



1、英語八年級第1單元試卷一、找出下列各組劃線部分讀音不同于其他三個的詞,將其字母標(biāo)號填入括號中,八年級 (上) 1單元測試 (A卷)。10分1. A. next B. women C. second D. lesson 2. A. long B. doll C. so D. shop 3. A. piece B. car C. call D. second 4. A. third B. fourth C. throw D. these 5. A. call B. half C. tall D. wall 6. A. thank B. these C. the D. that 7. A. go B

2、. come C. coat D. borrow 8. A. too B. to C. book D. school 9. A. class B. family C. after D. basket 10. A. ruler B. rubber C. come D. mother 二、以下所給單詞均不完整,從A、B、C、D中選出適當(dāng)?shù)?字母或字母組合,使其完整與正確。5分1. ma er A. tt B. bb C. pp D. t 2. w lc me A. o, e B. a, e C. e, o D. o, a 3. four A. sh B. th C. ch D. tch 4. f

3、st A. or B. ir C. ur D. ar 5. p p r A. ae, e B. e, a C. a, o D. a, e 三、詞組漢譯 10分將下列詞組翻譯成漢語。1. this term_2. a piece of bread_3. call ones name_4. over there_5. a short ruler_四、完成句子 25分根據(jù)所給漢語完成下列句子,每空一詞。1. 這學(xué)期吳老師是我們的英語老師。Mr Wu is _ English teacher _ term.2. 李華正在紙上寫字。Li Hua is writing _ a piece _ paper.

4、3. 下次不要遲到。_ _ late next time.4. 我可以借你的橡皮嗎?_ I _ your eraser. please?5. 學(xué)生們正在教室里做什么?What _ the students _ in the classroom?五、單項(xiàng)選擇 20分從A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的正確答案。1. This term Mr Zhang is _ English teacher. A. us B. our C. ours D. we2. _ you often late for school? A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Is3. Look! Th

5、e boy _ up. A. is stand B. standsC. am standing D. is standing4. Kates ruler is _ . A. long B. a longC. long ruler D. a ruler long5. I dont want a red pen. I want _. A. blue colour B. a blueC. a blue one D. one blue6. That girl in the red coat is a new student in our class but I _ her name.A. not kn

6、ow B. am not knowC. doesnt know D. dont know7. Let them _ the classroom. A. clean B. cleaningC. to clean D. cleans8. May I borrow _ bike? A. you B. yourC. yours D. youre9. Excuse me, may I have a green schoolbag? _.A. Thanks B. Sorry, I dontC. Not at all D. Certainly! Here you are10. Whos the teache

7、r of Class Six? _.A. Mr Li B. Yes, Mr LiC. No, Mr Li D. Mr Li does11. Welcome back _ school. A. at B. to C. for D. with12. _ I come in, please? A. Am B. Does C. Must D. May13. _ I cant open the window now. A. Im sorry. B. Please you help me.C. Excuse me. D. Can you help me?14. Please listen to _. A.

8、 I B. me C. my D. mine15. Sorry, Im late. _. A. All right B. Dont sorryC. It doesnt matter D. Yes16. There _ some bread on the table. A. are B. has C. have D. is17. Excuse me, do you have _, please? A. a piece of paper B. a paperC. a piece paper D. piece of paper18. Who _ a bike? I _. A. have, have

9、B. has, haveC. have, has D. has, has19. Today is September 1st. Its _ day of the term. A. one B. a C. first D. the first20. Where are his socks? Can you see _? A. them B. it C. him D. they六、完形填空 30分閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從四個選項(xiàng)中,選出一個最佳答案。It is September. The new school year 1 .We come back 2 school. We are g

10、lad to see our classmates and teachers again.We are 3 Grade Two this new school year.We are very busy now. We get up very early every morning. We get 4 our school at 7:30 in the morning and get home at 5:30 in the afternoon.After supper we do 5 homework. We all study hard. We want to be good students.Notes: September 九月 again 又


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