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1、精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -Unit 1 Foreign Language LearningA FAMOUS QUOTEA man who does not know a foreign language is ignorant of his own. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe一個(gè)不懂得外語的人,也不會(huì)真正明白自己的母語;約翰·沃爾夫?qū)?#183;馮·歌德Johann Wolfgang von Goethe( 1749-1832 ) , German poet, novelist, playwrigh

2、t, statesman and scientist. Goethe is one of the great figures in the history of German literature and best knowhis two-part poetic dramaFaust , which he started around the age of twenty-three and didn't fin till shortly before his death sixty years later.約翰·沃爾夫?qū)?#183;馮·歌德享年83 歲,德國(guó)詩人、劇

3、作家、政治家和科學(xué)家;他是德國(guó)歷史上最宏大的之一;他的最聞名的上下兩部詩劇浮士德,從23 歲開頭創(chuàng)作直至他臨終前完成,耗時(shí)近六十年;Speaking Activity Starting a ConversationSample DialogueRead the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers greet and introduce each other.Steve: Hi. I don't think we've met. My name's Steve.Jenny: Hi, Steve

4、. Nice to meet you. My name's Juanita, but everybody calls me Jenny. Steve: It's a pleasure to meet you, Jenny.Jenny: Sorry, what was your name again. Steve: Steve.Jenny: So Steve, what do you do for a living.Steve: I work at the public library. How about you. Jenny: I'm a university stu

5、dent.Steve: That's great. So, where do you study.Jenny: Carnegie Mellon University. CMU is a global research university recognized for world class arts and technology programs. It's the best university in the world for my major.Steve: Great for you. It was really nice meeting you. Jenny: Yea

6、h. It was a pleasure meeting you too.注: 卡內(nèi)基·梅隆高校成立于 1990 年,位于美國(guó)賓州的匹茲堡,是一所討論型的私立高校,也是美國(guó)的高校之一;精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -Guided PracticeDirections:Greet a person close to you and introduce yourselves to each other. Use your ow

7、 information. You may use the following tips to help you.Hi, my name'sNice to meet you.What do you do for a living.I'm a student atWhat about you. I work atIt was a pleasure meeting you.Text A New Words1、suggestionn.an idea or a plan you mention for somebody else to think about建議,提議例句: We we

8、lcome any comments and about these plans.( suggest, suggestio我們歡迎任何關(guān)于這些方案的批判和建議; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010101:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 suggestions【答案解析】句意:我們歡迎任何關(guān)于這些方案的批判建議;and 連接兩個(gè)并列的成分,因此空格處應(yīng)填入與名詞comments 相同的名詞形式;答案為suggestions;2、stepn.one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve something步驟;措施3、foundation

9、n.a principle, an idea or a fact that something is based on and that it growfrom基礎(chǔ);依據(jù)4、factorn.one of several things that cause or influence something因素;要素5、immersev.to make ( somebody/something ) completely involved( in something) (使)深陷于浸在例句: She was immersed in her work to try and forget her probl

10、ems at home.她沉迷在工作中,試圖遺忘家庭的苦惱;6、mean v.to have something as a result or a likely result意味著例句: Language learning means listening, speaking, reading and writing.語言學(xué)習(xí)意味著聽說讀寫;7、explanationn.a statement for a fact that tells you why something happened說明;說明;例句: Right now I cannot give you a detailed of wh

11、y I'm late.( explain,explanation)現(xiàn)在我不能給你一個(gè)為什么我遲到了的具體說明; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010102:針對(duì)該題提問 精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -【正確答案】 explanation【答案解析】名詞短語a detailed在句中作動(dòng)詞give的直接賓語,空格中的詞作形容詞detailed修飾的中心詞,因此應(yīng)填入名詞形式;答案為explaination;8、enjoyablyad

