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1、fu good" si-stuci on, ul 1 ay eves r- iee p dove wl coniue tomprovehecompa nyS ite na control sy - m, a I d - a. mprov emet i a bi» tomaage a nd cent ol, optmze busies prcesss, t e nsure sin place ; t fuller stre ngte "er na control s, pay a control post ide pe de nt ovesg h roe of Oo

2、ncmplyigwih-pay e.ons bly t a clvUy make use aauditoo. -ectpoteaa management,seamlnesadi ze rea>d tascl oniLstegg hei g opeatons i accodace- haw. De peig hemainmalget to ensurefulcmmunicaIn"zeoessace".oconnty peec ERP , a d MS, ad PI, a nd MS, ad SCM, i nform n .sba d const i ntegaini .

3、main. sem, aCi di nfomain resour ces sae d; to epa nd Pora aysappiat handde ayfnayson entep .f Assat roe toperfecdaiyrun mante nace promoteproblasns a n.ad sstm ladove;lostegglening ",-,a nd E , a nd S,M, tclnolgy a ppl caton of taiig , mpr<e |lyesaplcaion informat on.sem of ca pa city ad ev

4、 e. Huma nitc cae t e nsue "-r."To stegte nig Huma" s cae cntiuus tf-r ccmpa ny wnd ce a, a I d g- ae and leat SluIfccutue,moshee ; stegteni ng lve'epe d tappd, cae illcil - poy- s; ca_d outs* a Uivties r U_pl oyes lie sengte nig lellta nd a or.,ia.n cae e leal l medical contol ca

5、rer ist cntnuus to mp - eat "psycolgia wani ng pevet on sysem, taiig -plooeeslellofcarcte,adsabeofmoodande nteprisig of attue ceae d fiedy faeniy of Humanies evronmet I ste nggle n _k mang-e nt, enue ta t I e busies of "zeors". T I steggle ne d busie - pans ma nng-et wl bbsie - bus-sp

6、as ccer to al e« ensuethebusnnss ca ncntrl i cont cooe ccncer Ina nci a,ad coal e Icti c lnna a nd enegy saing sclduig , naiona policy tends ste nggle ning ta c, ac sould; to m plmeaton Staeowed asssesme"d fute secfcatonbus nels fiaca manng-et toperec ri sk tue cntrl ly m, acevid r s recgg

7、it on, a nd me aue . ad ase s-et, and r.ort and cntrl ffedba- of closd r ng manng-et , improve r sk pe-"on ppci youtersaIda d tad ng, a nd st t o aciew "acor ding to a w, sanda d a nd ar." Inno - ton of pe.ormancemanaggmett oesue t la poe nta - pl oyes ". I ,.,o sengt le pe.orman

8、ce maaemet,procescntrlenlanne-ploe e auut on a nd leves of eectve commuicat on to m pro- pe.ormance maaemeItTurterquantfyandefne-ployle sa nda ds . Wrk . ul ply pay, and I rac, and m - bes i n "fve tye Ente plsl" constuct on in te of cr e r ole a nd fglt I g frels r ole a nd pionee mode ro

9、letcontnues to segte ningUnit 1Acting Reading (1)31. issue2. opportunity3. establishment4. campus5. protest6. launch7. prospects8. employment41. issue2. campus3. protests4. establishment5. prospects6. employment7. launch8. opportunity51. clashes2. The two parties formed an alliance to respond to the

10、 problem.3. I ' ve always considered myself as a liberal.4. governor5. economy6. The 1960s were characterized by a new type of popular music.7. dropped out8. For many people, listening to their music was a liberating experience.9. passion6 b, a, b, b, b, a, a, b7 d, bActing Reading (2)3f bbck bo

11、ne ba ckone rol; t o ul ste nglening membes yout w ,r、ful pay y ou I empl oyes i n cmpay . lpmet i n te of fre rol e t im prove ine pendet Cmmi on against cruptinwrk l el ste ngteing on e ntepr busnnss ley l I k of efeciene ss monitre d. , A nd ma ian sa bily. Tour le sengt le pulcity a nd educaton,

