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新概念英語第一冊 Lesson [文字可編輯]_第5頁
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1、Wheres Sally, Jack?杰克,薩莉在哪兒?Shes in the garden, Jean.她在花園里,瓊。Whats she doing?她在干什么?Shes sitting under the tree.她正在樹蔭下坐著。Is Tim in the garden, too?蒂姆也在花園里嗎?Yes, he is.是的,他也在花園里。Hes climbing the tree.他正在爬樹。I beg your pardon?你說什么?Whos climbing the tree?誰在爬樹?Tim is.蒂姆在爬樹。What about the dog?那么狗呢?The dogs

2、 in the garden, too.狗也在花園里。Its running across the grass.它正在草地上跑,Its running after a cat.在追一只貓。Lets review!現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時:表示說話時正在發(fā)生或進(jìn)行的動作。結(jié)構(gòu):主語+be動詞 (am is are)+ 動詞的ing 形式常與時間狀語now 連用。動詞的變化規(guī)律1)一般情況下直接加ing: climb ing reading cook ing2)以不發(fā)音的字母e結(jié)尾的單詞,去e后再加ing。coming typing3)以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的單詞,雙寫最后一個輔音字母再加ing。running si

3、ttingLesson33 A fine day 晴天1.day n. 日子、節(jié)日eg. a fine day好天氣National Day 國慶節(jié)/ Childrens Day 兒童節(jié)習(xí)慣搭配:one day 有一天;某一天;總有一天day after day 一天一天的,日復(fù)一日的day and night 日日夜夜some day (將來)總有一天2. cloud n.云eg. There are some cloud s in the sky.天空中有一些云。cloudy adj.多云的;多云的;eg. Its cloudytoday.3. sun n.n.太陽太陽Its a sunn

4、y day!adj. sunny 晴朗的,充滿陽光的晴朗的,充滿陽光的4. shinev. 照耀照耀n. 照射(如:sunshine “陽光”)The sun shines every day.例:太陽每天都照耀大地。5. familyn. 家庭/成員例:我們家有五口人。There are five people in my family. (家庭)(辯) family, home, houseMy family are watching TV now. (家庭成員、家人)family 指家庭成員:There are four people in my family.我家有四口人。home 抽

5、象概念,具有感情色彩。My home is in China. 我家在中國。house 具體指房子:I have a big house. 我有一個大房子。6. walkv. & n. 走路,步行eg. We walk to school every day. 我們每天走著去上學(xué)。(搭配)have a walktake a walk 去散步go out for a walk 出去散步eg. Lets go out for a walk. 讓我們出去散散步吧。7. over prep. 跨越,在之上(在垂直的上面)(不接觸表面)eg. The sky is over our heads.

6、 天空在我們頭上。(辯) over, on, aboveover指在垂直的上面,不接觸表面。on 在之上(接觸物體表面)A book is on my desk. 一本書在我的書桌上。above 在上方(不接觸物體,斜上方區(qū)域)例:書在我上方的書架上。The book is above me on the shelf.8. river n. 河,江例:1. 有幾只小船在江面上。2. 河里面有許多種魚。1.There are some boats on the river.2.There are many fishes in the river.9. wait v.等,等待等,等待(搭) wai

7、t for 等待eg. 我在等我的媽媽。I am waiting for my mother.Wait a moment please.waiter 男服務(wù)員; waitress 女服務(wù)員10. sleep v. v.睡覺睡覺eg. She sleeps for only six hours every night.她每夜只睡6個小時。sleepless adj. 無眠的:(kindless )a sleepless night 無眠之夜sleepy adj. 困倦的:My father is a bit sleepy. 我的爸爸有點困了。bridgecloudshinefamilycloud

8、sskysunwalkboatboatsrivershipaeroplaneWhere is the Jones family ?What are they doing?Mr.Jones and his wifeare look ing at them.There are some clouds in the sky.The sun is shin ing .Mr. Jones is with his family.They are walking over the bridge.There are some boats on the river.It is a fine day today.

9、Tim is looking at an aeroplane.The aeroplane is flying over the river.The ship is going under the bridge.Sally is looking at a big ship .It is a fine day today.今天是個大晴天。(英語中,表示天氣內(nèi)容的句子通常以It is 開頭。)It is hot today 。It is sunny today.There are some clouds in the sky.天上飄著幾朵云。1)這是一個典型的 “there be” 結(jié)構(gòu)的句子,因為

10、句子的主語“some clouds”是復(fù)數(shù),所以句型用“there are” 。2)“ 在天上”的表達(dá)式“in the sky”,而不是“on the sky”。There are some birds in the sky.天上有一些小鳥。Mr. Jones is with his family.瓊斯先生同他的家人在一起。瓊斯先生同他的家人在一起。be with sb.和某人在一起He is with his father.What are they doing ?They are sleeping.What are they doing ?They are shaving.What are they doing ?They are crying.What are they doing ?They are wash ing .What are they doing ?They are waiting .What are they doing ?They are jump ing .What are they doing ?They are cook ing


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