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1、2004年5月II. Questions about Sense of Responsibility responsible people1. What kind of people would you like to work with?2. What do you think about people who dont keep their promises?3. How do you feel about stude nts who are ofte n late for class?4. What kind of people would you like to employ if y

2、ou were the boss?Sense of Resp on sibility (for can didates)Discussi onWhether the youn ger gen erati on today has a strong sense of resp on sibility?More Questi ons1. Do adult children have the responsibility to care for their elderly parents? Why or why not?2. Do you think it s important for stude

3、nts to have a strong responsibility? Reasons?3. Could you suggest some ways to enhance one s sense of responsibility?4. What could you do with an irresp on sible employee?5. During the discussi on, why did you say that?III. Questions about Social Behavior honesty?1. Do you get along with your roomma

4、tes?2. Do you think people are less hon est today tha n they used to be?3. Do you think it s always wrong to tell a lie?4. Do you think one should always be ready to help others?5. Some people say in terpers onal relati on ships are beco ming more and more complicated. Whats your opinionFight ing Di

5、sh on esty (for can didates)Please comme nt on the followi ng form of dish on est behavior and give examples to illustrate your point.1. Cheati ng in exams2. Selling fake commodities3. Taking stimula nts, or illegal drugs, for better athletic performa nee4. Evadi ng or escap ing taxes?The best way t

6、o fight dish on estyMore Questi ons?1. Do you believe in the saying that honesty is the best policy?2. Have you ever bee n cheated by an ybody? If yes, please tell us about it. If not, how did you avoid being cheated?3. Do you believe hon esty is importa nt in develop ing frien dships?4. What would

7、you do if your found somebody cheat ing in exams?5. Do you think people will ben efit from being dish on est?6. During the discussi on, why did you say that?IV. Questions about City development urbanization, city construction?1. Can you give examples to illustrate the rapid developme nt of cities in

8、 China?2. Which city do you like best? Why?3. Where do you prefer to work, a coastal city or an inland city?4. Why does the gover nment en courage young people to work in the wester n areas of China?5. Now many people from rural areas are trying to make a living in cities . What do you think about t

9、hat?If You Were Mayor of a City (for can didates)? Please tell us what you would do about the two areas of concern listed on your card if you were mayor of the city.?1. EnvironmentHous ing?2. Employme ntPublic Security?3. Educati onMedical CarePublic tran sportati on?4. Welfare for the un employedDi

10、scussi on? The qualities a mayor should haveMore Questi ons?1. If you were give n the job of a mayor, would you accept it?2. What do you thi nk could be the most difficult problem for a mayor?3. What do you thi nk is the best way to solve the problem of un employme nt?4. Have you ever thought of doi

11、ng adm ini strati on work after graduatio n?5. What contribution so you think a university student can make to city development?V. Questions about Education Education?1.How did you feel whe n you first went to school?2.How did you like the school you atte nded?3.Do all childre n in your hometow n go

12、 to school whe n theyreachschoolage? Why or why not?4.Did you have to pay a lot of extra fees whe n you wenttoschool? Expla in.?5. Can you say someth ing about your former classmates who failed to get into uni versity?6. Have you ever bee n back to your former school to see your teacher?The Right to

13、 Educatio n (for can didates)? Describe the pictures and talk about the difficulties children in poor areas face in getting an education.? 1.學(xué)校環(huán)境對(duì)比? 2.上學(xué)路途對(duì)比?3.考上大學(xué)與否對(duì)比?4.兄妹上學(xué)對(duì)比Discussi on?Why all childre n should be give n equal opport unity to get an educatio n?More Questi ons?1. Why is educati on

14、 importa nt for the developme nt of our coun ty?2. Do you think it s a good idea for parents to send their young children abroad to study?3. Why do you thi nk some pare nts like to send their childre n to expe nsive private schools?4. What s your comme nt on schools which charge stude nts un reas on

