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1、1 / 212 / 21delighteddelighted adj. 欣喜的欣喜的, 快樂的快樂的n搭配搭配 be delighted to 高興地高興地be delighted at / by / with 因因感到高興感到高興nComplete the sentences.I _ your letter.我很高興收到你的來(lái)信。我很高興收到你的來(lái)信。She _ the present I sent.她欣然接受了我送的禮物。她欣然接受了我送的禮物。We _ the news that you had passed the exam.聽到你通過考試的消息我們非常高興。聽到你通過考試的消息我們非

2、常高興。was delighted to receivewas delighted withwere delighted at3 / 21nChoose the best answer.You will be required toYou will be required to _ Mrs. Smith in preparing a Mrs. Smith in preparing a report.report. A. aidA. aid B. assistB. assistC. helpC. help D. offerD. offerB B4 / 21assistassist v. 幫助,協(xié)

3、助幫助,協(xié)助n 主要用法主要用法assist sb with sth 幫助某人做某事幫助某人做某事assist sb to do / in doing sth 幫助某人做某事幫助某人做某事$I _ the manager with his duties.我受雇協(xié)助經(jīng)理工作。我受雇協(xié)助經(jīng)理工作。was employed to assist5 / 21$aidaid: 對(duì)弱者或急需幫助的人進(jìn)行援助對(duì)弱者或急需幫助的人進(jìn)行援助, 尤指經(jīng)濟(jì)尤指經(jīng)濟(jì)方面援助。方面援助。$assistassist: 給予協(xié)助或起助手作用。給予協(xié)助或起助手作用。$helphelp: 普通用詞,可用于各種場(chǎng)合。普通用詞,可用

4、于各種場(chǎng)合。He aided her in continuing her study.他幫助她繼續(xù)讀書。他幫助她繼續(xù)讀書。A good dictionary can assist you to read.好詞典有助于閱讀。好詞典有助于閱讀。He helped me (to) draw a picture. 他幫我畫了一幅畫。他幫我畫了一幅畫。6 / 21n Choose the best answer.$If you dont _ more _ your work, youll lose the job.A. pay; to B. concentrate; atC. fix; on D. co

5、ncentrate; onconcentrate on / upon 集中精力于集中精力于fix ones attention / thoughts on 全神全神貫注于貫注于pay attention to 注意注意D DD D7 / 21nComplete the sentences.I cant _ with all that noise.吵鬧聲不絕,我無(wú)法安心工作。吵鬧聲不絕,我無(wú)法安心工作。I found her entire mind _ Tom.我發(fā)現(xiàn)她把全部精力都集中在湯姆身上。我發(fā)現(xiàn)她把全部精力都集中在湯姆身上。n拓展拓展$ focus () on 集中注意力于集中注意力于,

6、把,把集中于集中于The conference will focus on how to prevent the spread of AIDS.會(huì)議將重點(diǎn)解決如何防止艾滋病傳播的問題。會(huì)議將重點(diǎn)解決如何防止艾滋病傳播的問題。concentrate on my workwas concentrated on8 / 21acquireacquire v.學(xué)得(知識(shí)、技術(shù)等)學(xué)得(知識(shí)、技術(shù)等)She acquired a knowledge of French by herself.她通過自學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)了法語(yǔ)。她通過自學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)了法語(yǔ)。養(yǎng)成(習(xí)慣、嗜好等)養(yǎng)成(習(xí)慣、嗜好等)Though he was ni

7、ne, the little boy acquired a habit of smoking.盡管只有九歲,但這個(gè)小男孩養(yǎng)成了吸煙的習(xí)慣。盡管只有九歲,但這個(gè)小男孩養(yǎng)成了吸煙的習(xí)慣。獲得,得到(財(cái)產(chǎn)、權(quán)利等)獲得,得到(財(cái)產(chǎn)、權(quán)利等)He is thinking of how to acquire his uncles watch worth 10,000.他在考慮如何得到他叔叔那只價(jià)值一萬(wàn)英鎊的手表。他在考慮如何得到他叔叔那只價(jià)值一萬(wàn)英鎊的手表。9 / 21informinform vt. 通知通知, 告訴告訴n搭配搭配 inform sb of sth告訴某人某事告訴某人某事inform

8、sb (that)通知通知 / 告訴某人告訴某人nComplete the sentences.Smith left a letter for his wife, _ his intention.斯密斯留了一封信給太太,把他的意圖告訴了她。斯密斯留了一封信給太太,把他的意圖告訴了她。If anything should occur, please _.如果發(fā)生什么事情的話如果發(fā)生什么事情的話, 請(qǐng)通知警察。請(qǐng)通知警察。We regret _ that your application has been rejected.我們遺憾地告訴你,你的申請(qǐng)被拒絕了。我們遺憾地告訴你,你的申請(qǐng)被拒絕了。i

