



1、Lesson 56 Faster than sound!【New words and expressions】sound n. 聲音 excitement n. 激動,興奮handsome adj. 漂亮的;美觀的 Rolls-Royce 羅爾斯-羅伊斯Benz n. 奔馳 wheel n. 輪子explosion n. 爆炸,轟響 course n. 跑道;行程rival n. 對手 speed v. 疾駛downhill adv. 下坡sound n. 聲音 n. 聲音sound n. 任何聲音都可以 voice n. 人的聲音noise n. 和周圍不和諧的聲音, 躁音 v. 聽起來 a

2、dj. 合理的(等于reasonable adj.合理的, 有道理的, 通情達理的, 講道理的)I have a piece of sound advice. 我有一個合理的建議。soundly adj. 香甜的sleep soundlyexcitement n. 激動, 興奮to one's excitement 令某人激動的是The most exciting thing is that 最令人激動的是The most surprising thing about it is that 最令人驚訝的事情是It excited me that 讓我激動的是handsome adj.

3、漂亮的, 美觀的handsome adj. 形容男孩, 英俊, 一般與男孩子連如handsome 與人連用有陽剛的美,與物相連表示美觀大方,并表示制作精良;handsome跟女性連用的時候就表示這個女孩子有陽剛氣,類似女俠的概念Your husband is handsome.beautiful 形容人的時候表示內(nèi)在和外在美的統(tǒng)一, 完美的概念You look beautiful.Flowers are beautiful.Picture is beautiful.pretty adj. 美麗(用于女孩或小孩),有柔美的意思pretty跟男性連用就表示沒有陽剛氣,女性化Your wife is

4、 pretty.pretty boy / pretty girl / pretty womannice adj. 美好的(人,天氣, 食物, 物品的品質(zhì)等)You are nice. 你長得不錯lovely adj. 可愛的This is a lovely story. 這是一個可愛的故事good-looking adj. 很好看的smart adj. 小巧而美麗的(物)或時髦而美麗的(人)She is smart.cute adj.漂亮, 常用來形容小孩The baby is cute.What a cute baby! 多漂亮的寶寶啊!How cute you are! 你多漂亮啊!(可愛

5、啊!)explosion n. 爆炸, 轟響explosive n. 爆炸物,炸藥;adj. 爆炸(性)的, 爆發(fā)(性)的, 暴露explode vt. 使爆炸;vi. 爆炸, 爆發(fā), 破除, 推翻, 激發(fā)bomb n. 炸彈;vt. 投彈于, 轟炸The bomb exploded.course n. 跑道,行程 n. 跑道,行程on the course 按照軌道運行 off course 偏離軌道of course 當然 n. 課程This term, I took/take seven courses. 這學(xué)期我學(xué)了七門課rival n. 對手competition n. 競爭, 競賽

6、The person who takes part in the petitor n. 競爭者, 對手opposite n. 相反的事物;adj. 相對的, 對面的, 對立的, 相反的, 對等的, 對應(yīng)的 opponent n. 對手, 反對者(持反對意見的人, 如辯論賽上的和政治上的)enemy n. 敵人 rival adj. 勢均力敵的;n. 勢均力敵的對手speed(sped,sped) v. 疾駛 v. 疾駛,急行The police car sped past us.The two men sped out of the room. n. 速度at t

7、he speed of 以的速度The car goes at the speed of 40 miles an hour / at 40 miles an hour.在車后的3 speed/4 speed表示檔位speed up 速度的增加, 加速; slow down 減速blow up 風(fēng)力的增加downhill adv. 下坡downstairs 下樓; upstairs 上樓go down stairs下樓 go down hill 下山downtown n.&adj.&adv. 市中心的商業(yè)區(qū)(反意uptown遠離商業(yè)區(qū))I'll go to the dow

8、ntown.Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it wa

9、s the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions, the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour - much faster th

10、an any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.【課文講解】1、Once a year, a race is held for old cars.=Old car race is hel

11、d once a year.once +表示時間的名詞每一次The postman calls once a day.be held for 比賽為而舉行2、A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.enter for 報名參加a great deal of +不可數(shù)名詞大量的There was/is a great deal of excitement. 人們非常激動a great number of +可數(shù)名詞a gr

