已閱讀5頁,還剩59頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、教學目標教學目標語言知識目標: 學生能夠理解并運用在不同場景下的簡單問候語,能夠使用be 動詞的一般現(xiàn)在時介紹個人及他人信息。語言技能目標: 聽 學生能夠聽懂在不同場景下的簡單問候語。說 學生能夠在不同場景下用簡單的問候語問候他人。讀 學生能夠讀懂名片上的個人信息。寫 學生能夠根據(jù)個人情況做出自己的名片。學 習 策 略: 學生學習將事物歸類排序的能力。文 化 意 識: 學生掌握中文人名與英美國家人名的不同排序規(guī)則。情 感 態(tài) 度: 學生了解不同的職業(yè),并初步確定自己的求職意向。單 元 任 務: 學生能運用所學語言擬訂自己未來的名片。Lead-in123Activity 1 Activity 2

2、Activity 3Activity 1Look and tick. 看圖,選出男孩要說的語句??磮D,選出男孩要說的語句。( ) Hi, Jenny!( ) Good morning, Miss Jenny Brown!Activity 2Hi, Jenny!Listen and check. 聽錄音,核對活動聽錄音,核對活動1的答案。的答案。Activity 3Act and practice. 看圖,依據(jù)圖中場景與同伴打招呼。看圖,依據(jù)圖中場景與同伴打招呼。123_Hi, Jenny!Good afternoon, Ms Smith!Good evening, Jenny!456_Good

3、 morning, Mr Brown!Hello, Mr Smith!Hi, George!1. 朋友間經(jīng)常使用到的(帶有寒暄的成朋友間經(jīng)常使用到的(帶有寒暄的成分)分) Hows everything?一切都好嗎? Whats up?你近況如何(最近怎么樣)? Whats new?有什么新鮮事? Whats happening?在忙什么?2任何時候都可以用,但比較見外任何時候都可以用,但比較見外 How are you?你好嗎?3適用于第一次見面適用于第一次見面 Nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。How do you do. 你好!(比較正式,現(xiàn)在已較少使用)適用于曾經(jīng)見過一

4、面,但不太熟的人 Nice to see you again. 很高興再次見到你。4適用于有一陣子沒見面的朋友適用于有一陣子沒見面的朋友 How have you been? 你過得怎么樣?/最近還好嗎? 5適用于很久沒見的朋友適用于很久沒見的朋友 Long time no see! 好久不見!Listening and speakingDialogue ADialogue BEveryday English123Dialogue A123Activity 4Activity 5Activity 6Nice to meet you!趣味文化閱讀(有關中外問候方式)趣味文化閱讀(有關中外問候方式

5、) 在中國見面打招呼時,人們喜歡問在中國見面打招呼時,人們喜歡問“您吃您吃了嗎?了嗎?”,“您去哪呀?您去哪呀?” ” ,“干嘛去干嘛去了?了?”等等,等等, 而西方人對此類的問候會而西方人對此類的問候會感到不自在,因為這涉及到了比較私人感到不自在,因為這涉及到了比較私人(personalpersonal)的信息。)的信息。Activity 4Listen and underline. 聽錄音,標出在活動聽錄音,標出在活動3中用過的語句。中用過的語句。Mary: Hi! Im Mary.Li Xiaonian: Hi, Mary! Im Li Xiaonian.Mary: Li Xiaonia

6、n: 重點詞匯和句型重點詞匯和句型 meet 在這里意為“見到,遇到”。eg meet a friend 遇見一個朋友 We often meet some difficulties in our life. 在生活中我們經(jīng)常會遇到一些困難。重點詞匯和句型重點詞匯和句型 nice 在這里意為“好,不錯”。eg Its a nice party. 這是個不錯的晚會。 Thats a nice picture. 那是幅很好的畫。too 在這里意為“也”,需用逗號與前面的部分隔開。eg Wang Yang is a student. Im a student, too. 王洋是個學生,我也是個學生。

