新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)綜合英語1 unit 3 active reading 1_第1頁
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新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)綜合英語1 unit 3 active reading 1_第3頁
新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)綜合英語1 unit 3 active reading 1_第4頁
新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)綜合英語1 unit 3 active reading 1_第5頁
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1、Learning to think Look at the chart and choose the thinking style which best matches you.Talking PointTalking Point In the past there used to be IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests, which were meant to measure your intelligence. They mostly tested your linguistic and mathematical skills. IQ tests still

2、 exist, but today psychologists think that people think in different ways, and there may be as many as seven different “thinking styles”. Here are some of the statements they ask people to choose to describe themselves.Talking PointTalking Point In British English, smart tends to refer to dressing i

3、n a fashionable and expensive way. In American English, smart may emphasize the meaning of being clever and intelligent. In the chart, smart is used as a suffix to a noun.I am good with numbers, logic, and like to find the answers to problems using reason. I often think in terms of movements, and us

4、e my body and hands to express myself.I spend a lot of time trying to understand other people.I like to think in pictures, and can develop mental models of the physical world.Multiple intelligenceMultiple intelligences s有效運(yùn)用數(shù)字和推理的能力,是分析問題和考慮解決問題的基本能力。具體表現(xiàn)為對(duì)數(shù)字和規(guī)則特別敏感且對(duì)此記憶非常深刻,還常常會(huì)創(chuàng)造出一些安排得挺合理、挺有規(guī)則的玩意兒


6、作者、宗教領(lǐng)袖及政治家等都是這方面的佼佼者。)準(zhǔn)確感覺視覺空間,并把所知覺到的表現(xiàn)出來。呈現(xiàn)出對(duì)色彩、線條、形狀、形式、空間及它們之間關(guān)系的敏感性。(主要表現(xiàn)為美術(shù)作品、航行系統(tǒng)、建筑設(shè)計(jì)創(chuàng)作等,建筑師、藝術(shù)家、繪圖員等最具這方面的智能。)I like to think in words, and use language to express complex ideas.I tend to think in sounds, and feel a strong connection between music and emotions.I like to understand the natu

7、ral world, and am good at communicating with animals. Work in pairs. Talk about some famous people you know and decide which their main thinking styles are.Multiple intelligenceMultiple intelligences s有效運(yùn)用口頭語言或書寫文字的能力。對(duì)單詞的意思和排順的感覺很好,能用語言精確地表達(dá)自己的意思。具體表現(xiàn)為喜歡表達(dá),經(jīng)常自言自語且說話比較早。有時(shí)會(huì)在自己的語言中將旁人的妙語信手拈來;能毫輕松地記住電


9、。) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a music smart person from Austria, who composed over 600 pieces of music in his short lifetime. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a number, body, word and picture smart person who imagined the movements of things in space, and won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Phys

10、ics. Lang Lang is music smart and perhaps people smart, as an internatinonal-known pianist from China. WesternerRed - OrientalsWay of Life Sundays on the Road Party Traveling Different cultural thinking waysWhat have you seen in the picture below?Different cultural thinking waysWhat have you seen in

11、 the picture ?Most American Students:(88.5%, May 27, 2011)Six tigers frolickingTigers playing aroundTigers skipping about Gamboling tigersTigers fightingTigers attacking each otherTigers hunting for foodMost Chinese Students:(90.2%, April 17, 2011)Six tigers, Mountains, rocksWaterfalls, A stream,Pin

12、es and other treesGrass Autograph and sealBackBackDifferent cultural thinking waysSkimming Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Choose the best answer to the questions on page 32.TaskTask1 Why does the writer believe thinking for oneself is not popular? (a) Because it tak

13、es too much time. (b) Because institutions dont like it. (c) Because it doesnt lead to progress. (d) Because only a few people are able to do it. Answer: (b)Skimming2 How often are people interested in what other people think according to the writer? (a) Always. (b) Often. (c) Hardly ever. (d) Never

14、. Answer: (c)Skimming3 Who first made the writer realize that thinking for oneself is important? (a) The manager of an oil company. (b) The writers parents. (c) The writers maths teacher. (d) The writers friend Sarah. Answer: (c)Skimming4 How did the writer feel when she was asked to write “the sum

15、of a number”? (a) Pleased, because it was an easy question to answer. (b) Bored, because she wasnt interested in maths. (c) Worried, because she was the only one who didnt know the answer. (d) Confused, because she didnt understand the question. Answer: (d)Skimming5 What did the writer do in the end

16、? (a) She copied what someone else wrote. (b) She suddenly realized the meaning of the question. (c) She felt too frightened to write an answer. (d) She asked the teacher to explain. Answer: (a)Skimming6 What does the writer think of the maths teacher? (a) She was the best teacher she ever had. (b)

