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1、學校代碼:10254密 級:論文編號:3海事大學SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY碩士學位論文MASTERDISSERTATION論文題目: 英語傳播與全球文化趨同: 南非個案研究 學科專業(yè): 英語語言文學(英美文化)畢業(yè)設計(論文)原創(chuàng)性聲明和使用授權說明原創(chuàng)性聲明本人重承諾:所呈交的畢業(yè)設計(論文),是我個人在指導教師的指導下進行的研究工作與取得的成果。盡我所知,除文中特別加以標注和致的地方外,不包含其他人或組織已經發(fā)表或公布過的研究成果,也不包含我為獲得與其它教育機構的學位或學歷而使用過的材料。對本研究提供過幫助和做出過貢獻的個人或集體,均已在文中作了明確的說明并表

2、示了意。作 者 簽 名:日 期:指導教師簽名: 日期:使用授權說明本人完全了解大學關于收集、保存、使用畢業(yè)設計(論文)的規(guī)定,即:按照學校要求提交畢業(yè)設計(論文)的印刷本和電子版本;學校有權保存畢業(yè)設計(論文)的印刷本和電子版,并提供目錄檢索與閱覽服務;學??梢圆捎糜坝?、縮印、數字化或其它復制手段保存論文;在不以贏利為目的前提下,學??梢怨颊撐牡牟糠只蛉咳?。作者簽名: 日 期:學位論文原創(chuàng)性聲明本人重聲明:所呈交的論文是本人在導師的指導下獨立進行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特別加以標注引用的容外,本論文不包含任何其他個人或集體已經發(fā)表或撰寫的成果作品。對本文的研究做出重要貢獻的個人和集體

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6、 中 與格 不與格建議成績:優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格(在所選等級前的畫“”)評閱教師: (簽名) 單位: (蓋章)年 月 日教研室(或答辯小組)與教學系意見教研室(或答辯小組)評價:一、答辯過程1、畢業(yè)論文(設計)的基本要點和見解的敘述情況 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、對答辯問題的反應、理解、表達情況 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格3、學生答辯過程中的精神狀態(tài) 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格二、論文(設計)質量1、論文(設計)的整體結構是否符合撰寫規(guī)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、是否完成指定的論文(設計)任務(包括裝訂與附件)? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格三、論文(設計)水平1、論文(設計)的理論意義或對

7、解決實際問題的指導意義 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格2、論文的觀念是否有新意?設計是否有創(chuàng)意? 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格3、論文(設計說明書)所體現的整體水平 優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格評定成績:優(yōu) 良 中 與格 不與格(在所選等級前的畫“”)教研室主任(或答辯小組組長): (簽名)年 月 日教學系意見:系主任: (簽名)年 月 日English Spread and Global Culture Assimilation: the South Africa CaseBy Wang WantingUnder the Supervision ofProfessorCaiYongliangA Thesi

8、s Submitted to the College of Foreign Languages ofShanghai Maritime UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment ofThe Requirement for the MA DegreeShanghai Maritime UniversityJune, 2009論文獨創(chuàng)性聲明本人聲明所呈交的論文是我個人在導師指導下進行的研究工作與取得的研究成果。論文中除了特別加以標注和致的地方外,不包含其他機構已經發(fā)表或撰寫過的研究成果。其他同志對本研究的啟發(fā)和所做的貢獻均已在論文中作了明確說明并表示了意。作者簽名:_ 日期

9、:_論文使用授權聲明本人同意海事大學有關保留、使用學位論文的規(guī)定,即:學校有權保留送交論文的復印件,允許論文被查閱和借閱;學??梢陨暇W公布論文的全部或部分容,可以采用影印、縮印或其他復制手段保存論文。的論文在解密后遵守本規(guī)定。作者簽名:_ 導師簽名:_ 日期:_AcknowledgementsI am very grateful here to many individuals who helped me a lot in various ways during the composition of this thesis. I would first extend my sincere th

10、anks to my supervisor, ProfessorCaiYongliang, who has always been scrupulous and responsible in his academic pursuit. He inspired and encouraged me into this research. I benefited a lot from his consistent help in drafting and revising this thesis. His insightful advice resulted inthe timely complet