12、 impr ooe te oveal lga systm. We mus stegle n s y manng-e nt, a bls ad imprle t le e ducaton, lupevs on, ad e ai on one of te talc -f ey mang-et mlclai -. I consienti ousy sum up tle Olmpc scuiy cntrl s, pr omotng i ntgatd mang-et t a lge l el lg le sa nda ds a lige l l of dev elpmet ,pl oyes toay i

13、 s lua cal enda on De cmbe 24, te op Bel l is a bou t o ring, at t ls tme of yea, we »ay fel te puse of tle XX po r ge neaton cmpa ny t fluis, t more . liar XX powe ge neaincmpa n maue and .mmey brrati ng calng pa s oneaotler acoss a alng, we ae ent luuiastc a nd ful of cnf- nce F uure deelpmet

14、 opporunii Is, mor e ecitng fglt more si - d Employee, le us tge le ac oss 20 13 ful of clal eges a nd opporunita, t crae a gee I , lowcs opeaton, ul of lumae cae of a wr d cas powe ge neaton cmpay a nd w ork lad! T le oca son of te Spri I g lestval my sncee ws ta yu and t leffmlesof tle fin tle new

15、 ya r, good le at, lapy lappypromote problem reasons a nalysiscontrol;to close concernfina nci al,and coalel ectri clinkage,a nd energy -saving schedulingl policytrends,strew,standar dizeancema nagement,to ensure t hat pote ntialempl oyees"zerofly".T ostrengt hen performan ce management,pr

16、ocess control,e nhance employe eevaluatia nd levelsofeffectivecommunicationto im prove performancemanagement.Tofurther qua ntifyand refineempl oyeesta ndar ds.Work,full play party,a nd branch, andmembers in "fivetypeEnterprise"constructi-L -一.I.J - "fourgood" leadershipconstructi

17、on,full playlevelscadres in ein enterprise devel opmenti ntheWewillcontinue toimpr and systemhandover;to一 LI -ovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsystem,a nd ste ady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd contr ol,o ptimize business strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP ,a nd S CM,technologya ppli cation of

18、training , improve em ployee s applicati on informatiL - I - .IL. -.一 . -. .11. . L - I,_ I. I. -, nati oti onal pngthe ning tra ck,active should;to implementation State-ownedaprocesses,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s,play acontrol p

19、ostinde pende ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelated transacti ons,strengt hening operations inaonsystem ofca pa cityand lev el.Huma nisti ccare to e nsure"

20、;zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind cle ar,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trapped, care difficultemployee s; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life; strengthe ning healtha nd la bour pr otection, orgaI

21、 - J一 .一IL I I|_| .1 _| ,J - I _. II -. I .L .1- - J 一 I|_,J一一 一 .一 . 一一 一 . | 一 .一 , -一一 .一 .一一 ssets met hod, furtherspecification business financialmanagement;toperfectri sktubecontrol system,achieved riskrecogniti on,a nd me asure ,and asse ssment , andreport, andcontrolfeedback of closed ri ng

22、management, improveri sk preve ntion ca pacito furtherstandar dizetradi ng,a nd striveto achieve "according to laccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to enization care erhealt h medical, control career against; continues t-一- _ I I Insurefullcommunication "zero resist

23、ance".o implementati on psychologicalwarni ng preventi- .I -. . -I I I.o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system base dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved i nformation resour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystemapplicati on ofbreadt h

24、 andde pth, play information systemon ent erprise ofAssistant role; toperfectdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,on sy stem,trainingem ployee shealt hofcharacter, and stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme

25、nt,ensure that t he business of"zero risk". T o str engthe ne d busine ss plans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe busi nessca ncontrol inI I_ 一 . 一 . .1I . 一 .一一 .一 I 一 .一- 一 -. . I .一 一 I . I - II一 I. 一 一 一一.一一 .一.一 一|_ _ 一 . 一一 . . I 一.on inthe ofcor e

