已閱讀5頁,還剩19頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、工程英語英漢對照詞匯表一、 工程簡介1. 別墅、公寓: villa, apartment2. 花園別墅類型: types and styles of Garden Home Villas6.1 GARDEN GALLERY: 花園樓座6.2 ATRIUM ENTRY: 中庭入口6.3 CENTRAL ROTUNDA: 中央圓廳6.4 GRAND FOYER: 大前廳6.5 Arabic style: 阿拉伯風格6.6 Mediterranean style: 地中海風格6.7 Moroccan style: 摩洛哥風格6.8 Costa Del Sol style: 哥斯德爾索風格6.9 Sa

2、nta Fe style: 圣達菲風格6.10 Greek style: 希臘風格3. 22種別墅名稱說明:7.1 AEAR4:中庭入口, 阿拉伯風格, 4臥室7.2 AEAR4+1F:中庭入口, 阿拉伯風格, 4臥室, 3層7.3 AEAR5:中庭入口, 阿拉伯風格, 5臥室,7.4 AEME4:中庭入口, 地中海風格, 4臥室7.5 AEME4+1F:中庭入口, 地中海風格, 4臥室, 3層7.6 AEME5: 中庭入口, 地中海風格, 5臥室7.7 AESF4: 中庭入口, 圣達菲風格, 4臥室7.8 AESF5: 中庭入口, 圣達菲風格, 5臥室7.9 CRAR4: 中央圓廳, 阿拉伯

3、風格, 4臥室7.10 CRAR5: 中央圓廳, 阿拉伯風格, 5臥室7.11 CRME4: 中央圓廳, 地中海風格, 4臥室7.12 CRME5: 中央圓廳, 地中海風格, 5臥室7.13 CRMO4: 中央圓廳, 摩洛哥風格, 4臥室7.14 CRMO5: 中央圓廳, 摩洛哥風格, 5臥室7.15 GFAR4: 大前廳, 阿拉伯風格, 4臥室7.16 GFAR4+1F: 大前廳, 阿拉伯風格, 4臥室, 3層7.17 GFGR4: 大前廳, 希臘風格, 4臥室7.18 GFME4: 大前廳, 地中海風格, 4臥室7.19 GFME4+1F: 大前廳, 地中海風格, 4臥室, 3層7.20

4、GGAR3: 花園樓座, 阿拉伯風格, 3臥室7.21 GGME3: 花園樓座, 地中海風格, 3臥室7.22 GGCS3: 花園樓座, 哥斯德爾索風格, 3臥室4. 別墅房間布局相關詞語 12.1 dining room: 飯廳12.2 kitchen: 廚房 12.3 majlis: 議會(聚會客廳)12.4 W.C.: 廁所12.5 maids room: 女仆間12.6 store: 儲藏室12.7 toilet: 廁所12.8 closet: 壁櫥12.9 garage: 車庫12.10 guest bedroom/study: 客房/書房12.11 shower: 淋浴室12.12

5、 pool: 泳池12.13 master bedroom: 主臥室12.14 services: 服務間12.15 stair/staircase: 樓梯 12.16 hall: 大廳12.17 foyer: 前廳12.18 laundry: 洗衣房12.19 balcony: 陽臺12.20 lavatory: 浴室12.21 bathtub: 浴缸12.22 roof terrace: 屋頂平臺12.23 parapet: 女兒墻12.24 linen closet: 亞麻衣櫥12.25 main entrance: 大門12.26 suite: 套房12.27 planter: 花盆間

6、12.28 entry porch: 門廊 12.29 boundary wall: 圍墻12.30 plot limit: 地界12.31 soft landscape: 軟景觀 (綠化)12.32 neighboring plot: 相鄰地塊12.33 patio: 天井,院子12.34 ground floor: 一樓12.35 first floor: 二樓 12.36 second floor: 三樓12.37 plan: 平面圖12.38 elevation: 立面圖12.39 details: 詳圖12.40 section: 斷面圖 12.41 dome: 穹頂 項目管理部門及