7、 Li Xiaonian likes English. Wang Yang likes English, too. 李曉年喜歡英語,王洋也喜歡英語。Activity 5Read and underline. 閱讀上面對話,用下畫線標出問候語。閱讀上面對話,用下畫線標出問候語。Mary: Hi! Im Mary.Li Xiaonian: Hi, Mary! Im Li Xiaonian.Mary: Nice to meet you.Li Xiaonian: Nice to meet you, too.Activity 6Listen and repeat. 跟讀對話,學說選出的語句。跟讀對話,學

8、說選出的語句。Mary: Hi! Im Mary.Li Xiaonian: Hi, Mary! Im Li Xiaonian.Mary: Nice to meet you.Li Xiaonian: Nice to meet you, too.(針對Dialogue A)(可用作dialogue A的補充對話, 同樣用于學生見面寒暄,難度稍大,可給程度好的學生補充) 1. Jane: Nice to meet you, I am Jane. Zhang Xiaobin: Nice to meet you, Jane! My name is Zhang Xiaobin. Jane: Im a ne

9、w student in this school. Zhang Xiaobin: Me too, I wish we can be friends. Jane: Sure! 2. Jane: Good morning, Xiaobin. How are you today? Zhang Xiaobin: Pretty good, thanks. How about you? 3. Jane: How are you doing? Zhang Xiaobin: Im doing fine / OK / pretty well / great /super / terrific / just so

10、-so. (很好很好/好好/挺好的挺好的/棒極了棒極了/太好了太好了/好得不得了好得不得了/一般。一般。) Not bad. / The same as always. / I cant complain. (還過得去還過得去/和以前一樣和以前一樣/沒什么可抱怨的沒什么可抱怨的/還過得去。還過得去。) Terrible. / Not good. Ive had a headache all morning. (難受極了。我整個早上都頭痛。難受極了。我整個早上都頭痛。) 4. Jane: Hows it going? Zhang Xiaobin: Fine. / Pretty good. 5.

11、Jane: Hows everything with you? Zhang Xiaobin : So far so good. Buzzing, just buzzing. ( 簡直忙死了。)簡直忙死了。) 6. Jane: How have you been? Zhang Xiaobin: Ive been all right. / Ive been really busy. Dialogue BWhats your name, please? 學習策略提示學習策略提示跟讀對話對我們提高口語表達能力有很大幫助,你也試試吧!123456Activity 7Activity 8Activity

12、9Activity 10Activity 11Activity 12Activity 7Think and answer. 思考并回答下列問題。思考并回答下列問題。Question 1: What does “l(fā)ast name” mean in Chinese? Question 2: What is the last name of an English name? “Last name” means “ 姓” in Chinese.The last name is the last part of an English name.Activity 8Listen and complete

13、. 聽錄音,補全表格。聽錄音,補全表格。BrownThe USYangActivity 9Read and underline. 閱讀對話,用下畫線標出詢問個人信閱讀對話,用下畫線標出詢問個人信息的語句。息的語句。Sara: Good morning! Im Sara Smith.Li Xiaonian: Good morning, Miss Sara!Sara: Well, Sara is my first name. My last name is Smith, s-m-i-t-h. Heres my name card.Li Xiaonian: Thank you, Miss Smith

14、.Sara: Whats your name?英美人姓名的排列順序是名在前姓在后,與中文順序相反。名字稱為 first name, 姓稱為 last name。如 Ben Brown,我們可以直呼其名 Ben,或稱之為 Mr Brown (布朗先生)。Activity 9Li Xiaonian: Li Xiaonian.Sara: Is your last name Xiaonian?Li Xiaonian: No, my last name is Li.Sara: Where are you from?Li Xiaonian: Im from Tianjin. Sara: Im from t

15、he US.重點詞匯和句型重點詞匯和句型 eg Ben is my first name. Brown is my last name. Ben 是我的名,Brown是我的姓。 I see. 我明白了。重點詞匯和句型重點詞匯和句型 eg Where are you from? 你是哪兒人? Im from Beijing. 我是北京人。 Where is he from? 他是哪兒人? Hes from Shanghai. 他是上海人。Activity 10Listen and repeat. 跟讀對話,學說選出的語句。跟讀對話,學說選出的語句。Sara: Good morning! Im S