9、nforming her ofinform the policeto inform you10 / 21depend on / upondepend on / upon v.be sure; trustbe sure; trust 堅(jiān)信,信任,信賴堅(jiān)信,信任,信賴You can never depend on his arriving on time. 你決不可指望他能準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)。你決不可指望他能準(zhǔn)時(shí)到達(dá)。 Shes a woman who can be depended on. 她是個(gè)可以信賴的人。她是個(gè)可以信賴的人。rely onrely on 依靠,依賴依靠,依賴You cant depe

10、nd on your parents forever.你不能永遠(yuǎn)依賴你的父母。你不能永遠(yuǎn)依賴你的父母。be decided by sthbe decided by sth 視視而定,取決于而定,取決于Whether the game will be played depends on weather.球賽是否進(jìn)行要看天氣而定。球賽是否進(jìn)行要看天氣而定。 11 / 21n派生派生dependent: adj.依靠的依靠的, 依賴的依賴的dependable: adj.可信賴的可信賴的, 可靠的可靠的 independent: adj.獨(dú)立的獨(dú)立的independence: n.獨(dú)立獨(dú)立, 自主自

11、主n拓展拓展That (all) depends. = It (all) depends. 那得看情況(而定)那得看情況(而定)I may help you, but that / it depends.我或許會(huì)幫你,但得看情況而定。我或許會(huì)幫你,但得看情況而定。12 / 21n Choose the best answer.The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked. A. charged B. accused C. blame D. punish 這個(gè)士兵被指控臨陣逃脫。這個(gè)士兵被指控臨陣逃脫。B B13 / 21ac

12、cuse accuse v. 指控指控,控告控告,譴責(zé)譴責(zé)n accuse sb ofaccuse sb of = charge sb with 控告某人控告某人n 拓展拓展blame sb forblame sb for 譴責(zé)譴責(zé) / 責(zé)備某人責(zé)備某人punish sb forpunish sb for 處罰處罰 / 懲罰某人懲罰某人14 / 21nComplete the sentences.The police _.警方控告他犯有盜竊罪。警方控告他犯有盜竊罪。Please dont _ not waiting for you.請(qǐng)不要責(zé)備瑪麗不等你。請(qǐng)不要責(zé)備瑪麗不等你。The teach

13、er _ in the exam.老師因他考試作弊而懲罰他。老師因他考試作弊而懲罰他。accused him of stealingblame Mary forpunished him for cheating15 / 21demanddemand vt. 要求要求, 需要需要, 查詢查詢; n. 需要需要, 要求要求, 需求需求n搭配搭配 demand to do sth. 要求做某事要求做某事demand that 要求要求in (great) demand (非常非常)需要需要 satisfy / meet the demand for 滿足滿足需要需要16 / 21n Complete

14、 the sentences.Books on popular science are _.科普讀物的需求量很大??破兆x物的需求量很大。We cannot produce enough _ for the products.我們的生產(chǎn)量無(wú)法滿足顧客對(duì)該產(chǎn)品的需求。我們的生產(chǎn)量無(wú)法滿足顧客對(duì)該產(chǎn)品的需求。I _ I (should) be allowed to call my lawyer.我要求允許我打電話給我的律師。我要求允許我打電話給我的律師。She _ the truth of the matter.她要求了解事情的真相。她要求了解事情的真相。in great demandto meet

15、 the demanddemanded thatdemanded to know17 / 21nChoose the best answer.She wishes her parents to _ of her marriage to Tom. A. accept B. admitC. permit D. approve她希望父母同意她與湯姆結(jié)婚。她希望父母同意她與湯姆結(jié)婚。D D18 / 21approveapprove v.approve + n. 批準(zhǔn),通過批準(zhǔn),通過The mayor approved the new building plans.市長(zhǎng)批準(zhǔn)了新建筑計(jì)劃。市長(zhǎng)批準(zhǔn)了新建筑

16、計(jì)劃。approve + (of) n. 贊成,認(rèn)可,同意贊成,認(rèn)可,同意My parents dont approve of me smoking cigarettes.父母不準(zhǔn)我吸煙。父母不準(zhǔn)我吸煙。n 拓展拓展 approval n. 批準(zhǔn),認(rèn)可,同意,贊同批準(zhǔn),認(rèn)可,同意,贊同19 / 21processprocess vt. 處理處理, 加工加工n. 過程過程, 步驟步驟n相關(guān)短語(yǔ)相關(guān)短語(yǔ)in the process adv. 在進(jìn)行中在進(jìn)行中(be) in the process of (v.) prep. 在在中中 拓展拓展 processed adj. 處理的,加工過的處理的,

17、加工過的20 / 21nComplete the sentences.We start eating _ foods.我們開始吃越來(lái)越多的加工食品。我們開始吃越來(lái)越多的加工食品。They developed a new _ bread.他們研制出了做蛋糕的新方法。他們研制出了做蛋糕的新方法。Were still _ moving house. 我們正在搬家。我們正在搬家。more and more processedprocess of makingin the process of21 / 21n Translation聽到你下個(gè)月結(jié)婚的消息我們很高興。聽到你下個(gè)月結(jié)婚的消息我們很高興。(be delighted to)We are delighted to hear the news that you will get married next month.他被控告謀殺罪而判處死刑。他被控告


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