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1、2金融服務英語金融服務英語3日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 1deposit存款 withdraw 取款balance 余額 current deposit / account活期存款活期存款time deposit / account定期存款定期存款to close / clear an account 結清結清deposit book / passbook 存折存折討論:零存整取怎么說?討論:零存整取怎么說?Installment savingInstallment saving1 1、詞匯、詞匯4v What sort of account do you want/like ? 請問您要開立哪種帳

2、戶?v How much do you want to deposit / withdraw? 請問您想存(取)多少錢?v I want to deposit 300 yuan into my account.我想在我的戶頭上存300元。日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 15v What denomination do you want?v In what denomination?v How would you like to have it? 請問您需要哪種票面的現金?v Id like to make a money/ an account transfer 我要轉帳。v I want to dep

3、osit these cheques into my account.我想把這些支票存在我的戶頭上。日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 16v Id like to report the loss of my credit card and cancel it. 我要辦理信用卡掛失并取消那張卡v Do you offer inter-bank transfer service? 你們有跨行轉帳的服務嗎? v You need to pay the fee for TT.v We will charge commission for TT. 辦理電匯要交手續(xù)費。 v We will charge a coll

4、ection fee of 2 Yuan. 我們要加收2元人民幣的費用。 日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 17v 你必須把大小寫的數額都寫上。 Please write the amount both in numbers and in word .v 請?zhí)詈眠@張申請表并簽上您的名字。 Please fill in this application form and sign your name.日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 18v 最低金額為一元。 The minimum amount is one Yuan.v 最小起存金額為一元。 One Yuan is the minimum original depo

5、sit.v 您必須在開始存入50元。 You have to deposit an initial amount of 50 Yuan. 日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 19 B: Good morning, sir. I am from Japan. Can you help me?顧客:你好,先生。我是日本人。你能幫忙嗎? A: It is my pleasure, what can I do for you?職員:很高興為您效勞,我能為您做點什么?B: Oh, I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the ex

6、change memo.顧客:啊,我想兌換些錢,但不知道怎樣填寫兌換水單。日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 13 3、情景對話、情景對話 (分角色朗讀對話)(分角色朗讀對話)10 A: Would you mind to give me your passport and write down your name on this paper? 職員:您能把您的護照給我,并把您的名字寫在這張紙上嗎? B: Here are my passport and name. My name is Tanaka.顧客:給你護照和姓名,我叫田中。A: Good. I will fill out the exchange

7、 memo for you now. Why do not you take a seat over there for a moment? 職員:好,我現在就為您填寫這張兌換水單。您請在那里坐一會行嗎?B: OK. Thanks.顧客:好的,謝謝。 日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 111A:Please keep your exchange memo safely , if you will have Renminbi left, you may convert the unused Renminbi back into Japan yen with this exchange memo 職員:請您保

8、管好您的這張兌換水單, 以便您有沒用完的人民幣的兌換成日圓B: Thank you indeed. I will do that.顧客:我會保管好的。謝謝A: Not at all.職員:不用謝。日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 112A: Excuse me, sir. Is there anything I can do for you? B: Yes. Id like to change some money, please. A: All right. How much would you like to change? B: Let me see. I think maybe 600 USD a

9、t least. A: Pardon? B: Six hundred US dollars. A: Im sorry, sir, after 7:00 PM, the change maximum limit is US $400 according to our regulations. B: But I am badly in need of the amount. Might I ask you to make an exception for me? A: Im afraid we cannot help you, sir, because that would be violatin

10、g the Regulation. I owe an apology for doing nothing about it B: Its just too bad. I have to leave it as it is, and thank you just the same. 13A: I need to open a savings account. Whats the procedure for it? B: First,you need to complete a deposit slip. A: Any fees for the service? B: No. There isnt

11、 any service charge. Would you like to have a password? A: Yes, Id like to. B: Please press the buttons on this machine, and enter your pin number for four digit. What sort of account do you want? A: Id rather open a current account. B: The annual interest rate is 3.5%. A: Good. Id like to deposit 3

12、00 dollars14v 可以出示一下您的護照么? Would you mind showing me your passport?v 可以看一下您的身份證么? Could you please show me your Identity Card?日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 115v 匯率顯示在那邊的電子屏幕上。 The exchange rate is shown on the Electronic Rate Board over there.v 今天人民幣兌美元的匯率是725元人民幣兌100美元。 Todays exchange rate of RMB to USD is 725 Yuan