26、 role,a nd fighti ng fortress r olea nd pioneermodel role; to continuestostrengthe ninghusiastica ndfull ofconfide nce. F uturedevelopmentopportunities,we mor e exciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetheracr oss2013fullofchall engesa nd opportunities,tocreate agreecare of aworl d-class powe

27、rgeneration companyand w ork hard!T heocca sion oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincere wish thatyouand thefamiliesofthe staff inthenewyea r,good he alth, happy,happy1. rebel2. era3. destruction4. gender5. assert6. philosophy7. industrial41. rebel2. assert3. era4. Industrial5. philosophy6. gender7. destruct

28、ion5 a, a, a, a, b, a, b, b61. critical2. critical3. critical4. approving or critical5. critical or approving6. approving7 b, bLanguage in use11. govern2. Postmodernism3. development4. individualism5. agreement6. investment7. Sexism8. romanticism2fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membe

29、rsyouthwWemust strengthe nsafety management,esta blish andimprove thee ducation,supervision,andevaluatioconscienti ously sum upthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagementtoaofthe XX power ge neration companyto flourish,tomoreclearlyhearXX powerge neration compa nies matureandsymme

30、trybreathing. Recalli ng pa st onepromote problem reasons a nalysiscontrol;to close concernfina nci al,and coalel ectri clinkage,a ndenergy -sy -saving scheduling, nati onal policytrends,streo ensure t hat pote ntialempl oyees"zerofly".T ostrengt hen performancemanagement, process control,

31、e nhance employe eevaluatia nd levelsofeffectivecommunicationto im prove performancemanagement.Tofurther qua ntifyand refineempl oyeesta ndar ds.Work,full play party,a nd branch, andmembers in "fivetypeEnterprise"constructi-L -一.I.J - Wewillcontinue toimpr and systemhandover;to一 LI -ovethe

32、 compa ny's inter nalcontrolsystem,a nd ste ady improv ementin a bility tomanage a nd contr ol,o ptimize business strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP ,a nd S CM,technologya ppli cation oftraining , improve em ployee s applicati on informatiL - I - .IL. -.一 . -. .11. . L - I,_ I. I. -ngthe ning tra ck,a

33、ctive should;to implementation State-ownedaprocesses,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s,play acontrol postinde pende ntoversig htrole of evaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit too

34、ls detectpotentialmanagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelated transacti ons,strengt hening operations inaccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to eonsystem ofca pa cityand lev el.Huma nisti ccare to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster co

35、mpa ny wind cle ar,a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trapped, care difficultemployee s; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life; strengthe ning healtha nd la bour pr otection, orga nization care erhealt h medical, control career against; continues tI

36、 - J一 .一IL I I|_| .1 _LI.I.1.1 _ I >J一. 一 一- I _. II -. I .L .1-. J 一 - I |_,J一一 一 .一 . 一一 一 . | 一 .一 , -一一 .一 .一一 一一 .一.一 .一_ _ I I I I _ssets met hod, furtherspecification business financialmanagement;toperfectri sktubecontrolsystem,achieved riskrecogniti on,a nd me asure ,and asse ssment , and

37、report, andcontrolfeedback of closed ri ng m anagement , improveri sk preve ntion ca pacito furtherstandar dizetradi ng,a nd striveto achieve "according to law,standar dizeancema nagement,te nsurefullcommunication "zero resistance".o implementati on psychologicalwarni ng preventi_ 一 .

38、 I 一. . 一II I.o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system base dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved i nformation resour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystemapplicati on ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon ent erprise ofAssistant

39、role; toperfectdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,on sy stem,trainingem ployee shealt hofcharacter, and stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that t he business of"zero risk". T o stre

40、ng the ne d busine ss plans ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe busi nessca ncontrol inI I_- -. 一 . . I. 一 I 一 .一- 一 -. . I .一 一 I . I - II一 I. 一 一 一一.一一 .一.一 一|_ _ 一 . 一一 . . I 一.on inthe ofcor e role,a nd fighti ng fortress r olea nd pioneermodel role; to continue

41、stostrengthe ninghusiastica ndfull ofconfide nce. F uturedevelopmentopportunities,we mor e exciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetheracr oss2013fullofchall engesa nd opportunities,tocreate agreecare of aworl d-class powergeneration companyand w ork hard!T heocca sion oftheSpri ng Festival,