12、v.in a way that gives pleasure歡樂地;開心地;好玩地例句: She is such a good teacher, and her lessons are really .( enjoyabl enjoyably)她是個(gè)好老師,她講課真的是很好玩; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010103:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 enjoyable【答案解析】空格中的詞位于be 動(dòng)詞 are 的后面,在句子中作表語成分,副詞enjoyably不能作表語,形容詞enjoyable(令人開心的)可以作表語,符合題意;答案為enjoyable;9、mostlyadv.for the mo

13、st part大多;大部分10、partlyadv. To some extent, not completely肯定程度上;部分地例句: I feel responsible for the problems we're having. 我覺得我應(yīng)當(dāng)為我們現(xiàn)存的問題負(fù)部分責(zé)任; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010104:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 partly【答案解析】句意:我覺得我應(yīng)當(dāng)為我們現(xiàn)有的問題付部分責(zé)任;觀看本句成分可知,空格中填入的詞在句子中做狀語成分,同時(shí)依據(jù)句意,partly符合題意,修飾形容詞responsible;答案為partly;11、effectiveadj.p

14、roducing the result that is wanted or expected有效的12、vocabularyn.all the words that a person knows or uses詞匯;詞匯量13、phrasen.a group of words which contains an idea and forms part of a sentence短語;詞14、listn.a series of items, especially when they are written or printed目錄;清單例句: We are making a list of th

15、e top ten men we would not want to be married to.我們不想嫁給那些在我們列表上排在前十位的男人;15、reviewn.looking again at something you have read or studied復(fù)習(xí)16、graduallyadv. slowly, over a long period of time逐步地;逐步地17、accuratelyadv. correctly, truly精確地;無誤地18、accumulatev.to gradually increase in number or amount積存;積聚19、r

16、esponsibilityn.a duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something with the resul that you may be blamed if something goes wrong責(zé)任;職責(zé)例句: The minister took for the disaster and resigned.( responsible, responsibility)這個(gè)部長(zhǎng)對(duì)這場(chǎng)災(zāi)難負(fù)責(zé)并且引咎辭職了; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010105:針對(duì)該題提問 精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 頁,共

17、38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -【正確答案】responsibility【答案解析】空格中的詞在句中作動(dòng)詞take 的賓語,因此應(yīng)當(dāng)填入一個(gè)名詞;且take responsibility for對(duì)負(fù)責(zé),是動(dòng)詞短語固定搭配;答案為responsibility;20、contentn.the things that are contained in something內(nèi)容21、fluentadj.able to speak a language easily and well流利的;流暢的例句: Tom di

18、dn't read till he was nearly eight.( fluent, fluently)湯姆直到快八歲了才能流利地閱讀; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010106:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 fluently【答案解析】句意:直到將近8 歲的時(shí)候,他才能讀得流利;留意not till句的翻譯“直到才”,依據(jù)關(guān)鍵詞read可知, fluent可以搭配修飾,因此空格中應(yīng)當(dāng)填入fluent的副詞形式;答案為fluently;22、relaxv.to rest or do something that is enjoyable放松例句: When I get home from

19、work, I like to with a glass of wine.(relax, relaxing)我下班回家后喜愛喝杯葡萄酒放松一下; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010107:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 relax【答案解析】此題考查動(dòng)詞like的用法; like to do something或者 like something,to后面接動(dòng)詞原形;答案為relax ;23、matterv.to be important or have an important effect on somebody/something要緊;有重大例句: As long as you are happy,

20、 that's all that matters.只要你興奮,那就很重要;24、pacen.the speed at which something happens速度25、guaranteen.a firm promise that something will be done or will happen保證;擔(dān)保例句: A famous brand name is not necessarily a of quality.( guarantee )一個(gè)知名品牌不必定是品質(zhì)保證; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010108:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 guarantee【答案解析】句意:一

21、個(gè)知名的商標(biāo)品牌不必定是品質(zhì)保證;不定冠詞a 修飾空格中的詞,在句中做標(biāo)語成分;因此空格中應(yīng)當(dāng)填入一個(gè)能與quality搭配的名詞形式, guarantee of quality品質(zhì)保證;答案為guarantee ;Confidence and hard work are the biggest of success.自信并努力工作是取得勝利的最大保證; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010109:針對(duì)該題提問 精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - -

