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1、Unit 14鄖陽師專英語系綜合英語教研室鄖陽師專英語系綜合英語教研室Text I: After Twenty YearsIntroduction Pre-reading questionsWriting skillsLanguage pointsDiscussionHomework下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁歐歐 亨利故亨利故居居Introduction(1): Text I It was about ten oclock at night when the policeman found a man standing in front of a store in the dark, empty

2、 street of New York. The man reassured the policeman that he was just waiting for his old friend Jimmy Wells, and so on and so forth. After the policeman left, a man came near the place, calling his name Bob. Bob thought this tall man was his old friend Jimmy, but its not true. This tall man is a po

3、liceman with plain-clothes. The fact is the first policeman was Jimmy, he recognized Bob was the criminal and thus sent a plain-clothes to arrest him. 下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Introduction(2): About the Author O. Henry (1862-1910) was a prolific American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings, who wrot

4、e about the life of ordinary people in New York City. A twist of plot, which turns on an ironic or coincidental circumstance, is typical of O. Henrys stories. William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) was born in Greenboro, North Carolina. His father, Algernon Sidney Porter, was a physician. When William was

5、 three, his mother died, and he was raised by his paternal grandmother and aunt. 下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Introduction(3): About the Author William was an avid reader, but at the age of fifteen he left school, and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch. He moved to Houston, where he had a number of job

6、s, including that of bank clerk. After moving to Austin, Texas, in 1882, he married. 下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Introduction(4): about the author歐歐亨利(亨利(O. Henry, 1862-1910) 原名威廉原名威廉西德尼西德尼波特(波特(William Sydney Porter),是美國最著),是美國最著名的短篇小說家之一,曾被評論界譽名的短篇小說家之一,曾被評論界譽 為曼哈頓桂冠散文作家和美國現(xiàn)為曼哈頓桂冠散文作家和美國現(xiàn)代短篇小說之父。他出身于美國北卡羅來納州格林斯波羅

7、鎮(zhèn)一個醫(yī)師代短篇小說之父。他出身于美國北卡羅來納州格林斯波羅鎮(zhèn)一個醫(yī)師家庭。家庭。 他的一生富于傳奇性,當(dāng)過藥房學(xué)徒、牧牛人、會計員、土地他的一生富于傳奇性,當(dāng)過藥房學(xué)徒、牧牛人、會計員、土地局辦事員、新聞記者、銀行出納員。當(dāng)銀行出局辦事員、新聞記者、銀行出納員。當(dāng)銀行出 納員時,因銀行短缺了納員時,因銀行短缺了一筆現(xiàn)金,為避免審訊,離家流亡中美的洪都拉斯。后因回家探視病一筆現(xiàn)金,為避免審訊,離家流亡中美的洪都拉斯。后因回家探視病危的妻子被捕入危的妻子被捕入 獄,并在監(jiān)獄醫(yī)務(wù)室任藥劑師。他在銀行工作時,曾獄,并在監(jiān)獄醫(yī)務(wù)室任藥劑師。他在銀行工作時,曾有過寫作的經(jīng)歷,擔(dān)任監(jiān)獄醫(yī)務(wù)室的藥劑師后開始

8、認(rèn)真有過寫作的經(jīng)歷,擔(dān)任監(jiān)獄醫(yī)務(wù)室的藥劑師后開始認(rèn)真 寫作。寫作。1901年提前獲釋后,遷居紐約,專門從事寫作。年提前獲釋后,遷居紐約,專門從事寫作。 歐歐亨利善于描寫美國社亨利善于描寫美國社會尤其是紐約百姓的生活。他的作品構(gòu)思新穎,語言詼諧,結(jié)局常常會尤其是紐約百姓的生活。他的作品構(gòu)思新穎,語言詼諧,結(jié)局常常出人意出人意 外;又因描寫了眾多的人物,富于生活情趣,被譽為外;又因描寫了眾多的人物,富于生活情趣,被譽為“美國生美國生活的幽默百科全書活的幽默百科全書”。代表作有小說集。代表作有小說集白菜白菜 與國王與國王、四百萬四百萬、命運之路命運之路等。其中一些名篇如等。其中一些名篇如愛的犧牲愛的