13、to 100 dollar.v 美元的買入價是725元人民幣兌換100美元。 The buying rate of US dollar note is 725 Yuan per 100 dollars.日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 116v 一年定期存款的利率是3.78%。 The interest rate of one year time deposit is 3.78 percent.v 我們執(zhí)行中央銀行許可的利率政策。 We pay the interest at the rate permitted and indicated by the Central Bank.日常業(yè)務日常業(yè)務 1 1

14、17調解調解糾紛糾紛18confiscate 沒收沒收 forged notes 假幣假幣 counterfeit 偽造偽造relevant 相關相關regulation 規(guī)定規(guī)定technical examination 技術鑒定技術鑒定 understanding 理解理解 1、詞匯、詞匯19Calm down /cool down 冷靜冷靜Serious 嚴重的嚴重的Misunderstanding 誤會誤會Improve 提高、改進提高、改進Suggestion 建議建議Regret /apologize 抱歉抱歉Assistant manager 經理助理經理助理Discuss 討論

15、討論Disturb 打擾打擾20Sir, I am the service manager. Would you please tell me what happened?先生您好,我是服務經理,您能告訴我是怎么回事么?先生您好,我是服務經理,您能告訴我是怎么回事么?Well, please calm down, I think there is nothing serious and I can help you with the problem. Come with me, please.請您先冷靜下來,我認為事情并沒有那么嚴重,我可以幫助您解請您先冷靜下來,我認為事情并沒有那么嚴重,我可

16、以幫助您解決問題,請跟我來。決問題,請跟我來。We are sincerely sorry for this misunderstanding, but could I ask you for your cooperation and understanding?對于這個誤會我們感到非常抱歉,但是我希望能夠得到您的理解對于這個誤會我們感到非常抱歉,但是我希望能夠得到您的理解與合作,好嗎?與合作,好嗎?2 2、常用句型、常用句型21After technical examination, we find this note is counterfeit.經過技術鑒定,我們發(fā)現這張鈔票是偽造的。經

17、過技術鑒定,我們發(fā)現這張鈔票是偽造的。According to the relevant regulations, forged notes are to be confiscated.根據相關規(guī)定,假幣應該沒收。根據相關規(guī)定,假幣應該沒收。223、情景對話A:Good morning,Im the service manager. Would you please tell me what happened?早晨好,我是這里的服務經理。您能告訴我是怎么回事早晨好,我是這里的服務經理。您能告訴我是怎么回事嗎?嗎?B:This lady told me my notes are counterf

18、eit! Its unbelievable !這位女士告訴我的錢是偽鈔!太不可置信了!這位女士告訴我的錢是偽鈔!太不可置信了!A:Well, please calm down, I can help you with the problem.Come with me ,please.嗯,請您冷靜一下,我可以幫助您,請跟我來。嗯,請您冷靜一下,我可以幫助您,請跟我來。 23A:Im sorry to tell you ,madam.Our general manager is not available at this moment.But Id be more than glad to get

19、 our assistant manager for you if you like.太太,很抱歉告訴您,我們的總經理現在不在。但是如果您愿意,我太太,很抱歉告訴您,我們的總經理現在不在。但是如果您愿意,我非??梢詭ヒ娢覀兊慕浝碇怼7浅?梢詭ヒ娢覀兊慕浝碇?。B:OK. 好的。好的。A:one moment,please.請稍等。請稍等。C:OhIm sorry madam,after technical examination,we find your note is counterfeit. According to the regulations, forged notes a

20、re to be confiscated.噢噢很抱歉,太太,經過技術鑒定,您的這張錢幣是偽造的。根據規(guī)很抱歉,太太,經過技術鑒定,您的這張錢幣是偽造的。根據規(guī)定,我們應該沒收您的假鈔。定,我們應該沒收您的假鈔。24外幣兌換Foreign Currency Exchange251.Foreign exchange rate 外匯匯率 frin 2.exchange memo 水單 iksteind memu 3.the Administration of Foreign Exchange(SAFE) 外管局 dministrein 4.the Central Bank 央行5.China Ban