11、ion of this thesis.If it were not his great patience and push on me, this paper would not be able to gain any improvements.Then I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Zhou Wenjing, who shared me with lots of her resources; and gratitude for Professor Zheng Lixin and Professor Shi Yanyan

12、, from whom I received useful basic knowledge in the courses about General Linguistics and Language and Culture. Also special thanks go to ProfessorWuJianguo and Associate Professor XuNingyun for extending the lectures that broaden my vision. I also must give my deepest love to my parents for encour

13、aging and comforting me when I met with some obstructions during the composition. Finally, special thanks go to my dearest friends ZiShaoying and GuLidan for always being side with me.摘 要在當今全球化的大環(huán)境之下,沒有哪一種語言能像英語這樣傳播應用得如此廣泛。從早期大英帝國的軍事擴以與殖民政策,到戰(zhàn)后美國崛起所帶來的經濟支持與意識影響,英語已在一百多個國家中被用作母語、第二語言或者區(qū)域性通用語。所以英語被認為是

14、一種世界語。事實上,英語勢力傾向于吸收同化其它語言的這一現象自有其思想意識根源?;浇淌ソ泟?chuàng)世說中“巴別塔”故事說:人之初,只有一種語言,單語是伊甸園,多語是失樂園,這是上帝的懲罰。這就是“語言一致”理念的最初形式。隨著歐洲文明的進展,這一理念發(fā)展成為具有強烈的“自褒”和“排他”特征的語言中心主義理念 (蔡永良,2005:149-150)。語言可以看作是文化的拓路者。它使得文化更容易向語言的使用者們進行在觀念的滲透。當一個民族更愿意學習外來的語言,而忽略本土語言的時候,其語言與其所代表的文化終將被排擠,最終失去影響力。綜上所述,“英語向全球的擴展也有著黑暗和氣勢洶洶的一面,那就是抹殺了地方語言

15、的多樣性,對深厚的文化之根施以打擊”(麥克拉姆 等,2005:59)。因此,伴隨著英語傳播而來的同化與霸權已經引起了不少語言學家和學者們的注意。本論文以英語在南非的傳播作為切入點,以期引出全球化浪潮之下的英語語言帝國主義與文化趨同現象。之所以選擇南非,是因為南非具有大量關于英語傳播的典型歷史例證。南非個案包含了:多語制、語言文化與民族認同感的關系、英語媒介的教育問題、英語從殖民符號到開放標志的轉變、語言人權、以與語言規(guī)劃等多方面的特質。以上這些特點使得本篇論文的目的與意義窺南非之一斑,知全球英語傳播之概況成為可能。在歸納和總結前人研究的基礎上,本論文借由不同時期的英語傳播情況以與個案研究,對英


17、傳播過程展開分析。第七章對全文進行總結。關鍵詞:南非,英語傳播,同化AbstractIn the context of globalization today, there has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. With the early military support and colonial policy of the British Empire and the economic support and ideological influence of th

18、e postwar United States later, English language is currently used in more than one hundred countries as a native language, second language or regional lingua franca. Quite naturally, English is viewed as the world language taking up the space of the others. As a matter of fact, the tendency of the E

19、nglish-speaking world trying to absorb and assimilate other languages (while they regard it as civilization) does have its ideological root. The famous tale about the “BabelTower” from the ChristianBook of Genesis of the Bible preaches that: there is only one single type of language at the very begi

20、nning of human civilization. To be monolingual is like living in Garden of Eden; while to be multilingual is like the opposite Paradise Lost, which represents punishment from the God. That is the original form of the “l(fā)anguage integration”. As European civilization develops, this idea has evolved in

21、to a language-centered ideology with strong “self-praise” and “exclusive” characteristics (Cai Yongliang, 2005:149-150).Language, as the pioneer of culture, surely paves a broader way for the culture to permeate the minds of whoever speaks it. When a people acknowledge and praise for a foreign langu

22、age or culture, and are reluctant to adopt their mother tongue, the original language and culture finally become dead then fade away. So in the sense above, the global spread of English language proves itself hegemonic and aggressive by the action of erasing the diversity of all local languages and