16、ara Smith.Li Xiaonian: Good morning, Miss Sara!Sara: Well, Sara is my first name. My last name is Smith, s-m-i-t-h. Heres my name card.Li Xiaonian: Thank you, Miss Smith.Sara: Whats your name?Li Xiaonian: Li Xiaonian.Sara: Is your last name Xiaonian?Li Xiaonian: No, my last name is Li.Sara: I see. W

17、here are you from?Li Xiaonian: Im from Tianjin. Where are you from?Sara: Im from the US. Dialogue B 1對話B補充對話 Jane: Mary, this is Joes brother, David. Mary: Im very glad to meet you. David: Its a pleasure to meet you. Mary: How do you like New York so far? David: Its really different from what I expe

18、cted. Mary: Dont worry. Youll get used to it soon. 2活動9補充活動 Act and Practice. 兩人一組,將對話中的個人信息替換為自己的個人信息(可以是自己真實的,也可以自己設計一個角色),并進行對話練習。 如果有時間,教師可讓學生先簡單制作一個自己的名片,然后進行仿真對話。Dialogue B文化背景介紹 Hands-shaking is a culture in Western countries, but people dont always shake hands when they introduced one to ano

19、ther. In daily life, many people just wave their hands and say “Hello!” When close friends and relatives meet each other, they hug each other. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands. 2. Li Ming: Liu Yang, Id like to introduce a friend of mine, Peter. Liu Yang: Ni

20、ce to meet you, Peter. Peter: Nice to meet you, too. What do you do, Liu Yang? Liu Yang: Im a waitress in MacDonalds. Peter: Really? I love the food there. Liu Yang: Then, welcome to my restaurant! Activity 11Review and practice. 復習字母表,以便寫出同學們的名字。復習字母表,以便寫出同學們的名字。Activity 12Talk and complete. 用下面語句詢

21、問用下面語句詢問5個以上同學的個人信息,個以上同學的個人信息,填寫表格。填寫表格。My names / Im My first name / last name is Im from Whats your name?Whats your first name / last name?Where are you from?Everyday EnglishHow are you? 你好嗎?Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,謝謝。你呢?Howre things? 你好嗎?Great! 棒極了!Not bad! 不錯!Reading and writingActivity 13

22、Activity 14Activity 15Activity 161234Activity 13Read and tick. 閱讀以下信息,選出名片中可能出現(xiàn)以下哪閱讀以下信息,選出名片中可能出現(xiàn)以下哪些內容。些內容。66435160Wang Li25No. 3 Hexi Street, TManagera. telephone numberb. namec. aged. addresse. e-mail addressf. jobActivity 14Read and check. 讀以下名片,核對活動讀以下名片,核對活動13的答案。的答案。ABC Company Engineer: No.

23、 37 Huayuan Street, Beijing:-mail: Hexi Nevell Company ManagerAddress: No. 2 Hexi Street, TianjinTel:-mail: Hexi Nevell Company SecretaryAddress: No. 2 Hexi Street, TianjinTel:-mail: Fucheng Vocational School TeacherAddress: No. 28 Fucheng Street, BeijingTel

24、:-mail: TranslationABC 公司公司 工程師地址:北京花園街37 號電話:子郵箱: 河西諾威爾公司河西諾威爾公司 經(jīng)理地址:天津河西街2 號電話:子郵箱:河西諾威爾公司河西諾威爾公司 秘書地址:天津河西街2 號電話:子郵箱: 富誠職業(yè)學校富誠職業(yè)學校 教師地址: 北京阜城路28 號電話:子郵箱: 重點詞匯和句型重點詞匯和句型 eg No. 10 Downing Road, London, Britain 英國倫敦市唐寧街十號 Whats

25、your school address? 你學校的地址是什么? (此處可加所在學校地址)重點詞匯和句型重點詞匯和句型 eg Whats your phone number? 你的電話號碼是多少?Activity 15Read and complete. 再讀名片,補全以下來賓登記簿。再讀名片,補全以下來賓登記簿。BinNo. 28 Fucheng Street, imithSaraNo. 2 Hexi Street, TianjihangNo. 2 Hexi Street, ctiv

