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1、外文資料JavaServer Pages OverviewJavaServer Pages (JSP) tech no logy en ables Web developers and desig ners to rapidly develop and easily mai ntai n, i nformatio n-rich, dyn amic Web pages that leverage exist ing bus in ess systems. As part of the Java tech no logy family, JSP tech no logy enables rapid

2、 development of Web-based applicationsthat are platform independent.JSP tech no logy separates the user in terface from content gen erati on, en abli ng designers to change the overall page layout without alteringthe underlying dynamiccontent.Ben efits for DevelopersIf you are a Web page developer o

3、r desig ner who is familiar with HTML, you can:Use JSP tech no logy without havi ng to learn the Java Ian guage: You can use JSP tech no logy without lear ning how to write Java scriplets. Although scriptlets are no Ion ger required to gen erate dyn amic content, they are still supported to provide

4、backward compatibility.Extend the JSP Ianguage: Java tag library developers and designers can extend the JSP Ian guage with "simple tag han dlers," which utilize a n ew, much simpler and clea ner, tag exte nsion API. This spurs the grow ing nu mber of pluggable, reusable tag libraries avai

5、lable, which in turn reduces the amount of code needed to write powerful Web applicati ons.Easily write and maintain pages: The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) expressi on Ian guage is now in tegrated into JSP tech no logy and has bee n upgraded to support functions. The expressi on Ian

6、 guage can now be used in stead of scriptlet expressi ons.JSP Tech no logy and Java ServletsJSP tech no logy uses XML-Iike tags that en capsulate the logic that gen erates the content for the page. The applicati on logic can reside in server-based resources (such as JavaBeans component architecture)

7、 that the page accesses with these tags. Any and all formatt ing (HTML or XML) tags are passed directly back to the resp onse page. By separat ing the page logic from its desig n and display and support ing a reusable comp onen t-based desig n, JSP tech no logy makes it faster and easier tha n ever

8、to build Web-based applicati ons.JavaServer Pages tech no logy is an exte nsion of the Java Servlet tech no logy. Servlets are platform-i ndepe ndent, server-side modules that fit seamlessly into a Webserver framework and can be used to extend the capabilities of a Webserver with mini mal overhead,

9、maintenance, and support. Un like other scripti ng Ian guages, servlets in volve no platform-specific con siderati on or modificati ons; they are applicati on comp onents that are dow nl oaded, on dema nd, to the part of the system that n eeds them. Together, JSP tech no logy and servlets provide an

10、 attractive alter native to other types of dyn amic Web scripti ng/program ming by offeri ng: platform independence; enhanced performanee; separation of logic from display; ease of adm ini strati on; exte nsibility into the en terprise; and, most importa ntly, ease of use. Today servlets are a popul

11、ar choice for buildi ng in teractive Web applicatio ns.Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Webserver, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a component of Weband application servers, such as BEAWebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Se

12、rver, Sun Java System Applicati on Server, and others.Commun ity Backgro undThe JSP specification is the product of industry-widecollaborationwith industrySunleaders in the enterprise software and tools markets, led by Sun Microsystems. has made the JSP specificati on freely available to the develop

13、er com muni ty, with the goal that every Webserver and applicati onserver will support the JSP in terface.JSP pages share the "Write On ce, Run Any where" adva ntages of Java tech no logy. JSP tech no logy is a key comp onent in the Java 2 Platform, En terprise Editi on, Sun's highly s

14、calable architecture for en terprise applicati ons.JSP Technology in the Java EE 5 PlatformThe focus of Java EE 5 has been ease of development by making use of Java Ianguage annotations that were introducedby J2SE 5.0. JSP 2.1 supports this goal by defininganno tati ons for depe ndency inject ion on

15、 JSP tag han dlers and con text liste ners. Another key concern of the Java EE 5 specification has been the alignment of its webtier tech no logies, n amely JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces (JSF), and JavaServer Pages Stan dard Tag Library (JSTL).The outcome of this alignment effort has been

16、 the Unified Expression Language (EL), which in tegrates the expressi on Ian guages defi ned by JSP 2.0 and JSF 1.1.The main key additi ons to the Uni fied EL that came out of tbe alig nment work have bee n:A pluggable API for resolvi ng variablereferen ces in to Java objects and forresolv ing the p

