2012版高考英語 3-2-1精品系列 專題05 動詞及其動詞短語_第1頁
2012版高考英語 3-2-1精品系列 專題05 動詞及其動詞短語_第2頁
2012版高考英語 3-2-1精品系列 專題05 動詞及其動詞短語_第3頁
2012版高考英語 3-2-1精品系列 專題05 動詞及其動詞短語_第4頁
2012版高考英語 3-2-1精品系列 專題05 動詞及其動詞短語_第5頁
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1、2013 3年高考2年模擬1年原創(chuàng)精品系列專題05 動詞及其動詞短語【考點定位】 2013考綱解讀和近幾年考點分布【考點pk】 名師考點透析 考點一、考查動詞詞義辨析這類試題的四個選項是在結(jié)構(gòu)上都很相近的動詞。要做好這類試題,必須明確各個動詞的詞義和用法,然后根據(jù)題意需要選用合適的動詞??键c二、 考查近義動詞辨析這類試題的四個選項無論在意義上還是在結(jié)構(gòu)上都是很相近的動詞。面對這類試題,必須要從四個動詞的語義差別、用法特點等入手才能選出符合題意的動詞。例When his brother was to cross the street, he was knocked down by a truck

2、 and badly _。A. injured B damagedC. harmed D. destroyed【解析】 這四個動詞都有“傷害,損害”之意,但具體用法不同。injure指在意外事故中“受傷”;damage主要指對于物體的不徹底的破壞,這種破壞或因自然災害所致,或因人為造成,常含可以修復之意;harm用于肉體或精神上的傷害,有時可指引起不安或不便;destroy表示毀壞十分徹底,常含無法修復再用之意。從題意來看,答案為A??键c三、考查動詞與其賓語的固定搭配【解析】 題意為“由于有現(xiàn)代化的設備,近年來許多謎團被揭開”?!敖衣?,將曝光”是come to light,故答案為B。考點四、

3、 考查動詞與其賓補的固定搭配英語中有些動詞后跟賓補時,有其固定搭配,如let/have/make sb. do sth.,get/force sb. to do sth.,allow/permit/forbid sb. to do sth.等。解答這類試題的關鍵是分析句子結(jié)構(gòu),找到作賓補的不定式,然后看不定式前是否有不定式符號to,最后確定該用什么動詞。例The card reads: “Dear Mom and Dad, they are _ everyone write home. Love, Joey.”A. advising B. suggestingC. letting D. mak

4、ing考點五、 考查系動詞動詞作系動詞用時,后面常接形容詞、名詞、分詞和不定式等,此時動詞沒有進行時和被動語態(tài)。這類動詞有:appear, become, feel, look, sound, seem, taste, prove, remain, stay, smell, grow, turn, go, come, fall, stand, lie, exist等。解答這類試題的關鍵首先是弄清題意,然后是分析句子結(jié)構(gòu),由此可判斷出該動詞是否用作系動詞,最后確定所要填入的答案。例The effect of the medicine on this kind of disease remains

5、 _.A. seen B. to be seenC. seeing D. to see2著重訓練在具體的語境中靈活運用語言知識的能力近幾年的高考單項選擇題越來越重視情景的設置,幾乎每一道題都放在實際的交際中會出現(xiàn)的語境中進行考查考點六、考查同根動詞短語的辨析這類試題的四個選項都是由同一個動詞加不同的介詞或副詞構(gòu)成。從歷年高考試題來看,那些搭配能力強、語義豐富的常用動詞短語是命題的重點對象。解答這類試題時,一定要在理解語境的基礎上,從語義邏輯、固定搭配、前后關系等角度去確定答案??键c七、考查同根介詞或副詞的動詞短語的辨析這類試題的四個選項是由不同的動詞加相同的介詞或副詞構(gòu)成。解答這類試題的關鍵首

6、先還是弄清題意,然后選出符合題意和句子結(jié)構(gòu)需要的動詞短語。例When I was twenty, I had to _ before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help support my family.A. drop out B. come outC. leave out D. stay out【解析】分析題意為“在20歲時,我不得不輟學到一家服裝店工作以幫助養(yǎng)活我的家人?!睆念}意可知,空缺處應該是“輟學”之意,四個選項中,只有A項的drop out有此意,故答案為A。例Take care during the holidays! D

7、rinking too much can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. contribute to B. relate toC. attend to D. devote to例The society today offers the young generation more chances to _ their talent and skills.A. give out B. take inC. show off D. carry on【解析】分析題意為“當今社會給年輕一代提供了更多的機會來展示他們的才能和技能。”由題意可知