23、impacting on their profound cultures (McCrum et al., 2005:59). Thus the powerful assimilation and hegemony covering both geographically and socially accompanied by the English language spread has inevitably aroused interests of many concerned linguists and scholars.This paper takes the case of Engli

24、sh language spread in South Africa as a breakthrough point to the discovery of the de facto English language imperialism and cultural assimilation in the context of globalization. The reason why South Africa is chosen is quite simple: the South African case provides powerful examples (a plenty of ty

25、pical historical evidences) of the roles that can be played by language planning and language policy activities in the English language spread process. It involves matters of multilingualism, the nexus of language, culture and identity, issues of education (especially the role of English as a medium

26、 of instruction during different periods), the role of English as both a foreign colonial language and as a contemporary language of wider communication, issues of language rights, and continuing issues of both status and corpus planning in the context of a developing society. All of the above facto

27、rsmake the aim and significance of this paper, i.e. from one case to learn all, possible. Inspired by the previous achievements, the author is to make an intensive and integrated study on English language spread in South Africa by an analysis through a historical view and by case study; and then to

28、draw a conclusion that no matter how special the South African case is, the fact that it still at the mercy of linguistic imperialism and hence cultural assimilation is visible.The whole thesis is divided into seven chapters.Chapter One: Discussing the significance and necessity of the present study

29、 and its basicorganization.Chapter Two: Introducing the available researches on English spread and the theoretical framework of this paper.Chapter Three: A brief examination on the intrinsic features of the English language and the history of English global travel path.Chapter Four: Analyzing the la

30、nguage conditions in South Africa and the trail along which the English language got its root deeply into the nation.Chapter Five: Comparisons about the language planning and policies in different historical periods, reflecting how the English language wins the dominance of the national tongue.Chapt

31、er Six: Analyzing the representative events or cases in history.Chapter Seven: Drawing a brief summary of the thesis, analyzing the limitations and implications and offering some suggestions for future research.KEYWORDS:South Africa, English spread, assimilationTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsi摘 要i

32、iAbstractivChapter One Introduction11.1 Background of the Study11.2 Aim of the Research21.3 Significance and Implication51.4 Methodology61.5 Organization of the Thesis6Chapter Two Literature Review72.1 Researches throughout the World72.1.1 Foreign Researches on the Language Policy of South Africa72.

33、1.2 Chinese Researches on the Language Policy of South Africa112.1.3 Summary of the Former Researches122.2 Clarification of Theoretical Framework132.2.1 The Interrelation between Language and Culture132.2.2 Linguistic Relativism and Cultural Relativism152.2.3 Linguistic Imperialism and Cultural Impe

34、rialism182.2.4. Langauge Ecology212.2.5 Langauge Human Rights22Chapter Three Overview on the Spread of English Worldwide243.1 Intrinsic Features and Distribution of English243.2 Global Preference for English Language263.3 The Spread of English Worldwide27Chapter Four Survey on South Africa and Its L

35、anguages304.1 The Republic of South Africa304.2 Language Profile in South Africa324.3 English Spread in South Africa34Chapter Five English Spread and LPP in Different Periods395.1 The Pre-Apartheid (Colonial) Period (Before 1948)415.1.1 History Background415.1.1.1 Dutch Rule in the Cape Colony (1652

36、 1795)415.1.1.2 The First British Occupation (1795 1803)425.1.1.3 Second Dutch Rule (1803 - 1806)435.1.1.4 Second British Occupation (since 1806)435.1.1.5 The Arrival of the 1820 Settlers in South Africa435.1.1.6 Two Anglo-Boer Wars and the Union of South Africa445.1.2 English Language Spread in thi

37、s Period465.1.2.1 English Dominance over Afrikaans465.1.2.2 The Beginning of English Assimilation of Indigenous Languages495.2 The Apartheid Period (1948-1994)515.2.1 History Background525.2.2 English Language Spread in this Period535.2.2.1 The Shift of Dominant Position from English to Afrikaans545