17、roperties applied to these Java objects,Support for deferred expressi ons, which may be evaluated by a tag han dler whe n n eeded, un like their regular expressi on coun terparts, which get evaluated immediately whe n a page is executed and ren dered, andSupport for lvalue expressi on, which appear

18、on the left hand side of an assignment operation.Whenused as an lvalue, an EL expression represents a referenceto a data structure, for example: a JavaBea nsproperty, that is assig ned some userin put.The new Unified EL is defined in its own specificationdocument, which is deliveredalong with the JS

19、P 2.1 specification.Thanks to the Unified EL, JSTL tags, such as the JSTL iteration tags, can now be used with JSF comp onents in an in tuitive way.Java Servlet Tech no logy OverviewServlets are the Java platformtech no logy of choice for exte nding and enhancingWeb servers. Servlets provide a comp

20、onen t-based, platform-i ndepe ndent method for building Webbased applications, without the performaneelimitations of CGIprograms. And unlike proprietary server extension mechanisms (such as the Netscape Server API or Apache modules), servlets are server- and platform-independent. This leaves you fr

21、ee to select a "best of breed" strategy for your servers, platforms, and tools.Servlets have access to the entire family of Java APIs, including the JDBC API to access en terprise databases. Servlets can also access a library of HTTP-specific calls and receive all the ben efits of the matu

22、re Java Ian guage, in cludi ng portability, performa nee, reusability, and crash protect ion.Today servlets are a popular choice for buildi ngin teractive Webapplicati ons.Third-party servlet containers are available for Apache Webserver, Microsoft IIS, and others. Servlet containers are usually a c

23、omponent of Weband application servers, such as BEAWebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere, Sun Java System Web Server, Sun Java System Applicati on Server, and others.You might want to check out the latest in formatio n on JavaServer Pages (JSP) tech no logy. JSP tech no logy is an exte nsion of

24、 the servlet tech no logy created to support authoring of HTMLand XMLpages. It makes it easier to combine fixed or static template data with dyn amic content. Even if you're comfortable writi ng servlets, there are several compelli ngreas ons to in vestigate JSP techno logy as a compleme nt to y

25、our existi ng work.JavaBeansJavaBea ns tech no logy is the comp onent architecture for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE). Components (JavaBeans) are reusable software programs that you can develop and assemble easily to create sophisticated applications. JavaBeans tech no logy is based on

26、 the JavaBea ns specificati on.The Bea n BuilderThe Bean Builder is a simple comp onent assembler that dem on strates the visual con struct ion of applicati ons using comp onent assembly mecha ni sms.JavaBea ns Activati on Framework (JAF)JAF lets you take adva ntage of sta ndard services to: determ

27、ine the type of an arbitrary piece of data; encapsulate access to it; discover the operations available on it; and instantiate the appropriate bean to perform the operation(s).The Java 2 En terpriseEditi on (J2EE) is a sta ndard that defi nes an environment forthe development and deployment of enter

28、priseapplications. It reduces the cost andcomplexity of developing multitier enterprise applications as it provides a multitier distributed applicati on model. I n other words, it is in here ntly distributed and therefore the various parts of an application can run on different devices.Webapplicati

29、ons developed using JavaServer Pages (JSP) mayrequire some in teract ion with J2EE services. For example, a web-based inven tory con trol system may n eed to access J2EE's directory services to gain access to a database. Or you may want to use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) in your application.This

30、article presents a brief overview of J2EE, then it shows how to:Describe J2EE services in a Web Deployme nt Descriptor (web.xml) Refere nee J2EE servicesAccess and use J2EE services from JSPs Overview of J2EEThe J2EE is a standard platform for the development and deployment of enterprise application

31、s. The architecture of J2EE, which is component-based, makes developingen terprise applicati ons easy because bus in ess logic is orga ni zed into reusablecomp onents and the un derly ingservice is provided by J2EE in the form of a containerfor every comp onent type. Think of a container as the in t

32、erfacebetwee n the comp onentand the low-level fun cti on ality that supports the comp onent. Therefore, before anapplicati on clie nt comp onent can be executed, it must be con figuredas a J2EE serviceand deployed into its container.J2EE promotes the developme nt of multitier applicati ons in which

33、 the webcontainer hosts web comp onents that are dedicated to han dli ng a give n applicati on's prese n tati on logic, and resp onds to requests from the clie nt (such as the web browser). The EJB container, on the other hand, hosts applicati on comp onents that resp ond to requests from the we