17、She was the worst teacher she ever had. (c) She taught her an important lesson. (d) She valued the intelligence of her pupils. Answer: (c) Think for yourself 1 Thinking for yourself is still a radical act.譯文譯文Digging2 Thinking for yourself is not a popularactivity, though it should be. Every step of

18、real progress in our society has come from it.But in most circles, particularly in places thatshape our lives families, schools and mostworkplaces thinking for yourself is regardedwith suspicion. Some institutions thwart it onpurpose. It can be seen as dangerous.Digging3 I was reminded of this sad f

19、act at a partywhen a fellow guest asked me the subject of a book I was planning to write. I told him that it was about how people can help each other to think for themselves. “Oh dear,” he said, “I dont think much of that; I much prefer people do as theyre told.” I later found out that he is the fou

20、rth-generation president of one of the largest oil companies.譯文譯文Digging4 When was the last organizational vision statement you saw that included the words “ to develop ourselves into a model environment in which everyone at every level can think for themselves”? For that matter, when was the last t

21、ime somebody asked you, “What do you really think, really?” and then waited for you to answer at length?譯文譯文Digging5 This dearth should not surprise us. Hardly anyone has been encouraged, much less trained, to think for themselves, and their teachers and parents and bosses werent either. And neither

22、 were theirs. (We may have learned to revere thinkers like Socrates, but we also learned that the state poisoned him for thinking for himself: not unmitigated encouragement.)譯文譯文Digging6 Occasionally, however, we do have a teacher or mentor who truly wants us todevelop our own thinking. They give us

23、 glimpses. When I was 13 years old, I wasput into an advanced algebra course. On thefirst day the teacher, who was maligned bystudents as a hard teacher because she triedto get them to think, stood in front of theblackboard and said, “On the paper in frontof you write the sum of a number.”譯文譯文Diggin

24、g7 The entire class of 35 pubescent people just stared at her. She repeated the direction, “Write the sum of a number.”譯文譯文Digging譯文譯文Digging8 I remember my hand gathering sweat around the pencil. A few heads looked down and their pencils started up. I wondered what in the world they were writing. I

25、 saw the girl across the aisle from me lean forward and peer over the shoulder of the boy in front of her who was scribbling something. Then she scratched a figure and immediately covered it with her hand.9 The teacher paced and rubbed the chalk between her fingers. I wondered what she was about to

26、put on the board. I was now the only one not writing. I leaned back and over my left shoulder whispered to my friend, “What is it?”譯文譯文Digging10 “Seven,” she whispered back.Digging 11 So I wrote “7” on my paper. I kept my head down, hoping I looked busy and confident.Digging12 After the agony among

27、us had become tactile, the teacher asked us for our answers. The number 7 was prevalent. She walked slowly over to the board and wrote: “There is no such thing as the sum of a number.”Digging13 I knew that.14 Why didnt you write it?15 Sarah said it was 7.16 Why did you ask her?17 Because I dont know

28、.18 Thats right. From now on, think for yourself.Digging19 I was too scared around that teacher for the rest of my young life to think very well in her presence. But I took the message with me and gradually examined and valued it. DiggingI dont recommend humiliating people into thinking for themselv

29、es as she had. She certainly did not create a Thinking Environment for us. Had she affirmed our intelligence first and spoken about the joy of thinking for ourselves, had she not fanned our fear of her, we would all have learned even more powerfully what it meant to do our thinking. And we might hav

30、e been able to think well around her too.DiggingMain idea of the text20 But at least she introduced the concept into my academic life.1 Thinking for yourself is still a radical act. (Para 1)The word “still” shows the writers impatience after all this time we are still thinking like sheep (盲目從眾、沒有主見的

31、人) and following what everyone else does or thinks.Difficult sentences 2 Thinking for yourself is not a popular activity, though it should be. (Line 1, Para 2) Difficult sentences Whose opinion does “though it should be” refer to?It refers to the authors opinion who think that thinking for yourself

32、should be popular and who hopes to share her opinion with readers.Difficult sentences 3 particularly in places that shape our lives families, schools and most workplaces thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion. (Line 4, Para 2)The idea behind this sentence is that our lives are significantl

33、y influenced by places or social institutions like the family, school or workplace. For example, parents tend to make life choices for their children, schools make students wear uniform and obey the teacher, and most companies want their workers to follow regular procedures and not to express their


35、個(gè)小男生就問她為什么???只見她小男生就問她為什么啊?只見她4545度仰望天空幽幽地說:度仰望天空幽幽地說:“有一種冷,有一種冷,叫你媽覺得你冷。叫你媽覺得你冷?!? I was reminded of this sad fact at a party when a fellow guest asked me the subject of a book I was planning to write. (Line 1, Para 3)Difficult sentences What is sad? What does this choice of word tell us? Sad refers