21、king Supervisory Commission(CBRC) 銀監(jiān)會 sju:pvaizri kmin 6.US dollars 美元USD7.Pound sterling st:li 英鎊GBP8.Euros 歐元EUR9.Japanese yen日元JPY10.Hong Kong dollars港幣HKD261.詢問兌換何種外幣?A:What kind of currency do you want to exchange?B:I want to exchange some US dollars into RMB.A: Sorry, we dont change Swiss Fran

22、c at present.2.詢問兌換多少?A:How much would you like to change?B: I want to change 500 dollars.273.確認客戶是否帶了護照Do you have your passport?/Please show me your passport.4.告知客戶兌換的利率B: Could you tell the exchange rateA: Its RMB 691.85 against 100 US dollars. Its RMB 691.85 per 100 US dollars. The exchange rate

23、 today is 6.9185 RMB to one US dollar.285.請客戶在水單上簽字 Please sign your name at the bottom of the exchange memo.6. 完成兌換并提示客戶保管好水單 Here is your exchanged RMB and your passport. Please keep this memo carefully. You have to show the memo to the bank when you convert any unused RMB back into foreign exchan

24、ge.29外籍人士人民幣(收入)購買外幣外籍人士人民幣(收入)購買外幣 根據我國外匯管理規(guī)定,外籍人士可以憑護照兌換等值500美元的外幣。如果超過等值500美元,需要提供護照、收入證明和相關完稅證明 According to Chinas FX regulations, foreigners could exchange 500 USD OR equivalent , if you want to exchange more than 500, we need your passport, income certificate and relevant tax completion/fulfi

25、llment certificate.30剩余人民幣兌換成外幣剩余人民幣兌換成外幣A: Good morning, Sir, what can I do for you?B: Yes,please. I have 2000 yuan , and I want to change back into US dollars.A: Certainly, please show me your passport and the exchange memo.B: Exchange memo?A: Yes, it is the Certificate proving that you exchanged

26、your countrys currency into RMB when you first came to China.Or: Yes, that is the certificate from the bank when you changed your money into RMB yuan.31B: OK, I see. Here it is.A: Thanks. Please wait a moment. B: OK. A: Todays exchange rate is 7.1000, and here are the cash and your passport. B:Thank

27、s.A You are welcome. Bye and have a nice day.B: Bye.32旅行支票Travelers Cheques3334常用詞語常用詞語支票:支票: Checks/Cheques Checks/Cheques 旅行支票:旅行支票: travelers cheques travelers cheques 購買旅支協議書:購買旅支協議書: Purchase Purchase p:ts p:ts Agreement/ Agreement/ Purchase record Purchase record審核審核/ /查實:查實: verify verify ver

28、ifai verifai 授權書:授權書: authorization authorization :raizein :raizein letterletter索賠申請表:索賠申請表: Refund Claim FormRefund Claim Form簽名:簽名: sign or signature sign or signature signit signit 復簽:復簽: countersign countersign kauntsain kauntsain 35(一)旅行支票兌付(一)旅行支票兌付兌現的過程兌現的過程 詢問客戶詢問客戶出示護照或身份證出示護照或身份證檢察初簽檢察初簽當面

29、當面復簽復簽核對初復簽及支票真?zhèn)魏藢Τ鯊秃灱爸闭鎮(zhèn)翁钪茊巫C填制單證交付現金交付現金36詢問客戶兌換需求詢問客戶兌換需求 A:Can I help you? B: I want to cash some travelers checks? A:How much do you want to cash? B: I want to cash USD 500. 37要求客戶初具護照并在支票上復簽要求客戶初具護照并在支票上復簽Can I see your passport or identity card? Please countersign the checks.I am sorry, your

30、checks are already countersigned, could you please sign again on the back of check.38詢問兌換幣種,告知費率詢問兌換幣種,告知費率A: What currency do you want, USD or RMB?B: I would like to have USD/RMB, please.A: We will charge 0.75% of the face value, which is USD3.75, the net amount after commission is USD 496.25.39外幣兌

31、換零鈔將折算成人民幣外幣兌換零鈔將折算成人民幣 As we do not offer small change of USD, how about we give you USD496, for the change of USD0.25, we will give RMB equivalent. Todays/ now the Exchange rate is 7.0150, here are the exchange memo and the total RMB 3481.20. 40抱歉不能兌換客戶的旅行支票抱歉不能兌換客戶的旅行支票 Sorry, we are unable to ca