34、b tier as show n in Figure 1.Browo j'WphCoiitjaiiierTSPEServletsEJBCon trliriHTFigure 1: Multitieri onsJKTDlJairaMailJDBCApplicatio ns that use this architecture are implicitly scalable. This architecture decouples the access ing of data from en d-user in teract ions, and en courages comp onen t

35、-based code reusability. At the web tier, J2EE promotes the use of JSPs for the creati on of dyn amic content for Web clie nts.Custom Tags and J2EEJ2EE has a lot to offer to Web applicatio n developers and the JSP custom tag developer. As you can see from Table 1 above, it has a rich set of sta n da

36、rd APIs for sending email, access ing databases, pars ing XMLdocume nts, and so on. Your Web applicati ons can ben efit greatly from these APIs. For example, you canwrite a JSPcustom tag for sending email that can be used easily by Web content developers who are not familiar with Java. If you are no

37、t familiar with JSP custom tags, their ben efits, and how to create them, please refer to Develop ing JSP Custom Tags.外文資料譯文Javaserverpages 概況Javaserverpages(jsp)技術(shù),使 Web開發(fā)人員和設(shè)計(jì)師可以快速開發(fā)和易于維護(hù),利用現(xiàn)有的業(yè)務(wù)系統(tǒng)的動態(tài)網(wǎng)頁使信息豐富。術(shù)能夠迅速開展,基于網(wǎng)絡(luò)應(yīng)用程序的獨(dú)立平臺。代,使設(shè)計(jì)改變整個(gè)版面,而不改變根本的動態(tài)內(nèi)容。作為在Java技術(shù)家族,JSP技JSP技術(shù)隔離用戶界面內(nèi)容的一開發(fā)者的益處如果你是一個(gè)網(wǎng)

38、頁開發(fā)或設(shè)計(jì)師所熟悉的HTML你可以:使用JSP技術(shù),無須學(xué)習(xí)Java語言, 你可以使用jsp技術(shù),而不學(xué)習(xí)如何寫javascriplets。雖然scriptlets不再需要產(chǎn)生一些動態(tài)內(nèi)容,但仍支持以提供向后兼容性擴(kuò)展JSP語言:Java標(biāo)簽庫開發(fā)商和設(shè)計(jì)師可以擴(kuò)展JSP語言與“簡單taghandlers ,這些都是用一種新的,更簡單和清潔的標(biāo)簽擴(kuò)展API 。 這促使越來越多的插件,再用標(biāo)記庫可用,這反過來又減少了代碼需要,寫出強(qiáng)大的 Web 應(yīng)用。易寫和維護(hù)頁面:在 JavaServerPages 的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)標(biāo)簽庫 (純)語言表達(dá)現(xiàn)已并入JSP技術(shù),并已支持升級功能?,F(xiàn)在可以用表達(dá)語言來代替s

39、criptlet 詞句。JSP 技術(shù)和 Java ServletsJSP 技術(shù)使用 XML 式的標(biāo)簽,產(chǎn)生概括的邏輯內(nèi)容頁。應(yīng)用邏輯可以存在于基 于效勞器資源 (如 JavaBeans 組件結(jié)構(gòu) )取用這些標(biāo)簽的頁面。任何及所有格式化(HTML 或 XML )的標(biāo)記直接傳遞回響應(yīng)頁面。通過把頁面邏輯從它的設(shè)計(jì)陳列和支持重用的基于組件的設(shè)計(jì)中別離出來,JSP 技術(shù)使得它更快,比以往更加容易地建立Web 應(yīng)用。JavaServerPages的技術(shù)是一種擴(kuò)展的JavaServlet 技術(shù)。 Servlets是具有的平臺獨(dú)立性的效勞器端模塊,能夠很好的適合Web 效勞器架構(gòu),可以用來以最小的擴(kuò)展、維護(hù)

40、和支持一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)效勞器能力。不像其他的腳本語言,servlets 涉及任何平臺的具體審議或修改; 按要求并下載這些應(yīng)用部件, 該系統(tǒng)的一局部也需要它們。JSP 技術(shù)和 servlets 一起提供了一個(gè)有吸引力的替代其他類型的動態(tài)網(wǎng)頁腳本 編程。通過提出平臺的獨(dú)立性;增強(qiáng)性能;別離邏輯設(shè)計(jì);易于管理;擴(kuò)展進(jìn)入企 易用。為建設(shè)交互式 Web 應(yīng)用,今天擇。第三方 servlet 容器對于 Apache 效勞器、 MicrosoftllS 適用的。 servlet 容器通常是一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)和應(yīng)用效勞器的組成局部,如 應(yīng)用效勞器、 IBM 的 websphere 、太陽 JavaSystemweb 效勞器、