36、 back to “thinking for yourself is seen as dangerous”. By using a negative adj., the author shows her disapproval toward this attitude.The writer was shocked that a person in such a senior position should have such an opinion and prefer obedient employees to thoughtful ones.Difficult sentences 5 I l

37、ater found out that he is the fourth-generation president of one of the largest oil companies. (Line 7, Para 3)The answer expected is that it is very rare for vision statements to say such things, even though the writer thinks it is what every organization should be aiming at.Difficult sentences 6 W

38、hen was the last organizational vision statement you saw that included the words ? (Line 1, Para 4)7 For that matter, when was the last time somebody asked you, “What do you really think, really?” and then waited for you to answer at length? (Line 4, Para 4)Difficult sentences What answer does the w

39、riter expect from this question? ?The writer expects an answer of “rarely” because she has been indicating that thinking for yourself is not encouraged and even seen as dangerous.8 Hardly anyone has been encouraged, much less trained, to think for themselves, and their teachers and parents and bosse

40、s werent either. And neither were theirs. (Line 1, Para 5) much less: not to mention, 更不用說 e.g. He could hardly manage his own life, not to mention others. 他連自己的生活都打理不好,更不用說照顧別人了。 很少有人被鼓勵(lì)去獨(dú)立思考,更談不上接受相關(guān)訓(xùn)練。他們的很少有人被鼓勵(lì)去獨(dú)立思考,更談不上接受相關(guān)訓(xùn)練。他們的老師、父母,老板也是如此。而且老師、父母,老板的老師、父老師、父母,老板也是如此。而且老師、父母,老板的老師、父母,老板也是如此。母

41、,老板也是如此。Difficult sentences This is an example of irony: The expression is far too mild; clearly killing someone, ie Socrates, is very powerful discouragement to others who intend to follow him. not unmitigated encouragement: not a completely good encouragementDifficult sentences 9 (We may have lear

42、ned to revere thinkers like Socrates, but we also learned that the state poisoned him for thinking for himself: not unmitigated encouragement.) (Line 5, Para 5)The rather strange alliterative (頭韻的) expression “pubescent people” instead of the more normal “teenagers” adds a touch of humour.Difficult

43、sentences 10 The entire class of 35 pubescent people just stared at her. (Line 1, Para 7)11 I remember my hand gathering sweat around the pencil. (Line 1,Para 8) Difficult sentences How do you think the writer is feeling?The writer was feeling tense, nervous and frightened.Note the absence of quotat

44、ion marks. This dialogue is not between the child and teacher but in the childs head.Difficult sentences 12 I knew that. (Para 13)Unfortunately, the teachers lesson did not really work at the time because her approach made the students so afraid of her that their brains would not work properly in he

45、r presence.for the rest of my young life: It refers to the time the writer spent at that school.Difficult sentences 13 I was too scared around that teacher for the rest of my young life to think very well in her presence. (Line 1, Para 19)It is a metaphor derived from fanning a fire / flame. The tea

46、cher did give them a valuable lesson but its impact was lessened by her also increasing students fear of her.Difficult sentences 14 had she not fanned our fear of her (Line 9, Para 19) far beyond the norm; markedly new or introducing radical change. 1. 1. 激進(jìn)的,極端的;激進(jìn)的,極端的;2. 2. 徹底的徹底的, , 完全的完全的 Trans

47、late the following sentences.1.他的激進(jìn)思想很可能會(huì)在會(huì)上引起激烈的爭論。 His radical ideas are likely to produce fireworks at the meeting. 2. There is no radical cure for cancer. 現(xiàn)在還沒有根治癌癥的辦法。 radicalWordsWordsIdentify the meaning of collocations.Radical reductions of weapons radicalradical ideas/ideologyradical reform

48、a fire-eating radicalradical 保守的conservative基本的fundamental, vital激進(jìn)主義者Radical, extremists激進(jìn)的變革咄咄逼人的激進(jìn)主義者大規(guī)模的裁減軍備激進(jìn)的觀點(diǎn)/意識(shí)形態(tài)Identify more expressions relevant to “radical”. 中立的, 溫和的neutral, mildWordsWordssuspicion釋義釋義n. U a feeling that you do not trust someone or something 不信任;猜疑 例句例句Refugees tend to

49、 be treated with suspicion. 難民常會(huì)遭人猜疑。翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句New people in our town were regarded with suspicion. 我們鎮(zhèn)上的人對(duì)新來的人存有戒備心。 翻譯翻譯on suspicion of (doing) something with suspicion above / beyond suspicion under suspicion She was arrested _ murder. He felt he was still _. She felt that she ought to be

50、 _. She always treated us _.on suspicion ofunder suspicionabove suspicionwith suspicionsuspicionWordsWordssuspicion釋義釋義n. C a feeling that someone has done something wrong (對(duì)某人做錯(cuò)事的)懷疑,猜疑,疑心例句例句She had a suspicion that Mr Engel was not being completely honest. 她懷疑恩格爾先生沒有完全說實(shí)話。翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句Her su