8、,空缺處應該是“炫耀;展示”之意,故答案為C??键c九、考查“動詞+副詞+介詞”短語的辨析【解析】分析題意為“你知道他女兒將要著手做的那個計劃已經(jīng)傳開了嗎?”“真的?我還不知道?!彼膫€選項中,get down to,“著手做”;come up to,“不亞于;相等”;live up to,“不辜負;達到高標準”;look up to,“尊敬”。由此可知,只有A項符合題意。句中的his daughter will get down to是定語從句,修飾先行詞the plan。例 “I cant _ your rudeness any more,leave the room,”shouted Mar

9、y.(2009武漢調(diào)研)A. put up to B. put up from C. put up into D. put up with 【三年高考】 10 、11、12高考試題及其解析2012高考英語試題1.(2012四川卷)20. Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up2.(2012浙江卷) 12. According to scientists, our mental

10、 abilities begin to _ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.A. differ B. shrink C. fail D. decline【答案】D【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:根據(jù)科學家研究,我們的心理能力在22歲達到高峰值之后便從27歲開始下滑(decline)。differ不同;shrink縮水;fail失敗、衰竭,均不符合語境,故排除。3.(2012浙江卷) 15. Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _ prepa

11、ring your business plan.A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set up4.(2012課標卷)27.Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can_ almost every word herteacher says.A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together【答案】B【解析】考查動詞短語。“put down”有“write down(記下,寫下)”的意思。句意:瑪麗確實擅長于記課堂筆記。她能夠幾乎把老師說的每一個

12、字都記錄下來。5. (2012大綱卷) 12.We _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A. set about B. set up C. set out D. set down6.(2012天津卷)13.Parents and children should communicate more to _the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.A. openB. narrowC. widenD. lea

13、ve【答案】B【解析】考查動詞辨析。根據(jù)下文“so that they can understand each other better.”可知選“narrow”。 句意:家長和孩子應該多多交流,來縮小他們之間的代溝,以便他們能夠更好的彼此理解。7.(2012安徽卷)28.The athletes years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.A. went on B. got through C. paid off D. ended up【答案】C【解析】考查動詞短語。句意:當這個運動員最終獲得奧運會金牌

14、時,她多年的刻苦訓練總算得到了回報。go on”繼續(xù)下去”;get through完成,處理”;pay off“取得成功,奏效“;end up“最終處于”。8.(2012安徽卷)29. You had better _some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.A. set asideB. take upC. put awayD. give out9.(2012湖北卷)21.Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _ our schools campaign “He

15、lp the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.A. sponsorB. launchC. organize D. plan10. (2012湖北卷)22. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and _ every page of my draft.A. approvedB. quotedC. polishedD. folded【答案】C

16、【解析】考查動詞的詞義辨析。根據(jù)語意:是指我的輔導老師對我的論文的每一稿都進行了潤飾。approve表“贊許”,quote表“引用”,polish表“使優(yōu)美,使精煉;潤飾”,fold表“折疊”。11.(2012湖北卷)23. Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _ his courage.A. hold up B. keep up C. set up D. take up【答案】B【解析】考查動詞短語。根據(jù)語意:是指這個男孩吹口哨壯膽。hold up表“舉起;耽擱,延遲”,keep up表“保持,(使)繼續(xù)下去”,set up表“建立,

17、創(chuàng)立”,take up表“拿起;著手處理;占去”。12.(2012湖北卷)24. Im so glad youve come here to _ this matter in person. tick to /look fore to _neutralA. lead to B. see to C. turn to D. refer to13. (2012江蘇卷)26. OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up.You cantyour responsibilities.A. run off with B. run up against C. run out ofD

18、. run away from【答案】D【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。“好了,我已經(jīng)受夠了,我放棄?!蹦悴荒芴颖苣愕呢熑??!眗un awayr from意為“逃離,逃避”,符合語境。14.(2012江西卷)24. Ive the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.A. come intoB. gone intoC. got into D. run into15.(2012江西卷)30.We were all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday

19、 home for the family.A. makeB. turnC. takeD. have【答案】A【解析】考查動詞。句意為:我們都認為這幢小別墅非常適合全家度假時居住。make表示適合做,宜用作,符合題意。16.(2012遼寧卷)26. Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.A. taking apart B. giving away C. making up D. turning off17.(2012陜西卷)19. He had to pause from time to ti

