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1、國際貨運(yùn)代理人專業(yè)英語模擬題匯總國際貨運(yùn)代理人專業(yè)英語模擬題(一)一、單項(xiàng)選擇題1 Which of the following risk is not the political risk in international trade?A war riskB cancellation of import licenseC transfer riskD risk of nonacceptance答案:D2 According UCP600, the terms “the end of July, 2008” in the L/C shall be construed as ( )A from

2、July 21st to July 31stB from July 1st to July 15thC from July 11th to July 20thD from July 1st to July 10th答案:A3 Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading ()A mates receiptB sea waybillC shipping notesD manifest答案:A4 Both in voyage and time chartering, the shipo

3、wner is responsible for ( )A dischargingB fuelC demurrageD wages of crew答案:D5 Which of the following risks are not covered in FPA ( )A lightningB partial lossC general averageD discharging at a port of distress following a sea peril答案:B6 The B/L can be issued by ( )A consignorB notify partyC carrier

4、D consignee答案:C7 Which of the following marine bills of lading cannot be transferred to third parties? ( )A Order Bills of LadingB Straight Bills of LadingC Shipped Bills of LadingD Clean Bills of Lading答案:B8 Usually, the AWB is nonnegotiable, the goods must be sent to the ( ) titled in the air wayb

5、illA consignorB consigneeC carrierD notify party答案:B9 ( ) are rates that are applicable to named types of freightA Specific Commodity RatesB Class RatesC General Cargo RatesD Contract FAK Rates答案:A10 ( ) is one standard form of bareboat charter party used to any great extent designed by BIMCOA BAREC

6、OM formB GENCON formC NYPE formD BALTIME form答案:A11 To the individual consignors, the consolidator is the ( ) while to the actual carrier, he is the ( )A consignor/carrierB carrier/consignorC actual carrier/carrierD consignor/actual consignor答案:B12 Which of the following documents is a document of t

7、itle to the goods and can be sold merely by endorsement? ( )A Bills of LadingB Air WaybillC InvoiceD Packing List答案:A13 Usually the freight must be opened and inspected, if the consignee is not onsite, the ( ) can represent himA reservations agentB customs brokerC shipping clerkD carrier答案:B14 Under

8、 UCP600, The regulations regarding multimodal transport documents may be described in Articles ( )A 48B 1728C 2937D 13答案:B15 ( ) is a system of unitized multimodal land transportation of transport by road and railA Land bridgeB Rail/roadC PiggybackD Sea/air答案:C二、判斷題1 In international trade, a countr

9、y can import goods that make intensive use of the factor of production, instead of importing the factor of production ( )答案:正確2 Inherent vice or nature of the insured goods are not covered both in WA and All Risks coverage( )答案:正確3 The date marked on the B/L is the date on which the carrier takes de

10、livery of the goods ( )答案:錯(cuò)4 The air freight charges may be determined either by weight or weight plus volume ( )答案:正確5 According UCP600, the words “till”, “after”, “from” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned ( )答案:錯(cuò)6 Tra

11、mp service is a carrier who operates a regular scheduled service The vessels are usually chartered at negotiated rates, particularly when the quantity of cargo is large( )答案:錯(cuò)7 The air waybill is the document of title for the goods and can be transferred to the third party by endorsement( )答案:錯(cuò)8 The

12、 seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination under FOB trade term ( )答案:錯(cuò)9 The Voyage chartering party includes the payment of dispatch and demurrage ( )答案:正確10 The standard for examination of documents by the banks is reasonable time not excee

13、ding 7 banking days( )答案:錯(cuò)11 “unclean on board” is indicated on the B/L means that the goods is not clean答案:錯(cuò)12 The figure like 11/7/2008 in British English will be understood as July 11, 2008, while in American English will be understood as November 7, 2008 ( )答案:正確13 If the goods are in order, but

14、 the documents are not correct, the issuing bank has the rights to refuse to pay the seller ( )答案:正確14 The written permission granted by the customs authorities to allow the vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports to leave the port is Entry Inwards ( )答案:錯(cuò)15 The Specific Commodity

15、 Rates are higher than General Cargo Rates ( )答案:錯(cuò)三、多項(xiàng)選擇題1 A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board The _ should be liable for the damage (A)A sellerB buyerC ship owner

16、D freight forwarder2 100 sewing machines under CIF shanghai are being shipped onto the ship and the rope breaks The goods finish up at the bottom of the dock and divers are sent down The recovery and repair of goods costs a great of money The _ should be responsible for the damage (C)A ship ownerB b

17、uyerC sellerD freight forwarder3 According to INCOTERMS 2000, which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place ) of destination?_ (D)A FOB/CFR/CIFB FCA/CPT/CFRC FOB/FCA/CIPD CFR/CPT/CIF4 Under the FOB term, the risk

18、 of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the ships rail in the _ (A)A port of shipmentB place of shipmentC port of destinationD place of destination5 Under the CFR term, the seller must, in addition, pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the g