22、 -【正確答案】 guarantee【答案解析】 the biggest guarantee最大的保證;此題陳述一般性事實(shí),因此用一般現(xiàn) 在時(shí)即可;答案為are the biggest guarantee of success;翻譯:自信并努力工作是取得勝利的最大保證;26、successn.achieving desired results勝利例句: The of almost any project depends largely on its manager.(success successful)幾乎任何項(xiàng)目的勝利很大程度上取決于此項(xiàng)目的經(jīng)理; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010110:針對(duì)

23、該題提問 【正確答案】 success【答案解析】定冠詞the 修飾空格中的詞,在句子中做主語成分,因此空格中應(yīng)當(dāng)填入名詞形式 success 勝利;答案為success ;Phrases and Expressions1、by far( used with comparative or superlative adjectives or adverbs) by a great amount地,得多2、be immersed into be completely involved in something沉迷于例句: Busy preparing for the exam, he studyi

24、ng.(be immersed in)由于忙于預(yù)備考試,他完全沉迷在學(xué)習(xí)之中; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010111:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 has been immersed in【答案解析】 busy preparing for the exam是現(xiàn)在分詞形式作相伴狀語,表示與主語動(dòng)作同時(shí)發(fā)生; be immersed in沉迷于,是固定搭配;答案為has been immersed instudying;翻譯:由于忙于預(yù)備考試,他完全沉迷在學(xué)習(xí)之中;3、relate toto be connected with something/somebody涉及;與相關(guān)4、get used to

25、to be familiar with something because you do it often習(xí)慣于;適應(yīng)例句: Though he was in college for quite a few months, he living campus a from home.( get used to)盡管他上高校幾個(gè)月了,仍不習(xí)慣離家在外的校內(nèi)生活; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010112:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】had not got used to【答案解析】get used to習(xí)慣于;適應(yīng);從句中用的是過去時(shí),故而此處也應(yīng)當(dāng)用過去時(shí)態(tài);又由于要表述的是:盡管在高校呆了一段時(shí)間,但

26、是仍不適應(yīng)校內(nèi)生活;故而此處 用否定;其答案為:had not got used to;精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -5、focus onto give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation or person(留意力、精力等)于6、build upto( cause to ) increase or become larger or greate

27、r in number(使)擴(kuò)大;增多例句: He took the part-time job experience.( build up)為了積存體會(huì), 他做這份兼職工作; 答疑編號(hào) 506494010113:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 to build up【答案解析】不定式中的to 可表目的;積存體會(huì),即build up experience;答案為to build up experience;翻譯:為了積存體會(huì),他做這份兼職工作;7、run intoto meet somebody or something by chance偶然遇見,遇到8、take responsibility

28、forto take the duty to deal with something or take care of somebody對(duì)負(fù)責(zé)例句: As you have grown up, you should your words and deeds.( take responsibility for) 由于你已經(jīng)長(zhǎng)大成人,你應(yīng)當(dāng)對(duì)自己的言行負(fù)責(zé); 答疑編號(hào) 506494010114:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 take responsibility for【答案解析】 as 表示緣由; take responsibility for為負(fù)責(zé),是固定搭配;情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 should后面直接接動(dòng)詞

29、原形;答案為take responsibility for your words anddeeds;翻譯:由于你已經(jīng)長(zhǎng)大成人,你應(yīng)當(dāng)對(duì)自己的言行負(fù)責(zé);9、take controlto have the ability to do what you want掌握;掌控;掌管10、feel liketo have a desire for something or to want to do something at a particular mom想做某事11、sit backto sit on something, usually a chair, in a relaxed position舒