51、spicions were aroused by the smell of perfume on his clothes. 他衣服上的香水味引起了她的懷疑。 翻譯翻譯doubt: 指對(duì)事物的真、假有懷疑。指對(duì)事物的真、假有懷疑。suspicion: 語氣較強(qiáng),指對(duì)某人做某事的目的、意圖有懷疑,語氣較強(qiáng),指對(duì)某人做某事的目的、意圖有懷疑, 或認(rèn)為某人做錯(cuò)事,但無確鑿證據(jù)而產(chǎn)生懷疑?;蛘J(rèn)為某人做錯(cuò)事,但無確鑿證據(jù)而產(chǎn)生懷疑。distrust: 泛指對(duì)某人某事不信任而感到懷疑。泛指對(duì)某人某事不信任而感到懷疑。uncertainty: 側(cè)重指對(duì)某事或選擇等需作決定時(shí)的遲疑不決。側(cè)重指對(duì)某事或選擇等需作

52、決定時(shí)的遲疑不決。They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousiesFill in the blanks with the appropriate words.1. They were divided by mutual _ and jealousies.2. He was examined on (the) _ of being an enemy agent (敵特).suspicion/distrustdoubtsuspicionuncertaintyWordsWords1. U the knowledge and imaginatio

53、n that areneeded in planning for the future with a clearpurpose 遠(yuǎn)見;眼光;前瞻性 We need a leader with vision and strong principles. For More his enthusiasm and breadth of visionvisionWordsWords2. ability to see 視力She suffered temporary loss of vision after being struck on the head.Tears blurred her vision

54、. (=Tears made it difficult for her to see).GoodNormalPoor NightvisionWordsWordsget/catch a glimpse ofat a glimpseglimpse (v.) at a brief glimpse of 簡要概述瞥見一瞥之間瞥見Synonym glance:take a glance at WordsWordsglimpseGaze at Look at Glare atStare atIdentify the meaning of following collocations.表示看的詞匯 盯著盯著

55、 凝視凝視 看著看著 怒視怒視 WordsWords studying or dealing with a school subject at a difficult level; very modern 高等的,高深的,先進(jìn)的 l advanced algebra 高等代數(shù)高等代數(shù)l advanced technology 先進(jìn)的技術(shù)先進(jìn)的技術(shù)l advanced workers 資歷較深的工人資歷較深的工人advanced disease 病情晚期病情晚期advanced control 先行控制先行控制advanced research 探索性研究探索性研究advanced in yea

56、rs / life上了年紀(jì)上了年紀(jì)advancedWordsWordslean釋義釋義vi. (forward / back / towards / across etc) to move your body so it is closer to or further from someone or something 探身;彎腰;屈身例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWords西莉亞彎腰撿起鉛筆。 Celia leaned forward to pick up her pencil. 例句例句翻譯翻譯女孩俯身過來想聽一聽出了什么事。 The girl leaned forward to hear w

57、hat was going on. lean釋義釋義vi. (against / on) to stand or be set at an angle against something for support instead of being upright 傾斜;倚靠;斜靠例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWords別靠著圍欄,那不結(jié)實(shí)。 Dont lean on the fence. Its not very sturdy. 例句例句翻譯翻譯他手里拿著一杯飲料,靠在酒吧柜臺(tái)上。 He was leaning on the bar with a drink in his hand. v. look

58、 searchingly, stare; 凝視,端詳,仔細(xì)看 n. a person who is of equal standing with another in a group; 同輩; 同齡人;身分(或地位)相同的人 Translate the following sentences.1. He peered at his fathers face.She peers into my eyes.他凝視著他父親的臉。2.她盯著我的眼睛。 3. As peers, we should help each other.作為同齡人, 我們應(yīng)該互相幫助。peerWordsWordsscratch

59、釋義釋義vt. (infml) to write something very quickly and carelessly 倉促寫下例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWords他倉促地寫了封短信給妻子。He scratched a few lines to his wife. 例句例句翻譯翻譯He scratched notes on a pad when the professor lectured.聽教授講課的時(shí)候,他迅速地在便簽紙上記著筆記。 scratch釋義釋義v. to pull your nails along your skin, especially because you hav

60、e an itch that makes you want to do this (尤指因皮膚發(fā)癢)抓,撓例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWords你能幫我撓撓背么?Could you please scratch my back for me?例句例句翻譯翻譯He scratched his arm on a rose thorn.他的胳膊被玫瑰刺劃傷了。pace釋義釋義v. to walk with regular steps around a small area, because you are worried, nervous, or impatient (因擔(dān)憂、緊張或不耐煩而)踱步,踱


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