15、 able fees?5. Why do we en courage people to con tribute to Project Hope?VI. Questi ons about College Educati on College Educati on?1. Do you think study ing in college is challe nging?2. Do you con sider yourself a hard-work ing stude nt?3. Have you won any awards since entered college? If yes, wha

16、t kind of award is it? If not, what do you think aboutwinning awards?4. Why do you think some stude nts in dulge in play ing computer games?5. Do you think you are overburde ned in your studies?Ways to Motivate Stude nts (for can didates)Do you think the following way is effective in motivating stud

17、ents to learn?1. Giving freque nt exams2. Updat ing course content3. Enhancing stude nts in terest in what is being taught?4. Enforcing strict regulati onsDiscussi onWhy some stude nts lack motivati on for lear ning?More Questi ons1. What s your motivation for learning?2. Do you think it s the teach

18、er s job to motivate students?3. Do you think motivation is important for success?s their reasons for doing so?4. DO your have any other suggesti ons for motivati ng stude nts?5. Some stude nts are pla nning to study abroad after graduati on. What?6. During the discussi on, why did you day that2004年

19、11月I. Questi ons respected people1. What kind of people do you like work ing with?2. Do you believe in the say ingA friend in n eed is a friend in deed”?3. What do you think of people who always rely on other peoples homework?4. What do you think of stude nts who ofte n copy other peoples homework?5

20、. Among your classmates, who do you admire most?6. Among your teachers, who do you respect most?People you admire (for can didates)1. people who have team spirit2. people who are ready to help others3. people who have a strong determ in ati on4. people who are willi ng to try new ideas or methodsDis

21、cussi on? Which kind of person is more likely to be successful in life?More Questi ons?1. Do you think we should carry on the spirit of Lei Feng today? 2. Do you think Bill Gates would have bee n successful if he had fini shed college?3. Do you thi nk a good educati on will en sure a successful care

22、er?4. Would you say wealth is a symbol of success?5. Do you think people who get rich over ni ght can be con sidered successful?6. During the discussi on, why did you say that?II. Questio ns reuse waste?1. Do you ever throw away thi ngs that can still be used? Please give an example.?2. Do you think

23、 garbage can be recycled?3. Do you save used things like plastic bags for future use?4. What sort of people do you think like to keep used thin gs?5.Do you think used things are always worthless?The Throw-away Culture (for can didates)A card listi ng two differe nt groups of people:1. manufacturers

24、& con sumers2. young people & elderly people3. wealthy people & low-i ncome people4. people who care about durability & people who care about fashi onDiscussi on? Whether the throw-away culture should be en couraged?More questi ons1. Do you think it s wasteful to throw away things that can still be

25、used?2. Why are many young people in the habit of throw ing away things which can still be used?3. Are wealthy people wasteful?4. Are disposable products a waste of n atural resources?5. Why do elderly people rarely have the habit of throw ing away things which can still be used?6. I n which way can

26、 we stimulate producti ons?7. Why gover nment en courage people to con sume?III. Questions means of transportation?1. Do you think bicycles are a good means of tran sportati on?2. Which form of city tran sport do you prefer?3. Have you ever traveled long dista nces? Please say someth ing about our t

27、ravels. If not, have you any pla ns to doso?4. Which do you thi nk is the most convenient way to travel over dista nces? 5. Do you think more and more people are going to buy cars? 6. Some people don t what to own a car even though they can afford it. What do you think is their reason for not buying

28、 one?In tercity tran sportati on (for can didates)? Please talk about the adva ntages and disadva ntages of the means of in tercity tran sportati on as show n on your card.?1. Trai ns2. Airpla nes3. Lon g-dista nee buses4. Private carsDiscussi on? Which means should be give n priority whe n pla nnin

29、g in tercity tran sportati on systems?More questi ons?1. What is the biggest problem with public tran sportati on in the city you live in?2. What is the major cause of traffic jams in big cities?3. Should drivers always be held resp on sible for road accide nts?4. Can you think of any measures to ma