19、oods to the _ , when he delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him (D)A named placeB named destinationC any placeD named port of destination6 According to INCOTERMS 2000, under which group of the following trade terms is the seller required to bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods

20、when the goods pass the ships rail ?(C)A FCA/CFR/CIPB FCA/CPT/CFRC FOB/CFR/CIFD CFR/CPT/CIF7 When applying to CIF, the expression of ocean bill of lading freight is _ (A)A freight prepaidB freight collectC freight paidD freight unpaid8 Which of the following trade terms can be adopted supposing the

21、shipment will be from Chengdu (Sichuan Province) to Hamburg? (CD)A CIFB CFRC FCAD CPT9 When the goods arrive at the port of destination, _ issue an Arrival Notice to inform the Notify Party about the cargo discharge point and other information (B)A shipperB carrierC receiverD ship owner10 Under FCA,

22、 if delivery occurs at the sellers premises, who is responsible for unloading the goods according to the contract of sale_ (B)A sellerB buyerC carrierD freight forwarder11 Container freight rates mainly include: ()A tramp rateB liner freight rateC FAKD CBR答案:CD12 Logistics is the process of ( ) from

23、 point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirementsA inventoryB goodsC informationD services答案:BCD13 Multimodal transport has the following advantages: ( )A Minimizing time lossB Providing faster transit of goodsC Saving costsD Reducing cost of exports答案:A

24、BCD14 Under CMR convention, the carrier is liability of: ( )A the acts and omissions of his agentsB any wrongful act or neglect of the consignorC inherent vice of the goodsD loss of or damage to the goods during the time he takes the goods答案:AD15 Which of the following trade terms may be used multim

25、odal transportA CIPB CIFC FCAD CPT答案:ACD四、完形填空An international contract should be executed through four basic steps: prepreparation for contract, contract negotiation, 41 and contract execution, and each steps includes detail procedures, an international seller must have good knowledge of the follow

26、ing steps: firstly we should seek 42 and contact the certain customers who have demands indeed The second steps we need negotiate with customers about the price, products, service etc In this step we should make an 43 to our customers, and the costumers will make a confirmation of 44 or nonacceptanc

27、e After all essential factors of contract are confirmed, we should sign contract with our customer The last step is execution of contract, in this step we need arrange shipment, prepare relative shipment documents and effect insurance if any etc Of course our customer should also make 45 by L/C or T

28、/T according to the contract stipulations41A contract performanceB contract signingC contract paymentD contract shipment42A marketB productC customerD seller43A inquireB counterofferC offerD acceptance44A inquireB acceptanceC offerD quotation45A customs clearanceB paymentC shipmentD production答案:BCC

29、BBThe latest edition of “Inconterms”is “Inconterms 2000”,which was amended in July1999 by 41 and published in January 1, 2000 The “Inconterms 2000” includes 13 different international trade terms They specify at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from the seller to buyer as well as wh

30、ich party pays for specific activities FOB, 42 and CIF are the traditional three trade terms among them, which are most widely used in international trade Like CIF, the 43 must pay the costs and freight and insurance necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination While the new three t

31、erms FCA, CPT and CIP developed on the basis of the traditional ones The traditional three terms can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport and the new three terms can be used for any mode of transport especially 44 Take CPT and CFR for example, the major difference is that CFR can only b

32、e used for sea and inland waterway transport, while CPT can be used for any mode of transport, if the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ships rail, the 45 term is preferred46A ICCB WTOC FIATAD United Nation47A CFRB CPTC FCAD CIP48A CarrierB SellerC BuyerD Consignee49A sea transpo

33、rtB air transportC road transportD mutimodel transport50A CFRB CPTC FCAD CIP答案:AABDB五、英譯漢(前10道題,每題05分,第11道題5分,共10分)(1) Offer(2) Confirming bank(3) ICC(4) FCR(5) Voyage Charter(6) Particular average(7) Partial shipments(8) Customs broker(9) Clean bill of lading(10) Document of title(11) The WTO thus

34、serves four basic functions: 1) to implement, administer, and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes; 2)to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations; 3)to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes; 4)to review the trade policies and practices of member states答案:(1)發(fā)盤 (2)保兌銀行 (

35、3)國際商會(huì) (4)貨運(yùn)代理人收貨證明書 (5)航次租船 (6)單獨(dú)海損 (7)分批裝運(yùn) (8)海關(guān)代理 (9)清潔提單 (10)物權(quán)憑證 (11)世界貿(mào)易組織四個(gè)基本功能是:1)執(zhí)行,管理和實(shí)施世貿(mào)組織協(xié)定及其附件;2)充當(dāng)現(xiàn)行多邊貿(mào)易談判的論壇3)作為解決爭端的法庭4)評(píng)審各成員國的貿(mào)易政策和行為六、漢譯英(英文全拼,簡寫不得分,前10道題,每題05分,第11道題5分,共10分)(1)國際貿(mào)易(2)貨物艙單(3)航空貨運(yùn)單(4)無營運(yùn)船公共承運(yùn)人(5)不記名背書(6)集裝箱運(yùn)輸(7)均一運(yùn)費(fèi)費(fèi)率(8)積載因素(9)指定商品運(yùn)價(jià)(10)清關(guān)(11)除了安排提貨交貨、預(yù)定運(yùn)貨航班以及填寫航空貨