30、舒適服地坐好12、make sureto do something in order to be certain that something else happen確保Text APre-reading Questions1. Do you find it difficult to learn a foreign language. What are some of the difficulties have.2. What suggestions have your teachers or anybody else made about learning a foreign languaL

31、earning a Foreign LanguageThere are many ways to learn a foreign language well. Read the suggestions below. Followi these steps will give you a firm foundation.1) Spend timeBy far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. The time you spend on the language, the fas

32、ter you will learn. This means listening, reading, wriand speaking. It does not mean sitting in class looking out of the window, or listening to othe students who do not speak well, or expecting explanations in your own language about how the language works. It means spending time enjoyably on whate

33、ver relates to the language you are learning.2) Listen and read every day精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -Wherever you are, listen to the language on your MP3 player and read what you are listening Listen to and read materials that you

34、 like, materials that you can mostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading, you will get used to the language. One ho listening and reading each day is more effective than many hours of class time.3) Focus on words and phrasesBuild up your vocabulary. You'll ne

35、ed lots. Start to notice words and how they come togethe phrases. Learn these words and phrases through listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. Soon you will run into your new woand phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to

36、 use them.Do not worry about how accuratelspeak until you have accumulated plenty of words through listening and reading.4) Take responsibility for your own learningIf you do not want to learn the language, you won't. If you do want to learn the language,control. Choose content that interests yo

37、u, that you want to listen to and read.Look up the wo and phrases that you need in order to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for soelse to show you the language or tell you what to do. Discover the language by yourself, likechild growing up. Talk when you feel like it. Write when y

38、ou feel like it. A teacher cannot tea you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to.5) Relax and enjoy yourselfDo not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. Idoes not matter. You are learning and improving.The language will gradua

39、lly become clearer, this will happen at a pace that you cannot control. So sit back and enjoy. Above all, make suyou spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee of success.Key Sentences1、There are many ways to learn a foreign language well.學(xué)好外語有很多種方法;2、By far the most importa

40、nt factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. 最為重要的因素在于你花多少時(shí)間浸泡在外語之中; 3、The more time you spend on the language,the fasteryou will learn.你在語言學(xué)習(xí)上用的時(shí)間越多,你就學(xué)得越快;4、It does not mean sitting in class looking out of the window, or listening to other studewho do not speak well, or expecting e

41、xplanations in your own language about how the language wo這并不意味著你坐在教室里,看著窗外,或者聽那些口語說得不太好的同學(xué)說話,也不是期望用自己母語釋怎么說外語;5、It means spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language you are learning.而是說要多花時(shí)間心情愉悅地學(xué)習(xí)任何與所學(xué)語言相關(guān)的東西;6、Wherever you are, listen to the language on your MP3 player and read wh

42、at you are listento.無論你在何處,聽MP3播放器學(xué)外語并且讀出你所聽到的內(nèi)容;7、Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated plenty of wordsthrough listening and reading.通過大量的聽力和閱讀練習(xí),你才能積存詞匯量;在此之前,你不必?fù)?dān)憂如何精確地表達(dá);8、Look up the words and phrases that you need in order to understand your listening and readi

43、ng. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language or tell you what to do.在詞典中查閱你所需要懂得的詞或短語,別等著別人來告知你如何去做;9、Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say does not matter.不要擔(dān)憂你記不住或者不明白或者不能說,沒有關(guān)系(不要緊);10、The language will gradually become clearer, but

44、this will happen at a pace that you can control.你的語言學(xué)習(xí)會(huì)逐步變得清晰明白,但是這將需要一個(gè)過程;學(xué)習(xí)語言進(jìn)步的速度是你無法掌握的;精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -Text AExercises . Checking Your ComprehensionDirections:Choose the best answer to each question from the infor

45、mation given in the passa1. The author suggests that a foreign language learner should .作者建議外語學(xué)習(xí)者應(yīng)當(dāng) ;A) observe how other people speak B) spend more time in classC) be clear about how the language worksD) enjoy being involved with the language 答疑編號(hào) 506494010301:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 D【答案解析】此題考查作者對(duì)外語學(xué)習(xí)者的建議;文