30、ke people obey traffic rules? Please n ame one or two.5. What form of tran sportati on causes the least environmen tai polluti on? Please expla in.IV. Questi ons?1. Do you spe nd a lot of time review ing your less ons after class?2. Do you ofte n atte nd lectures give n by disti nguished scholar? In

31、 what way have those lectures ben efited you?3. Do you like tak ing exams?4. Do you spe nd a lot of time prepari ng for exams?5. Do you think exams are helpful to your studies?6. Are you happy whe n an exam is postp oned or can celled?Cheati ng in Exams (for can didates)?Please comme nt on the state

32、me nt about cheati ng in exams give n on your card.? 1.“It s shameful to cheat and those who cheat should be severely punished.”? 2.“ I don t care whether other people cheat in exams so long as I don t cheat myself. ”?3.“ I m strongly against cheating in exams and will report any such case.”?4.“ As

33、long as there are exams, there will be people who cheat. Noth ing can be done about it.”Discussi onWhat should be done to stop cheati ng in exams?More questi ons?1. Do you think exams are n ecessary? 2. Do you think exams are the only way to evaluate a student s academic performanee?3.Do you have an

34、y suggesti ons for reformi ng the prese nt exam in ati on system at college?4.Do you think exams will be done away with someday?5.What are the positive and n egative aspects of exams at college?V. Questi ons. Job, career?1. When do college stude nts usually start to look for a job?2. Is a college de

35、gree a guara ntee for a good job in the future? Why or why not?3. Is it beco ming more and more difficult for uni versity graduates to get a good job? Why or why n ot?4. Do you agree that work experience should be a precondition for employment? Why or why not?5. What kind of job do you expect to get

36、 when you graduate? Why?6. Have you got any work experience? (If yes) Please say something about it. (If not) Do you think itJob Hunting (for candidates)? Do you think the student should take the job or turn it down? Try to help him come to a decision.? 1. 專(zhuān)業(yè)對(duì)口,但工資低? 2 .工資高,但專(zhuān)業(yè)不對(duì)? 3. 工資高,但工作強(qiáng)度很大? 4.

37、 專(zhuān)業(yè)對(duì)口,但晉升機(jī)會(huì)少Discussion? What should be one s chief concern in choosing a job.More Questions? 1. Some applicants ask for a low salary in order to get a job. Do you think that is a good strategy? Why? 2. What qualifications must one have to be more competitive in the job market? 3. Do you think it s e

38、asier for male students to get a job than female students? Why or why not? 4. Do you think the higher one s degree, the easier it will be for one to get a job? (Explain the reasons)? 5. Many university graduates would rather start their own businesses than hunt for a job. Do you think it idea? Why?6

39、. During the discussi on, why did you say that?VI. Questions1. Can you say something about your primary school education?2. Can you say something about your middle school education?3. What subject did you like most at middle school?4. What extracurricular activities did you often take part in at mid

40、dle school?5. Do you think you have more free time at college that at middle school? (If yes) How do you spend your free time?(If not) Why not?6. What do you think of your teachers at middle school.Education in China (for candidates)Please say what you know about education in China, focusing on the

41、area specified on your card. The prompts provided are Only For Your Reference. You dont have to cover all the points or be limited to them.1. Compulsory educati onNin e-year compulsory educati on / quality of educati on / stude nt workload2. Higher educati onRapid developme nt / cha nces for admissi

42、 on / labor market3. Con ti nuing educati onUpdating one s knowledge / distanee education / on-the-job training4. Vocati onal educati onNeed for skilled technicians / possibilities of career advancement / teaching staff and facilitiesDiscussi onWhich area of education should be given priority at pre

43、sent?More questi ons1. Do you think it s easy to develop education in rural areas? (explain reasons)2. What do you think you can do to help improve educati on in remote areas?3. Do you thi nk primary school educati on an importa nt part of your life? (explain reas ons)4. Do you think a uni versity e