7、崗位名稱1 工程管理部: Construction Dept.2技術部: Technical Dept.3機電部: MEP Dept.4合約商務部: Contracts and Commercial Dept.5物資設備部: Materials and Plant Dept.6財務部: Finance Dept.7 行政部: Administration8項目經(jīng)理:Project Manager (PM)9 項目副經(jīng)理: Deputy Project Manager 10項目總工程師: Chief Project Engineer11 項目經(jīng)理助理: Assistant Project Man

8、ager12 項目生產(chǎn)助理: Assistant Construction Manager13 技術經(jīng)理: Technical Manager14 機電部經(jīng)理: MEP Manager15合約部經(jīng)理: Contracts Manager16 工程部經(jīng)理: Engineering Manager17 財務經(jīng)理: Financial Manager18 行政經(jīng)理: Administration Manager19 物資設備經(jīng)理: Materials and Plant Mananger20 采購經(jīng)理: Procurement Manager21 采購員: Purchaser22 現(xiàn)場工程師: si

9、te engineer23 安全員: safety officer24 測量師: survey engineer25 計劃工程師: planning engineer26 翻譯: translator27 技術協(xié)調員: technical coordinator28 施工圖設計員: shop drawing designer29 試驗工程師: testing engineer30 前臺秘書:receptionist 31 秘書: secretary 32 行政助理: Administration assistant33 急救員: first-aider34 辦公室服務員: office boy

10、 35 預算員: quantity surveyor36 鋼筋工: steel fixer37 瓦工: mason38 木工: carpenter 39 機修工: mechanic 40 架子工: scaffold fixer, scaffolder41 測量員: surveyor 42 工人: worker, manpower 43 抹灰工: plasterer 44質量工程師:quality engineer45土建工程師: civil engineer46機電工程師: mechancial/electrical engineer 47廚師: chef48出納: cashier49醫(yī)生:

11、doctor50材料員: material man51 司機: driver52 公共關系人: public relations officer (PRO)53 沏茶員: tea boy54 電工:electrician裝飾工: decorator試驗員: testing personnel油漆工 painter58估算員; 數(shù)量檢驗員quantity surveyor59 繪圖員draftsman60工頭foreman 61 小工hodman, hod carrier62 焊工welder63細木工人joiner64玻璃工匠glazier 65管子工;鉛管工plumber66.吊車司機cra

12、ne driver監(jiān)理和業(yè)主人員名稱1. project manager 項目經(jīng)理2. resident engineer 駐地工程師3. electrical engineer 電氣工程師4. mechanincal engineer 暖通工程師5. planning engineer 計劃工程師6. senior architect 高級建筑師7. interior architect 室內(nèi)建筑師8. SPP inspector SPP監(jiān)理驗收員9. quantity surveyor 預算員10. project coordinator 項目協(xié)調員11. 秘書 secretary 12.

13、 服務生 office boy二、 工程材料1 普通硅酸鹽水泥: ordinary portland cement2 抗硫酸鹽水泥: sulphate resisting cement3 中等抗硫酸鹽水泥: moderate sulphate resisting cement4 “T”高屈服點強度變形鋼筋: “T” high yield strength deformed bar5 模板: formwork, form, shuttering6 腳手架: scaffold, scaffolding7 木方: timber8 鋼管: steel tube9 商品混凝土: readymix con

14、crete10 防水材料: waterproofing material( polyethylene sheet, rubberized bitumen)11 純聚亞安酯: pure polyurethane 12 柔性防水膜: flexible waterproofing membrane13 密封劑: sealant14 剛性絕緣: rigid insulation 15 織物過濾器: filter fabric16 屋面瓦: roof tile paver17 鋁質防水板:aluminum flashing18 copper sheet: 薄銅板19 kerbstone: 路緣石20 b