9、犧牲、警察與贊美詩警察與贊美詩、帶家具出帶家具出 租的房間租的房間、麥琪的禮物麥琪的禮物、最后一片藤葉最后一片藤葉等使他等使他獲得了世界聲譽。獲得了世界聲譽。下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Pre-reading QuestionsSuppose you are given some information - the text is a short story. 1. What can the story be about?“After Twenty Years” is a title that may suggest some event that takes place 20 years aft

10、er some other event. 2. What could such events be? 3. What do you anticipate? Write down 2 possibilities. 下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Writing Skills The short story is a form of fiction generally under 10,000 words in length. Because of its limited length, a short story presents very few characters (generally one o

11、r two), The author must be careful in his selection of incidents and materials. The short story, through some means or other, achieves suspense and dramatic effect through complication. And action, whether physical or psychological, with some sort of a progressive development and outcome, is essenti

12、al to the short story.下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Writing Skills Structurally, a short story may break up into 5 sections: the setting, the generating circumstance, the rising action, the climax and the denouement.下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Points1. correspond: a. to be in agreement, harmony, or conformity. 一致:一致、和諧或相配 b

13、. to be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function: 相似,相當(dāng):在特點、質(zhì)量、產(chǎn)地、結(jié)構(gòu)或 功能上相似或相等: c. to communicate by letter, usually over a period of time. 交流:通過信件交流、通常在一段時期內(nèi)下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁wThese goods dont correspond with my order.w這些貨物與我的訂貨單不符。wThe American Congress corresponds to

14、 the British Parliament.w美國的Congress相當(dāng)于英國的Parliament。wWe correspond regularly.w我們定期通信。下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language PointsLanguage Points2. cast ones eye on/over/on: have a glance at wAll eyes were cast upon the speaker.w所有目光皆投注在說話者身上。3. speak up: wa. to speak loud enough to be audiblew清楚響亮地說:用足以被聽見的聲音說wb. t

15、o speak without fear or hesitationw勇敢地說:大膽地說出或毫不猶豫地說下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Pointswspeak, talk, converse, discoursewThese verbs mean to express ones thoughts by uttering words. w這些動詞都有把自己的想法說出的意思。這些動詞都有把自己的想法說出的意思。wSpeak and talk, often interchangeable, are the most general: wSpeak 和和talk 經(jīng)??梢曰Q,是最常用的:

16、經(jīng)??梢曰Q,是最常用的: wHe ate his meal without once speaking to his dinner companion. w他和就餐同伴一句話沒說就吃完了飯。他和就餐同伴一句話沒說就吃完了飯。w“Why dont you speak for yourself, John?” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow). w“你為什么不替自己說話呢,約翰你為什么不替自己說話呢,約翰?” (亨(亨利利華茲華斯華茲華斯朗費羅)。朗費羅)。下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Pointsw“On an occasion of this kind i

17、t becomes more than a moral duty to speak ones mind. It becomes a pleasure” (Oscar Wilde). w“在這樣的場合下,說出自己的心里話不僅是道德上在這樣的場合下,說出自己的心里話不僅是道德上的責(zé)任,也是一種樂趣的責(zé)任,也是一種樂趣” (奧斯卡(奧斯卡王爾德)。王爾德)。wI want to talk with you about vacation plans. w我想和你談?wù)劶倨谟媱?。我想和你談?wù)劶倨谟媱?。w“We must know . . . what we are talking about” (Henr