20、me to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _.A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down2011高考英語試題1.(2011遼寧卷,24) You are old enough to your own living.A.win B. gain C. take D. earn【答案】D【解析】考查動詞的辨析。句意為“你長大了,可以自謀生路了?!眅arn ones living 謀生,固定搭配。2. (2011全國卷,26) I ca

21、n the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean.A. come up with B.put up with C. turn to D.stick to【答案】B【解析】考查短語動詞的辨析。句意為“房子里東西凌亂我能忍,但是臟我討厭?!眂ome up with想出, 提出;put up with 忍受, 容忍;turn to轉(zhuǎn)向,翻書到,求助于,(使)變成;stick to堅持,緊跟,粘住,忠于。3.(2011天津卷,8)She an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopp

22、ing at the department store.A.turned down B.dealt with C.took after D.came across4.(2011山東卷,25) They are broadening the bridge to _ the flow of traffic.A. put off B. speed up C. turn on D. work out【答案】B【解析】考查短語動詞的辨析。句意為“他們正在拓寬橋梁以加快交通流量。”put off推遲;speed up加快;turn on打開(水、電視、收音機、燈、煤氣等),(使)感興趣; (使)興奮;wo

23、rk out算出,實現(xiàn)。拓寬橋梁的目的是加快交通流量,故選B。5.(2011江蘇卷,30)You look upset. Whats the matter? I had my proposal _ again.Aturned over Bturned on Cturned off Dturned down6.(2011福建卷,31)Born into a family with three brothers, David was to value the sense of sharing.A.brought up B.turned down C.looked after D.held back

24、【答案】A【解析】考查短語動詞的辨析。句意為“出身在一個三兄弟家庭,David受到了要看重與人分享的教育?!眀ring up教育,養(yǎng)育(孩子),嘔吐(食物);turn down關小(音量等),拒絕;look after照顧;hold back阻礙,抑制,隱瞞。7.(2011安徽卷, 34)If you _faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.A. come acrossB. care aboutC. look forD. focus upon【答案】A【解析】考查短語動

25、詞的辨析。句意為“如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)這輛自行車有毛病但還是想要,你就要求這家商店的營業(yè)員減價?!眂ome across偶然遇到;care about關心,在乎;look for尋找;focus upon專注于。8.(2011浙江卷,6) The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to ,but I suppose Ill just have to _it,A. make the best of B. get away from C. keep an eye on D. catch up with 9.(2011浙江卷,12) He decided th

26、at he would drive all the way home instead of _at a hotel for the night.A. putting down B. putting off C. putting on D. putting up 10.(2011四川卷,7)To get a better grade, you should _the notes again before the test.A. go over B. get over C. turn over D. take over【答案】A【解析】考查短語動詞的辨析。句意為“為了獲得好成績,你應該在考試前好好

27、復習這些筆記?!眊o over審查,復習,重溫從頭到尾檢查一遍;get over越過,完成,克服(困難),從(疾病、失望、震驚等)中恢復過來;turn over翻身,翻轉(zhuǎn),把移交;take over接管; 接替。11. (2011全國卷,34) William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to .A.disappear B.fall C.fail D.damage【答案】C【解析】考查動詞的辨析。disappear消失,不復存在;fall降落,跌倒,降低;fail (指健康)衰退

28、, 衰弱;damage損害, 毀壞, 加害于。句意為“William 發(fā)現(xiàn)閱讀越來越困難了,因為他的視力開始衰退了?!薄癷ncreasingly difficult越來越困難”是個漸進的過程,故選C。12.(2011全國卷II,10) Mary, I_John of his promise to help you. A. told B. reminded C. warned D. advised13.(2011天津卷,6)I a bank account after I made1,000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation.

29、A.borrowed B.opened C.entered D.ordered【答案】B【解析】考查動詞的辨析。句意為“暑假兼職打工掙了1000美元后,我在銀行開了帳戶?!眔pen a bank account在銀行開帳戶。14.(2011江蘇卷,28)Are you still mad at her?Not really, but I cant _ that her remarks hurt me.AdenyBrefuseCrejectDdecline15.(2011福建卷,28)Id prefer to my judgement until I find all the evidence.