15、ackfilling granular: 回填粒狀材料21 interlocking concrete paver: 交錯砼鋪面塊22 landscaping:綠化23 weatherstripping:擋風雨條24 garage door: 車庫門25 white cement: 白水泥26 lime: 石灰27 sand: 砂子28 G.I. anchor: 鍍鋅錨片29 hot dipped galvanized steel bar: 熱浸鍍鋅鋼筋 30 GRP water tank: 玻璃鋼水箱31 autoclaved insulated block: 高壓蒸養(yǎng)保溫砌塊 32 hol

16、low block: 空心砌塊 33 solid block: 實心砌塊34 GRC: 玻璃絲混凝土35 GRP: 玻璃增強塑料,俗稱玻璃鋼36 pre-cast lintel: 預制過梁37 polypropylene fiber: 聚丙烯纖維38 paint: 涂料39 plaster board (gypsum): 石膏板40 terracotta tile: 陶瓷磚41 vitreous tile: 鈾面瓷磚42 granite tile: 花崗巖磚43 marble sill: 大理石窗臺44 acoustic panel: 吸聲板45 ceiling plank: 吊頂厚木板46

17、fine textured paint to ceiling: 吊頂細紋涂料47 fenomastic paint: 乳香樹脂涂料48 emulsion paint: 乳膠漆49 roof access hatch: 屋頂檢修口50 plywood: 九夾板51 portal scaffold: 門式腳手52 cup-lock scaffold, tube-coupler scaffold: 碗扣式腳手53 tie rod: 對拉螺栓54 channel steel: 槽鋼55 toe board: 跳板56 form release agent: 脫模劑57 gunny bag, sack:

18、 麻袋58 safety net: 安全網(wǎng)59 wall tile墻面磚60 floor tile 地面磚61 false ceiling: 吊頂62 mashrabiah:木雕刻63 railing: 欄桿64 UPVC: 未增塑聚氯乙烯65 sanitary wares: 衛(wèi)生潔具66 waste material: 廢料67 nail: 釘子68 terrazzo: 水磨石 69 putty: 油灰, 膩子70 batten: 板條71 typical forms: 定型模板 72 primary runner channel: 主龍骨73 secondary runner channe

19、l: 次龍骨74 fire blanket: 消防毯75 concrete block: 混凝土墊塊 76 non-slip insert: 防花嵌塊77 pre-cast concrete lintel: 預制混凝土過梁78 modified SBS heavy laminate bituminious felt: 改性SBS層壓瀝青油氈79 polyethylene sheet 1000 gauge: 1000規(guī)格聚乙烯防水膜80 light weight concrete: 輕質混凝土81 polystyrene: 聚苯乙烯82 skirting: 踢腳線 83 PVC faced ac

20、oustic ceiling panels: PVC面吸聲吊頂板84 Galvanize steel sheet for duct: 鍍鋅鐵皮風管 85 Shock absorber support: 減震支架86 split damper: 分離阻尼器87 flexible connection: 軟接頭88 Duct acoustic lining: 風管吸聲襯里89 Duct insulation material: 風管保溫材料90 canvas: 帆布91 Aluminum sheet: 鋁板92 refrigerant pipe: 冷卻管93 drainage pipe: 排水管9

21、4 drainage pipe fittings: 排水管配件95 pipe insulation material: 管道保溫材料96 Shut-off valve: 截止閥,斷流閥97 filter: 過濾器98 Thermostat: 恒溫器箱, 槽99 Sight Glass: 窺鏡, 觀察孔100 supply air grille: 供氣格柵101 return air grille: 回風格柵102 supply air diffuser: 送風風口103 exhaust air diffuser: 排氣風口104 return air diffuser: 回風風口105 exh

22、aust air grille: 排氣格柵106 L.P.G. chamber: 煤氣室107 isolating valve: .隔離閥,關閉塞108 first stage regulator: 一級調節(jié)器109 adjustable regulator: 可調調節(jié)器110 solenoid valve: 螺線管閥,電磁閥111 gas meter: 煤氣表112 Manual shut off valve: 手工斷流閥/截止閥113 gas detector: 氣體檢測器114 electric switch: 電源開關115 flexible hose: 軟管116 PE pipe:

23、聚乙烯管117 gas line 燃氣管路118 MUPVC Waste pipe: 改性聚氯乙烯污水管119 Trap for shower: 淋浴彎管120 floor drain 地面排水管121 Double sink: 雙水槽122 gully trap陰溝頭123 Manhole: 人孔, 檢修孔124 Floor Grating Drain: 格柵地面排水管125 plumbing pipe: 給水管126 PP Cold water plumbing pipe聚丙烯冷水管;127 stop cock 停止旋塞,止水栓128 Gate valve閘式閥, 閘門閥129 Rubbe

24、r Insulation橡膠保溫130 float valve浮閥131 Check valve: 止回閥132 Cast iron: 鑄鐵, 鍛鐵133 House bibs: 室內(nèi)水龍頭134 Aluminum water meter cabinet: 鋁水表盒135 vent cock: 放氣旋塞龍頭136 Aluminum Cover: 鋁蓋137 PVC cable : 聚氯乙烯電纜138 cabinet for Isolators: 絕緣體柜139 Chandelier: 枝形吊燈140 earthing system: 接地系統(tǒng)141 manhole cover: 人孔蓋142

25、steel galvanized conduit: 鍍鋅鐵管143 Video Intercom power outlets: 視頻內(nèi)部通信電源出口144 Water Heater: 熱水器145 PVC wire: 聚氯乙烯電線146 conduit: 電管147 cable: 電纜148 outlet: 插座,出口149 MDF: 總配線架, 主配線板150 TV outlet: 電視輸出口151 fish wire電纜牽引線甲方供料表Client Supply Items1. distribution board配電盤2. ceramic porcelain tiles瓷磚3. A/C

26、equipment 空調設備4. exhaust fan排氣扇5. water pump 水泵6. water heater熱水器7. marble大理石8. granite tiles/marble花崗巖磚/大理石9. lighting fixtures燈具10. sanitary fixtures衛(wèi)生潔具11. balcony balustrade and staircase hand rails陽臺欄桿和樓梯扶手12. mirror鏡子13. vanity top 梳洗臺14. upvc doors and windows: upvc門窗15. bathroom accessories浴

27、室附件16. kitchen cabinet: 菜櫥, 碗柜17. water mixer: 攪水器18. wardrobe衣柜, 衣廚19. electric switch電源開關20. timber door木門21. ironmongery: 五金器具22. red roofing tiles: 紅色屋面磚三、 工程機具 Constructional plant1發(fā)電機組: generator set2移動燈: mobile lamp3交通大巴: shuttle bus4砂漿攪拌機: mortar mixer5強制式攪拌機: forcing mixer6交流電焊機: AC welding

28、 machine7氣焊(割)工具: gas welding(cutting) machine8電刨: electric planer9電鋸: electric saw10玻璃鋼水罐:GRP water tank 11鋼筋切斷機: bar cutting machine12鋼筋彎曲機: bar bending machine13卷揚機: hoist14拖拉機: tractor15機動翻斗車: mobile dumper16汽車吊: truck crane17全站儀: total station instrument18激光掃平儀: laser swinger19汽車砼輸送泵: mobile co

29、ncrete pump20混凝土振動器: concrete vibrator21叉車: forklift22自卸式翻斗汽車: dump truck23運水車: water tanker24灑水車: watering truck25 兩頭忙(JCB): backhoe loader26裝載機: loader27打夯機(振動式): rammer (vibration type)28打夯機(平板式): rammer (flatplate type)29壓路機: roller30空壓機: air compressor31水罐(帶水泵): water tank (with a pump)32(柴油)加油

30、車: diesel tanker 33潛水泵: submersible pump34自動溫度控制儀: automatic temperature controller35水鉆: hydraulic drill36彎管機: pipe bender37沙輪切割機: abrasive cutting machine38臺鉆: bench drill39電錘: electric hammer40電動試壓泵: electric hydraulic test pump41手動試壓泵: manual hydraulic test pump42電動套絲機: electric pipe threading ma