32、sh your check as the signatures are different. Sorry, we are unable to cash your check right now, we need to contact the service center of the issuing company, for authorization. Sorry, we are unable to cash your check, since it is a transferred one, we have to make a collection. 41(二)購買旅行支票(二)購買旅行支

33、票詢問兌換幣種,告知費率詢問兌換幣種,告知費率B: Can I buy travelers check here?A: Yes, how much would you like to buy?B:What is your charges/fee/ commission?A: Our charge is 0.1%42詢問客戶需要的旅行支票面額詢問客戶需要的旅行支票面額 A: We have two kinds of traveler checks, one is USD 100 par value , another is USD 50 par value, which do you like?

34、B: I would like to have 300 in 100 denomination , and rest 200 in 50 denomination.43提醒收妥購買協議并在每張支票上初簽提醒收妥購買協議并在每張支票上初簽 Here are the purchase agreement and the checks, please sign on each check.Please keep the purchase agreement carefully and safely, in case for future use.44(三)旅行支票遺失處理(三)旅行支票遺失處理請問您

35、把請問您把“購買旅行支票協議書購買旅行支票協議書”帶來了嗎帶來了嗎? Have you got your “Purchase Agreement” with you? or: Do you bring the Purchase Agreement with you?2. 請趕緊和旅行支票公司聯系。請趕緊和旅行支票公司聯系。 Please contact the Travelers cheques company as soon as possible, tell them all the particulars of the cheques., the loss and your person

36、al information.45They will fax an authorization letter and a Refund Claim Form to our bank, and we will assist you in obtaining the refund. (按照他們傳真過來的授權書和旅行支票遺按照他們傳真過來的授權書和旅行支票遺失索賠申請表,我們將為您辦理掛失理賠手續(xù))失索賠申請表,我們將為您辦理掛失理賠手續(xù))4. Lastly, please fill out the Refund Claim Form and sign your name. (最后請您填寫遺失索償申

37、請表,并簽上您的姓最后請您填寫遺失索償申請表,并簽上您的姓名)名)46銀行卡業(yè)務Card business47常見詞語常見詞語銀行卡:Bankcard 借記卡:Debit debit card貸記卡:Credit kredit card掛失: Loss report存款: Deposit dipzit 取款: Withdraw widr: 48境外銀行卡能否在國內取款B: I am from England, can I withdraw RMB using my credit card/visa card?A: Yes, you may withdraw RMB cash from ATM.

38、 49外籍人士申請開立農行銀行卡:只需出示有效的護照A: Hello. What can I do for you?B: Yes. Can I apply for a bankcard?A:Certainly, can I have your passport.B: OK. Here you are.A: How much do you want to deposit?申請銀行卡50不懂漢語能從ATM提款么?B: Can I withdraw money from the ATM? I dont read Chinese.A: Dont worry, our ATMs are well-equ

39、ipped. They have instructions in both Chinese and English.ATM提款51B: Excuse me. Theres something wrong with this ATM, my card has been swallowed.A: Dont worry. Can I see your passport and the ATM receipt?Or: Wait a moment , please. Is this your card?Or: Please sign your name here, and here is your ca

40、rd and the passport.被ATM吞卡52A: Hello. What can I do for you?B: I lost my card.A: Now please fill out this form.The charge for loss report is fifteen Yuan.B:Everything is fine, and your money is safe now. Please come and collect your reissued/ new card after seven workdays, Please remember to bring t

41、he receipt and your passport with you。銀行卡掛失53其他用語You can make the loss report either via our call center 95599 or over the counter.There is no withdrawal or consumption record in your account today.54西聯匯款55Vocabulary 西聯匯款 Western Union Money Transfer貴賓窗口 VIP counter 發(fā)匯業(yè)務/收匯業(yè)務 send money / receive mo

42、ney發(fā)匯單/收匯單 Send Money Form / Receive Money Form發(fā)匯人/收匯人 sender / receiver服務費 bank charge / bank commission kmin kmin 收 據 receipt risi:t 匯款監(jiān)控號 Money Transfer Control Number兌換單 Exchange Bill Note客戶服務中心 Customer Service Center56目錄目錄客戶到來時客戶到來時發(fā)匯業(yè)務的正常情況發(fā)匯業(yè)務的正常情況發(fā)匯業(yè)務的非正常情況發(fā)匯業(yè)務的非正常情況收匯業(yè)務的正常情況收匯業(yè)務的正常情況收匯業(yè)務的非