12、eat many +可數(shù)名詞a large amount of +不可數(shù)名詞just before =just 起強調(diào)作用3、One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.one of 直接作主語的時候, 它是做單數(shù)看待的One of the answers is ture.One of those people is good.如果在定語從句中出現(xiàn)了one of作為先行詞,它后邊的關(guān)系代詞指代的是后面的復(fù)數(shù)名詞;如果在one of前面還有一修飾詞only,那么后邊的關(guān)系代詞將指代one這個詞,才作單數(shù)看He is t

13、he only one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.4、Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.The car was built in 1885.taking part 理解為taking part (in the race)5、After a great many loud explosions, the race began.after explosions 許多爆炸聲之后6、Many of the cars broke down on the course

14、 and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them!many cars 許多車子;many of the cars 車子當中的許多many students許多學(xué)生;many of my students我教過的許多學(xué)生some pictures一些照片;some of the pictures 那些照片中的一些break down 車子拋錨,(機械等)出故障,出毛病This morning I was late for work, because my car broke down twice.under the c

15、ar 指在車下面修理;in the car 指正常駕駛。句中的under 和in都是斜體,英文中的斜體字起強調(diào)作用spent more time under their cars than in them.他們花在車下的時間比在車里的時間還多7、The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour - much faster than any of its rivals.the wining car 獲勝車a speed of +數(shù)量詞速度為You must have been driving at a speed of seventy

16、miles an hour.much faster 快得多;a little faster 快一點any of its rivalsany rival 任何一個any 在比較級中一旦出現(xiàn), 它往往要加可數(shù)名詞的單數(shù)Beijing is bigger than any other city. (注意“other不能丟)如果是不定代詞, 可以說someone else, anyone else;如果不是不定代詞, 要在名詞前加other.any other competitor8、It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had

17、a lot of trouble trying to stop it.at the end of 在的末尾/最后部分He spoke a few words at the end of the meeting.have trouble (in) doing sth. 干有麻煩,做很困難(trouble 既可數(shù)又不可數(shù))They had some trouble finding out the cause of the fire.9、The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure.give sb.+n. 給某人 give sb. pleasureI

18、t will give sb. a great deal of pleasure.=There was a great deal of excitement.give sb. a fright 嚇了某人一跳give sb. a surprise 給某人一個驚喜10、It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.modern car race 現(xiàn)代車賽be different from 和不同no more 和no less都表示“和一樣”, 相當于only, the sameThere are no more

19、than 100 students. 這個房間僅有一百個學(xué)生。no less exciting 一樣的激動no more than you 和你一樣表示“和不相同”用not more= more;not less= lessnot less exciting 更令人激動【Letter writing】常用開頭語:I am sorry it has taken me so long to write, butI was glad to hear from you at last and to learn that【Key structures】比較關(guān)系的句型asas 和一樣;the same (

20、) as 與相同/同樣Youve made the same mistake as Tom.有時the same可以單獨使用:My mother is much younger than yours.She isnt! Theyre about the same age.Those two dress are the same.not soas / not asas 不如;different from 與不同(different 前面可加very,much,a little等修飾語)Is French food very different from Italian food?A French

21、man could tell you better than I can!Were planning something different this year from what we did last year.litte和few在口語中多用not much,not many代替:There isnt much sugar/arent many sweets, but you can have a little/few.much 和many 通常用于否定句和疑問句(正式文體除外)。在日常談話中,通常避免在肯定句中使用much和many,而用別的數(shù)量詞??谡Z中用得最多的表示“許多”的數(shù)量詞是

22、a lot of,它既可以與復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞連用也可以與不可數(shù)名詞連用,后面的動詞用單數(shù)還是復(fù)數(shù)取決于名詞。比a lot of正式一些的表達方式有:a great/good deal of+不可數(shù)名詞,a great/good/large number of+復(fù)數(shù)名詞,a great/good many of+復(fù)數(shù)名詞。在 what 引導(dǎo)的感嘆句中不用much/many: What a lot of sweets Toms bought! I am less lucky. 我還不如他們幸運.more exciting 更激動= not less exciting.【Special difficul