41、為器等等。servlets/ 業(yè);而最重要的是 是一種流行的選 和其他效勞器是一樣BEAweblogicSunJava 系統(tǒng)應(yīng)用服行業(yè)背景JSP 的規(guī)格由 Sun Microsystems公司的全行業(yè)與產(chǎn)業(yè)界領(lǐng)袖企業(yè)和軟件開發(fā)工具市場的產(chǎn)品。 SUN 使得 jsp 規(guī)格免費(fèi)提供應(yīng)開發(fā)社區(qū),其目標(biāo)是每一個(gè)網(wǎng)絡(luò)效勞器和 應(yīng)用效勞器能支持JSP 的接口。 JSP 頁面共享了 Java 技術(shù)寫一次,到處運(yùn)行 的優(yōu)勢。JSP技術(shù)的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵組成局部是業(yè)應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)。Sun 的在 Java2 平臺企業(yè)版上的高擴(kuò)展架構(gòu)企JSP 技術(shù)的 Javaee5 平臺Javaee5 的焦點(diǎn)是便于開發(fā)利用 Java 語言說明而

42、推出的J2se5.0 。 Jsp2.1 通過界定說明依賴參加 Jsp tag handlers 和背景的聽眾支持這一目標(biāo)的。 Javaee5 規(guī)格另一主要關(guān)切 的問題是已調(diào)整了其 webtier 技術(shù),即 Javaserverpages(Jsp) 、 JavaServerFaces(JSF) 和 JavaServerPages 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)標(biāo)簽庫 (JSTL) 。這條路努力的結(jié)果一直是統(tǒng)一的表達(dá)語言(EL ),它是語言表達(dá)定義的 JSP2.0 和 JSF 1.1 的統(tǒng)一體。 統(tǒng)一的 EL 是主要的附加關(guān)鍵,調(diào)整工 作有:一個(gè)可插拔 API 為解決變量參照 Java 對象以及解決的性能來適用這些Java

43、 對象;支持延遲表達(dá),這可能是評價(jià)一個(gè) tag handler 時(shí)需要的,不像其表達(dá)式的同類,當(dāng)一頁需要被執(zhí)行和放棄的時(shí)候立即評價(jià);支持出現(xiàn)在一任務(wù)運(yùn)作的左手方面的 lvalue 表達(dá),當(dāng)作為 lvalue 使用時(shí),一架 EL 表達(dá)代表提到了一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu),例如 : 一個(gè) JavaBeans 的財(cái)產(chǎn),這 是一些用戶輸入。統(tǒng)一的新 EL 是指在自己的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文件 ,即隨著 jsp2.1 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)發(fā)表。多虧了統(tǒng) 一 EL, JSTL tags, 女口 JSTL iteration tags , 現(xiàn)在可以用 JSF 組成一個(gè)直觀的方式。Javaservlet 技術(shù)的概況servlets 是 Java 技術(shù)的選

44、擇,以擴(kuò)大和加強(qiáng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)效勞器, servlets 提供一個(gè) 基于組件的平臺獨(dú)立的方法建立 Web 應(yīng)用,沒有 CGI 程式的局限性的。不像專有服 務(wù)器擴(kuò)展機(jī)制 ( 如 netscape 效勞器 API 或 Apache 模塊) , servlets 效勞器的平臺是 獨(dú)立的。這使得 您可以效勞器、平臺和工具自由選擇 最正確品種 的策略。 Servlets 連接 Java APIs 家族,包括 JDBC API 連接 企業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)庫。 Servlets 還可 以進(jìn)入 HTTP-specific calls 庫,并繼承所有成熟的 JAVA 語言好處, 包括可移植性、可 操作性、可重用性、可維護(hù)性。為建設(shè)交互式 Web 應(yīng)用,今天 Servlets 是一種流行 的選擇,而第三方 Servlet 容器可以和 Apache 、MicrosoftIIS 等效勞器兼容。 Servlet 容器通常是網(wǎng)絡(luò)和應(yīng)用效勞器的一個(gè)組成局部,如 BEAwebl


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