43、正常情況收匯業(yè)務的非正常情況客戶離開時客戶離開時57使用西聯匯款業(yè)務是您明智的選擇,西聯匯款是全球速使用西聯匯款業(yè)務是您明智的選擇,西聯匯款是全球速度最快的。度最快的。Western Union Money Transfer is your wise choice. It is the fastest way to transfer money worldwide If you have time to say that, you might want to say something like:請問您辦理辦理發(fā)匯業(yè)務還是收匯業(yè)務?請問您辦理辦理發(fā)匯業(yè)務還是收匯業(yè)務?Do you send m

44、oney or receive money? 58當然,如果自己處理不了,你可以:當然,如果自己處理不了,你可以:請到貴賓客戶窗請到貴賓客戶窗/XX/XX號窗辦理西聯匯款業(yè)務。號窗辦理西聯匯款業(yè)務。Please go to the VIP Counter / No. XX Counter 請稍等,我?guī)湍阏胰藖碜稣埳缘?,我?guī)湍阏胰藖碜鯬lease wait a second, I will get someone to help you59發(fā)匯業(yè)務的正常情況發(fā)匯業(yè)務的正常情況 請您填寫發(fā)匯單。請您填寫發(fā)匯單。Please fill in the Send Money form Please fi

45、ll in this form請問您匯出多少錢?請問您匯出多少錢?How much do you want to send?請出示您的護照和簽證,謝謝合作!請出示您的護照和簽證,謝謝合作!Please show me your passport and visa. Thank you for your cooperation Passport please. Thank you60請您稍等,我將盡快為您辦理好這筆匯款請您稍等,我將盡快為您辦理好這筆匯款Please wait for a minute. It will be OK soon Please wait a moment. This

46、shall take no time如果你需要起身暫時離開一下,請一定要說一聲:如果你需要起身暫時離開一下,請一定要說一聲:I will be right with youI will be back61您的匯款本金是您的匯款本金是500500美元,服務費美元,服務費1515元,一共是元,一共是515515美金美金 For your 500 Dollars, the charges are 15 Dollars. Total amount 515 Dollars, please!一些數字的簡便說法:一些數字的簡便說法: 1000 One grand$5.26 Five twenty six98

47、4,798,748遇到這種情況最好還是挨個念數字的好遇到這種情況最好還是挨個念數字的好 62這是您的收據。請小心保管這是您的收據。請小心保管 Here is your receipt. Please keep it carefully 這是您的匯款監(jiān)控號。這是您的匯款監(jiān)控號。請將此告訴收款人,這樣他請將此告訴收款人,這樣他/ /她取款會更方便她取款會更方便 This is your Money Transfer Control Number. Please tell the receiver about it. He/She will get the money more easily wit

48、h this number This is your Reference Number. Please tell the receiver about it so that he will get the money easily63請告訴收匯人去就近帶有西聯標識的網點,帶上他請告訴收匯人去就近帶有西聯標識的網點,帶上他/ /她她的證件,并且告訴柜員匯入金額、從何地匯入?如核的證件,并且告訴柜員匯入金額、從何地匯入?如核實無誤,她實無誤,她/ /他會收到這筆錢他會收到這筆錢 Tell the receiver to go to the nearest place which has Weste

49、rn Union sign, and bring his/her certificate. Also she/he should tell the counter how much you send and from where. After checking, she/he will get the money Please tell your friend to bring his ID and go to the nearest place which has Western Union service. Tell them how much and from where you hav

50、e sent the money. When it is approved, he will get the money 64發(fā)匯業(yè)務的非正常情況發(fā)匯業(yè)務的非正常情況對不起,您的款項有誤。請您重新清點一下好嗎對不起,您的款項有誤。請您重新清點一下好嗎 Excuse me? Im afraid your amount is wrong. Would you please check again? 對不起,您忘記簽名了。請您在這里簽名。謝謝!對不起,您忘記簽名了。請您在這里簽名。謝謝! Excuse me? You forgot to sign your name. Please sign you