23、ties】Handsome, Beautiful, Pretty, Good-lookinghandsome adj. 漂亮的,英俊的,一般用來形容男子,也可以指東西的制作精良beautiful adj. 美麗的,給人美感的,令人愉悅的,完美的,強調(diào)內(nèi)在和外在的結(jié)合,用來形容女子、孩童、花草、服飾等,一般不用來形容男子的長相pretty adj. 漂亮的,可愛的,令人憐愛的,強調(diào)女孩和小孩的外表美麗good-looking adj. 好看的,標致的,美貌的,男女均適用My furniture is good-looking.Reach and Arrive in/atreach vt. 到達,

24、達到(適用的范圍比較廣,不僅僅限于地點)When you reach my age, youll be able to understand it.Can you get that book down for me please? I cant reach it.arrive vi. 到達,抵達在表示到達某個較大的地方時用arrive in,到達某個較小的地方/場所用arrive atWhen I arrived at the station, the train had already gone.Take part and Take placetake part (in) 參加,參與I di

25、dnt take part in their conversation.It was the lodest car taking part.take placehappen 發(fā)生,進行,舉行What happened? = What took place?All these took place before you were born.The Olympic Games will take place in our country in four years time.【Multiple choice questions】3 A lot of cars entered for this ra

26、ce. There were_c_ cars in it.a. much b. lot of c. lots of d. plentymuch 修飾不可數(shù);lot of 不存在這種結(jié)構(gòu);plenty of 固定搭配lots of = a lot of4 _c_ in 1885, so it was the oldest car in the race.a. It built b. Built c. It was built d. Having built一個簡單句只有一個主語+一個動詞, 如果出現(xiàn)了兩個動詞, 那么用and,but,so等連接;變成帶有從句和主句的復(fù)合句;留一個作主干, 剩下的

27、動詞變?yōu)榉侵^語動詞;有介詞短語替代動詞概念, 如: the boy in black5 It was the oldest car taking part. There wasn't _a_one.a. an older b. the oldest c. an elder d. the eldestelder 意為“年長的”,一般作定語用,不用作比較not +比較級=最高級6 It reached a speed of forty miles an hour. It c_forty miles an hour.a. ran b. ran with c. went at d. drove

28、 with用于“速度” 的介詞只有“at”12 It went faster than any of its rivals. It went faster than its _c_.a. opponents b. enemies c. competitors d. partnersopponent 兩個持相反觀點的對手partner 伙伴, 搭檔(合作關(guān)系的伙伴)從下玩到大的伙伴用: friend 或company 1. c 根據(jù)課文第一句和最后一句Once a year, a race is held for old cars. It was very different from mode

29、rn car races but no less exciting 可以推測只有c. All the cars were old是汽車比賽不尋常之處,其他3個選擇雖然都是課文所提及的內(nèi)容也與汽車比賽有關(guān),但它們都不能清楚表明汽車比賽為什么不尋常。2. a 課文第8行A few cars, however, completed the race 只有a. but only a few completed the course 與課文相符,其他3個選擇都與課文的實際情況不符。3. c 只有c. lots of 與前一句中的 A lot of (很多)的意思相同,所以應(yīng)該選c。 a. much 不能

30、修飾可數(shù)名詞;b. lot of 不是正確的表達方式,應(yīng)該是a lot of 或者lots of ; d. plenty (充足), plenty of 是一個短語,表示“足夠的”,而且這個短語也不符合題目意思。4. c 選c. It was built 句子意思完整,符合語法,這是一個用連詞so連接,表示結(jié)果的并列句,因此前半句就應(yīng)該是一個有主謂結(jié)構(gòu)的句子,只有c. It was built 是一個意思比較完整的并含有主謂的句子。 而其他3個選擇意義都不完整,不能成為獨立句。5. a 該句需要選一個同前一句中的形容詞意思相同的比較級形式。b. the oldest 和 d. the eldest 都是最高級,可以排除;a. an older (較舊的)和c. an elder (較年長的)都是比較級,但只有a. an older 是前一句總的形容詞的最高級the oldest 的比較級形式,所以選a.6. c 只有c. went at最符語法和習(xí)慣用法。因為表示“以什么速度運行”可以用to go at + some miles an hour. 所以went at forty miles an hour 與前一句中的r


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