚他就打開(kāi)了話匣子。He was a man of such reserve that not even his closest friends really understood him. 他是一個(gè)如此拘謹(jǐn)?shù)娜?,甚至他最親密的朋友都不能真正理解他。 I have a reserve of food in case of emergencies. 我儲(chǔ)備了些糧食,以防萬(wàn)一。reserve v.1) keep sth. for a particular purpose or time 留出;留存 2). order (seats, accommodation,

50、etc.) for future use 預(yù)定,定 I reserve Mondays for cleaning up my desk and answering letters. 我留出周一來(lái)清理書(shū)桌,答復(fù)信件。 If you get there early, please reserve a seat for me.如果你先到達(dá)那里,請(qǐng)給我預(yù)定一個(gè)座位。Reserve your strength for the climb. 留點(diǎn)力氣爬山吧。I rang the hotel to reserve a double room for a week. 我給旅館打電話預(yù)定了一個(gè)雙人房間為期一周。

51、conserve、preserve、reserve這是一組形近易混詞,且都有"保存"的意思 conserve v.保存,保藏,保護(hù)(強(qiáng)調(diào)節(jié)約)。In winter, some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night 冬天,為節(jié)約能源有些人在夜里把暖氣調(diào)小。preserve v.保護(hù);維持;保養(yǎng);防止(食物)腐敗(強(qiáng)調(diào)使不受破壞)。The government preserves the rights of the individual person.      政

52、府保護(hù)個(gè)人的權(quán)利不受侵犯.reserve v.保留,儲(chǔ)備(強(qiáng)調(diào)為某一特殊目的);訂(座位),預(yù)定。We are reserving these seats for my parents. 我們把這些座位留給我的父母。 6. acquaintance n. 1). person whom one knows but who is not a close friend 2). (often slight) knowledge of sb./sth.He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交際甚廣。He has some little acquaintance

53、 with the Japanese language. 他略懂一些日語(yǔ)。7. stereotype v. 對(duì)······形成固定看法 n. 固定的形象,陳規(guī),老套,舊框框The police have been criticized for having stereotyped images of black people. 有人批評(píng)警方對(duì)黑人有成見(jiàn)。 The characters in the book are just stereotypes. 這書(shū)中的角色只是些僵化的人物。Now you try:該項(xiàng)研究顯示英國(guó)的廣告對(duì)婦女抱

54、有成見(jiàn)。The study says that British advertisements stereotype women. 他不是個(gè)符合法國(guó)模式的法國(guó)人。He doesnt fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman. 8. awardv. give esp. as the result of an official decision n. C sth. awarded 獎(jiǎng)品She was awarded a medal for bravery. 她因勇敢而被授予一枚獎(jiǎng)?wù)隆?Each of the winners was given an awa

55、rd of $900. 每位獲勝者得到900美元獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)。Now you try:由于他為國(guó)家做出的重大貢獻(xiàn),他獲得了最高獎(jiǎng)。 Because of his great contribution to the country, he won the highest award. Award , rewardaward 指正式地或官方地頒發(fā),授予,給予;也可以指法庭裁決給予。award sb sth.; award sth (to sb.) Einstein was ed Noble Prize. The court ed him the damages of 50, 000 yuan. She s

56、howed us the she had won.The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student.reward“報(bào)答,報(bào)償,獎(jiǎng)賞”,表示由于做了某事而應(yīng)該得到的東西。The fireman received a reward for saving the child's life.因救了小孩的命,消防員提到一筆獎(jiǎng)金。 Collocation : as a reward 作為報(bào)酬、獎(jiǎng)賞in reward for 獲得報(bào)償offer a reward 懸賞give/offer a reward to s

57、b. for sth. 為某事而給某人報(bào)酬reward sb. with sth./ for sth/doing sth 因。而酬謝reap/ receive ones just reward 獲得應(yīng)有的報(bào)償9. turn down: refuseWhy was he turned down by the Student Union?He was turned down because.10. be guilty of 1) feel uncomfortable for wrong-doings I was guilty of not being able to help you.沒(méi)能幫上忙,我感到很內(nèi)疚。 2) have done wrongHe was guilty of murder.他犯有謀殺罪。Language Points1. As His Name Is, So Is He! (title)Meaning: A mans name suggests something about his nature or manner. 2. I just dont feel


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