31、chine43舉桿車: telescopic handler44手推車wheelbarrow 45托泥板float 46 鉛錘線plumb line 47推土機bulldozer 48吊車crane 49機械鉆power drill 50 平地機 grader51 挖掘機 excavator52 壓路機 roller53 夯土機 compactor54鑿子chisel 55圓鋸circular saw 四、 項目工序名稱Name of process1. substructure: 下部結構、基礎2. superstructure: 上部結構3 internal finishing: 內(nèi)裝修4

32、. external finishing:外裝修5. MEP works 機電工程6. blockwork: 砌塊墻,預制切塊體7. plaster 抹灰8. tiles: 貼磚9. ceiling works 吊頂工程10. project commencement項目開工11. phase 1 一期12. phase 2: 二期單項別墅基礎工程工序13. blinding concrete 墊層混凝土14. swimming pool structure游泳池結構15. footing-formwork 基礎-模板16. footing/column neck steel reinforc

33、ement基礎/頸柱-鋼筋17. boundary wall foundation圍墻基礎18. footing concrete: 基礎混凝土19. bitumen/curing to foundation: 瀝青/基礎養(yǎng)護20. ground beam-formwork 地梁-模板21. ground beam-reinforcement地梁-鋼筋22. ground beam concrete地梁混凝土23. bitumen-ground beam 地梁刷瀝青24. backfill/levelling/compaction 回填/平整/壓實25. ground floor slab/s

34、tair at entrance 地坪/入口樓梯26. RCC columns-formwork-GF一樓鋼筋混凝土柱 - 模板 27. RCC columns-steel reinforcement-GF一樓鋼筋混凝土柱 鋼筋 28. RCC columns concrete-GF一樓鋼筋混凝土柱 混凝土29. RCC beams/slab-formwork/scaffolding-FF 二樓鋼筋混凝土梁/板 模板/腳手架30. RCC beams/slab-reinforcement-FF二樓鋼筋混凝土梁/板 鋼筋31. Staircase internal-formwork 室內(nèi)樓梯 -

35、 模板32. Staircase internal-steel reinforcement室內(nèi)樓梯 鋼筋33. RCC beams/slab/staircase-concrete pouring-FF二樓鋼筋混凝土梁/板/樓梯澆筑混凝土34. RCC columns-formwork-FF二樓鋼筋混凝土柱模板35. RCC columns-reinforcement-FF二樓鋼筋混凝土柱鋼筋36. RCC columns-concrete-FF二樓鋼筋混凝土柱混凝土37. beams/slab-formwork-SF三樓梁/板模板38. beams/slab-steel reinforceme

36、nt-2nd FL三樓梁/板-鋼筋39. beams/slab-concrete pouring-2nd FL 三樓梁/板-澆筑混凝土40. RCC columns-roof floor 屋頂鋼筋混凝土柱41. RCC beams/slab formwork-roof floor屋頂鋼筋混凝土梁/板-模板42. RCC beams/slab steel reinforcement-roof floor屋頂鋼筋混凝土梁/板-鋼筋43. decorative arches in elevation裝飾拱44. RCC beams/slab concrete pouring-roof floor屋頂

37、鋼筋混凝土梁/板-澆筑混凝土45. upstand/parapet立柱/女兒墻單項別墅機電工程工序46. drainage upvc sleeves in concrete 混凝土中upvc排水套管47.water supply upvc sleeves in concrete混凝土中upvc給水套管48. electrical system holes, trenches and ducts in concrete 混凝土中電氣系統(tǒng)的孔洞、溝槽和導管49. electrical pvc pipe, junction, switch and socket box:pvc電管、接線盒、配電箱、插

38、座50. installation of roof drain inlet, balcony drain SL屋面排水口、陽臺排水口的安裝?51. duct installation 風管安裝52. lighting system wiring 照明系統(tǒng)配線53. pipe/cable tray installation 管道/電纜托架安裝54. low current-LV system wiring 弱電系統(tǒng)配線55.junction, switch and socket box接線盒、配電箱、插座56.cabinet (panel) SMDB/DB/FDB installation總配電