18、y James). w“我們必須知道我們必須知道我們正在談什么我們正在談什么” (亨利(亨利詹姆斯)。詹姆斯)。w“Lets talk sense to the American people” (Adlai E. Stevenson). w“讓我們對美國人民講講理讓我們對美國人民講講理” (阿德萊(阿德萊E史蒂文生)。史蒂文生)。下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language PointswConverse stresses interchange of thoughts and ideas: wConverse 強調(diào)思想和意見的交流:強調(diào)思想和意見的交流:w“With thee conversi

19、ng I forget all time” (John Milton). w“一談起天來我就忘了時間一談起天來我就忘了時間” (約翰(約翰彌爾頓)。彌爾頓)。wDiscourse usually refers to formal, extended speech: wDiscourse 指正式持續(xù)一段時間的講話:指正式持續(xù)一段時間的講話:w“striding through the city, stick in hand, discoursing spontaneously on the writings of Hazlitt” (Manchester Guardian Weekly).w“大

20、步穿過城市,手里拿著拐杖,不由自主對哈茨利大步穿過城市,手里拿著拐杖,不由自主對哈茨利特的作品進(jìn)行著高談闊論特的作品進(jìn)行著高談闊論” (曼徹斯特衛(wèi)報周刊)(曼徹斯特衛(wèi)報周刊)下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Pointsw4. turn up: show upwto increase the speed, volume, intensity, or flow of:w開大,調(diào)高:增加速度、音量,強度或流量:開大,調(diào)高:增加速度、音量,強度或流量:wturn up the public-address system.w調(diào)高播音系統(tǒng)的音量調(diào)高播音系統(tǒng)的音量wto find:w發(fā)現(xiàn),找到:發(fā)

21、現(xiàn),找到:wShe turned up the missing papers under her blotter.w她在記事本下找到了丟失的文件她在記事本下找到了丟失的文件wto be found:w找到:找到:wThe papers will turn up sooner or later.w文件遲早會找到的文件遲早會找到的下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Pointswto make an appearance; arrive:w出現(xiàn);到達(dá):出現(xiàn);到達(dá):wSeveral old friends turned up at the reunion.w好幾個老朋友出現(xiàn)在聚會上好幾個老朋友

22、出現(xiàn)在聚會上wto fold or be capable of folding up:w折疊:折疊或能夠被折疊:折疊:折疊或能夠被折疊:wturning up his cuffs; cuffs that will turn up.w卷起自己的袖口;卷起來的袖口卷起自己的袖口;卷起來的袖口 wto happen unexpectedly:w意外地發(fā)生:意外地發(fā)生:wSomething turned up and I was unable to go.w發(fā)生了一點意外,我不能離開發(fā)生了一點意外,我不能離開wto be evident:w變得明顯:變得明顯:wHer name constantly

23、turns up in art circles.w她的名字經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在藝術(shù)圈里她的名字經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)在藝術(shù)圈里下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Points5. The vicinity was one that kept early hours. - The shops in the neighborhood closed early. in the vicinity of: the neighboring area; about Her pay is in the vicinity of 1,500 dollars. 6. Rather a long time between meets,

24、 though, it seems to me. meets - meetings; American English 7. About 20 minutes , with collar turned up to his ears, 下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Points“With collar turned up to his ears” is a nominative absolute construction, used to express the accompanying circumstances. The children went into the cave,

25、Tom acting as a guide. The retired workers live a happy life in the sanatorium, the Labor Union in the factory paying all the living expenses.下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Points8. The other, submerged in his overcoat, listened with interest. “Submerged in his overcoat” - who was buried in his overcoat. 9. A

26、t the corner stood a drugstore, brilliant with electric lights. - which was brilliantly lit up by electric lights. Before us was large swimming pool, 14 meters long by 10 meters wide. “Which is” is omitted. 下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Language Points10. snap: say sth. suddenly and sharply “Mind your own business,” snapped the man. The superintendent snapped out his order. “Go to the playground immediately!”下一頁下一頁上一頁上一頁Discussion A Mysterious IntruderMary: You are very surprised to see the ro


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