46、章其次段最終一句提到,spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language your are learning,即要多花時(shí)間心情愉悅地學(xué)習(xí)任何與所學(xué)語言相關(guān)的東西;答案為D;2. According to the author, a good language learner should .依據(jù)作者的觀點(diǎn),一個(gè)好的語言學(xué)習(xí)者應(yīng)當(dāng) ;A) carry an MP3 player at all times B) read what he or she is listening toC) listen to and read the

47、 most difficult texts possibleD) stay away from teachers and class time 答疑編號(hào) 506494010302:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 B【答案解析】此題考查一個(gè)好的語言學(xué)習(xí)者的做法;文章第三段首句提到,listen to language on your MP3 player and read what you are listening,即聽你的MP3播放器 里的外語音頻,然后read你聽到的內(nèi)容;答案為B;3. Learning a foreign language well involves .學(xué)好外語包括 ;A)

48、 building up one's vocabulary B) making one's own dictionaryC) avoiding new words and phrasesD) stressing accuracy rather than fluency 答疑編號(hào) 506494010303:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 A【答案解析】此題考查課文對(duì)學(xué)好英語的建議;課文中the third step首句提到 ,build up your vocabulary,即擴(kuò)充你的詞匯量;答案為A;4. If you want to learn a language well,

49、you should .精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 8 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -假如你要學(xué)好外語,你應(yīng)當(dāng) ;A) learn the language like a child B) depend mostly on your teacherC) be responsible for your own learning D) ask someone to tell you what to do 答疑編號(hào) 506494010304:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】

50、 C【答案解析】通過瀏覽各個(gè)選項(xiàng)可知,C項(xiàng)在課文第五段中被提及,即take responsibility for your own learning,即對(duì)你自己的學(xué)習(xí)負(fù)責(zé);答案為C;5. The author believes that the greatest guarantee of success is .作者認(rèn)為勝利的最大保證是 ;A) to relax and enjoy yourselfB) to forget what you cannot remember C) to have a leisurely paceD) to spend enough time with the l

51、anguage 答疑編號(hào) 506494010305:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 D【答案解析】通過關(guān)鍵詞greatest guarantee of success可以定位到文章最終一段的最終一句, this指代前一句的內(nèi)容,即spend enough time with the language is thegreatest guarantee of success;答案為D; . Building Your Vocabulary詞匯學(xué)習(xí)Section ADirections:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct c

52、hoice of the words g in the brackets.1. We welcome any comments and about these plans.( suggest, suggestions 答疑編號(hào) 506494010306:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 suggestions【答案解析】句意:我們歡迎任何關(guān)于這些方案的批判建議;and 連接兩個(gè)并列的成分,因此空格處應(yīng)填入與名詞comments 相同的名詞形式;答案為suggestions;2. Right now I cannot give you a detailed of why I'm late.(

53、explain, explanation) 答疑編號(hào) 506494010307:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 explanation【答案解析】名詞短語a detailed在句中作動(dòng)詞give的直接賓語,空格中的詞作形容詞精選名師 優(yōu)秀名師 - - - - - - - - - -第 9 頁,共 38 頁 - - - - - - - - - -精品word 名師歸納總結(jié) - - - - - - - - - - - -detailed修飾的中心詞,因此應(yīng)填入名詞形式;答案為explaination;3. The minister took for the disaster and resigned.( responsible, responsibility) 答疑編號(hào) 506494010308:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】responsibility【答案解析】空格中的詞在句中作動(dòng)詞take 的賓語,因此應(yīng)當(dāng)填入一個(gè)名詞;且take responsibility for對(duì)負(fù)責(zé),是動(dòng)詞短語固定搭配;答案為responsibility;4. When I get home from work, I like to with a glass of wine.( relax, relaxing) 答疑編號(hào) 506494010309:針對(duì)該題提問 【正確答案】 relax【答案


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