39、箱分配電箱小配電箱安裝57. PEX pipe installation with fittings: PEX給水管及配件安裝 58. LPGS pvc sleeve pipe in wall墻中液化石油氣pvc套管59. cable installation 電纜安裝60. electrical meter box installation 電器儀表箱安裝61. installation of telephone MDF, LCJB, socket電話主配線板、分線箱、插座安裝62. installation of duct flexible connectors風管軟接頭安裝63. A/C

40、 electrical tube and cable installation空調電管和電纜安裝64. installation of audio visual system 視頻、音頻系統(tǒng)安裝65. cabinet, speaker, KP, control cable電柜、揚聲器、KP、控制電纜66. installation of floor drain cover, grating地面排水管蓋子和格柵的安裝67. LPGS valve chamber液化石油氣閥室68. CCTV system rack, monitor, camera installation閉路電視系統(tǒng)架子、監(jiān)視器

41、和攝像機的安裝69. installation of fan coil units風機盤管安裝70. LPGS meter boxes液化石油氣儀表箱71. testing and commissioning檢測和調試72. installation of water pump in water plant room自來水廠水泵的安裝73. installation of exhaust fan排氣扇的安裝74. video intercom system equipment, handset wiring視頻內(nèi)部通信系統(tǒng)設備和電話機的配線75. telephone and data syst

42、em testing and commissioning 電話和數(shù)據(jù)系統(tǒng)測試和調試76. LPGS equipment installation液化石油氣設備安裝77. water heater installation熱水器安裝78. installation of grills, diffusers, louvers and damper格柵、風口、遮光柵格、格柵閥的安裝79. video intercom system testing and commissioning 視頻內(nèi)部通信系統(tǒng)測試和調試80. LPGS detector and switch液化石油氣檢測器和開關81. A/C

43、 thermostat installation空調恒溫器安裝82. lighting equipment and light fixtures installation照明設備和燈具安裝83. LPGS testing and commissioning液化石油氣檢測和調試84. installation of sanitary fixtures and water mixers衛(wèi)生潔具和攪水器的安裝85. installation of fire extinguishers滅火器的安裝86. door bell installation門鈴安裝87. testing and commiss

44、ioning-W/S system防水系統(tǒng)的測試和安裝?88. testing and commissioning-power and lighting system電力和照明系統(tǒng)的測試和調試89. fire blanket installation消防毯安裝90. portable fire extinguishers便攜式滅火器91. A/C equipment base空調設備基礎92. installation of A/C duct split unit風管分離裝置的安裝93. A/C-testing and commissioning空調的測試和調試94. electrical a

45、nd mechanical testing and commissioning機電測試和調試單項別墅內(nèi)裝修工序95. hollow/solid/thermal block空心實心保溫砌塊96. pre-cast lintels預制過梁97. internal plaster for concrete soffit室內(nèi)混凝土底面抹灰98. blockwork-boundary wall砌塊圍墻99. internal wall plaster with preparation室內(nèi)墻壁抹灰及制備100 boundary wall columns and coping圍墻柱子和墻帽101 plast

46、er to boundary wall圍墻抹灰102 wall tile with preparation墻磚及準備103 external plaster preparation室外抹灰準備104 water proofing wet areas潮濕部位防水105 floor tiles with preparation地板磚及準備106 external plaster室外抹灰107 marble slab-20mm大理石板mm108 marble-skirting大理石踢腳線109 marble sills for windows大理石窗臺110 marble steps for int

47、ernal stairs室內(nèi)樓梯大理石臺階111 terracotta tile陶瓷磚112 gypsum plaster board/gypsum tiles/bulkhead/PVC/MDF石膏板石膏磚隔板PVC中密度板113 terracotta skirting陶瓷踢腳線114 terracotta tile for external steps室外臺階陶瓷磚115 threshold門檻116 counter top/vanity top柜臺梳洗臺117 typical railings to staircase and terrace樓梯和平臺的標準欄桿118 light weig