44、ducati on is the only road to a successful career? Why or why not?5. What kind of school would you like to teach in if you were a teacher? (expla in reas ons)?6. During the discussi on, why did you say2005年5月Topic Area: Social IssuesTopic: Equality betwee n Men and Wome nQuesti ons1. Do you think yo

45、u re fortunate to be admitted to college?2. What s the ratio of males to females in your class? Do you think this ratio is reas on able?3. DO men stude nts and wome n stude nts have differe nt likes and dislikes? Examples?4. Who do you like to work with if you have a choice, men or women?5. What kin

46、d of job would you like to have after graduati on? Why?Equality Betwee n Men and Wome n (for can didates)1. Talk about differe nces in opport un ities for men and wome n in terms of employme nt and give your comme nts.?2.Talk about differe ncesin opport un ities for men and wome n in terms of promot

47、i on and give your comme nts.?3.Talk about differe ncesin in comes for men and wome n and give your comme nts.?4.Talk about differe ncesin family resp on sibilities for men and wome n and give your comme nts.Discussi on? What we can do to en sure equality betwee n men and wome n?More Questi ons?1.Do

48、you think men and wome n have differe nt roles to play in society?2.Doyou think there can ever be absolute equality betwee n men and wome n?3.Doyou thi nk wome n should stay at home in stead of tak ing a job after marriage?4.Doyou think men and wome n should share housework and childcare?5. Do you t

49、hink wome n man agers are easier to work with tha n men man agers?II.? Topic Area: Elderly People? Topic: Life after Retireme ntQuesti ons?1.Can you say someth ing about your gran dpare nt?2.What do you think elderly people n eed most? Reas ons?3. Some people find a new job after they retire. What d

50、o you think about that?4.What kink of jobs do you thi nk are suitable for elderly people? Why?5.What can elderly people do to stay healthy?6. What should we do to show our concern for elderly people?Life After Retireme nt (pictures) (for can didates)? 1. Traveli ng? 2. Lear ning someth ing new?3. Ta

51、king care of gra ndchildre n?4. Having a good time? Whether early retireme nt should be en couraged in China?More Questi ons?1. Why do some people prefer late retireme nt to early retireme nt?2. Do you think elderly people would like to live in homes for the elderly?3. Do you think joggi ng is a goo

52、d exercise for elderly people?4. What can people do for their com munity after they retire?5. Do elderly people like livi ng with their childre n or gran dchildre n?III retireme nt?1. Why do some people prefer late retireme nt to early retireme nt?2. Do you think elderly people would like to live in

53、 homes for the elderly?3. Do you think joggi ng is a good exercise for elderly people?4. What can people do for their com munity after they retire?5. Do elderly people like livi ng with their childre n or gran dchildre n?Questi ons?1. Is it easy for you to access the In ternet? How often? (_lf n ot)

54、. Why n ot?2. People often say we are now living in a small world. What s your opinion?3. What do you think is the most convenient means of com muni cati on? Reas ons?4. Mobile phones are popular with teenagers. Do you think it s a good thing?5. More and more people are using mobile phon es. What do

55、 you think about that?6. How do you usually com muni cate with your family and frien ds?Surfing the Net (for can didates)Please talk about the adva ntages and disadva ntages of surfi ng the net specified on the follow ing topic:1. Useful in formatio n & harmful in formatio n2. Communi cati on via th

56、e Internet & Junk mail, computer viruses, etc.3. E-lear ning & overi ndulgi ng in computer games4. E-shopp ing & computer crimes?1.What s your advice to classmate and friends who spend toomuchtimesurfingthenet?s your o?2.It is said that stude nts who major in in formatio n tech no logy are likely togetagoodjob.What?3.Do you think e-lear ning is an efficie nt way of lear ning?4.What websites do you ofte n visi


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