26、ity 16Act and practice. 假定你是活動假定你是活動15中的一位來賓,模仿示例中的一位來賓,模仿示例與同伴進行問答。與同伴進行問答。A: Whats your name, please?A: Which company / . are you from?A: Are you a secretary?B: My name is Sara Smith.B: Im from Hexi Novell Company.B: No, Im a manager.egLanguage in useGrammar focusVocabulary practice12Grammar focus

27、I am = Imyou are = yourehe is = hesshe is = shesit is = itswe are = wereyou are = yourethey are = theyreAm I .?Are you .?Is he .?Is she .?Is it .?Are we .?Are you .?Are they .? I am. you are. he is. she is.Yes, it is. we are. you are. they are. Im not. you arent. he isnt. she isnt.No, it isnt. we ar

28、ent. you arent. they arent.英語語法學習順口溜英語語法學習順口溜 be 的用法口訣的用法口訣 我用我用am,你用,你用are,is連著他,她連著他,她, 它它 單數(shù)名詞用單數(shù)名詞用is,復數(shù)名詞全用,復數(shù)名詞全用are。 變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄。變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄。 變否定,更容易,變否定,更容易,be后后not莫忘記。莫忘記。 疑問否定任你變,句首大寫莫遲疑。疑問否定任你變,句首大寫莫遲疑。Activity 17Activity 18Activity 19123Grammar focusActivity 17Think and write. 用下

29、列詞語組成盡可能多的句子。用下列詞語組成盡可能多的句子。Is it a cat?_ _Iyouhesheitwetheyamisareaan/student(s)cat(s)teacher(s)doctor(s)manager(s)secretary(ies)bird(s)egYoure a doctor._ Im a student.Hes a teacher.Were students.Are you a doctor?Is she a secretary?Are they teachers?Activity 18Talk and guess. 從以下職業(yè)中選擇一個并向同伴描述,請同從以下

30、職業(yè)中選擇一個并向同伴描述,請同伴猜猜你選中的是哪一個。伴猜猜你選中的是哪一個。eg I take care of patients. Are you a doctor? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.常用職業(yè)的英文表述常用職業(yè)的英文表述 clerk 店員,職員店員,職員 cook 廚師廚師 driver 司機司機 waiter / waitress 服務員服務員 guide 導游導游 accountant 會計會計 artist 藝術家藝術家 lawyer 律師律師Activity 19Write and talk. 寫出你家人的名字和工作,和同伴交流。寫出你家人的名字和工

31、作,和同伴交流。_egMy fathers name is Li Ming. Hes a doctor.Vocabulary practice123Activity 20Activity 21Activity 22Activity 20Read and mark. 標注以下名片中信息的名稱,準備制作你標注以下名片中信息的名稱,準備制作你自己未來的名片。自己未來的名片。Beijing No.1 Vocational SchoolBen Brown English Teacher_: No. 20 Bayi Street, Beijing_: (010)-6449-5256_: first nam

32、etelephone numberaddresse-mail addresslast namejobschool nameActivity 21Think and write. 在下框中盡可能多地寫出工作名稱。在下框中盡可能多地寫出工作名稱。teacherpolicemandoctordrivernurse Activity 22Write and talk. 寫出你今后想要從事的職業(yè),與你的同伴寫出你今后想要從事的職業(yè),與你的同伴交流。交流。I want to be a teacher._egI want to be a doctor.I want to be a policeman.Uni

33、t taskDesign your future name card.1) First imagine the following things in 2020. (1) Your address: _ (2) Your phone number: _ (3) Your job: _ (4) Your position (職位): _ (5) Your e-mail address: _2) Design a name card for yourself.3) Make a few name cards on a piece of paper.4) Exchange (交換) your car

34、ds with your classmates.Unit taskPronunciation practice Listen and repeat. 聽錄音跟讀,注意以下發(fā)音。聽錄音跟讀,注意以下發(fā)音。/i:/I/E:/E/s/z/m/n/Im a doctor.Youre a nurse.Shes a teacher.Hes a boss.Theyre singers.Were fans (粉絲).Self-checkI learned:( ) age ( ) company ( ) mail ( ) nurse( ) first ( ) last ( ) form ( ) number( ) join ( ) street ( ) telephone ( ) join( ) name ( ) school ( ) address ( ) engineer( ) manager ( ) secretary ( ) vocational ( ) ca


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