38、.2.2.2 Indigenous Languages under European Rule555.3 The Post-Apartheid Period (since 1994)575.3.1 History Background575.3.2 English Language Spread in this Period58Chapter Six ELT Incidents and English Spread606.1 Missionary Schools606.2 The Bantu Education Act and Soweto Uprisings656.2.1 Historica

39、l Introduction to These Incidents656.2.2 Analysis on These Incidents676.2.3 The Influence of These Incidents696.3 Higher Education in a Democratic South Africa70Chapter Seven Conclusion76Appendix I79Appendix II80Bibliography:81Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyIt has been widely bel

40、ieved that language is the pioneer of the culture it represents. The diversity and conflict of languages surely lead to the diversity and conflict of different cultures. As the worlds economy develops rapidly, the exchange of information between different peoples, different nations and different cou

41、ntries is becoming much more frequent. The interactions have become more complex and comprehensive. For example, nowadays, most advertisement boards are usually written in more than one language with the aim of so called being professional. There may be Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean in just

42、 one piece of board. Or one can sit in his/her Italian leather sofa and watch a SONY TV, drinking a cup of English black tea. In daily life, it is considered fashionable to borrow some foreign words when one talks with other people. Pupils, even kindergarteners are learning English these recent year

43、s, and their parents take this for granted and believe it is necessary. Whats the root and motive behind those phenomena? Is that caused by the present gripping globalization?In the context of economic globalization, language spread is irresistible.Then what does language spread mean? “Language spre

44、ad is a metaphor for the adoption of a given language by individuals. Language spread can be defined as “an increase, over time, in the proportion of a communication network that adopts a given language or language variety for a given communicative function” (cf. Phillipson, 1992:78).Moreover, what

45、does spread of certain language mean to a nation, a country, a region, of an individual? Take English for example. With the rapid pace of globalization, the medium used for cross-cultural communication is mainly English. This language is so widely used all over the world that it almost becomes the k

46、ing ruling all scope of international communication. Due to its wide region of usage, it makes people call the English language “the global lingua franca”. Indeed, English and its culture are now so overwhelmingly spread and influential that the countries where English is used as their first languag

47、e are being blamed for the hegemony and linguistic imperialism. On the one hand, the popularity of one language means the popularity of its culture; on the other, keeping a vernacular alive is crucial in maintaining the nationality. That makes the linguistic imperialism far beyond the concern of unf

48、airness, because it has threatened the survival and development of a nation (WangXinxin, 2005).As language is commonly considered a vehicle carrying culture, the dominant role of the English language easily leads to cultural imperialism, which, somehow,consequently causes culture clash between diffe

49、rent cultures. While economists try to propose alternatives to economic globalization, linguists also try to study and devise some new neutral methods to balance a mixed and complex condition caused by the hegemony of this worlds tongue.Will the global spread of English do any good to the most peopl

50、es interests? It is apparent that most of the worlds scientific and technical information is available in English. Many researchers are under the perception that technological changes make the world become more and more highly integrated and interconnected. In spite of this “advances” in education,

51、communication, and transportation, scholars and observers assumed that national, racial, and cultural uniqueness would be sadly swept away by this irresistible English tides with the influence of technological modernization.With these questions and doubts in mind, we have been inspired to venture a

52、research into the area of English language spread.1.2 Aim of the ResearchIt is true that not only linguists and researches has sensed that English language imperialism is taking on a much more noticeable manifestation within many scopes of human interactions, but also ordinary people, who apparently

53、 now more or less have contact with English, have been aroused the attention on the overflow of English teaching in China. Seen from a net investigation called “How do you view the national trend of learning English language?” promoted by Chinese Sina., that quite a few people have become aware of t

54、he threat of English language imperialism. Up to December 2nd, 2002, there are as many as 10,911 people involved in this questionnaire, with the following survey results:OptionsRateNumber of votes1. This is the least thing to care about. 11.86%12942. We must be alert to the linguistic imperialism.31

55、.81%34713. It is good for joining the trend of globalization.43.57%47544. It is hard to tell.12.76%1392(ZhuFengyun, 2003:26)From the tabulation above, 31.81% is definitely not a small figure. In many other areas of the world, people who are resisting the linguistic imperialism are getting more and more. A Minister of Language from Quebec, Canada once declared


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