51、r name here. Thank you!對不起,電腦系統出故障了,請稍等對不起,電腦系統出故障了,請稍等 Im sorry. There is something wrong with the computer system. Please wait for a while 65收匯業(yè)務的正常情況收匯業(yè)務的正常情況請您填寫收匯單請您填寫收匯單 Please fill in the Receive Money form 請?zhí)顚憛R款監(jiān)控號,它將有助于您得到更快捷的服務請?zhí)顚憛R款監(jiān)控號,它將有助于您得到更快捷的服務 If you know the Money Transfer Control

52、Number, please write it down here. It is quite useful for a fast service 請出示您的護照請出示您的護照 Your passport please 66請問您需要美元還是人民幣?請問您需要美元還是人民幣? Do you want Dollar or RMB?這是您的匯款這是您的匯款10001000美元和收據。請您把款清點一下!美元和收據。請您把款清點一下! Here is your money of 1000 dollars and your Receipt. Please check the amount Here are

53、 your 1000 dollars and Receipt. Please check it 67這是這是81008100元人民幣和兌換單,請您清點一下元人民幣和兌換單,請您清點一下 This is 8100 RMB and the Exchange Bill Note, please check it68收匯業(yè)務的非正常情況收匯業(yè)務的非正常情況對不起!您填寫的發(fā)匯人對不起!您填寫的發(fā)匯人/ /收匯人姓名與我們的記錄收匯人姓名與我們的記錄有些不同。您能確認填寫無誤嗎?有些不同。您能確認填寫無誤嗎? Excuse me!Im afraid the Senders/Receivers name

54、you wrote is different from our record. Are you sure it is correct? 對不起!還是不對。我必須打電話給客戶服務中心。對不起!還是不對。我必須打電話給客戶服務中心。請您稍等。請您稍等。 Sorry, its still wrong. I have to contact the customer service center. Please wait for a minute 69對不起,讓您久等了!我這就把款項解付給您對不起,讓您久等了!我這就把款項解付給您 Sorry to keep you waiting! I can giv

55、e you the money right now 對不起!您忘記簽名了。請您在這里簽名(收對不起!您忘記簽名了。請您在這里簽名(收匯單和國際收支申報單的簽名處)。謝謝!匯單和國際收支申報單的簽名處)。謝謝! Excuse me? You forgot to sign your name. Please sign your name here. Thank you!70客戶離開時客戶離開時感謝您選擇我們的服務!感謝您選擇我們的服務! Thank you for choosing our service!感謝您選擇西聯匯款!感謝您選擇西聯匯款! Thank you for choosing We

56、stern Union Money Transfer! 很高興為您服務!很高興為您服務! It is my pleasure!說再見有很多種:說再見有很多種:Goodbye, Bye, See you, Take care71您能留下聯系電話嗎?款項到了以后我們給您打電話您能留下聯系電話嗎?款項到了以后我們給您打電話 Please tell us your telephone number; we will call you as soon as the money arrives 您的錢已經匯到了,一千英鎊您的錢已經匯到了,一千英鎊 Your money has arrived. A tho

57、usand pounds sterling One thousand pounds/ One thousand sterling 722020英鎊是銀行對國際清算收取的費用。這是對所有客英鎊是銀行對國際清算收取的費用。這是對所有客戶收取的標準費用戶收取的標準費用 The 20 pounds are the bank charges for international clearing. This is the standard charge for all customers. 20 pounds is the standard charge for international clearin

58、g. 您要人民幣還是英鎊?您要人民幣還是英鎊? How would you like to have it, sir? In RMB or sterling?73外匯匯款REMITTANCE74Part I: Topic Introduction Make inward and outward remittance that focus on most international people, who either receive some money from abroad or would like to send some money out of China. 針對外國友人的匯入匯出

59、業(yè)務的一些服務用語,其中既包括了把錢從國外匯到國內的服務用語,也包括了從中國匯出到國外的服務用語。75Inward Remittance 匯入匯款The way of settlement that, entrusted by the customers, the foreign correspondent banks or sister-branches remits the fund into the domestic bank and instructs it to pay the fund to the payee.The way of remittance includes tele

60、graphic transfer (T/T), mail transfer (M/T), and bankers demand draft (D/D), among which T/T and D/D are used most commonly.匯款包括電匯(T/T),信匯(M/T),和票匯(D/D),其中電匯和票匯最為常用。76Outward Remittance 匯出匯款 Outward remittance means the remitting bank, entrusted by the remitter, remit funds to his sister-banks or hi


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