48、ht foam concrete輕質泡沫混凝土119internal paint for ceiling室內(nèi)吊頂刷涂料120 UPVC exterior doors and windows室外UPVC門窗121 washroom accessories盥洗室附件122 internal paint to gypsum board ceiling室內(nèi)石膏板吊頂刷涂料123 mirrors with polished aluminum frames拋光鋁框鏡子124 roof water proofing屋面防水125 internal paint for plastered wall室內(nèi)抹灰墻面

49、刷涂料126 railing to rotunda圓頂欄桿127 door for electrical room配電房的門128 water mixer混合器 129 roof tile pavers/roofing works屋面磚屋面工程130 fixing of kitchen cabinets廚柜的安裝131 wooden doors internal 室內(nèi)木門132 roof access hatch and ladder/GRP ladder for water tank屋面檢查孔和梯子水箱的玻璃鋼梯子133 clay tiles陶磚134 fixing of wardrobes

50、壁櫥的安裝135 wooden gates-front and seaside正面和海邊的木門136 marshrabiah/timber fencing木雕刻木圍墻單項別墅外裝修和室外工程工序137 GRC works around windows窗子周圍的玻璃(纖維)增強混凝土138 GRC works around doors門周圍的玻璃(纖維)增強混凝土139 compacted granular fill/soft landscaping壓實的粒狀填料軟綠化140 hard scaping硬質景觀141swimming pool finishes游泳池裝修142 external p

51、aint for exterior elevation外墻立面刷涂料143 paint to boundary wall圍墻刷涂料144 kerbs and kerbstones路緣石145 interlock concrete pavers嵌鎖混凝土鋪面塊146 snagging and final inspection清除困難和最終驗收147 demobilization and handing over撤場和移交148 mobilization: 施工準備、動員149 project duration項目工期150 cash flow現(xiàn)金流量六、測量工程survey work現(xiàn)場 sit

52、e, jobsite控制點 control point (station)坐標 coordinates4. 高程 level, elevation5. 平面坐標 plane coordinates6. 全站儀 total station instrument7. 夾角 angle8. 誤差 error9. 允許誤差permissible tolerances10. 水準儀 spirit level11. 往返測量to-and-from survey12. 閉合差 misclosure13. 現(xiàn)場控制網(wǎng)Site Control Grid14.現(xiàn)場控制點加密 Addition of site co

53、ntrol points15. 軸線 axis16. 角點corner points17. 圍墻邊界 fence wall boundary18 地塊邊界 plot limit19. 定位 positioning 20. 邊長 border length 21. 一級控制網(wǎng)first control grid22. 極坐標法method of polar coordinates 23. 閉合 closure24. 附合測法 method of connecting level survey25. 施工測量Construction Survey26. 控制線 control line27. 位置

54、線 position lines28. 軸線投測 transfer survey of axes29. 標高抄測 level survey30. 水平線level line31. 彈線 draw a line32. 基準點 datum point33. 平均標高 mean elevation (level)34. 引測 transfer survey35. 平行借線法 method of parallel line transfer36. 沉降觀測Observation and Measurement of Settlement37. 驗線Verification of Lines 38. 測

55、量員 surveyor39. 經(jīng)緯儀 theodolite40. 鋼尺steel rule41. 塔尺leveling pole七、鋼筋工程 REINFORCEMENT1. 變形鋼筋 deformed bar2. 特征強度characteristic strength3. 規(guī)格和型號specs and type4. 出廠質量證明書mill certificate 5. 試驗報告單test report i6. 切割和彎曲 cut and bend7. 鋼筋檢驗test of reinforcement8. 性能復試 performance retest9. 試驗樣品test specimen (sample)10. 鋼筋保護層Rebar Cover 11. 砼的腐蝕corrosion of concrete12. 鋼筋銹蝕rusting of reinforcing steel13


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