36、運(yùn)單等日常工作外,貨運(yùn)代理還要涉及如查尋丟失或錯(cuò)運(yùn)的貨物,處理賠償損壞貨物的要求等問題。答案:(1) international trade (2) cargo manifest (3) the Air Waybill (4) nonvessel operation common carriers (5) endorsement in blank (6) container transportation (7) Freight All Kinds Rates (8) stowage factor (9) specific commodity rate (10) customs clearanc

37、e (11) In addition to the routine of arranging for pickup and delivery, booking the shipments on flights, and filling out air waybills, a freight agent is also involved in such problems as tracing lost or strayed shipments and dealing with claims on damaged shipments國際貨運(yùn)代理人專業(yè)英語模擬題(二)一單項(xiàng)選擇題1In some a

38、rticles of the UCP 600,the rights and obligations of advisingconfirming and issuing banks are( )Amade clearerBcertifiedCremovedDreduced2The( )is the most important document for air cargo transportationAB/LBAWBCSWBDNOR3In group age transport,the forwarder functions as a sort of( )AretailerBimporterCw

39、holesalerDairliner4Which of the following insurance coverage does not cover total loss of or damage to cargo caused by earthquake or lightning?( )AWABFPACInstitute Cargo Clause(B)DInstitute Cargo Clause(C)5An additional sum added to the usual amount or cost is called( )Aan expenseBthe costCa surchar

40、geDthe rate6Laytime and demurrage clause normally appeared in the( )Charter PartyATimeBVoyageCBareboatDTCT7Which of the following terms on the B/L shows that the Bill of Lading is clean B/L? ( )Ainsufficient packingBone carton shortCin apparent good order and conditionDmissing safety sea8The number

41、of original Bills of Lading required by the L/C may be expressed as 3/3, which means( )A3 0riginals and 3 copiesB6 0riginalsC3 0riginals and all should be tendered to the bankD6 0riginals and all should be tendered to the bank9When determining the freight rate,the ageold principles of “what the traf

42、fic can bear” is increasingly substituted by the( )principle nowadaysAopen market rateBsurchargesCservice costDstowage factor10Consolidation is especially useful to( )AagentsBsmall shippersCimportersDexporters11The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as d

43、elay in delivery under CMR Convention is between( )Athe Port to PortBthe。Door to DoorCthe Rail to RailDthe time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery12The terms under which the ship owner is not responsible for loading,discharging,stowage and trimming COSTS is( )AFOBSTBFIOSTCFIO

44、SDFl013For a Supply Chain to realize the maximum strategic benefit of logistics,the full range of functional work must be( )AmanagedBintegratedCtransportedDsupplied14The rate of FAK refers to( )Afreight for classBfreight of all kindsCweight/measure rateDall inclusive rate15Which of the following is

45、not belonged to the Advisory Body of FIATA?( )AAFIBABDGCABITDABVT二多項(xiàng)選擇題1 6Please list the basic functions of the WT0( )ATo carry out the WTO agreementBTo act as a forum for ongoing multilateral negotiationsCTo serve as a tribunal for solving disputesDTo cooperate with the IMF and the World Bank17The

46、 All Risks of marine cargo transportation insurance covers risks of( )Awar and strikeBgeneral averageCinherent vice of goodsDstranding of ship18Multimodal transport has the advantages such as( )Aproviding faster transit of goodsBminimizing time loss at transshipment pointsCsaving costsDreducing the

47、burden of documentation and formalities19What factors influence the international trade system?( )AcapitalBglobalizationCoutsourcingDtariffs20The impact of all the changes to the UCP 500 includes( )Asome radical rethoughtBclarification of some rulesCconsolidation of some rulesDdefinition and explana

48、tion Articles2 1Under CMR convention,the carrier is responsible for一( )Athe acts of his agentBany wrongful act of the consignorCinherent vice of the goodsDthe act of his servants22Which of the following expressions are not suitable for stipulating the time for shipment?( )AAt the latestBas soon as p

49、ossibleCimmediatelyDprompt23Which of the following descriptions are true about an NVOCC?( )AHe operates a regular scheduled serviceBHe owns or operates vesselsCHe assumes responsibility for both conference and nonconference linesDHe provides a useful service by providing groupage or consolidation se

50、rvices24Liner rates are also subject to surcharges or adjustment factors such as( )Acurrency adj ustment factorBport congestion surchargesCbunker adj ustment factorDstowage factor25Different types of multimodal transport operations include( )Asea/airBair/roadCminibridgeD1and bridge三判斷題(答案為是的請?jiān)诖痤}卡上涂A,答案為“否”的請?jiān)诖痤}卡上涂B)26If the L/C stipulates that the expiry date is July 31st without a shipment date,then the latest shipment date is also July 31st( )27Cargo insurance contract is not a contract of indemnity( )28Consolidati


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