30、A.show B. express C.pass D.reserve【答案】D【解析】考查動詞的辨析。句意為“我寧愿保留我的判斷直到我發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的證據(jù)?!眗eserve預訂或保留(座位、住處等),推遲,留到以后,與后面的until相一致。16.(2011安徽卷,21)As the story_, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops 17.(2011湖北卷,26)Knowledge and learning are important if

31、we want to be successful, but they may also_ our thinking.A. direct B. limit C. change D. improve【答案】B【解析】考查動詞的辨析。句意為“如果我們想要獲得成功,知識和學習很重要。但是它們或許會限制我們的思維?!眃irect指示, 指引,導演(戲劇或電影);指揮(管弦樂隊);limit限制;change改變;improve改進,改善。根據(jù)句中but的轉(zhuǎn)折,選B。18.(2011湖北卷,27)The minister said. “We are ready for discussions with a

32、ny legal parties, but well never_ with criminals.”A. negotiate B. quarrel C. argue D. consult19.(2011湖北卷,28)Clinical evidence began to_, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.A. operate B. strenghten C. approve D. acc

33、umulate【答案】D【解析】考查動詞的辨析。句意為“不斷增加的臨床證據(jù)表明:比起原先從動物實驗中所得到的預計,這些新藥具有更加廣泛有用性?!眔perate手術(shù),操作;strenghten加強;approve贊成;accumulate積累,(數(shù)量)逐漸增加。故選D。20.(2011遼寧卷,22) What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre to be asleep. ,A. supposed B. known C. thought D. considered【答案】A【解析】考查動詞的辨析。句意為“Tom,你不睡覺做什么?你現(xiàn)在應該睡覺。”out of

34、 bed未上床,起床的意思,be supposed to do應當,應該。21.(2011四川卷,14)I often the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the lnternet.A.look up B.look at C. look for D.look into22.(2011陜西卷,25)Some insects_the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out【答案】C【解析】

35、考查短語動詞的辨析。take in吸收,欺騙;take off拿走, 取下,脫去(衣服等),起飛;take on承擔,呈現(xiàn),雇用;take out把帶出去,清除, 除掉。句意為“一些昆蟲為了保護自己,讓自己的體色與其周圍環(huán)境的顏色相似?!?3.(2011湖北卷,29) The government has taken measures to _ the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.A. take down B. bring down C. hand down D. tear down24.(2011遼寧卷,26) T

36、he exam results will be on Friday afternoon.A. put down B. put off C. put up D. put away【答案】C【解析】考查短語動詞的辨析。句意為“考試結(jié)果將在星期五下午公布?!眕ut down放下,平定, 鎮(zhèn)壓,記下;put off推遲;put up舉起,建立,張貼,投宿;put away放好,儲存,拋棄。根據(jù)句意選C。25.(2011江西卷35)You cant predict everything. Often things dont _ as you expect.A.run out B.break out C.

37、work out D. put out.【答案】C【解析】考查短語動詞的辨析。run out 耗盡;break out 打破;work out 算出,實現(xiàn);put out 撲滅。句意為“你無法預言一切。事情常常不會像你期待的那樣實現(xiàn)?!边xC。2010高考英語試題1.(2010高考英語浙江卷,12)After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on with Cget through Dget across2.(2

38、010高考英語浙江卷,4)The majority of people in the town strongly _ the plan to build a playground for children. Aconsider Bsupport Cconfirm Dsubmit3.(2010高考英語天津卷,12)Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion , and as a manager.A. ended up B. dropped out C. came back D. started off 【答案】A【解析】考查動詞短語。e

39、nd up意為“最終成為”;drop out意為“退出,退學”;come back意為“返回,回來”;start off意為“出發(fā),開始”。句意為:作為職員進入公司,他很快升職,并最終成為經(jīng)理。4.(2010高考英語天津卷,1)He telephoned the travel agency to_ three air tickets to London.A. order B. arrange C. take D. book5.(2010高考英語四川卷,19)If you have a job,_ yourself to it and finally youll succeedAdo devot

40、e Bdont devote Cdevoting Dnot devoting6.(2010高考英語四川卷,8)Jenny was looking for a seat when,luckily,a man_ and left Atook up Bgot up Cshut up Dset up【答案】B【解析】考查動詞詞組。get up意為“起床,起立”。句意為“Jenny正在找一個座位,正在那時,很幸運的,一個人站起來離開了?!惫蔬xB。A項意為“從事,占據(jù)時間或空間”,C項為“閉嘴”;D意為“建造,搭起”。7.(2010高考英語四川卷,6)Some people eat with their

41、eyes. They prefer to order what nice. A. looks B. smells C. feels D. tastes【答案】【解析】考查系動詞辨析。與上句中的eat with their eyes相對,后句應該為點看起來很好吃的東西。故正確答案為A。8.(2010高考英語陜西卷,14)You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose. A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree about 【答案】A【解析】考查動詞短