42、mysincere wish thatyouand thefamiliesofthe staff inthenewyea r,good he alth, happy,happy1. The world has changed a lot since the 1960s, and so have universities.2. I really enjoyed my years at university, and so did Jackie.3. Choosing the right course is always a major problem for new students, and

43、so is organizing one time on campus.4. I m thinking of going to the lecture on post -colonial literature, andso isLi Ming.5. I think the facilities in our college have improved over the last few years, andso has theteaching.6. We can access the Internet in our student hostel, and so can everyoneelse

44、 on campus.7. I m not very interested in politics, nor are my friends.8. I w on t be doing much tonight, nor will my roommate.31. Starting out at college means meeting lots of interesting people.2. Going to bed too late means not being able to concentrate the next day.3. Doing a course in Lit Theory

45、 meansspending a lot of time on difficult subjects.4. Being interested in literature meanshaving an open mind about other ways of life.5. Protesting against the Vietnam Warin the 1960s meant going out onto the streets.6. Going to college today means spending a lot of time thinking about what you wil

46、l do afterwards.41. 在歐洲的大學校園里,大學生以新的姿態(tài)和激情投入到爭取自由和正義的事業(yè)中去,大規(guī)模的社會主義或共產(chǎn)主義運動引發(fā)了他們與當權者之間日益升級的暴力沖突。2. 現(xiàn)在, 政治、 社會和創(chuàng)造意識的覺醒似乎不是憑借大學的助力,而是沖破其阻力才發(fā)生的。當然,一點不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如, 在英國, 布萊爾首相幾乎實現(xiàn)了到2010 年讓50的30 歲以下的人上大學的目標(即使憤世嫉俗的人會說,這是要把他們排除在失業(yè)統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)之外)。3. 我從沒指望通過上文學理論課來了解我這一代人的特征,或了解美國大學在如何變化。這門課是讓你在課堂上扮酷的 帶著一絲熬夜太多的困勁兒,穿著

47、一件T 恤衫, 上面印著“去過那兒,干過那事兒,對,這就是那件T 恤衫 ” ,或諸如此類帶有揶揄意味的俏皮話。4. 我們這一代人來自所謂的短世紀(1914 1989),生于其后期。這個世紀充滿了戰(zhàn)爭和革命,它改變了人類文明,推翻了強權政府,給我們留下了非同尋常的機會和特權。我們所得到的機會與特權比從前任何一代人都要多。51. Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition fo

48、rmed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2. Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was

49、 an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.3. I never hoped to learn the subject well by attending those lectures. But I did go to lectures, for it was the place where I could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials

50、and how to reason.fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersyouthwoconscienti ously sum upthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagementtoaclearlyfeelthepulseng. Recalli ng pa st oneewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrolsystem,a nd ste ady improv emen

51、tin a bility tomanage a nd contr ol,o ptimize business processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, responsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s,play acontrol postinde pende ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of interna

52、la udit tools detectpotentialmanagement,streamli ne,standardi zerelated transacti ons,strengt hening operations inaccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation management to ensurefullcommunication "zero resistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation

53、system base dconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved i nformation resour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystemapplicati on ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon ent erprise ofAssistant role; toperfectdaily r un mainte nance operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons a

54、nalysisnd systemhandover;to strengthe ning BFS+,a nd ERP ,a nd S CM,technologya ppli cation oftraining , improve em ployee s applicati on informati onsystem ofca pa cityand lev el.Huma nisti ccare to e nsure"zero."Tostrengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind cle ar,

55、a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmospherestrengtheni ng lovehelpe d trapped, care difficultemployee s; carried outstylea ctivities,ri chempl oyees life; strengthe ning healtha nd la bour pr otection, orga nization care erhealt h medical, control career against; continues to implementati on psychologicalwarni ng preventi on sy stem,trainingem ployee shealt hofcharacter, and stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that t he business of"zero risk". T o str engthe ne d bus


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