42、語辨析。你看起來氣色不錯。我想,三亞的空氣和海鮮肯定很適合你。agree with sb表示“適應”,主語常為氣候、食物等,符合語境。agree to sth表示同意某事(主語為單方);agree on和agree about意思基本一樣,都表示“就關于取得了一致的意見”,主語為協(xié)商某件事情的雙方或多方。9.(2010高考英語山東卷,27)Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up10.(2

43、010高考英語遼寧卷,32)The new movie _ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time . A. promises B. agrees c. pretends D. declines 11.(2010高考英語遼寧卷,28)Thousands of people_ _ to watch yesterdays match against Ireland.Aturned on Bturned in Cturned around Dturned out【答案】D【解析】考查動詞詞組辨析。turn on“打開”;turn in“上交

44、,歸還”;turn around“轉(zhuǎn)身,轉(zhuǎn)換方向”;turn out“出席(某項活動),在場”。語意為:成千上萬的人到現(xiàn)場觀看昨天與愛爾蘭的那場比賽。根據(jù)語意選D項。12.(2010高考英語江西卷,24)Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A attach B pay C link D apply【解析】考查動詞辨析。句意:父母親都非常重視教育。他們會盡自己最大的努力給予孩子們無價的饋贈。attach much imp

45、ortance to非常重視。13.(2010高考英語江蘇卷,26)The experiment has_ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out14.(2010高考英語江蘇卷,24)Thousands of foreigners were_ to the Shanghai World Expo

46、 the day it opened.A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached 15.(2010高考英語湖北卷,29)Had she _ _ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University. A. looked up to B. lived up to C. kept up with D. come up with【答案】 B【解析】考察短語動詞辨析。句意為“如果她當年履行了自己的諾言,她就會進入耶魯大學了?!眂ome up with (追趕上;想出,提出); keep up

47、with (跟上,追上); look up to(抬頭看,尊重)。只有B選項“l(fā)ive up to” (履行,實行)符合題意。 16.(2010高考英語湖北卷,28)Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _ his personality.A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes【答案】C. 【解析】考查動詞辨析。句意為:就好像一個人穿什么,吃什么,以及和什么

48、樣的人交往能反映人的個性一樣,一個人的住房也是如此。C項reflect“反射,照出”在此切合題意。A項resemble“類似,像;”B項strengthen“加強;鞏固”和D項shape“塑造,使成形;形成;使符合”與題意相距甚遠。17.(2010高考英語湖北卷,27)Duty is an act or a course of action that people you to take by social customs, law or religion.A. persuade B. request C. instruct D. expect18.(2010高考英語福建卷,34)In Apr

49、il, thousands of holidaymakers remained_ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A. sticking B. stuck C. to be stuck D. to have stuck19.(2010高考英語福建卷,33)In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.I cant agree more. its great to have the two _A. linked B. related C. connected D. combin

50、ed【答案】 D【解析】考查動詞用法。第二句意思為:“我非常贊同。讓這兩件事情相結(jié)合時非常好的?!県ave sth. done.意為“使某事被做”。A項意為“相聯(lián)系的”;B項意為“有關的”;C項意為“相連接的”;D項意為“同時做,兼有”。由句中I cant agree more可知,應選D項,其余三項不符合語境,排除。20.(2010高考英語福建卷,30)Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets _ it.A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D. l

51、ook forward to21.(2010高考英語大綱全國I卷,22)The workers _ the glasses and marked on each box “This Side UP”. A. carried B. delivered C. pressed D. packed22.(2010高考英語安徽卷,23)一How did you like Nicks performance last night? 一To be honest, his singing didnt to me much Aappeal B. belong Crefer Doccur【答案】A【解析】考查短語

52、動詞。belong to屬于;refer to涉及,參考;occur to想到;appeal to意為“對有吸引力”符合句意“你認為昨晚尼克的表演如何?”“說實話,他的演唱并不太吸引我”。23.(2010高考英語安徽卷,22)No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high. A. getting rid of B. getting along with C.1ooking up to D. Looking do wn upon【答案】C【解析】考查動詞短語辨析。get rid of去除;look up to尊敬,贊賞;look down upon瞧不起;get along with相處。根據(jù)句意“無論你自己多么看低自己,總會有仰視你的人,希望他到達你這樣的高度?!薄緝赡昴M】 11、12高考模擬題及其答案11、12高考模擬試題1、(2012年西安市高三年級第一次質(zhì)


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